Thursday, March 2, 2017

Fundamentals of Financial Management 13thE VanHorne

Fundamentals of Financial Management 13thE VanHorne

Brief Contents
l l l Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
1 The Role of Financial Management 1
2 The Business, Tax and Financial Environments 17
l l l Part 2 Valuation
3 The Time Value of Money 41
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities 73
5 Risk and Return 97
Appendix A Measuring Portfolio Risk 117
Appendix B Arbitrage Pricing Theory 119
l l l Part 3 Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning
6 Financial Statement Analysis 127
Appendix Deferred Taxes and Financial Analysis 158
7 Funds Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning 169
Appendix Sustainable Growth Modeling 190
l l l Part 4 Working Capital Management
8 Overview of Working Capital Management 205
9 Cash and Marketable Securities Management 221
10 Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management 249
11 Short-Term Financing 281
l l l Part 5 Investment in Capital Assets
12 Capital Budgeting and Estimating Cash Flows 307
13 Capital Budgeting Techniques 323
Appendix A Multiple Internal Rates of Return 341
Appendix B Replacement Chain Analysis 343
14 Risk and Managerial (Real) Options in Capital Budgeting 353
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l l l Part 6 The Cost of Capital, Capital Structure,
and Dividend Policy
15 Required Returns and the Cost of Capital 381
Appendix A Adjusting the Beta for Financial Leverage 407
Appendix B Adjusted Present Value 408
16 Operating and Financial Leverage 419
17 Capital Structure Determination 451
18 Dividend Policy 475
l l l Part 7 Intermediate and Long-Term Financing
19 The Capital Market 505
20 Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock 527
Appendix Refunding a Bond Issue 544
21 Term Loans and Leases 553
Appendix Accounting Treatment of Leases 567
l l l Part 8 Special Areas of Financial Management
22 Convertibles, Exchangeables, and Warrants 577
Appendix Option Pricing 589
23 Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring 603
Appendix Remedies for a Failing Company 630
24 International Financial Management 647
Appendix 679
Glossary 689
Commonly Used Symbols 705
Index 707
Brief Contents
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Acknowledgements xix
Preface xxi
l l l Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
1 The Role of Financial Management 1
Objectives 1
Introduction 2
What Is Financial Management? 2
The Goal of the Firm 3
Corporate Governance 8
Organization of the Financial Management Function 8
Organization of the Book 10
Key Learning Points 13
Questions 14
Selected References 14
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments 17
Objectives 17
The Business Environment 18
The Tax Environment 20
The Financial Environment 27
Key Learning Points 35
Questions 36
Self-Correction Problems 37
Problems 37
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 38
Selected References 39
l l l Part 2 Valuation
3 The Time Value of Money 41
Objectives 41
The Interest Rate 42
Simple Interest 43
Compound Interest 43
Compounding More Than Once a Year 59
Amortizing a Loan 62
Summary Table of Key Compound Interest Formulas 63
Key Learning Points 63
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Questions 64
Self-Correction Problems 64
Problems 65
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 69
Selected References 71
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities 73
Objectives 73
Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts 74
Bond Valuation 75
Preferred Stock Valuation 78
Common Stock Valuation 79
Rates of Return (or Yields) 83
Summary Table of Key Present Value Formulas for Valuing Long-Term
Securities 88
Key Learning Points 88
Questions 89
Self-Correction Problems 90
Problems 91
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 93
Selected References 95
5 Risk and Return 97
Objectives 97
Defining Risk and Return 98
Using Probability Distributions to Measure Risk 99
Attitudes Toward Risk 101
Risk and Return in a Portfolio Context 103
Diversification 104
The Capital-Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 106
Efficient Financial Markets 114
Key Learning Points 116
Appendix A: Measuring Portfolio Risk 117
Appendix B: Arbitrage Pricing Theory 119
Questions 121
Self-Correction Problems 122
Problems 122
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 125
Selected References 126
l l l Part 3 Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning
6 Financial Statement Analysis 127
Objectives 127
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Financial Statements 128
A Possible Framework for Analysis 134
Balance Sheet Ratios 138
Income Statement and Income Statement/Balance Sheet Ratios 141
Trend Analysis 152
Common-Size and Index Analysis 153
Key Learning Points 156
Summary of Key Ratios 156
Appendix: Deferred Taxes and Financial Analysis 158
Questions 159
Self-Correction Problems 160
Problems 161
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 165
Selected References 167
7 Funds Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning 169
Objectives 169
Flow of Funds (Sources and Uses) Statement 170
Accounting Statement of Cash Flows 176
Cash-Flow Forecasting 180
Range of Cash-Flow Estimates 184
Forecasting Financial Statements 186
Key Learning Points 190
Appendix: Sustainable Growth Modeling 190
Questions 194
Self-Correction Problems 195
Problems 197
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 200
Selected References 203
l l l Part 4 Working Capital Management
8 Overview of Working Capital Management 205
Objectives 205
Introduction 206
Working Capital Issues 208
Financing Current Assets: Short-Term and Long-Term Mix 210
Combining Liability Structure and Current Asset Decisions 215
Key Learning Points 216
Questions 216
Self-Correction Problem 217
Problems 217
Solutions to Self-Correction Problem 218
Selected References 219
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9 Cash and Marketable Securities Management 221
Objectives 221
Motives for Holding Cash 222
Speeding Up Cash Receipts 223
S-l-o-w-i-n-g D-o-w-n Cash Payouts 228
Electronic Commerce 231
Outsourcing 233
Cash Balances to Maintain 234
Investment in Marketable Securities 235
Key Learning Points 244
Questions 245
Self-Correction Problems 245
Problems 246
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 247
Selected References 248
10 Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management 249
Objectives 249
Credit and Collection Policies 250
Analyzing the Credit Applicant 258
Inventory Management and Control 263
Key Learning Points 273
Questions 274
Self-Correction Problems 274
Problems 275
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 278
Selected References 279
11 Short-Term Financing 281
Objectives 281
Spontaneous Financing 282
Negotiated Financing 287
Factoring Accounts Receivable 298
Composition of Short-Term Financing 300
Key Learning Points 301
Questions 302
Self-Correction Problems 302
Problems 303
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 305
Selected References 306
l l l Part 5 Investment in Capital Assets
12 Capital Budgeting and Estimating Cash Flows 307
Objectives 307
The Capital Budgeting Process: An Overview 308
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Generating Investment Project Proposals 308
Estimating Project “After-Tax Incremental Operating Cash Flows” 309
Key Learning Points 318
Questions 318
Self-Correction Problems 319
Problems 319
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 321
Selected References 322
13 Capital Budgeting Techniques 323
Objectives 323
Project Evaluation and Selection: Alternative Methods 324
Potential Difficulties 330
Project Monitoring: Progress Reviews and Post-Completion Audits 340
Key Learning Points 340
Appendix A: Multiple Internal Rates of Return 341
Appendix B: Replacement Chain Analysis 343
Questions 345
Self-Correction Problems 346
Problems 347
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 349
Selected References 350
14 Risk and Managerial (Real) Options in Capital Budgeting 353
Objectives 353
The Problem of Project Risk 354
Total Project Risk 357
Contribution to Total Firm Risk: Firm-Portfolio Approach 364
Managerial (Real) Options 368
Key Learning Points 373
Questions 373
Self-Correction Problems 374
Problems 375
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 377
Selected References 379
l l l Part 6 The Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, and Dividend Policy
15 Required Returns and the Cost of Capital 381
Objectives 381
Creation of Value 382
Overall Cost of Capital of the Firm 383
The CAPM: Project-Specific and Group-Specific Required Rates of Return 396
Evaluation of Projects on the Basis of Their Total Risk 401
Key Learning Points 406
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Appendix A: Adjusting the Beta for Financial Leverage 407
Appendix B: Adjusted Present Value 408
Questions 410
Self-Correction Problems 411
Problems 412
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 415
Selected References 417
16 Operating and Financial Leverage 419
Objectives 419
Operating Leverage 420
Financial Leverage 427
Total Leverage 435
Cash-Flow Ability to Service Debt 436
Other Methods of Analysis 439
Combination of Methods 440
Key Learning Points 441
Questions 442
Self-Correction Problems 443
Problems 444
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 446
Selected References 449
17 Capital Structure Determination 451
Objectives 451
A Conceptual Look 452
The Total-Value Principle 456
Presence of Market Imperfections and Incentive Issues 458
The Effect of Taxes 461
Taxes and Market Imperfections Combined 463
Financial Signaling 465
Timing and Financial Flexibility 465
Financing Checklist 466
Key Learning Points 467
Questions 468
Self-Correction Problems 468
Problems 469
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 471
Selected References 473
18 Dividend Policy 475
Objectives 475
Passive versus Active Dividend Policies 476
Factors Influencing Dividend Policy 481
Dividend Stability 484
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Stock Dividends and Stock Splits 486
Stock Repurchase 491
Administrative Considerations 495
Key Learning Points 496
Questions 497
Self-Correction Problems 498
Problems 499
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 501
Selected References 502
l l l Part 7 Intermediate and Long-Term Financing
19 The Capital Market 505
Objectives 505
Déjà Vu All Over Again 506
Public Issue 507
Privileged Subscription 509
Regulation of Security Offerings 512
Private Placement 516
Initial Financing 519
Signaling Effects 520
The Secondary Market 522
Key Learning Points 522
Questions 523
Self-Correction Problems 524
Problems 524
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 525
Selected References 526
20 Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock 527
Objectives 527
Bonds and Their Features 528
Types of Long-Term Debt Instruments 529
Retirement of Bonds 532
Preferred Stock and Its Features 534
Common Stock and Its Features 538
Rights of Common Shareholders 539
Dual-Class Common Stock 542
Key Learning Points 543
Appendix: Refunding a Bond Issue 544
Questions 546
Self-Correction Problems 547
Problems 548
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 550
Selected References 551
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
21 Term Loans and Leases 553
Objectives 553
Term Loans 554
Provisions of Loan Agreements 556
Equipment Financing 558
Lease Financing 559
Evaluating Lease Financing in Relation to Debt Financing 562
Key Learning Points 567
Appendix: Accounting Treatment of Leases 567
Questions 570
Self-Correction Problems 571
Problems 572
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 573
Selected References 575
l l l Part 8 Special Areas of Financial Management
22 Convertibles, Exchangeables, and Warrants 577
Objectives 577
Convertible Securities 578
Value of Convertible Securities 581
Exchangeable Bonds 584
Warrants 585
Key Learning Points 589
Appendix: Option Pricing 589
Questions 595
Self-Correction Problems 596
Problems 597
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 599
Selected References 600
23 Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring 603
Objectives 603
Sources of Value 604
Strategic Acquisitions Involving Common Stock 608
Acquisitions and Capital Budgeting 615
Closing the Deal 617
Takeovers, Tender Offers, and Defenses 620
Strategic Alliances 622
Divestiture 623
Ownership Restructuring 626
Leveraged Buyouts 627
Key Learning Points 629
Appendix: Remedies for a Failing Company 630
Questions 635
Self-Correction Problems 636
Problems 638
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Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 641
Selected References 643
24 International Financial Management 647
Objectives 647
Some Background 648
Types of Exchange-Rate Risk Exposure 652
Management of Exchange-Rate Risk Exposure 656
Structuring International Trade Transactions 668
Key Learning Points 671
Questions 672
Self-Correction Problems 673
Problems 674
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 676
Selected References 677
Appendix 679
Table I: Future value interest factor 680
Table II: Present value interest factor 682
Table III: Future value interest factor of an (ordinary) annuity 684
Table IV: Present value interest factor of an (ordinary) annuity 686
Table V: Area of normal distribution that is Z standard deviations
to the left or right of the mean 688
Glossary 689
Commonly Used Symbols 705
Index 707
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Supporting resources
Visit to find valuable online resources
Companion Website for students
l Learning objectives for each chapter
l Multiple choice, true/false and essay questions to test your understanding
l PowerPoint presentations for each chapter to remind you of key concepts
l An online glossary to explain key terms and flash cards to test your knowledge of key terms and
definitions in each chapter
l Excel templates for end of chapter problems to help you model a spread sheet approach to solving
the problem
l Link to author’s own award-winning website with even more multiple choice and true/false
questions, as well as web-based exercises and regularly updated links to additional support
l New to this edition, PowerPoint presentations for each chapter integrating and demonstrating how
Excel can be used to help solve calculations.
For instructors
l Extensive Instructor’s Manual including answers to questions, solutions to problems and solutions
to self-correction problems
l PowerPoint slides plus PDF’s of all figures and tables from the book
l Testbank of additional question material.
Also: The Companion Website provides the following features:
l Search tool to help locate specific items of content
l E-mail results and profile tools to send results of quizzes to instructors
l Online help and support to assist with website usage and troubleshooting.
For more information please contact your local Pearson Education representative
or visit
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We would like to express our gratitude to the following academics, as well as additional
anonymous reviewers, who provided invaluable feedback on this book during the development
of the thirteenth edition:
Dr Brian Wright, at Exeter University
Dr Axel F.A. Adam-Muller, at Lancaster University
Dr Graham Sadler, at Aston University
We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Figure 10.3 D&B Composite Rating from a Reference Book and a Key to Ratings, 2003.
Reprinted by permission, Dun & Bradstreet, 2007; Cartoon on page 272 from “What is
needed to make a ‘just-in-time’ system work,” Iron Age Magazine, June 7, 1982. Reprinted by
permission, Iron Age.
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., for permission to reproduce their logo and an extract
from the 2006 Annual Report, p. 36. Copyright © 2006 Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. Used
by permission. All rights reserved; BP p. l.c, for permission to reproduce an extract from the
BP Annual Report 2006, p. 27. Copyright © 2006 BP p. l.c. Used by permission. All rights
reserved; Cameco Corporation, for permission to reproduce their logo and an extract from
the Cameco Corporation Annual Report 2006 (
2006/html/mda/fuel_services.php). Copyright © 2006 Cameco Corporation. Used by permission.
All rights reserved; CCH Incorporated for permission to reproduce their logo and
extracts adapted from “Ask Alice about Ethics” and “Ask Alice about Accountants”, reproduced
from Reproduced with permission from CCH Business Owner’s
Toolkit, published and copyrighted by CCH Incorporated; CFO Publishing Corporation for
permission to reproduce the CFO Asia logo and extracts reproduced from “Virtue Rewarded,”
CFO Asia, O’Sullivan K., (November 2006), pp. 58–63 and “One Continent, One Payment
System,” CFO Asia (April 2007), p. 41, Copyright © 2007 CFO Publishing
Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved; CFO Publishing Corporation for permission
to reproduce the CFO logo and extracts adapted from “A Trade Secret Comes to
Light, Again,” CFO, by Leone M., November 2005, pp. 97–99. “Four Eyes are Better,” CFO, by
O’Sullivan K., June 2006, p. 21; “More Rules, Higher Profits,” CFO, Durfee D., August 2006,
p. 24 and “Buy it Back, And Then?” CFO, Durfee D., September 2006, p. 22,
Copyright © 2006 CFO Publishing Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved; The
Coca-Cola Company for extracts from their Annual Report, 2006 (Form 10-k) pp. 59 and 65,
and permission to reproduce their registered trademarks: Coca-Cola and the Contour Bottle.
Coca-Cola and the Contour Bottle are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company;
Crain Communications Inc., for permission to reproduce the Financial Week logo and adapt
extracts from: “Shell Game Grows as an Exit Strategy,” Financial Week, by Byrt F., January 15
2007, pp. 3 and 18; “New Leasing Rules Could Hammer Corporate Returns,” Financial Week,
by Scott M., April 2 2007; “Spin-Off Frenzy Sets New Record,” Financial Week, by Byrt F.,
April 9 2007, pp. 3 and 21 and “A Bent for Cash. Literally,” Financial Week, by Johnston M.,
July 23 2007, p. 10, Copyright © 2007 by Crain Communications
Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved; Cygnus Business Media for permission to reproduce
its Supply & Demand Chain Executive logo and an extract from “More than $1 Trillion
Seen Unnecessarily Tied Up in Working Capital,” Supply & Demand Chain Executive,
June/July 2006, p. 10, Copyright © 2006 Cygnus Business Media. Used by
permission. All rights reserved; Debra Yergen for permission to adapt an extract from “The
Check’s in the Box,” Canadian National Treasurer, by Yergen D., December 2005/January
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
2006, pp. 14–15, Copyright © 2006 Debra Yergen. Used by permission. All
rights reserved; Dell Inc. for extracts from their quarterly and annual reports. Copyright ©
2004 Dell Inc. All rights reserved; The Economist Newspaper Limited for permission to reproduce
their logo and extracts in Chapter 6, p. 127, “Speaking in tongues” adapted from Speaking
in Tongues, The Economist, pp. 77–78, © The Economist Newspaper
Limited, London (19–25 May 2007), Used with permission; Chapter 23, p. 603, Textbox
Feature from The Economist, p. 90, © The Economist Newspaper Limited,
London (13 January 2007), Used with permission; Chapter 24, p. 654, “Big Mac Purchasing –
Power Parity”, Based on data in “Cash and carry – The hamburger standard” table at www. in The Economist © The Economist
Newspaper Limited, London (2007), Used with permission; Financial Executives International
Incorporated for permission to reproduce their logo and extracts from “Bridging the Finance-
Marketing Divide,” Financial Executive, by See, E., July/August 2006, pp. 50–53; “Sarbanes-
Oxley Helps Cost of Capital: Study,” Financial Executive, by Marshall J. and Heffes E.M., October
2006, p. 8; “Soul-Searching over U.S. Competitiveness,” Financial Executive, by Cheny G.A.,
June 2007, pp. 18–21; “BPO: Developing Market, Evolving Strategies,” Financial Executive, June
2007, pp. 38–44, Copyright © 2006/2007 Financial Executives
International Incorporated. Used by permission. All rights reserved; FRBNY for data from
“The Basics of Trade and Exchange,”;
Hermes Pensions Management Ltd for extracts reproduced from “The Hermes Principles:
What Shareholders Expect of Public Companies – and What Companies Should Expect of
their Investors,” p. 11,
Copyright © Hermes Pensions Management Ltd; James Hartshorn for an extract reproduced
from “Sustainability: Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention,” Canadian Treasurer, by Hartshorn J.,
22 June/July 2006, p. 15. Used by permission. All rights reserved; The Motley Fool for permission
to reproduce their logo and extracts from; Nasdaq Stock Market Inc.
for permission to reproduce an extract from “Market Mechanics: A Guide to US Stock
Markets, release 1.2,” The NASDAQ Stock Market Educational Foundation Inc., by Angel J.J.,
2002, p. 7. Copyright © 2002 by the Nasdaq Stock Market Inc. Used by permission. All rights
reserved; Penton Media Inc. for permission to reproduce the Business Finance logo and
extracts from “Asset-based Lending Goes Mainstream,” Business Finance, by Kroll K.M., May
2006, pp. 39–42, “M&A Synergies/Don’t Count On It,” Business Finance, by Cummings J.,
October 2006, p. 14, “Payment Processing: The Sea Change Continues,” Business Finance, by
Kroll K.M., December 2006, “7 Steps to Optimize A/R Management,” Business Finance,
by Salek J., April 2007, p. 45, Copyright © 2006/2007 Penton Media, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved; Treasury Management Association of Canada for permission
to reproduce the TMAC logo, Copyright © 2008 TMAC. Reproduced
with permission. All rights reserved; Volkswagen AG for permission to reproduce their logo
and an extract from their Annual Report 2006, p. 77. Copyright © 2006 by Volkswagen AG.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
We are grateful to the Financial Times Limited for permission to reprint the following
Chapter 20 “It’s a question of the right packaging” © Financial Times, 25 July 2007;
Chapter 20 “One share, one-vote hopes dashed” © Financial Times, 5 June 2007; Chapter 22
“Warrants win over the bulls” © Financial Times, 13 March 2007; Chapter 23 “Chapter 11 is
often lost in translation” © Financial Times, 25 July 2007; Chapter 24 “Islamic bonds recruited
out for purchase of 007’s favorite car” © Financial Times, 17/18 March 2007; Chapter 24
“European bond market puts US in the shade” © Financial Times, 15 January 2007.
We are grateful to the following for permission to use copyright material:
Chapter 18 “Debating Point: Are Share Buybacks a Good Thing?” from The Financial
Times Limited, 28 June 2006, © Richard Dobbs and Werner Rehm.
In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we
would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.
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Financial management continues to change at a rapid pace. Advancements are occurring not
only in the theory of financial management but also in its real-world practice. One result has
been for financial management to take on a greater strategic focus, as managers struggle to
create value within a corporate setting. In the process of value creation, financial managers are
increasingly supplementing the traditional metrics of performance with new methods that
encourage a greater role for uncertainty and multiple assumptions. Corporate governance
issues, ethical dilemmas, conflicting stakeholder claims, a downsized corporate environment,
the globalization of finance, e-commerce, strategic alliances, the growth of outsourcing, and
a host of other issues and considerations now permeate the landscape of financial decision
making. It is indeed a time of both challenge and opportunity.
The purpose of the thirteenth edition of Fundamentals of Financial Management is to
enable you to understand the financial decision-making process and to interpret the impact
that financial decisions will have on value creation. The book, therefore, introduces you to the
three major decision-making areas in financial management: the investment, financing, and
asset management decisions.
We explore finance, including its frontiers, in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly manner.
Although the book is designed for an introductory course in financial management, it
can be used as a reference tool as well. For example, participants in management development
programs, candidates preparing for various professional certifications (e.g., Certified
Management Accountant and Chartered Certified Accountant), and practicing finance and
accounting professionals will find it useful. And, because of the extensive material available
through the text’s website (which we will discuss shortly), the book is ideal for web-based
training and distance learning.
There are many important changes in this new edition. Rather than list them all, we will
explain some essential themes that governed our revisions and, in the process, highlight some
of the changes. The institutional material – necessary for understanding the environment in
which financial decisions are made – was updated. The book continues to grow more international
in scope. New sections, examples, and boxed features have been added throughout
the book that focus on the international dimensions of financial management. Attention was
also given to streamlining coverage and better expressing fundamental ideas in every chapter.
Chapter 1, The Role of Financial Management, has benefitted from an expanded discussion
of corporate social responsibility to include sustainability. A discussion of how “bonus
depreciation” works under the Economic Stimulus Act (ESA) of 2008 has been incorporated
into Chapter 2, The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments. (Note: While bonus
depreciation is a “temporary” situation in the US, it has been a recurring phenomenon.)
Chapter 6, Financial Statement Analysis, has benefitted from the addition of a discussion of
the push for “convergence” of accounting standards around the world. Accounts receivable
conversion (ARC), the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21), remote deposit
capture (RDC), and business process outsourcing (BPO) are all introduced in Chapter 9, Cash
and Marketable Securities Management.
Chapter 13, Capital Budgeting Techniques, has its discussion devoted to sensitivity analysis
expanded to address possible uncertainty surrounding a project’s initial cash outlay (ICO),
while Chapter 19, The Capital Market, introduces a host of new terms and concepts resulting
from recent SEC Securities Offering Reform.
In Chapter 20, Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock, an expanded discussion
of “Proxies, e-Proxies, and Proxy Contests” is followed by new material devoted to
plurality voting, majority voting, and “modified” plurality voting procedures. In Chapter 21,
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
Term Loans and Leases, the reader is alerted to impending, and perhaps dramatic, changes in
lease accounting. Revisions to the recent changes in accounting treatment for mergers and
acquisitions are noted in Chapter 23, Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring.
The last chapter of the book, which is devoted to International Financial Management, has
been updated and a number of new items have been added, including a discussion of Islamic
bonds (Sukuk).
Finally, we continued our efforts to make the book more “user friendly.” Many new boxed
items and special features appear to capture the reader’s interest and illustrate underlying
concepts. Many of these boxed features come from new, first-time contributors to the text –
Canadian Treasurer, Financial Executive, and Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazines;
Financial Week newspaper; and BP p.l.c., Cameco Corporation, and Hermes Pensions
Management Limited.
Take Note
The order of the chapters reflects one common sequence for teaching the course, but the
instructor may reorder many chapters without causing the students any difficulty. For
example, some instructors prefer covering Part 3, Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning,
before Part 2, Valuation. Extensive selected references at the ends of chapters give the reader
direct access to relevant literature utilized in preparing the chapters. The appendices at the
ends of some chapters invite the reader to go into certain topics in greater depth, but the
book’s continuity is maintained if this material is not covered.
A number of materials supplement the text. For the teacher, a comprehensive Instructor’s
Manual contains suggestions for organizing the course, answers to chapter questions, and
solutions to chapter problems. Another aid is a Test-Item File of extensive questions and
problems, prepared by Professor Gregory A. Kuhlemeyer, Carroll College. This supplement
is available as a custom computerized test bank (for Windows) through your Pearson or
Prentice Hall sales representative. In addition, Professor Kuhlemeyer has done a wonderful
job preparing an extensive collection of more than 1,000 Microsoft PowerPoint slides as
outlines (with examples) to go along with this text. The PowerPoint presentation graphics
are available for downloading off the following Pearson Education Companion Website: All text figures and tables are available as transparency
masters through the same web site listed above. Computer application software prepared
by Professor Al Fagan, University of Richmond, that can be used in conjunction with
end-of-chapter problems identified with a PC icon (shown in the margin), is available in
Microsoft Excel format on the same web site. The Companion Website also contains an
Online Study Guide by Professor Kuhlemeyer. Designed to help students familiarize themselves
with chapter material, each chapter of the Online Study Guide contains a set of chapter
objectives, multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer questions, PowerPoint slides, and
Excel templates.
For the student, “self-correction problems” (i.e., problems for which step-by-step solutions
are found a few pages later) appear at the end of each chapter in the textbook. These are in
addition to the regular questions and problems. The self-correction problems allow students
to self-test their understanding of the material and thus provide immediate feedback on their
understanding of the chapter. Alternatively, the self-correction problems coupled with the
detailed solutions can be used simply as additional problem-solving examples.
Learning finance is like learning a foreign language. Part of the difficulty is simply learning
the vocabulary. Therefore, we provide an extensive glossary of more than 400 business terms
in two formats – a running glossary (appears alongside the textual material in the margins) and
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
an end-of-book cumulative glossary. In addition, the Pearson Education Companion Website: contains an online version of our glossary plus interactive
flashcards to test your knowledge of key terms and definitions in each chapter.
Take Note
We purposely have made limited use of Internet addresses (i.e., the address you type into
your browser window that usually begins “http://www.”) in the body of this text. Websites
are extremely transient – any website that we mention in print could change substantially,
alter its address, or even disappear entirely by the time you read this. Therefore, we use
our website to flag websites that should be of interest to you. We then constantly update our
web listings and check for any broken or dead links. We strongly encourage you to make use
of our text’s website as you read each chapter. Although the text’s website was created with
students uppermost in mind, we are pleased to report that it has found quite a following
among business professionals. In fact, the website has received favorable reviews in a
number of business publications, including the Financial Times newspaper, The Journal of
Accountancy, Corporate Finance, CFO Asia, and Strategic Finance magazines.
To help harness the power of the Internet as a financial management learning device,
students (and instructors) are invited to visit the text’s award-winning website, Wachowicz’s
Web World, (Note: The Pearson website – – also has a link to Wachowicz’s Web World.) This website
provides links to hundreds of financial management web sites grouped to correspond with
the major headings in the text (e.g., Valuation, Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning, and
so on). In addition, the website contains interactive true/false and multiple-choice quizzes (in
addition to those found on the Companion Website), and interactive web-based exercises.
Finally, PowerPoint slides and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet templates can be downloaded
from the website as well.
The authors are grateful for the comments, suggestions, and assistance given by a number
of business professionals in preparing this edition. In particular, we would like to thank
Jennifer Banner, Schaad Companies; Rebecca Flick, The Home Depot; Alice Magos, CCH,
Inc.; and Selena Maranjian, The Motley Fool. We further want to thank Ellen Morgan,
Pauline Gillett, Michelle Morgan, Angela Hawksbee and Flick Williams at Pearson and Helene
Bellofatto, Mary Dalton, Jane Ashley, and Sasmita Sinha, who helped with the production of
this edition. Finally, we would like to thank Jean Bellmans, Free University of Brussels for his
endorsement on the cover of this book.
We hope that Fundamentals of Financial Management, thirteenth edition, contributes to
your understanding of finance and imparts a sense of excitement in the process. You, the
reader, are the final judge. We thank you for choosing our textbook, and welcome your comments
and suggestions (please e-mail:
JAMES C. VAN HORNE Palo Alto, California
JOHN M. WACHOWICZ, JR. Knoxville, Tennessee
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1 Part 1
Introduction to Financial
l Introduction
l What Is Financial Management?
Investment Decision • Financing Decision •
Asset Management Decision
l The Goal of the Firm
Value Creation • Agency Problems • Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR)
l Corporate Governance
The Role of the Board of Directors •
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
l Organization of the Financial Management
l Organization of the Book
The Underpinnings • Managing and Acquiring
Assets • Financing Assets • A Mixed Bag
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Selected References
Increasing shareholder value over time is the bottom line of every
move we make.
Former CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
After studying Chapter 1, you should be able to:
l Explain why the role of the financial manager
today is so important.
l Describe “financial management” in terms of
the three major decision areas that confront the
financial manager.
l Identify the goal of the firm and understand why
shareholders’ wealth maximization is preferred
over other goals.
l Understand the potential problems arising when
management of the corporation and ownership
are separated (i.e., agency problems).
l Demonstrate an understanding of corporate
l Discuss the issues underlying social responsibility
of the firm.
l Understand the basic responsibilities of financial
managers and the differences between a “treasurer”
and a “controller.”
The Role of Financial
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The financial manager plays a dynamic role in a modern company’s development. This has
not always been the case. Until around the first half of the 1900s financial managers primarily
raised funds and managed their firms’ cash positions – and that was pretty much it. In
the 1950s, the increasing acceptance of present value concepts encouraged financial managers
to expand their responsibilities and to become concerned with the selection of capital investment
Today, external factors have an increasing impact on the financial manager. Heightened
corporate competition, technological change, volatility in inflation and interest rates, worldwide
economic uncertainty, fluctuating exchange rates, tax law changes, environmental
issues, and ethical concerns over certain financial dealings must be dealt with almost daily. As
a result, finance is required to play an ever more vital strategic role within the corporation.
The financial manager has emerged as a team player in the overall effort of a company to
create value. The “old ways of doing things” simply are not good enough in a world where
old ways quickly become obsolete. Thus today’s financial manager must have the flexibility
to adapt to the changing external environment if his or her firm is to survive.
The successful financial manager of tomorrow will need to supplement the traditional
metrics of performance with new methods that encourage a greater role for uncertainty
and multiple assumptions. These new methods will seek to value the flexibility inherent in
initiatives – that is, the way in which taking one step offers you the option to stop or continue
down one or more paths. In short, a correct decision may involve doing something today
that in itself has small value, but gives you the option to do something of greater value in
the future.
If you become a financial manager, your ability to adapt to change, raise funds, invest in
assets, and manage wisely will affect the success of your firm and, ultimately, the overall
economy as well. To the extent that funds are misallocated, the growth of the economy will be
slowed. When economic wants are unfulfilled, this misallocation of funds may work to the
detriment of society. In an economy, efficient allocation of resources is vital to optimal growth
in that economy; it is also vital to ensuring that individuals obtain satisfaction of their highest
levels of personal wants. Thus, through efficiently acquiring, financing, and managing assets,
the financial manager contributes to the firm and to the vitality and growth of the economy
as a whole.
What Is Financial Management?
Financial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of
assets with some overall goal in mind. Thus the decision function of financial management
can be broken down into three major areas: the investment, financing, and asset management
l l l Investment Decision
The investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it
comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed
to be held by the firm. Picture the firm’s balance sheet in your mind for a moment. Imagine
liabilities and owners’ equity being listed on the right side of the balance sheet and its assets
on the left. The financial manager needs to determine the dollar amount that appears above
the double lines on the left-hand side of the balance sheet – that is, the size of the firm. Even
when this number is known, the composition of the assets must still be decided. For example,
how much of the firm’s total assets should be devoted to cash or to inventory? Also, the flip
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Concerns the
acquisition, financing,
and management of
assets with some
overall goal in mind.
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side of investment – disinvestment – must not be ignored. Assets that can no longer be
economically justified may need to be reduced, eliminated, or replaced.
l l l Financing Decision
The second major decision of the firm is the financing decision. Here the financial manager
is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet. If you look at the
mix of financing for firms across industries, you will see marked differences. Some firms
have relatively large amounts of debt, whereas others are almost debt free. Does the type of
financing employed make a difference? If so, why? And, in some sense, can a certain mix
of financing be thought of as best?
In addition, dividend policy must be viewed as an integral part of the firm’s financing
decision. The dividend-payout ratio determines the amount of earnings that can be retained
in the firm. Retaining a greater amount of current earnings in the firm means that fewer
dollars will be available for current dividend payments. The value of the dividends paid to
stockholders must therefore be balanced against the opportunity cost of retained earnings lost
as a means of equity financing.
Once the mix of financing has been decided, the financial manager must still determine
how best to physically acquire the needed funds. The mechanics of getting a short-term loan,
entering into a long-term lease arrangement, or negotiating a sale of bonds or stock must be
l l l Asset Management Decision
The third important decision of the firm is the asset management decision. Once assets
have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed
efficiently. The financial manager is charged with varying degrees of operating responsibility
over existing assets. These responsibilities require that the financial manager be more concerned
with the management of current assets than with that of fixed assets. A large share
of the responsibility for the management of fixed assets would reside with the operating
managers who employ these assets.
The Goal of the Firm
Efficient financial management requires the existence of some objective or goal, because
judgment as to whether or not a financial decision is efficient must be made in light of some
standard. Although various objectives are possible, we assume in this book that the goal of
the firm is to maximize the wealth of the firm’s present owners.
Shares of common stock give evidence of ownership in a corporation. Shareholder wealth
is represented by the market price per share of the firm’s common stock, which, in turn, is a
reflection of the firm’s investment, financing, and asset management decisions. The idea is
that the success of a business decision should be judged by the effect that it ultimately has on
share price.
l l l Value Creation
Frequently, profit maximization is offered as the proper objective of the firm. However,
under this goal a manager could continue to show profit increases by merely issuing stock and
using the proceeds to invest in Treasury bills. For most firms, this would result in a decrease
in each owner’s share of profits – that is, earnings per share would fall. Maximizing earnings
per share, therefore, is often advocated as an improved version of profit maximization.
However, maximization of earnings per share is not a fully appropriate goal because it does
1 The Role of Financial Management
Dividend-payout ratio
Annual cash dividends
divided by annual
earnings; or,
dividends per
share divided by
earnings per share.
The ratio indicates
the percentage of a
company’s earnings
that is paid out to
shareholders in cash.
Profit maximization
Maximizing a firm’s
earnings after
taxes (EAT).
Earnings per share
(EPS) Earnings after
taxes (EAT) divided
by the number of
common shares
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not specify the timing or duration of expected returns. Is the investment project that will produce
a $100,000 return five years from now more valuable than the project that will produce
annual returns of $15,000 in each of the next five years? An answer to this question depends
on the time value of money to the firm and to investors at the margin. Few existing stockholders
would think favorably of a project that promised its first return in 100 years, no
matter how large this return. Therefore our analysis must take into account the time pattern
of returns.
Another shortcoming of the objective of maximizing earnings per share – a shortcoming
shared by other traditional return measures, such as return on investment – is that risk is not
considered. Some investment projects are far more risky than others. As a result, the prospective
stream of earnings per share would be more risky if these projects were undertaken. In
addition, a company will be more or less risky depending on the amount of debt in relation
to equity in its capital structure. This financial risk also contributes to the overall risk to the
investor. Two companies may have the same expected earnings per share, but if the earnings
stream of one is subject to considerably more risk than the earnings stream of the other, the
market price per share of its stock may well be less.
Finally, this objective does not allow for the effect of dividend policy on the market price
of the stock. If the only objective were to maximize earnings per share, the firm would never
pay a dividend. It could always improve earnings per share by retaining earnings and investing
them at any positive rate of return, however small. To the extent that the payment of
dividends can affect the value of the stock, the maximization of earnings per share will not be
a satisfactory objective by itself.
For the reasons just given, an objective of maximizing earnings per share may not be the
same as maximizing market price per share. The market price of a firm’s stock represents the
focal judgment of all market participants as to the value of the particular firm. It takes into
account present and expected future earnings per share; the timing, duration, and risk of these
earnings; the dividend policy of the firm; and other factors that bear on the market price of
the stock. The market price serves as a barometer for business performance; it indicates how
well management is doing on behalf of its shareholders.
Management is under continuous review. Shareholders who are dissatisfied with management
performance may sell their shares and invest in another company. This action, if taken
by other dissatisfied shareholders, will put downward pressure on market price per share.
Thus management must focus on creating value for shareholders. This requires management
to judge alternative investment, financing, and asset management strategies in terms of their
effect on shareholder value (share price). In addition, management should pursue productmarket
strategies, such as building market share or increasing customer satisfaction, only if
they too will increase shareholder value.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
“Creating superior shareholder value is our top
Source: Associated Banc-Corp 2006 Annual Report.
“The Board and Senior Management recognize their
responsibility to represent the interests of all shareholders
and to maximize shareholder value.”
Source: CLP Holdings Limited, the parent company of the China
Light & Power Group, Annual Report 2006.
“FedEx’s main responsibility is to create shareholder
Source: FedEx Corporation, SEC Form Def 14A for the period
ending 9/25/2006.
“. . . we [the Board of Directors] are united in our goal to
ensure McDonald’s strives to enhance shareholder value.”
Source: McDonald’s Corporation 2006 Annual Report.
“The desire to increase shareholder value is what drives
our actions.”
Source: Philips Annual Report 2006.
“. . . the Board of Directors plays a central role in the
Company’s corporate governance system; it has the
power (and the duty) to direct Company business, pursuing
and fulfilling its primary and ultimate objective of
creating shareholder value.”
Source: Pirelli & C. SpA. Milan Annual Report 2006.
What Companies Say About Their Corporate Goal
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l l l Agency Problems
It has long been recognized that the separation of ownership and control in the modern
corporation results in potential conflicts between owners and managers. In particular, the
objectives of management may differ from those of the firm’s shareholders. In a large corporation,
stock may be so widely held that shareholders cannot even make known their
objectives, much less control or influence management. Thus this separation of ownership
from management creates a situation in which management may act in its own best interests
rather than those of the shareholders.
We may think of management as the agents of the owners. Shareholders, hoping that the
agents will act in the shareholders’ best interests, delegate decision-making authority to them.
Jensen and Meckling were the first to develop a comprehensive theory of the firm under
agency arrangements.1 They showed that the principals, in our case the shareholders, can
assure themselves that the agents (management) will make optimal decisions only if appropriate
incentives are given and only if the agents are monitored. Incentives include stock
options, bonuses, and perquisites (“perks,” such as company automobiles and expensive
offices), and these must be directly related to how close management decisions come to
the interests of the shareholders. Monitoring is done by bonding the agent, systematically
reviewing management perquisites, auditing financial statements, and limiting management
decisions. These monitoring activities necessarily involve costs, an inevitable result of the
separation of ownership and control of a corporation. The less the ownership percentage
of the managers, the less the likelihood that they will behave in a manner consistent with
maximizing shareholder wealth and the greater the need for outside shareholders to monitor
their activities.
Some people suggest that the primary monitoring of managers comes not from the
owners but from the managerial labor market. They argue that efficient capital markets
provide signals about the value of a company’s securities, and thus about the performance
of its managers. Managers with good performance records should have an easier time finding
other employment (if they need to) than managers with poor performance records. Thus, if
the managerial labor market is competitive both within and outside the firm, it will tend to
discipline managers. In that situation, the signals given by changes in the total market value
of the firm’s securities become very important.
l l l Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Maximizing shareholder wealth does not mean that management should ignore corporate
social responsibility (CSR), such as protecting the consumer, paying fair wages to employees,
maintaining fair hiring practices and safe working conditions, supporting education, and
becoming involved in such environmental issues as clean air and water. It is appropriate for
management to consider the interests of stakeholders other than shareholders. These stakeholders
include creditors, employees, customers, suppliers, communities in which a company
operates, and others. Only through attention to the legitimate concerns of the firm’s various
stakeholders can the firm attain its ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder wealth.
Over the last few decades sustainability has become a growing focus of many corporate
social responsibility efforts. In a sense, corporations have always been concerned with their
ability to be productive, or sustainable, in the long term. However, the concept of sustainability
has evolved to such an extent that it is now viewed by many businesses to mean
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs. Therefore, more and more companies are being proactive and taking
steps to address issues such as climate change, oil depletion, and energy usage.
1 The Role of Financial Management
Agent(s) Individual(s)
authorized by another
person, called the
principal, to act on
the latter’s behalf.
Agency (theory)
A branch of
economics relating
to the behavior of
principals (such as
owners) and their
agents (such as
Corporate social
responsibility (CSR) A
business outlook that
acknowledges a firm’s
responsibilities to its
stakeholders and the
natural environment.
Stakeholders All
constituencies with a
stake in the fortunes
of the company. They
include shareholders,
creditors, customers,
employees, suppliers,
and local and
communities in which
the firm operates.
Meeting the needs of
the present without
compromising the
ability of future
generations to meet
their own needs.
1Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and
Ownership Structure,” Journal of Financial Economics 3 (October 1976), 305–360.
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Many people feel that a firm has no choice but to act in socially responsible ways. They
argue that shareholder wealth and, perhaps, the corporation’s very existence depend on its
being socially responsible. Because the criteria for social responsibility are not clearly defined,
however, formulating consistent policies is difficult. When society, acting through various
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Companies are suddenly discovering the profit potential
of social responsibility.
When Al Gore, the former US vice president, shows
up at Wal-Mart headquarters, you have to wonder
what’s going on. As it turns out, Gore was invited to visit
the retailer in July to introduce a screening of his documentary
about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth.
An odd-couple pairing – Gore and a company known
for its giant parking lots? Certainly. But also one of the
many recent signs that “corporate social responsibility”,
once seen as the purview of the hippie fringe, has gone
In the 1970s and 1980s, companies like Ben & Jerry’s
and The Body Shop pushed fair-labor practices and
environmental awareness as avidly and effectively as
Cherry Garcia ice cream and cocoa-butter hand cream.
They were widely admired but rarely imitated.
Today, more than 1,000 companies in 60 countries
have published sustainability reports proclaiming their
concern for the environment, their employees, and their
local communities. Giant corporations from BP to
General Electric have launched marketing campaigns
emphasizing their focus on alternative energy. Wal-Mart,
too, has announced new environmental goals – hence
the Gore visit. The retailer has pledged to increase the
efficiency of its vehicle fleet by 25% over the next three
years, cut the amount of energy used in its stores by at
least 25%, and reduce solid waste from US stores by the
same amount.
Changing expectations
The sudden burst of idealism can be traced to several
sources. First among them: the wave of corporate scandals.
“Enron was sort of the tipping point for many
CEOs and boards. They realized that they were going to
continue to be the subject of activist, consumer, and
shareholder focus for a long time,” says Andrew Savitz,
author of The Triple Bottom Line and a former partner in
PricewaterhouseCoopers’s sustainability practice. “People
are now very interested in corporate behavior of all kinds.”
Second, thanks to the internet, everyone has rapid
access to information about that behavior. Word of an
oil spill or a discrimination lawsuit can spread worldwide
nearly instantly. “If you had a supplier using child
labor or dumping waste into a local river, that used to be
pretty well hidden,” says Andrew Winston, director of
the Corporate Environmental Strategy project at Yale
University and co-author of Green to Gold. “Now, someone
walks by with a camera and blogs about it.”
Real concerns about resource constraints, driven by
the rising costs of such crucial commodities as steel
and oil, are a third factor spurring executives to action.
Wal-Mart chief Lee Scott has said he discovered that by
packaging just one of the company’s own products in
smaller boxes, he could dramatically cut down its distribution
and shipping costs, reducing energy use at the
same time. Such realizations have driven the company’s
re-examination of its packaging and fleet efficiency.
Critics of corporate social responsibility, or CSR, have
long held that the business of business is strictly to
increase profits, a view set forth most famously by the
economist Milton Friedman. Indeed, in a recent survey
of senior executives about the role of business in society,
most respondents “still fall closer to Milton Friedman
than to Ben & Jerry,” says Bradley Googins, executive
director of Boston College’s Center for Corporate
Citizenship, which conducted the survey. “But they see
the Milton Friedman school as less and less viable today,”
due to the change in expectations of business from nearly
every stakeholder group. In a study conducted by the
center in 2005, more than 80% of executives said social
and environmental issues were becoming more important
to their businesses.
“This debate is over,” says Winston. “The discussion
now is about how to build these intangibles into the
Virtue Rewarded
Source: Adapted from Kate O’Sullivan, “Virtue Rewarded,” CFO Asia (November 2006), pp. 58–63. ( © 2007 by CFO
Publishing Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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representative bodies, establishes the rules governing the trade-offs between social goals, environmental
sustainability, and economic efficiency, the task for the corporation is clearer. We
can then view the company as producing both private and social goods, and the maximization
of shareholder wealth remains a viable corporate objective.
1 The Role of Financial Management
No longer just the right thing to do, sustainability can
affect an organization’s reputation, brand and longterm
The surging interest in sustainable developments is
driven by the recognition that corporations, more
than any other organizations (including national governments),
have the power, the influence over financial,
human and natural resources, the means and arguably
the responsibility to promote a corporate agenda that
considers not only the economics of growth but also the
health of the environment and society at large.
Most early sustainability efforts fell under the
umbrella of corporate social responsibility, which corporations
practiced with a sense that it was the right
thing to do. The concept has changed since then, and its
evolution has serious implications for the way financial
professionals do their work. Sustainability has emerged
as a business strategy for maintaining long-term growth
and performance and to satisfy corporate obligations
to a range of stakeholders including shareholders.
As they should, profit-oriented corporations prioritize
their fiduciary responsibilities and consider mainly
the effects of their decisions on their direct shareholders.
The interests and values of other stakeholders and the
wider society affected by their actions often take lower or
no priority.
Under the principles of sustainability, a negative
impact on stakeholder values becomes a cost to a corporation.
The cost is usually defined as the expenditure
of resources that could be used to achieve something else
of equal or greater value. Customarily, these costs
have remained external to the organization and never
make their way onto an income statement. They may
include the discharge of contaminants and pollutants
into the environment and other abuses of the public
Now these costs have begun to appear in corporate
financial statements through so-called triple-bottomline
accounting. This accounting approach promotes the
incorporation into the income statement of not only
tangible financial costs but also traditionally less tangible
environmental and social costs of doing business.
Organizations have practiced such green accounting
since the mid-1980s, as they recognize that financial
indicators alone no longer adequately identify and communicate
the opportunities and risks that confront them.
These organizations understand that failure in nonfinancial
areas can have a substantial impact on shareholder
value. Non-financial controversy has dogged
companies such as Royal Dutch/Shell (Brent Spar sinking
and Niger River delta operations), Talisman Energy
Inc. (previous Sudan investments) and Wal-Mart Stores
Inc. (labor practices).
To corporations, sustainability presents both a stick
and a carrot. The stick of sustainability takes the form of
a threat to attracting financing. Investors, particularly
institutions, now ask more penetrating questions about
the long-term viability of the elements in their portfolios.
If a company cannot demonstrate that it has taken
adequate steps to protect itself against long-term nonfinancial
risks, including risks to its reputation and
brand, it may become a much less attractive asset to
investors. Lenders, too, increasingly look at sustainability
in their assessment of their debt portfolios.
The carrot of sustainability comes in a variety of
forms. Carbon-management credits are becoming a
source of income for some companies. Younger consumers
are increasingly green-minded, screening their
investment and consumption choices by filtering out less
socially and environmentally responsibly organizations.
Organizations can learn how to account more completely
for environmental and social issues and then
define, capture and report on these non-financial indicators
as part of their performance measurement. In the
process, they can uncover new ways to safeguard their
reputation, build trust among stakeholders, consolidate
their license to operate and ultimately enhance their
growth and profitability.
Sustainability: Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention
Source: James Hartshorn, “Sustainability: Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention,” Canadian Treasurer (22 June/July 2006), p. 15. (
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance refers to the system by which corporations are managed and controlled.
It encompasses the relationships among a company’s shareholders, board of directors,
and senior management. These relationships provide the framework within which corporate
objectives are set and performance is monitored. Three categories of individuals are, thus,
key to corporate governance success: first, the common shareholders, who elect the board of
directors; second, the company’s board of directors themselves; and, third, the top executive
officers led by the chief executive officer (CEO).
The board of directors – the critical link between shareholders and managers – is potentially
the most effective instrument of good governance. The oversight of the company is
ultimately their responsibility. The board, when operating properly, is also an independent
check on corporate management to ensure that management acts in the shareholders’ best
l l l The Role of the Board of Directors
The board of directors sets company-wide policy and advises the CEO and other senior
executives, who manage the company’s day-to-day activities. In fact, one of the board’s most
important tasks is hiring, firing, and setting of compensation for the CEO.
Boards review and approve strategy, significant investments, and acquisitions. The board
also oversees operating plans, capital budgets, and the company’s financial reports to common
In the United States, boards typically have 10 or 11 members, with the company’s CEO
often serving as chairman of the board. In Britain, it is common for the roles of chairman
and CEO to be kept separate, and this idea is gaining support in the United States.
l l l Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
There has been renewed interest in corporate governance in this last decade caused by major
governance breakdowns, which led to failures to prevent a series of recent corporate scandals
involving Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, Tyco, and numerous others. Governments
and regulatory bodies around the world continue to focus on the issue of corporate governance
reform. In the United States, one sign of the seriousness of this concern was that
Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX).
Sarbanes-Oxley mandates reforms to combat corporate and accounting fraud, and imposes
new penalties for violations of securities laws. It also calls for a variety of higher standards
for corporate governance, and establishes the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(PCAOB). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appoints the chairman and the
members of the PCAOB. The PCAOB has been given the power to adopt auditing, quality
control, ethics, and disclosure standards for public companies and their auditors as well as
investigate and discipline those involved.
Organization of the Financial Management Function
Whether your business career takes you in the direction of manufacturing, marketing,
finance, or accounting, it is important for you to understand the role that financial management
plays in the operations of the firm. Figure 1.1 is an organization chart for a typical
manufacturing firm that gives special attention to the finance function.
As the head of one of the three major functional areas of the firm, the vice president of
finance, or chief financial officer (CFO), generally reports directly to the president, or chief
governance The
system by which
corporations are
managed and
controlled. It
the relationships
among a company’s
shareholders, board
of directors, and
senior management.
Act of 2002 (SOX)
Addresses, among
other issues,
corporate governance,
auditing and
accounting, executive
compensation, and
enhanced and timely
disclosure of
corporate information.
Public Company
Accounting Oversight
Board (PCAOB)
nonprofit corporation,
created by the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 to oversee
the auditors of public
companies in order to
protect the interests
of investors and
further the public
interest in the
preparation of
informative, fair,
and independent
audit reports.
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1 The Role of Financial Management
New research shows that good governance practices
may reduce your cost of capital.
All too often, the drive for corporate-governance
reform feels like a costly exercise in wishful thinking.
After all, can you really find a strong correlation between
a mandatory retirement age for directors and a bigger net
profit margin?
You can, as it happens. A growing body of research
suggests that the governance practices promoted by such
proxy groups as Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
and the Investor Responsibility Research Center are
indeed associated with better corporate performance and
a lower cost of capital. One 2003 study by researchers at
Harvard University and the Wharton School found that
companies with greater protections for shareholders had
significantly better equity returns, profits, and sales
growth than others. A more recent study, by ISS, found
that companies that closely follow its governance advice
have higher price–earnings ratios.
More Rules, Higher Profits
Source: Adapted from Don Durfee, “More Rules, Higher Profits,” CFO (August 2006), p. 24. ( Copyright © 2006 by CFO
Publishing Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Figure 1.1
Financial management
on the organization
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Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
executive officer (CEO). In large firms, the financial operations overseen by the CFO will be
split into two branches, with one headed by a treasurer and the other by a controller.
The controller’s responsibilities are primarily accounting in nature. Cost accounting, as
well as budgets and forecasts, concerns internal consumption. External financial reporting is
provided to the IRS, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the stockholders.
The treasurer’s responsibilities fall into the decision areas most commonly associated
with financial management: investment (capital budgeting, pension management), financing
(commercial banking and investment banking relationships, investor relations, dividend
disbursement), and asset management (cash management, credit management). The organization
chart may give you the false impression that a clear split exists between treasurer and
controller responsibilities. In a well-functioning firm, information will flow easily back and
forth between both branches. In small firms the treasurer and controller functions may be
combined into one position, with a resulting commingling of activities.
Organization of the Book
We began this chapter by offering the warning that today’s financial manager must have the
flexibility to adapt to the changing external environment if his or her firm is to survive. The
recent past has witnessed the production of sophisticated new technology-driven techniques
for raising and investing money that offer only a hint of things to come. But take heart.
Although the techniques of financial management change, the principles do not.
As we introduce you to the most current techniques of financial management, our focus
will be on the underlying principles or fundamentals. In this way, we feel that we can best
prepare you to adapt to change over your entire business career.
Could a different reporting structure have prevented
the WorldCom fraud? Harry Volande thinks so.
The Siemens Energy & Automation CFO reports to
the board of directors, rather than to the CEO. He says
the structure, which Siemens refers to as the “four-eye
principle,” makes it easier for finance chiefs to stay
honest. “The advantage is that you have a CFO who does
not depend on the CEO for reviews or a remuneration
package,” says Volande. “That gives him the freedom to
voice an independent opinion.” The reporting structure,
which is more common in Germany, applies throughout
the German electronics conglomerate. In the United States,
such a reporting practice is rare, in part because at many
companies the CEO also chairs the board. “Most CEOs
would resist such a change in the hierarchy,” says James
Owers, professor of finance at Georgia State University.
With a change in the reporting model unlikely,
governance watchdogs are advocating frequent and
independent meetings between the CFO and the board.
Many CFOs have access to the board only when the
CEO requests a finance presentation, says Owers.
Espen Eckbo, director of the Center for Corporate
Governance at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business,
says boards should consider taking more responsibility
for evaluating the CFO and determining his or her compensation,
rather than relying solely on the CEO’s opinion.
Such a practice would provide more independence
for the finance chief, he says.
Of course, there are drawbacks when the CFO reports
directly to the board. Volande admits that it can slow
the decision-making process. For example, if there are
disagreements about a possible merger, the board
ultimately has to make the decision. “You require
additional communication, which can be useful, but it
takes longer,” says Volande. He acknowledges that the
structure is not for everyone, as conflicts can arise when
senior executives share power: “It takes a CEO and CFO
with a certain amount of humility and flexibility.”
Four Eyes Are Better
Source: Kate O’Sullivan, “Four Eyes Are Better,” CFO (June 2006), p. 21. ( Copyright © 2006 by CFO Publishing Corporation.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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1 The Role of Financial Management
l l l The Underpinnings
In Part 1, Chapter 1, we define financial management, advocate maximization of shareholder
wealth as the goal of the firm, and look at the position that financial management holds on
the firm’s organization chart. Our next aim is to arm you with certain background material
and some of the basic tools of financial analysis. Therefore, in Chapter 2 we examine the
legal setting for financial management as it relates to organizational form and to taxes. The
function of financial markets and institutions, as well as of interest rates, is also included
Dear Alice,
With all the sound and fury going on about our national
moral crisis, do you have any words of wisdom and encouragement
on the subject of business ethics?
Hopeful in Hawaii
Dear Hopeful,
Glad to hear someone out there still has some faith in the
immortality of morality in these troubled times. I don’t
know why business ethics should be a subset of general,
run-of-the-mill ethics, but I’m willing to make a stab at
defining how one’s ethics can impact one’s business.
The way I see it, a business person needs several fundamental
ingredients to succeed. These might include skills
specific to the trade he or she is in, sufficient capital, a
willingness to apply a generous amount of elbow grease,
and a whole lot of luck. But even given all of the above,
if the ingredient of integrity is absent, true success will
elude the enterprise – for what kind of a business can
survive without a good reputation? And what is reputation,
after all, but ethics and integrity?
To be sure, much morality is imposed externally these
days. Laws and regulations tend to make individuals,
corporations, and even countries more virtuous than
they might otherwise be. Good intentions are fine, but a
little external incentive never hurts to get the job done.
Yet the true hope for the future of ethics in society
stems from the fact that the vast majority of folks have an
internal moral compass and would do the right thing
even without extraordinary external pressure.
And while these times may indeed appear to be
troubled, they are no more so than times gone by.
Consider the virtual caste system declaimed by Aristotle,
the rampant corruption of the late Roman Empire, the
blood and guts of the Middle Ages, not to mention the
exploitation of colonialism in more recent times.
If you’d like to see a wonderful example of how
the ethical dilemmas of ancient times apply even
today, take a look at this very pithy essay on honest
business dealings. Here you will find a journal article
by Randy Richards of St. Ambrose University titled
“Cicero and the Ethics of Honest Business Dealings.”
Content_ID=518) It tells about how Cicero came to
write his treatise On Duties, in which he addresses what
we ought to do when what is right and ethical conflicts
with what seems advantageous.
Cicero sent his son off to school in Athens, where
Junior proved to be a less-than-stellar pupil. Word
got back to Rome about excessive partying and lack
of attention to scholarship, and Dad was inspired to
write a long letter to his offspring on the subject of doing
one’s duty. Cicero’s examples of problems in doing
one’s duty, as described by the article’s author, are as
contemporary as any of the business ethics cases you
read about in your daily newspaper. Manipulating earnings
and stock values à la Enron and Andersen! Covering
up a defect in a product or property à la Firestone! Same
race, different rats!
So keep the faith and remain hopeful. Mankind has
been struggling with ethical challenges fairly successfully
for the two millennia since that wise old Roman fired
off a letter to his kid. And as long as the struggle to do
the right thing continues, civilization will continue to
improve – despite our temporary epidemic of sex, lies
and media hype.
Ask Alice About Ethics
Source: Adapted from Alice Magos, “Ask Alice About Ethics.” Retrieved from Reproduced
with permission from CCH Business Owner’s Toolkit, published and copyrighted by:
CCH Incorporated
2700 Lake Cook Road
Riverwoods, Illinois 60015
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as pertinent background information. In particular, we will focus on how business firms
interact with financial markets. The time value of money, valuation, and the twin concepts of
risk and return are explored in Part 2, Chapters 3, 4, and 5, because an understanding of these
fundamentals is essential to sound financial decisions. Indeed, the foundation for maximizing
shareholder wealth lies in valuation and in an understanding of the trade-offs between risk
and return. As a result, we explore these topics early on.
Question If I have no intention of becoming a financial manager, why do I need to understand
financial management?
Answer One good reason is “to prepare yourself for the workplace of the future.” More and
more businesses are reducing management jobs and squeezing together the various
layers of the corporate pyramid. This is being done to reduce costs and boost
productivity. As a result, the responsibilities of the remaining management positions
are being broadened. The successful manager will need to be much more of a team
player who has the knowledge and ability to move not just vertically within an
organization but horizontally as well. Developing cross-functional capabilities will
be the rule, not the exception. Thus a mastery of basic financial management skills is
a key ingredient that will be required in the workplace of your not-too-distant future.
To invest in, finance, and manage assets efficiently, financial managers must plan carefully.
For one thing, they must project future cash flows and then assess the likely effect of these
flows on the financial condition of the firm. On the basis of these projections, they also must
plan for adequate liquidity to pay bills and other debts as they come due. These obligations
may make it necessary to raise additional funds. In order to control performance, the financial
manager needs to establish certain norms. These norms are then used to compare actual
performance with planned performance. Because financial analysis, planning, and control
underlie a good deal of the discussion in this book, we examine these topics in Part 3,
Chapters 6 and 7.
l l l Managing and Acquiring Assets
Decisions regarding the management of assets must be made in accordance with the underlying
objective of the firm: to maximize shareholder wealth. In Part 4, we examine cash,
marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventories. We shall explore ways of efficiently
managing these current assets in order to maximize profitability relative to the amount of
funds tied up in the assets. Determining a proper level of liquidity is very much a part of
this asset management. The optimal level of a current asset depends on the profitability and
flexibility associated with that level in relation to the cost involved in maintaining it. In the
past, the management of working capital (current assets and their supporting financing)
dominated the role of financial managers. Although this traditional function continues to
be vital, expanded attention is now being paid to the management of longer-term assets and
In Part 5, under capital budgeting, we consider the acquisition of fixed assets. Capital budgeting
involves selecting investment proposals whose benefits are expected to extend beyond
one year. When a proposal requires an increase or decrease in working capital, this change is
treated as part of the capital budgeting decision and not as a separate working capital decision.
Because the expected future benefits from an investment proposal are uncertain, risk is
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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1 The Role of Financial Management
necessarily involved. Changes in the business-risk complexion of the firm can have a
significant influence on the firm’s value in the marketplace. Because of this important effect,
attention is devoted to the problem of measuring risk for a capital investment project. In
addition to risk, an investment project sometimes embodies options for management to alter
previous decisions. Therefore the effect of managerial options on project desirability is
studied. Capital is apportioned according to an acceptance criterion. The return required of
the project must be in accord with the objective of maximizing shareholder wealth.
l l l Financing Assets
A major facet of financial management involves providing the financing necessary to support
assets. A wide variety of financing sources are available. Each has certain characteristics as
to cost, maturity, availability, claims on assets, and other terms imposed by the suppliers of
capital. On the basis of these factors, the financial manager must determine the best mix of
financing for the firm. Implications for shareholder wealth must be considered when these
decisions are made.
In Part 6 we discuss the capital structure (or permanent long-term financing makeup) of a
firm. We look at the concept of financial leverage from a number of different angles in an
effort to understand financial risk and how this risk is interrelated with business (or operating)
risk. In addition, we analyze the retention of earnings as a source of financing. Because
this source represents dividends forgone by stockholders, dividend policy very much impinges
on financing policy and vice versa. Whereas in Part 4, previously discussed, we examine the
various sources of short-term financing, in Part 7 the sources of long-term financing are
explored. Both parts reveal the features, concepts, and problems associated with alternative
methods of financing.
l l l A Mixed Bag
In Part 8 we cover some of the specialized areas of financial management in detail. Some of
the more exotic financing instruments – convertibles, exchangeables, and warrants – are discussed.
Mergers, strategic alliances, divestitures, restructurings, and remedies for a failing
company are explored. Growth of a company can be internal, external, or both, and domestic
or international in flavor. Finally, because the multinational firm has come into prominence,
it is particularly relevant that we study growth through international operations.
Financial management, then, involves the acquisition, financing, and management of
assets. These three decision areas are all interrelated: the decision to acquire an asset necessitates
the financing and management of that asset, whereas financing and management costs
affect the decision to invest. The focus of this book is on the investment, financing, and asset
management decisions of the firm. Together, these decisions determine the value of the firm
to its shareholders. Mastering the concepts involved is the key to understanding the role of
financial management.
Key Learning Points
l Financial management is concerned with the acquisition,
financing, and management of assets with some
overall goal in mind.
l The decision function of financial management can be
broken down into three major areas: the investment,
financing, and asset management decisions.
l We assume in this book that the goal of the firm is to
maximize the wealth of the firm’s present owners (or
shareholders). Shareholder wealth is represented by
the market price per share of the firm’s common stock,
which, in turn, is a reflection of the firm’s investment,
financing, and asset management decisions.
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Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
l The market price of a firm’s stock represents the focal
judgment of all market participants as to the value
of the particular firm. It takes into account present
and prospective future earnings per share; the timing,
duration, and risk of these earnings; the dividend
policy of the firm; and other factors that bear on the
market price of the stock.
l Agency theory suggests that managers (the agents),
particularly those of large, publicly owned firms,
may have different objectives from those of the
shareholders (the principals). The shareholders can
assure themselves that the managers will make shareholder
wealth-maximizing decisions only if management
receives appropriate incentives and only if
management is monitored.
l Maximizing shareholder wealth does not relieve the firm
of the responsibility to act in socially responsible ways.
l Corporate governance is the system by which corporations
are managed and controlled. It encompasses the
relationships among a company’s shareholders, board
of directors, and senior management.
l In large firms, the finance function is the responsibility
of the vice president of finance, or chief financial
officer (CFO), who generally reports directly to the
president, or chief executive officer (CEO). The financial
operations overseen by the CFO will be split into
two branches, with one headed by a treasurer and the
other by a controller. The controller’s responsibilities
are primarily accounting in nature, whereas the treasurer’s
responsibilities fall into the decision areas most
commonly associated with financial management.
1. If all companies had an objective of maximizing shareholder wealth, would people overall
tend to be better or worse off ?
2. Contrast the objective of maximizing earnings with that of maximizing wealth.
3. What is financial management all about?
4. Is the goal of zero profits for some finite period (three to five years, for example) ever
consistent with the maximization-of-wealth objective?
5. Explain why judging the efficiency of any financial decision requires the existence of a goal.
6. What are the three major functions of the financial manager? How are they related?
7. Should the managers of a company own sizable amounts of common stock in the company?
What are the pros and cons?
8. During the last few decades, a number of environmental, hiring, and other regulations
have been imposed on businesses. In view of these regulatory changes, is maximization of
shareholder wealth any longer a realistic objective?
9. As an investor, do you think that some managers are paid too much? Do their rewards
come at your expense?
10. How does the notion of risk and reward govern the behavior of financial managers?
11. What is corporate governance? What role does a corporation’s board of directors play in
corporate governance?
12. Compare and contrast the roles that a firm’s treasurer and controller have in the operation
of the firm.
Selected References
Ang, James S., Rebel A. Cole, and James Wuh Lin. “Agency
Costs and Ownership Structure.” Journal of Finance 55
(February 2000), 81–106.
Barnea, Amir, Robert A. Haugen, and Lemma W. Senbet.
“Management of Corporate Risk,” in Advances in Financial
Planning and Forecasting. New York: JAI Press, 1985.
—— . Agency Problems and Financial Contracting.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985.
Bauer, Christopher. “A Preventive Maintenance Approach
to Ethics.” Financial Executive 21 (May 2005), 18–20.
Bernstein, Peter L. Capital Ideas. New York: Free Press,
Brennan, Michael. “Corporate Finance Over the Past 25
Years.” Financial Management 24 (Summer 1995), 9–22.
Brickley, James A., Clifford W. Smith, Jr., and Jerold L.
Zimmerman. “Corporate Governance, Ethics, and
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
1 The Role of Financial Management
Organizational Architecture.” Journal of Applied Corporate
Finance 15 (Spring 2003), 34–45.
Brounen, Dirk, Abe de Jong, and Kees Koedijk. “Corporate
Finance in Europe: Confronting Theory with Practice.”
Financial Management 33 (Winter 2004), 71–101.
Chambers, Donald R., and Nelson J. Lacey. “Corporate
Ethics and Shareholder Wealth Maximization.” Financial
Practice and Education 6 (Spring–Summer 1996), 93–
Chen, Andrew H., James A. Conover, and John W.
Kensinger. “Proven Ways to Increase Share Value.”
Journal of Applied Finance 12 (Spring/Summer 2002),
Dore, Lucia. “Corporate Governance in Europe.” Shareholder
Value 3 (January/February 2003), 54–59.
Felo, Andrew J., and Steven A. Solieri. “New Laws, New
Challenges: Implications of Sarbanes-Oxley.” Strategic
Finance (February 2003), 31–34.
Friedman, Milton. “The Social Responsibility of Business
Is to Increase Its Profits.” New York Times Magazine
(September 13, 1970).
Haywood, M. Elizabeth, and Donald E. Wygal. “Corporate
Greed vs. IMA’s Ethics Code.” Strategic Finance 86
(November 2004), 45–49.
Holmstrom, Bengt, and Steven N. Kaplan. “The State of
US Corporate Governance: What is Right and What’s
Wrong?” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 15 (Spring
2003), 8–20.
Howell, Robert A. “The CFO: From Controller to Global
Strategic Partner.” Financial Executive 22 (April 2006),
Jensen, Michael C., and William H. Meckling. “Theory
of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and
Ownership Structure.” Journal of Financial Economics 3
(October 1976), 305–360.
Jensen, Michael C., and Clifford W. Smith Jr. “Stockholder,
Manager, and Creditor Interests: Applications of Agency
Theory.” In Recent Advances in Corporate Finance, ed.
Edward I. Altman and Marti G. Subrahmanyam, 93–132.
Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1985.
Koller, Tim, Marc Goedhart, and David Wessels. Valuation:
Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 4th ed.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005.
Megginson, William L. “Outside Equity.” Journal of Finance
55 (June 2000), 1005–1038.
Millman, Gregory J. “New Scandals, Old Lessons: Financial
Ethics After Enron.” Financial Executive 18 (July/August
2002), 16–19.
Persaud, Avinosh, and John Plender. All You Need to Know
About Ethics and Finance: Finding a Moral Compass in
Business Today. London: Longtail Publishing, 2006.
Porter, Michael E., and Mark R. Kramer. “Strategy &
Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and
Corporate Responsibility.” Harvard Business Review 36
(December 2006), 78–92.
Rappaport, Alfred. Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for
Managers and Investors, rev. ed. New York: Free Press,
Seitz, Neil. “Shareholder Goals, Firm Goals and Firm
Financing Decisions.” Financial Management 11 (Autumn
1982), 20–26.
Shivdasani, Anil, and Marc Zenner. “Best Practices in
Corporate Governance: What Two Decades of Research
Reveals.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 16
(Spring/Summer 2004), 29–41.
Special Issue on International Corporate Governance.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 38 (March
2003). Entire issue (ten articles) devoted to recent empirical
and theoretical research in the area of international
corporate governance.
Statement on Management Accounting No. 1C (revised),
Standards of Ethical Conduct for Practitioners of Management
Accounting and Financial Management. Montvale,
NJ: Institute of Management Accountants, April 30,
Stewart, G. Bennett. The Quest for Value. New York: Harper
Business, 1991.
Sundaram, Anant K. “Tending to Shareholders,” in FT
Mastering Financial Management, Part 1. Financial Times
(May 26, 2006), 4–5.
Treynor, Jack L. “The Financial Objective in the Widely
Held Corporation.” Financial Analysts Journal 37
(March–April 1981), 68–71.
Vershoor, Curtis C. “Do the Right Thing: IMA Issues New
Ethics Guidelines.” Strategic Finance 87 (November
2005), 42–46.
Part I of the text’s website, Wachowicz’s Web World,
contains links to many finance websites and online
articles related to topics covered in this chapter.
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The Business, Tax, and
Financial Environments
l The Business Environment
Sole Proprietorships • Partnerships •
Corporations • Limited Liability Companies
l The Tax Environment
Corporate Income Taxes • Personal Income
l The Financial Environment
The Purpose of Financial Markets • Financial
Markets • Financial Intermediaries • Financial
Brokers • The Secondary Market • Allocation of
Funds and Interest Rates
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Self-Correction Problems
l Problems
l Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
l Selected References
Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit
without individual responsibility.
The Devil’s Dictionary
After studying Chapter 2, you should be able to:
l Describe the four basic forms of business organization
in the United States – and the advantages
and disadvantages of each.
l Understand how to find a corporation’s taxable
income and how to determine the corporate tax
rate – both average and marginal.
l Understand various methods of depreciation.
l Explain why acquiring assets through the use of
debt financing offers a tax advantage over both
common and preferred stock financing.
l Describe the purpose and makeup of financial
l Demonstrate an understanding of how letter
ratings of the major rating agencies help you
to judge a security’s default risk.
l Understand what is meant by the “term structure
of interest rates” and relate it to a “yield
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To understand better the role of financial managers, you must be familiar with the environments
in which they operate. The form of business organization that a firm chooses is one
aspect of the business setting in which it must function. We will explore the advantages and
disadvantages of the various alternative forms of business organization. Next, we will look
at the tax environment in order to gain a basic understanding of how tax implications may
impact various financial decisions. Finally, we investigate the financial system and the everchanging
environment in which capital is raised.
The Business Environment
In the United States there are four basic forms of business organization: sole proprietorships
(one owner), partnerships (general and limited), corporations, and limited liability
companies (LLCs). Sole proprietorships outnumber the others combined by over 2 to 1, but
corporations rank first by far when measured by sales, assets, profits, and contribution to
national income. As this section unfolds, you will discover some of the pluses and minuses of
each alternative form of business organization.
l l l Sole Proprietorships
The sole proprietorship is the oldest form of business organization. As the title suggests, a
single person owns the business, holds title to all its assets, and is personally responsible for
all of its debts. A proprietorship pays no separate income taxes. The owner merely adds any
profits or subtracts any losses from the business when determining personal taxable income.
This business form is widely used in service industries. Because of its simplicity, a sole proprietorship
can be established with few complications and little expense. Simplicity is its
greatest virtue.
Its principal shortcoming is that the owner is personally liable for all business obligations.
If the organization is sued, the proprietor as an individual is sued and has unlimited liability,
which means that much of his or her personal property, as well as the assets of the business,
may be seized to settle claims. Another problem with a sole proprietorship is the difficulty
in raising capital. Because the life and success of the business is so dependent on a single
individual, a sole proprietorship may not be as attractive to lenders as another form of organization.
Moreover, the proprietorship has certain tax disadvantages. Fringe benefits, such as
medical coverage and group insurance, are not regarded by the Internal Revenue Service as
expenses of the firm and therefore are not fully deductible for tax purposes. A corporation
often deducts these benefits, but the proprietor must pay for a major portion of them from
income left over after paying taxes. In addition to these drawbacks, the proprietorship form
makes the transfer of ownership more difficult than does the corporate form. In estate planning,
no portion of the enterprise can be transferred to members of the family during the proprietor’s
lifetime. For these reasons, this form of organization does not afford the flexibility
that other forms do.
l l l Partnerships
A partnership is similar to a proprietorship, except there is more than one owner. A
partnership, like a proprietorship, pays no income taxes. Instead, individual partners include
their share of profits or losses from the business as part of their personal taxable income.
One potential advantage of this business form is that, relative to a proprietorship, a greater
amount of capital can often be raised. More than one owner may now be providing personal
capital, and lenders may be more agreeable to providing funds given a larger owner investment
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Sole proprietorship
A business form for
which there is one
owner. This single
owner has unlimited
liability for all debts
of the firm.
Partnership A
business form in
which two or more
individuals act as
owners. In a general
partnership all
partners have
unlimited liability
for the debts of the
firm; in a limited
partnership one or
more partners may
have limited liability.
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1The Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton 636 (1819).
In a general partnership all partners have unlimited liability; they are jointly liable for the
obligations of the partnership. Because each partner can bind the partnership with obligations,
general partners should be selected with care. In most cases a formal arrangement, or partnership
agreement, sets forth the powers of each partner, the distribution of profits, the
amounts of capital to be invested by the partners, procedures for admitting new partners,
and procedures for reconstituting the partnership in the case of the death or withdrawal of
a partner. Legally, the partnership is dissolved if one of the partners dies or withdraws. In
such cases, settlements are invariably “sticky,” and reconstitution of the partnership can be
a difficult matter.
In a limited partnership, limited partners contribute capital and have liability confined to
that amount of capital; they cannot lose more than they put in. There must, however, be at
least one general partner in the partnership, whose liability is unlimited. Limited partners
do not participate in the operation of the business; this is left to the general partner(s). The
limited partners are strictly investors, and they share in the profits or losses of the partnership
according to the terms of the partnership agreement. This type of arrangement is frequently
used in financing real estate ventures.
l l l Corporations
Because of the importance of the corporate form in the United States, the focus of this book
is on corporations. A corporation is an “artificial entity” created by law. It can own assets
and incur liabilities. In the famous Dartmouth College decision in 1819, Justice Marshall
concluded that
a corporation is an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation
of the law. Being a mere creature of law, it possesses only those properties which the
charter of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as incidental to its very existence.1
The principal feature of this form of business organization is that the corporation exists legally
separate and apart from its owners. An owner’s liability is limited to his or her investment.
Limited liability represents an important advantage over the proprietorship and general
partnership. Capital can be raised in the corporation’s name without exposing the owners
to unlimited liability. Therefore, personal assets cannot be seized in the settlement of claims.
Ownership itself is evidenced by shares of stock, with each stockholder owning that proportion
of the enterprise represented by his or her shares in relation to the total number of
shares outstanding. These shares are easily transferable, representing another important
advantage of the corporate form. Moreover, corporations have found what the explorer Ponce
de Leon could only dream of finding – unlimited life. Because the corporation exists apart
from its owners, its life is not limited by the lives of the owners (unlike proprietorships and
partnerships). The corporation can continue even though individual owners may die or sell
their stock.
Because of the advantages associated with limited liability, easy transfer of ownership
through the sale of common stock, unlimited life, and the ability of the corporation to raise
capital apart from its owners, the corporate form of business organization has grown
enormously in the twentieth century. With the large demands for capital that accompany an
advanced economy, the proprietorship and partnership have proven unsatisfactory, and the
corporation has emerged as the most important organizational form.
A possible disadvantage of the corporation is tax related. Corporate profits are subject
to double taxation. The company pays tax on the income it earns, and the stockholder is
also taxed when he or she receives income in the form of a cash dividend. (We will take a
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Limited partner
Member of a limited
partnership not
personally liable
for the debts of
the partnership.
General partner
Member of a
partnership with
unlimited liability for
the debts of the
Corporation A
business form
legally separate
from its owners.
Its distinguishing
features include
limited liability, easy
transfer of ownership,
unlimited life, and an
ability to raise large
sums of capital.
Double taxation
Taxation of the same
income twice. A
classic example is
taxation of income at
the corporate level
and again as dividend
income when received
by the shareholder.
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closer look at taxes in the next section.2) Minor disadvantages include the length of time to
incorporate and the red tape involved, as well as the incorporation fee that must be paid to
the state in which the firm is incorporated. Thus, a corporation is more difficult to establish
than either a proprietorship or a partnership.
l l l Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
A limited liability company (LLC) is a hybrid form of business organization that combines
the best aspects of both a corporation and a partnership. It provides its owners (called
“members”) with corporate-style limited personal liability and the federal-tax treatment of a
partnership.3 Especially well suited for small and medium-sized firms, it has fewer restrictions
and greater flexibility than an older hybrid business form – the S corporation (which we discuss
in the section on taxes).
Until 1990 only two states, Wyoming and Florida, allowed the formation of LLCs. A 1988
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruling that any Wyoming LLC would be treated as a partnership
for federal-tax purposes opened the floodgates for the remaining states to start enacting
LLC statutes. Though new to the United States, LLCs have been a long-accepted form of business
organization in Europe and Latin America.
Limited liability companies generally possess no more than two of the following four
(desirable) standard corporate characteristics: (1) limited liability, (2) centralized management,
(3) unlimited life, and (4) the ability to transfer ownership interest without prior
consent of the other owners. LLCs (by definition) have limited liability. Thus members are
not personally liable for any debts that may be incurred by the LLC. Most LLCs choose to
maintain some type of centralized management structure. One drawback to an LLC, however,
is that it generally lacks the corporate feature of “unlimited life,” although most states do
allow an LLC to continue if a member’s ownership interest is transferred or terminated.
Another drawback is that complete transfer of an ownership interest is usually subject to the
approval of at least a majority of the other LLC members.
Although the LLC structure is applicable to most businesses, service-providing professionals
in many states who want to form an LLC must resort to a parallel structure. In those
states, accountants, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals are allowed to form a professional
LLC (PLLC) or limited liability partnership (LLP), a PLLC look-alike. One indication of
the popularity of the PLLC/LLP structure among professionals can be found in the fact that
all of the “Big Four” accounting firms in the United States are LLPs.
The Tax Environment
Most business decisions are affected either directly or indirectly by taxes. Through their
taxing power, federal, state, and local governments have a profound influence on the behavior
of businesses and their owners. What might prove to be an outstanding business decision
in the absence of taxes may prove to be very inferior with taxes (and sometimes, vice
versa). In this section we introduce you to some of the fundamentals of taxation. A basic
understanding of this material will be needed for later chapters when we consider specific
financial decisions.
We begin with the corporate income tax. Then we briefly consider personal income taxes.
We must be mindful that tax laws frequently change.
2An S corporation, named for a subchapter of the Internal Revenue Code, is a special type of corporate structure open
only to qualifying “small corporations.” Since its reason for being is entirely tax motivated, we defer its discussion
until the section on taxes.
3Many states permit single-member LLCs. Qualified single-member LLCs are taxed as sole proprietorships.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Limited liability
company (LLC) A
business form that
provides its owners
(called “members”)
with corporate-style
limited personal
liability and the
federal-tax treatment
of a partnership.
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l l l Corporate Income Taxes
A corporation’s taxable income is found by deducting all allowable expenses, including depreciation
and interest, from revenues. This taxable income is then subjected to the following
graduated tax structure:
$ 0 $ 50,000 15 0.15 × (income over $0)
50,000 75,000 25 $ 7,500 + 0.25 × (income over 50,000)
75,000 100,000 34 13,750 + 0.34 × (income over 75,000)
100,000 335,000 39a 22,250 + 0.39 × (income over 100,000)
335,000 10,000,000 34 113,900 + 0.34 × (income over 335,000)
10,000,000 15,000,000 35 3,400,000 + 0.35 × (income over 10,000,000)
15,000,000 18,333,333 38b 5,150,000 + 0.38 × (income over 15,000,000)
18,333,333 – 35 6,416,667 + 0.35 × (income over 18,333,333)
aBetween $100,000 and $335,000 there is a built-in surtax of 5 percent over the 34 percent rate. This results
in corporations with taxable income between $335,000 and $10,000,000 “effectively” paying a flat 34 percent
rate on all of their taxable income.
bBetween $15,000,000 and $18,333,333 there is a built-in surtax of 3 percent over the 35 percent rate. This
results in corporations with taxable income over $18,333,333 “effectively” paying a flat 35 percent rate on all
of their taxable income.
The tax rate – the percentage of taxable income that must be paid in taxes – that is applied to
each income bracket is referred to as a marginal rate. For example, each additional dollar of
taxable income above $50,000 is taxed at the marginal rate of 25 percent until taxable income
reaches $75,000. At that point, the new marginal rate becomes 34 percent. The average tax rate
for a firm is measured by dividing taxes actually paid by taxable income. For example, a firm
with $100,000 of taxable income pays $22,250 in taxes, and therefore has an average tax rate
of $22,250/$100,000, or 22.25 percent. For small firms (i.e., firms with less than $335,000
of taxable income), the distinction between the average and marginal tax rates may prove
important. However, the average and marginal rates converge at 34 percent for firms with
taxable income between $335,000 and $10 million and, finally, converge again, this time to the
35 percent rate, for firms with taxable income above $18,333,333.
Alternative Minimum Tax. Companies dislike paying taxes and will take advantage of all
the deductions and credits that the law allows. Therefore, the Internal Revenue Service has
devised a special tax to ensure that large firms that benefit from the tax laws pay at least a
minimum amount of tax. This special tax is called the alternative minimum tax (AMT). The
tax – 20 percent of alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI) – applies only when the AMT
would be greater than the firm’s normally computed tax. To broaden the base of taxable
income, AMTI is calculated by applying adjustments to items that had previously received
some tax preference.
Quarterly Tax Payments. Corporations of any significant size are required to make quarterly
tax payments. Specifically, calendar-year corporations are required to pay 25 percent of
their estimated taxes in any given year on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, and
December 15. When actual income differs from that which has been estimated, adjustments
are made. A company that is on a calendar-year basis of accounting must make final settlement
by March 15 of the subsequent year.
Depreciation. Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of a capital asset over a
period of time for financial reporting purposes, tax purposes, or both. Depreciation deductions
taken on a firm’s tax return are treated as expense items. Thus depreciation lowers taxable
income. Everything else being equal, the greater the depreciation charges, the lower the
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Depreciation The
systematic allocation
of the cost of a
capital asset over
a period of time for
financial reporting
purposes, tax
purposes, or both.
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tax. There are a number of alternative procedures for depreciating capital assets, including
straight-line depreciation and various accelerated depreciation methods. The depreciation
methods chosen may differ for tax reporting versus financial reporting. Most firms with
taxable income prefer to use an accelerated depreciation method for tax reporting purposes –
one that allows for a more rapid write-off and, hence, a lower taxable income figure.
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 allows companies to use a particular type of accelerated depreciation
for tax purposes; it is known as the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
(MACRS, pronounced “makers”).4 Under MACRS, machinery, equipment, and real estate are
assigned to one of eight classes for purposes of determining a prescribed life, called a cost
recovery period, and a depreciation method. The property class in which an asset falls determines
its cost recovery period or prescribed life for tax purposes – a life that may differ from
the asset’s useful or economic life. A general description of the property classes is provided in
Table 2.1. (The reader should refer to the Internal Revenue Code for more detail.)
To illustrate some of the various methods of depreciation, let’s first consider straight-line
depreciation. If the fully installed acquisition cost of a five-year property class asset is $10,000,
annual depreciation charges using straight-line depreciation would be $10,000/5, or $2,000.
(For tax purposes, expected salvage value does not affect depreciation charges.)
Declining-balance depreciation, on the other hand, calls for an annual charge that is a
“fixed percentage” of the asset’s net book value (acquisition cost minus accumulated depreciation)
at the beginning of the year to which the depreciation charge applies. For example, when
using the double-declining-balance (DDB) method, we compute a rate by dividing 1 by the
number of years of depreciable life for the asset. Then we double that rate. (Other decliningbalance
methods use other multiples.) Under the declining-balance methods the general
formula for determining the depreciation charge in any period is
m(1/n)NBV (2.1)
where m is the multiple, n is the depreciable life of the asset, and NBV is the asset’s net book
value at the start of the year. For a $10,000 asset, with a five-year life, the depreciation charge
in the first year using the DDB method would be
2(1/5)$10,000 = $4,000
4The term “Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System” (MACRS) is used to distinguish the deductions computed under
post-1986 rules from deductions prescribed under pre-1987 rules of the Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS).
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Table 2.1
Property classes
under MACRS
l 3-Year 200% Class. Includes property with a midpoint life of 4 years or less, except automobiles
and light trucks. Under the Asset Depreciation Range (ADR) system, assets are grouped within
classes and a guideline (midpoint) life is determined by the Treasury Department.
l 5-Year 200% Class. Includes property with an ADR midpoint life of more than 4 to less than
10 years. Also included are automobiles, light trucks, most technological and semiconductor
manufacturing equipment, switching equipment, small power production facilities, research and
experimental equipment, high technology medical equipment, computers, and certain office
l 7-Year 200% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 10 to less than 16 years and singlepurpose
agricultural structures. Also includes office furniture and any other property for which no
class life is specified by law.
l 10-Year 200% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 16 to less than 20 years.
l 15-Year 150% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 20 to less than 25 years, sewage
treatment plants, and telephone distribution plants.
l 20-Year 150% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 25 years or more, other than real
property described below.
l 27.5-Year Straight-Line Class. Includes residential rental property.
l 39-Year Straight-Line Class. Includes other real estate.
depreciation Methods
of depreciation calling
for an annual charge
based on a fixed
percentage of the
asset’s depreciated
book value at the
beginning of the
year for which the
depreciation charge
A method of
depreciation that
allocates expenses
evenly over the
depreciable life
of the asset.
depreciation Methods
of depreciation that
write off the cost of
a capital asset faster
than under straightline
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For our example, 2(1/5) determines the “fixed percentage,” or 40 percent, that is applied
against the declining net book value each year. The depreciation charge in the second year is
based on the depreciated net book value of $6,000. We arrive at the $6,000 by subtracting the
first year’s depreciation charge, $4,000, from the asset’s original acquisition cost. The depreciation
charge in the second year would be
2(1/5)$6,000 = $2,400
The third year’s charge would be
2(1/5)$3,600 = $1,440
and so on.
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System. For the 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year property
classes, the double declining balance (also called 200% declining balance) depreciation
method is used. This method then switches to straight-line depreciation for the remaining
undepreciated book value in the first year that the straight-line method yields an equal or
greater deduction than the declining-balance method. Assets in the 15- and 20-year classes are
depreciated using the 150 percent declining balance method, again switching to straight-line
at the optimal time. The straight-line method must be used for all real estate.
Normally, the half-year convention must be applied to all declining-balance methods. This
calls for a half year of depreciation in the year an asset is acquired, regardless of the date of
purchase. There is also a half year of depreciation in the year an asset is sold or retired from
service. If property is held for longer than its recovery period, a half year of depreciation is
allowed for the year following the end of the recovery period. Thus 5-year property class assets
held for 6 years or longer have depreciation spread over 6 years.
To illustrate for the 5-year 200 percent property class, assume that an asset costing $10,000
is acquired in February. For our example, the declining-balance formula yields 2(1/5) = 40%
as the fixed percentage annual depreciation. However, in the first year the half-year convention
is employed, so first-year depreciation is 20 percent, or $2,000. In the fourth year it
is favorable to switch to straight-line depreciation. Thus the depreciation schedule is as
0 – – $10,000
1 (0.2)$10,000 $2,000 8,000
2 (0.4)$8,000 3,200 4,800
3 (0.4)$4,800 1,920 2,880
4 $2,880/2.5 years 1,152 1,728
5 $2,880/2.5 years 1,152 576
6 (0.5)$2,880/2.5 years 576 0
At the beginning of the fourth year, the net book value at the end of the third year is divided
by the remaining life to get straight-line depreciation. The remaining life is 2.5 years, owing
to the half-year convention in the sixth year. Finally, in the sixth year the remaining balance
is $576, or one-half the yearly straight-line amount.
Take Note
Instead of making such calculations (which as you can see can be quite a chore), one can use
depreciation percentages of original cost for each property class (see Table 2.1) published by
the Treasury. The first four property categories are seen in the following table.
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
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1 33.33% 20.00% 14.29% 10.00%
2 44.45 32.00 24.49 18.00
3 14.81 19.20 17.49 14.40
4 7.41 11.52 12.49 11.52
5 11.52 8.93 9.22
6 5.76 8.92 7.37
7 8.93 6.55
8 4.46 6.55
9 6.56
10 6.55
11 3.28
Totals 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
These percentages correspond to the principles on which our previous calculations are based,
and they are used for determining depreciation deductions.
“Temporary” Tax Relief Provision(s). In May 2008 President Bush signed an economicstimulus
bill – Economic Stimulus Act (ESA) of 2008 – into law. The Act has a number of provisions
that are supposed to be only “temporary.” For students of finance, one provision is
especially important because it can dramatically affect a company’s federal tax payments and
capital budgeting decisions. The critical provision involves “bonus depreciation.”
Under the 2008 Act businesses are allowed to take an additional first-year depreciation
deduction, commonly known as “bonus depreciation,” equal to 50 percent of the original
“adjusted (depreciable) basis” – usually the fully installed cost – of qualified property.
Property eligible for this treatment includes property to which MACRS depreciation applies
with a recovery period of 20 years or less. Certain types of water utility property, software, and
leasehold improvements also qualify for bonus depreciation. Property must generally be purchased
and placed in service in 2008. The bonus depreciation is allowed for both the regular
tax and the alternative minimum tax (AMT).
In addition, the business is entitled to “normal” first-year depreciation. However, the
depreciable basis of the property and the regular depreciation allowances are adjusted to
reflect the additional first-year depreciation deduction. And, finally, a taxpayer may elect out
of the 50 percent bonus depreciation by asset class and be subject to “normal” tax depreciation
on the original “adjusted (depreciable) basis.”
EXAMPLE (with 50 percent bonus depreciation and assuming the half-year convention):
On September 8, 2008, a calendar-year reporting business, bought and placed in service,
a $100,000 five-year property class piece of equipment. The business may claim a firstyear
(2008) depreciation allowance of $60,000 – i.e., a $50,000 bonus depreciation
($100,000 times 50%) plus a $10,000 normal first-year MACRS depreciation calculated on
the new adjusted basis ([$100,000 minus $50,000] times 20%). In the second year (2009),
the MACRS depreciation would be $16,000 ([$100,000 minus $50,000] times 32%). And
so on.
In the above example, the “effective” depreciation percentage for the first year is a whopping
60 percent [($50,000 bonus depreciation plus $10,000 normal first-year depreciation)
divided by the $100,000 original adjusted basis]. In the second year, the “effective” depreciation
is 16 percent [$16,000 divided by $100,000]. And so on.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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5For any dividend income to be tax exempt, however, the corporation must have owned the stock for at least 45 days.
If a corporation owns 20 percent or more of another corporation’s stock, however, 80 percent of any dividend
received is tax exempt. Also, if a corporation owns 80 percent or more of the stock of another firm, it can file a
consolidated tax return. In this way, any funds transferred between the two entities are generally not considered
dividends for tax purposes, and no tax is paid on such transfers.
6A corporation has the option, however, of forgoing the carryback and simply carrying the loss forward up to 20 years.
For example, a corporation might elect to forgo the loss carryback if it anticipated a significant increase in tax rates
in future years.
Take Note
Since the 50 percent “bonus depreciation” deduction is “temporary” and currently scheduled
to expire by the end of 2008, you will probably not have to make any Economic
Stimulus Act of 2008 “bonus depreciation” choices in a real job situation. Therefore, all our
examples and problems involving MACRS depreciation will ignore “bonus depreciation”
It is important to note, however, that “temporary” bonus depreciation may very well
return again during your professional future – so be prepared. A little historical background
may help to convince you of that. Under the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002
(JCWAA), businesses were allowed to take a 30 percent bonus depreciation on a “temporary”
basis. The following year the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA)
increased bonus depreciation from 30 to 50 percent also on a “temporary” basis (expiring at
the end of 2004). To learn more about JCWAA, visit
And, for more information on JGTRRA, see And, finally,
for additional information on ESA, see
Interest Expense versus Dividends Paid. Interest paid on outstanding corporate debt is
treated as an expense and is tax deductible. However, dividends paid to preferred or common
stockholders are not tax deductible. Thus, for a profitable, tax-paying company, the use of
debt (e.g., bonds) in its financing mix results in a significant tax advantage relative to the use
of preferred or common stock. Given a marginal tax rate of 35 percent, a firm that pays out
$1 in interest lowers its tax bill by 35 cents because of its ability to deduct the $1 of interest
from taxable income. The after-tax cost of $1 of interest for this firm is really only 65 cents –
$1 × (1 − tax rate). On the other hand, the after-tax cost of $1 of dividends paid by the firm
is still $1 – there is no tax advantage here. Therefore there are tax advantages associated
with using debt financing that are simply not present with either preferred or common stock
Dividend Income. A corporation may own stock in another company. If it receives a
cash dividend on this stock, normally 70 percent of the dividend is tax exempt.5 The tax laws
allow this tax break for corporations (not individuals) to help reduce the effects of multiple
taxation of the same earnings. The remaining 30 percent is taxed at the corporate income
tax rate. A firm that receives $10,000 in dividend income pays taxes on only $3,000 of this
income. At a marginal tax rate of 35 percent, taxes would amount to $1,050, as opposed to
$3,500 if the entire dividend income were treated as taxable income.
Carryback and Carryforward. If a corporation sustains a net operating loss, this loss may
generally be carried back 2 years and forward up to 20 years to offset taxable income in those
years.6 Any loss carried back must first be applied to the earliest preceding year. If a firm sustained
an operating loss of $400,000 in 2008 it would first carry this loss back to 2006. If the
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Cash dividend
Cash distribution
of earnings to
stockholders, usually
on a quarterly basis.
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company had net profits of $400,000 in that year and paid taxes of $136,000, it would recompute
its taxes for 2006 to show zero profit for tax purposes. Consequently, the company would
be eligible for a tax refund of $136,000. If the 2008 operating loss was greater than operating
profits in 2006, the residual would be carried back to 2007 and taxes recomputed for that year.
However, if the net operating loss was greater than the net operating income in both years, the
residual would be carried forward in sequence to future profits in 2009 to 2028. Profits in each
of these years would be reduced for tax purposes by the amount of the unused loss carried
forward. This feature of the tax laws is designed to avoid penalizing companies that have
sharply fluctuating net operating income.
Capital Gains and Losses. When a capital asset (as defined by the Internal Revenue
Service) is sold, a capital gain or loss is generally incurred. Often in the history of our tax laws
there has been a differential tax treatment of capital gains income and operating income, with
capital gains being treated more favorably. Under the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993,
however, capital gains are taxed at the ordinary income tax rates for corporations, or a maximum
of 35 percent. Capital losses are deductible only against capital gains.
l l l Personal Income Taxes
The subject of personal taxes is extremely complex, but our main concern here is with the personal
taxes of individuals who own businesses – proprietors, partners, members (of LLCs),
and shareholders. Any income reported by a sole proprietorship, partnership, or properly
structured LLC becomes income of the owner(s) and is taxed at the personal rate. For individuals
there are currently six progressive tax brackets: 10, 15, 25, 28, 33, and 35 percent. The
marginal tax rates apply up to certain levels of taxable income, which vary depending on the
individual’s filing status – that is, single, married filing a joint return, married filing separately,
or head of household. Even within a filing category, however, the taxable income levels that
trigger the marginal tax rate will generally vary from year to year because they are indexed
to account for inflation. There are also standard deductions and personal exemptions that
enable those with very low income to pay no taxes.
Interest, Dividends, and Capital Gains. For the individual, interest received on corporate
and Treasury securities is fully taxable at the federal level. (Interest on Treasury securities
is not taxable at the state level.) However, interest received on most municipal securities is
exempt from federal taxation. Taxable interest is subject to the ordinary income tax rates. The
current maximum dividend and capital gains tax rates for most (but not all) cash dividends
received and realized net capital gains are both 15 percent for qualifying taxpayers.
Subchapter S. Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code allows the owners of small corporations
to elect to be taxed as an S corporation. In making this election, the company gets to
use the corporate organization form but is taxed as though the firm were a partnership. Thus
the owners are able to avail themselves of the legal advantages extended to corporations, but
are able to avoid any tax disadvantages that might result. They simply declare any corporate
profits as personal income on a pro rata basis and pay the appropriate tax on this income. This
treatment eliminates the double taxation normally associated with dividend income – that is,
the corporation paying dividends from after-tax income, and shareholders paying taxes on the
dividend income they receive. In addition, stockholders active in the business may deduct any
operating losses on a pro rata basis against their personal income.
As discussed earlier, a limited liability company (LLC) provides benefits similar to those
of an S corporation, but with fewer limitations (e.g., no restriction as to the number and type
of owners). Many predict that the LLC form of business will grow in numbers to surpass the
S corporation form.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Capital gain (loss)
The amount by which
the proceeds from the
sale of a capital asset
exceeds (is less than)
the asset’s original
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The Financial Environment
In varying degrees, all businesses operate within the financial system, which consists of a
number of institutions and markets serving business firms, individuals, and governments.
When a firm invests temporarily idle funds in marketable securities, it has direct contact with
financial markets. More important, most firms use financial markets to help finance their
investment in assets. In the final analysis, the market price of a company’s securities is the
test of whether the company is a success or a failure. While business firms compete with each
other in the product markets, they must continually interact with the financial markets.
Because of the importance of this environment to the financial manager, as well as to the individual
as a consumer of financial services, this section is devoted to exploring the financial
system and the ever-changing environment in which capital is raised.
l l l The Purpose of Financial Markets
Financial assets exist in an economy because the savings of various individuals, corporations,
and governments during a period of time differ from their investment in real assets.
By real assets, we mean such things as houses, buildings, equipment, inventories, and durable
goods. If savings equaled investment in real assets for all economic units in an economy
over all periods of time, there would be no external financing, no financial assets, and no
money or capital markets. Each economic unit would be self-sufficient. Current expenditures
and investment in real assets would be paid for out of current income. A financial asset is
created only when the investment of an economic unit in real assets exceeds its savings,
and it finances this excess by borrowing or issuing stock. Of course, another economic unit
must be willing to lend. This interaction of borrowers with lenders determines interest
rates. In the economy as a whole, savings-surplus units (those whose savings exceed their
investment in real assets) provide funds to savings-deficit units (those whose investments
in real assets exceed their savings). This exchange of funds is evidenced by investment
instruments, or securities, representing financial assets to the holders and financial liabilities
to the issuers.
The purpose of financial markets in an economy is to allocate savings efficiently to ultimate
users. If those economic units that saved were the same as those that engaged in capital
formation, an economy could prosper without financial markets. In modern economies,
however, most nonfinancial corporations use more than their total savings for investing in
real assets. Most households, on the other hand, have total savings in excess of total investment.
Efficiency entails bringing the ultimate investor in real assets and the ultimate saver
together at the least possible cost and inconvenience.
l l l Financial Markets
Financial markets are not so much physical places as they are mechanisms for channeling
savings to the ultimate investors in real assets. Figure 2.1 illustrates the role of financial
markets and financial institutions in moving funds from the savings sector (savings-surplus
units) to the investment sector (savings-deficit units). From the figure we can also note the
prominent position held by certain financial institutions in channeling the flow of funds in
the economy. The secondary market, financial intermediaries, and financial brokers are the key
institutions that enhance funds flows. We will study their unique roles as this section unfolds.
Money and Capital Markets. Financial markets can be broken into two classes – the money
market and the capital market. The money market is concerned with the buying and
selling of short-term (less than one year original maturity) government and corporate debt
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Financial markets
All institutions and
procedures for
bringing buyers and
sellers of financial
instruments together.
Money market The
market for short-term
(less than one year
original maturity)
government and
corporate debt
securities. It also
includes government
securities originally
issued with maturities
of more than one year
but that now have
a year or less until
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securities. The capital market, on the other hand, deals with relatively long-term (greater
than one year original maturity) debt and equity instruments (e.g., bonds and stocks).
This section gives special attention to the market for long-term securities – the capital
market. The money market and the securities that form its lifeblood are covered in Part 4
of this book.
Primary and Secondary Markets. Within money and capital markets there exist both
primary and secondary markets. A primary market is a “new issues” market. Here, funds
raised through the sale of new securities flow from the ultimate savers to the ultimate investors
in real assets. In a secondary market, existing securities are bought and sold. Transactions
in these already existing securities do not provide additional funds to finance capital investment.
(Note: On Figure 2.1 there is no line directly connecting the secondary market with the
investment sector.) An analogy can be made with the market for automobiles. The sale of
new cars provides cash to the auto manufacturers; the sale of used cars in the used-car market
does not. In a real sense, a secondary market is a “used-car lot” for securities.
The existence of used-car lots makes it easier for you to consider buying a new car because
you have a mechanism at hand to sell the car when you no longer want it. In a similar fashion,
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Capital market The
market for relatively
long-term (greater
than one year original
maturity) financial
instruments (e.g.,
bonds and stocks).
Primary market
A market where new
securities are bought
and sold for the first
time (a “new issues”
Secondary market
A market for existing
(used) securities
rather than new
Figure 2.1
Flow of funds in the
economy and the
mechanism that
financial markets
provide for channeling
savings to the
ultimate investors
in real assets
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the existence of a secondary market encourages the purchase of new securities by individuals
and institutions. With a viable secondary market, a purchaser of financial securities
achieves marketability. If the buyer needs to sell a security in the future, he or she will be
able to do so. Thus, the existence of a strong secondary market enhances the efficiency of the
primary market.
l l l Financial Intermediaries
The flow of funds from savers to investors in real assets can be direct; if there are financial
intermediaries in an economy, the flow can also be indirect. Financial intermediaries consist
of financial institutions, such as commercial banks, savings institutions, insurance companies,
pension funds, finance companies, and mutual funds. These intermediaries come between
ultimate borrowers and lenders by transforming direct claims into indirect claims. Financial
intermediaries purchase direct (or primary) securities and, in turn, issue their own indirect
(or secondary) securities to the public. For example, the direct security that a savings and
loan association purchases is a mortgage; the indirect claim issued is a savings account or a
certificate of deposit. A life insurance company, on the other hand, purchases corporate
bonds, among other things, and issues life insurance policies.
Financial intermediation is the process of savers depositing funds with financial intermediaries
(rather than directly buying stocks and bonds) and letting the intermediaries do the
lending to the ultimate investors. We usually think of financial intermediation making the
markets more efficient by lowering the cost and/or inconvenience to consumers of financial
Among the various financial intermediaries, some institutions invest much more heavily
in the securities of business firms than others. In what follows, we concentrate on those
institutions involved in buying and selling corporate securities.
Deposit Institutions. Commercial banks are the most important source of funds for business
firms in the aggregate. Banks acquire demand (checking) and time (savings) deposits from
individuals, companies, and governments and, in turn, make loans and investments. Among
the loans made to business firms are seasonal and other short-term loans, intermediate-term
loans of up to five years, and mortgage loans. Besides performing a banking function, commercial
banks affect business firms through their trust departments, which invest in corporate
bonds and stocks. They also make mortgage loans available to companies and manage pension
Other deposit institutions include savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks,
and credit unions. These institutions are primarily involved with individuals, acquiring their
savings and making home and consumer loans.
Insurance Companies. There are two types of insurance companies: property and casualty
companies and life insurance companies. These are in the business of collecting periodic
payments from those they insure in exchange for providing payouts should events, usually
adverse, occur. With the funds received in premium payments, insurance companies build
reserves. These reserves and a portion of the insurance companies’ capital are invested in
financial assets.
Property and casualty companies insure against fires, thefts, car accidents, and similar
unpleasantness. Because these companies pay taxes at the full corporate income tax rate, they
invest heavily in municipal bonds, which offer tax-exempt interest income. To a lesser extent
they also invest in corporate stocks and bonds.
Life insurance companies insure against the loss of life. Because the mortality of a large
group of individuals is highly predictable, these companies are able to invest in long-term
securities. Also, the income of these institutions is partially exempt from taxes owing to the
buildup of reserves over time. They therefore seek taxable investments with yields higher
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Financial institutions
that accept money
from savers and use
those funds to make
loans and other
financial investments
in their own name.
They include
commercial banks,
savings institutions,
insurance companies,
pension funds,
finance companies,
and mutual funds.
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than those of tax-exempt municipal bonds. As a result, life insurance companies invest
heavily in corporate bonds. Also important are mortgages, some of which are granted to
business firms.
Other Financial Intermediaries. Pension funds and other retirement funds are established
to provide income to individuals when they retire. During their working lives, employees
usually contribute to these funds, as do employers. Funds invest these contributions and
either pay out the cumulative amounts periodically to retired workers or arrange annuities.
In the accumulation phase, monies paid into a fund are not taxed. When the benefits are paid
out in retirement, taxes are paid by the recipient. Commercial banks, through their trust
departments, and insurance companies offer pension funds, as do the federal government,
local governments, and certain other noninsurance organizations. Because of the long-term
nature of their liabilities, pension funds are able to invest in longer-term securities. As a result,
they invest heavily in corporate stocks and bonds. In fact, pension funds are the largest single
institutional investors in corporate stocks.
Mutual investment funds also invest heavily in corporate stocks and bonds. These funds
accept monies contributed by individuals and invest them in specific types of financial assets.
The mutual fund is connected with a management company, to which the fund pays a fee
(frequently 0.5 percent of total assets per annum) for professional investment management.
Each individual owns a specified percentage of the mutual fund, which depends on that
person’s original investment. Individuals can sell their shares at any time, as the mutual
fund is required to redeem them. Though many mutual funds invest only in common stocks,
others specialize in corporate bonds; in money market instruments, including commercial
paper issued by corporations; or in municipal securities. Various stock funds have different
investment philosophies, ranging from investing for income and safety to a highly aggressive
pursuit of growth. In all cases, the individual obtains a diversified portfolio managed by professionals.
Unfortunately, there is no evidence that such management results in consistently
superior performance.
Finance companies make consumer installment loans, personal loans, and secured loans to
business enterprises. These companies raise capital through stock issues as well as through
borrowings, some of which are long term but most of which come from commercial banks.
In turn, the finance company makes loans.
l l l Financial Brokers
Certain financial institutions perform a necessary brokerage function. When brokers bring
together parties who need funds with those who have savings, they are not performing a direct
lending function but rather are acting as matchmakers, or middlemen.
Investment bankers are middlemen involved in the sale of corporate stocks and bonds.
When a company decides to raise funds, an investment banker will often buy the issue (at
wholesale) and then turn around and sell it to investors (at retail). Because investment
bankers are continually in the business of matching users of funds with suppliers, they can sell
issues more efficiently than can the issuing companies. For this service investment bankers
receive fees in the form of the difference between the amounts received from the sale of the
securities to the public and the amounts paid to the companies. Much more will be said about
the role of investment bankers in Part 7, when we consider long-term financing.
Mortgage bankers are involved in acquiring and placing mortgages. These mortgages
come either directly from individuals and businesses or, more typically, through builders
and real estate agents. In turn, the mortgage banker locates institutional and other investors
for the mortgages. Although mortgage bankers do not typically hold mortgages in their
own portfolios for very long, they usually service mortgages for the ultimate investors. This
involves receiving payments and following through on delinquencies. For this service they
receive fees.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Investment banker
A financial institution
that underwrites
(purchases at a fixed
price on a fixed date)
new securities for
Mortgage banker
A financial institution
that originates (buys)
mortgages primarily
for resale.
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l l l The Secondary Market
Various security exchanges and markets facilitate the smooth functioning of the financial
system. Purchases and sales of existing financial assets occur in the secondary market.
Transactions in this market do not increase the total amount of financial assets outstanding,
but the presence of a viable secondary market increases the liquidity of financial assets and
therefore enhances the primary or direct market for securities. In this regard, organized
exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the
New York Bond Exchange, provide a means by which buy and sell orders can be efficiently
matched. In this matching, the forces of supply and demand determine price.
In addition, the over-the-counter (OTC) market serves as part of the secondary market for
stocks and bonds not listed on an exchange as well as for certain listed securities. It is composed
of brokers and dealers who stand ready to buy and sell securities at quoted prices. Most
corporate bonds, and a growing number of stocks, are traded OTC as opposed to being traded
on an organized exchange. The OTC market has become highly mechanized, with market
participants linked together by a telecommunications network. They do not come together in
a single place as they would on an organized exchange. The National Association of Securities
Dealers Automated Quotation Service (NASDAQ, pronounced “nas-dac”) maintains this
network, and price quotations are instantaneous. Whereas once it was considered a matter
of prestige, as well as a necessity in many cases, for a company to list its shares on a major
exchange, the electronic age has changed that. Many companies now prefer to have their
shares traded OTC, despite the fact that they qualify for listing, because they feel that they get
as good or sometimes better execution of buy and sell orders.
Although there are a number of other financial institutions, we have looked only at those
interacting with business firms. As the book continues, we will become better acquainted with
many of those discussed. Our purpose here was only to introduce you briefly to them; further
explanation will come later.
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
QWhat are OTC-issued stocks?
AOTC officially stands for “over the counter,” but
“over the computer” is more apt today. Long ago, to
buy or sell a stock that didn’t trade on an exchange, you
would call your broker. He would call another broker
and make the trade over the phone – not a terribly
efficient system. Then, in 1971, Nasdaq was established,
offering an automated system. Suddenly, it was much
easier to get the best price on your transaction, and
trading activity could be monitored.
Stocks that are listed on exchanges are traded face to
face at one location, in “pits.” All others are OTC stocks,
traded electronically via a network of dealers across the
country. The Nasdaq market is the main OTC system in
the US, listing over 5,500 companies. It encompasses
a range of firms, from young, relatively unknown
enterprises to behemoths such as Microsoft and Intel.
Thousands of more obscure OTC companies that don’t
meet Nasdaq’s requirements trade separately, often with
their prices listed only once daily, on “pink sheets.” Little
information is often available about these companies,
and they’re frequently penny stocks, shunned by Fools.
Ask the Fool
The Motley Fool, at, is the world’s premier online investment
education site. Its mission is “To educate, amuse and enrich.” Co-founder brothers
David and Tom Gardner have written several best-selling books, and the Fool
also has a weekly nationally syndicated newspaper feature (running in more
than 150 papers) and radio show (airing in more than 100 regions).
From time to time, The Motley Fool will be sharing some questions they’ve
answered in their newspaper feature or at their website. Here’s one now . . .
Source: The Motley Fool ( Reproduced with the permission of The Motley Fool.
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l l l Allocation of Funds and Interest Rates
The allocation of funds in an economy occurs primarily on the basis of price, expressed in
terms of expected return. Economic units in need of funds must outbid others for their use.
Although the allocation process is affected by capital rationing, government restrictions,
and institutional constraints, expected return constitutes the primary mechanism by which
supply and demand are brought into balance for a particular financial instrument across
financial markets. If risk is held constant, economic units willing to pay the highest expected
return are the ones entitled to the use of funds. If people are rational, the economic units
bidding the highest prices will have the most promising investment opportunities. As a result,
savings will tend to be allocated to the most efficient uses.
It is important to recognize that the process by which savings are allocated in an economy
occurs not only on the basis of expected return but on the basis of risk as well. Different financial
instruments have different degrees of risk. In order for them to compete for funds, these
instruments must provide different expected returns, or yields. Figure 2.2 illustrates the idea
of the market-imposed “trade-off ” between risk and return for securities – that is, the higher
the risk of a security, the higher the expected return that must be offered to the investor. If all
securities had exactly the same risk characteristics, they would provide the same expected
returns if markets were in balance. Because of differences in default risk, marketability,
maturity, taxability, and embedded options, however, different instruments pose different
degrees of risk and provide different expected returns to the investor.
Default Risk. When we speak of default risk, we mean the danger that the borrower may
not meet payments due on principal or interest. Investors demand a risk premium (or extra
expected return) to invest in securities that are not default free. The greater the possibility
that the borrower will default, the greater the default risk and the premium demanded by the
marketplace. Because Treasury securities are usually regarded as default free, risk and return
are judged in relation to them. The greater the default risk of a security issuer, the greater the
expected return or yield of the security, all other things the same.7
For the typical investor, default risk is not judged directly but rather in terms of quality
ratings assigned by the principal rating agencies, Moody’s Investors Service and Standard &
7For an extended discussion of the influence of default risk on yields, as well as a review of the various empirical
studies, see Van Horne, Financial Market Rates and Flows, Chapter 8. This book also presents a detailed examination
of the other major security attributes that affect expected return.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Default The failure
to meet the terms
of a contract, such
as failure to make
interest or principal
payments when due
on a loan.
Figure 2.2
Risk–expected return
profile for securities
showing the greater
the risk of a given
security, the higher
the expected return
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Poor’s. These investment agencies assign and publish letter grades for the use of investors.
In their ratings, the agencies attempt to rank issues in order of the perceived probability
of default. The ratings used by the two agencies are shown in Table 2.2. The highest-grade
securities, judged to have negligible default risk, are rated triple-A.
Credit ratings in the top four categories (for Moody’s, Aaa to Baa; for Standard and Poor’s,
AAA to BBB) are considered “investment grade quality.” This term is used by regulatory
agencies to identify securities that are eligible for investment by financial institutions such as
commercial banks and insurance companies. Securities rated below the top four categories
are referred to as “speculative grade.” Because of the limited institutional demand for these
securities and their higher default risk, they must offer considerably higher expected returns
than investment-grade securities.
Marketability. The marketability (or liquidity) of a security relates to the owner’s ability to
convert it into cash. There are two dimensions to marketability: the price realized and the
amount of time required to sell the asset. The two are interrelated in that it is often possible
to sell an asset in a short period if enough price concession is given. For financial instruments,
marketability is judged in relation to the ability to sell a significant volume of securities in a
short period of time without significant price concession. The more marketable the security,
the greater the ability to execute a large transaction near the quoted price. In general, the
lower the marketability of a security, the greater the yield necessary to attract investors. Thus
the yield differential between different securities of the same maturity is caused not by differences
in default risk alone, but also by differences in marketability.
Maturity. Securities with about the same default risk, having similar marketability, and not
faced with different tax implications can still trade at different yields. Why? “Time” is the
answer. The maturity of a security can often have a powerful effect on expected return, or
yield. The relationship between yield and maturity for securities differing only in the length of
time (or term) to maturity is called the term structure of interest rates. The graphical representation
of this relationship at a moment in time is called a yield curve. An example of the
yield-maturity relationship for default-free Treasury securities on a particular date is shown
in Figure 2.3. Maturity is plotted on the horizontal axis and yield on the vertical. What results
is a line, or yield curve, fitted to the observations.
The most commonly observed yield pattern is the positive (i.e., upward-sloping) yield curve
– where short-term yields are lower than long-term yields. Most economists attribute the
tendency for positive yield curves to the presence of risk for those who invest in long-term
securities as opposed to short-term securities. In general, the longer the maturity, the greater
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
(or liquidity) The
ability to sell a
significant volume of
securities in a short
period of time in the
secondary market
without significant
price concession.
Maturity The life of a
security; the amount
of time before the
principal amount of a
security becomes due.
Term structure of
interest rates The
relationship between
yield and maturity for
securities differing
only in the length of
time (or term) to
Yield curve A graph
of the relationship
between yields and
term to maturity for
particular securities.
Table 2.2
Ratings by investment
Aaa Best quality AAA Highest grade
Aa High quality AA High grade
A Upper medium grade A Higher medium grade
Baa Medium grade BBB Medium grade
Ba Possess speculative elements BB Speculative
B Generally lack characteristics of B Very speculative
desirable investment
Caa Poor standing; may be in default CCC–CC Outright speculation
Ca Highly speculative; often in default C Bankruptcy petition filed
C Lowest grade D In payment default
Note: The top four categories indicate “investment grade quality” securities; the categories below the
dashed line are reserved for securities below investment grade.
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the risk of fluctuation in the market value of the security. Consequently, investors need to be
offered risk premiums to induce them to invest in long-term securities. Only when interest
rates are expected to fall significantly are they willing to invest in long-term securities yielding
less than short- and intermediate-term securities.
Taxability. Another factor affecting the observed differences in market yields is the differential
impact of taxes. The most important tax, and the only one that we will consider here, is
income tax. The interest income on all but one category of securities is taxable to taxable
investors. Interest income from state and local government securities is tax exempt. Therefore
state and local issues sell in the market at lower yields to maturity than Treasury and corporate
securities of the same maturity. For corporations located in states with income taxes,
interest income on Treasury securities is exempt from state income taxes. Therefore such
instruments may hold an advantage over the debt instruments issued by corporations or
banks because the interest they pay is fully taxable at the state level. Under present law,
capital gains arising from the sale of any security at a profit are taxed at the ordinary tax rates
for corporations, or at a maximum of 35 percent.
Option Features. Another consideration is whether a security contains any option features,
such as a conversion privilege or warrants, which upon exercise allow the investor to obtain
common stock. Other options include the call feature, which enables a company to prepay its
debt, and a sinking-fund provision, which allows a company to retire bonds periodically with
cash payments or by buying bonds in the secondary market. If the investors receive options,
the issuing company should be able to borrow at a lower interest cost. Conversely, if the
issuing company receives an option, such as a call feature, the investors must be compensated
with a higher yield. The valuation principles behind options are complex. Chapter 22 covers
these principles in detail.
Inflation. In addition to the preceding factors, which affect the yield of one security relative
to that of another, inflation expectations have a substantial influence on interest rates overall.
It is generally agreed that the nominal (observed) rate of interest on a security embodies a
premium for inflation. The higher the expected inflation, the higher the nominal yield on the
security; and the lower the expected inflation, the lower the nominal yield. Many years ago
Irving Fisher expressed the nominal rate of interest on a bond as the sum of the real rate of
interest (i.e., the interest rate in the absence of price level changes) and the rate of price change
expected to occur over the life of the instrument.8 If the annual real rate of interest in the
8Appreciation and Interest (New York: Macmillan, 1896).
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Figure 2.3
Example of Treasury
positive yield curve
Inflation A rise in
the average level of
prices of goods and
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2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
economy was 4 percent for low-risk securities and inflation of 6 percent per annum was
expected over the next 10 years, this would imply a yield of 10 percent for 10-year, high-grade
bonds. (Note: It is the expected rate of inflation, not the observed or reported rate of inflation,
that is added to the real rate of interest.) This states merely that lenders require a nominal rate
of interest high enough for them to earn the real rate of interest after being compensated for
the expected decrease in the buying power of money caused by inflation.
Behavior of Yields on Corporate Securities. Differences in default risk, marketability,
maturity, taxability, and option features affect the yield of one security relative to another
at a point in time. In addition, the security yields themselves (and hence the cost of funds to
business firms) will vary over time. Fluctuations in supply and demand pressures in financial
markets, as well as changing inflation expectations, help explain this variability in yields.
Key Learning Points
l The four basic forms of business organization are
the sole proprietorship, the partnership, the corporation,
and the limited liability company (LLC).
l The corporation has emerged as the most important
organizational form owing to certain advantages
that it has over the other organizational forms. These
advantages include limited liability, easy transfer of
ownership, unlimited life, and an ability to raise large
sums of capital.
l Most firms with taxable income prefer to use an
accelerated depreciation method for tax reporting
purposes in order to lower their taxes. A firm that
is profitable for financial reporting purposes may, in
fact, show losses for tax purposes.
l Interest paid by corporations is considered a taxdeductible
expense; however, dividends paid are not
tax deductible.
l Financial assets (securities) exist in an economy
because an economic unit’s investment in real assets
(such as buildings and equipment) frequently differs
from its savings. In the economy as a whole, savingssurplus
units (those whose savings exceed their investment
in real assets) provide funds to savings-deficit
units (those whose investments in real assets exceed
their savings). This exchange of funds is evidenced
by investment instruments, or securities, representing
financial assets to the holders and financial liabilities
to the issuers.
l The purpose of financial markets in an economy is to
allocate savings efficiently to ultimate users.
l Financial intermediaries help make the financial
markets more efficient. Intermediaries come between
ultimate borrowers and lenders by transforming
direct claims into indirect claims. Financial intermediaries
purchase direct (or primary) securities and, in
turn, issue their own indirect (or secondary) securities
to the public.
l Financial brokers, such as investment bankers and
mortgage bankers, bring together parties who need
funds with those who have savings. These brokers are
not performing a direct lending function but rather
are acting as matchmakers, or middlemen.
l Financial markets can be broken into two classes – the
money market and the capital market. The money
market is concerned with the buying and selling of
short-term government and corporate debt securities.
The capital market deals with relatively long-term
debt and equity instruments.
l Within the money and capital markets there exist both
primary and secondary markets. A primary market is a
“new issues” market, and a secondary market is a “used
issues” market.
l The secondary market for long-term securities, comprising
the organized exchanges and the OTC market,
increases the liquidity (marketability) of financial
assets, and therefore enhances the primary market for
long-term securities.
l The allocation of savings in an economy occurs
primarily on the basis of expected return and risk.
l Differences in default risk, marketability, maturity,
taxability, and option features affect the yield of
one security relative to another at a point in time.
Fluctuations in supply and demand pressures in
financial markets, as well as changing inflation
expectations, help explain variability in yields over
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1. What is the principal advantage of the corporate form of business organization? Discuss
the importance of this advantage to the owner of a small family restaurant. Discuss the
importance of this advantage to a wealthy entrepreneur who owns several businesses.
2. How does being a limited partner in a business enterprise differ from being a stockholder,
assuming the same percentage of ownership?
3. What are some of the disadvantages of (a) a sole proprietorship? (b) a partnership? (c) a
limited liability company (LLC)?
4. What kind of corporation benefits from the graduated income tax?
5. In general, what are the principles on which the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery
System (MACRS) is based?
6. Interest on Treasury securities is not taxable at the state level, whereas interest on
municipal securities is not taxable at the federal level. What is the reason for this feature?
7. Are individual tax rates progressive or regressive in the sense of increasing or decreasing
with income levels?
8. If capital gains were to be taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income, as has been the case
in the past, what types of investments would be favored?
9. The method of depreciation does not alter the total amount deducted from income
during the life of an asset. What does it alter and why is that important?
10. If the owners of a new corporation are very few in number, does becoming an S corporation
make sense for tax purposes? Explain.
11. Tax laws have become extremely complex. In addition, there is little theoretical or moral
justification for a substantial number of tax incentives (loopholes). Why and how are
these incentives created? In your opinion, is there any indication that these incentives will
be eliminated?
12. What is the purpose of the carryback and the carryforward provisions in the tax laws?
13. What is the purpose of financial markets? How can this purpose be accomplished
14. Discuss the functions of financial intermediaries.
15. A number of factors give rise to different interest rates or yields being observed for different
types of debt instruments. What are these factors?
16. What is meant by making the financial markets more efficient? More complete?
17. What is the purpose of stock market exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange?
18. In general, what would be the likely effect of the following occurrences on the money and
capital markets?
a. The savings rate of individuals in the country declines.
b. Individuals increase their savings at savings and loan associations and decrease their
savings at banks.
c. The government taxes capital gains at the ordinary income tax rate.
d. Unanticipated inflation of substantial magnitude occurs, and price levels rise
e. Savings institutions and lenders increase transaction charges for savings and for
making loans.
19. Pick a financial intermediary with which you are familiar and explain its economic role.
Does it make the financial markets more efficient?
20. What is the distinction between the money market and the capital market? Is the distinction
real or artificial?
21. How do transaction costs affect the flow of funds and the efficiency of financial markets?
22. What are the major sources of external financing for business firms?
23. In addition to financial intermediaries, what other institutions and arrangements
facilitate the flow of funds to and from business firms?
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Self-Correction Problems
1. John Henry has a small housecleaning business that currently is a sole proprietorship. The
business has nine employees, annual sales of $480,000, total liabilities of $90,000, and total
assets of $263,000. Including the business, Henry has a personal net worth of $467,000 and
nonbusiness liabilities of $42,000, represented by a mortgage on his home. He would like
to give one of his employees, Tori Kobayashi, an equity interest in the business. Henry is
considering either the partnership form or the corporate form, where Kobayashi would be
given some stock. Kobayashi has a personal net worth of $36,000.
a. What is the extent of Henry’s exposure under the sole proprietorship in the case of a
large lawsuit (say, $600,000)?
b. What is his exposure under a partnership form? Do the partners share the risk?
c. What is his exposure under the corporate form?
2. Bernstein Tractor Company has just invested in new equipment costing $16,000. The
equipment falls in the five-year property class for cost recovery (depreciation) purposes.
What depreciation charges can it claim on the asset for each of the next six years?
3. Wallopalooza Financial, Inc., believes that it can successfully “intermediate” in the
mortgage market. At present, borrowers pay 7 percent on adjustable rate mortgages. The
deposit interest rate necessary to attract funds to lend is 3 percent, also adjustable with
market conditions. Wallopalooza’s administrative expenses, including information costs,
are $2 million per annum on a base business of $100 million in loans.
a. What interest rates on mortgage loans and on deposits would you recommend to
obtain business?
b. If $100 million in loans and an equal amount of deposits are attracted with a mortgage
rate of 6.5 percent and a deposit interest rate of 3.5 percent, what would be
Wallopalooza’s annual before-tax profit on the new business? (Assume that interest
rates do not change.)
4. Suppose that 91-day Treasury bills currently yield 6 percent to maturity and that 25-year
Treasury bonds yield 7.25 percent. Lopez Pharmaceutical Company recently has issued
long-term, 25-year bonds that yield 9 percent to maturity.
a. If the yield on Treasury bills is taken to be the short-term, risk-free rate, what premium
in yield is required for the default risk and lower marketability associated with the
Lopez bonds?
b. What premium in yield above the short-term, risk-free rate is attributable to maturity?
1. Zaharias-Liras Wholesalers, a partnership, owes $418,000 to various shipping companies.
Armand Zaharias has a personal net worth of $1,346,000, including a $140,000 equity
interest in the partnership. Nick Liras has a personal net worth of $893,000, including
the same equity interest in the business as his partner. The partners have kept only a
moderate equity base of $280,000 in the business, with earnings being taken out as partner
withdrawals. They wish to limit their risk exposure and are considering the corporate
a. What is their liability now for the business? What would it be under the corporate form?
b. Will creditors be more or less willing to extend credit with a change in organization
2. The Loann Le Milling Company is going to purchase a new piece of testing equipment for
$28,000 and a new machine for $53,000. The equipment falls in the three-year property
class, and the machine is in the five-year class. What annual depreciation will the company
be able to take on the two assets?
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3. Tripex Consolidated Industries owns $1.5 million in 12 percent bonds of Solow
Electronics Company. It also owns 100,000 shares of preferred stock of Solow, which
constitutes 10 percent of all outstanding Solow preferred shares. In the past year, Solow
paid the stipulated interest on its bonds and dividends of $3 per share on its preferred
stock. The marginal tax rate of Tripex is 34 percent. What taxes must Tripex pay on this
interest and dividend income?
4. The Castle Cork Company was founded in 20X1 and had the following taxable income
through 20X5:
20X1 20X2 20X3 20X4 20X5
$0 $35,000 $68,000 −$120,000 $52,000
Compute the corporate income tax or tax refund in each year, assuming the graduated tax
rates discussed in the chapter.
5. Loquat Foods Company is able to borrow at an interest rate of 9 percent for one year. For
the year, market participants expect 4 percent inflation.
a. What approximate real rate of return does the lender expect? What is the inflation
premium embodied in the nominal interest rate?
b. If inflation proves to be 2 percent for the year, does the lender suffer? Does the borrower
suffer? Why?
c. If inflation proves to be 6 percent, who gains and who loses?
6. From a recent Monday Wall Street Journal, collect yield information on yields for a longterm
Treasury bond, a public utility bond (probably AA in quality), municipal bonds
as described by the municipal bond index, Treasury bills, and commercial paper. (This
information appears at the back of the paper under the Bond Market section, the Money
Market Rates section, and the Treasury Issues section.) What reasons can you give for the
differences in yield on these various instruments?
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
1. a. Henry is responsible for all liabilities, book as well as contingent. If the lawsuit were lost,
he would lose all his net assets, as represented by a net worth of $467,000. Without the
lawsuit, he still is responsible for $90,000 in liabilities if for some reason the business is
unable to pay them.
b. He still could lose all his net assets because Kobayashi’s net worth is insufficient to make
a major dent in the lawsuit: $600,000 − $36,000 = $564,000. As the two partners have
substantially different net worths, they do not share equally in the risk. Henry has much
more to lose.
c. Under the corporate form, he could lose the business, but that is all. The net worth of
the business is $263,000 − $90,000 = $173,000, and this represents Henry’s personal
financial stake in the business. The remainder of his net worth, $467,000 − $173,000 =
$294,000, would be protected under the corporate form.
2. Depreciation charges for the equipment:
1 20.00% $ 3,200.00
2 32.00 5,120.00
3 19.20 3,072.00
4 11.52 1,843.20
5 11.52 1,843.20
6 5.76 921.60
Total $16,000.00
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
3. a. At $2 million in expenses per $100 million in loans, administrative costs come to 2 percent.
Therefore, just to break even, the firm must set rates so that (at least) a 2 percent
difference exists between the deposit interest rate and the mortgage rate. In addition,
market conditions dictate that 3 percent is the floor for the deposit rate, and 7 percent
is the ceiling for the mortgage rate. Suppose that Wallopalooza wished to increase the
current deposit rate and lower the current mortgage rate by equal amounts while
earning a before-tax return spread of 1 percent. It would then offer a deposit rate of
3.5 percent and a mortgage rate of 6.5 percent. Of course, other answers are possible,
depending on your profit assumptions.
b. Before-tax profit of 1 percent on $100 million in loans equals $1 million.
4. a. The premium attributable to default risk and to lower marketability is 9% − 7.25% =
b. The premium attributable to maturity is 7.25% − 6% = 1.25%. In this case, default risk
is held constant, and marketability, for the most part, is also held constant.
Selected References
Fabozzi, Frank J., and Franco Modigliani. Capital Markets:
Institutions and Instruments, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.
Fleischman, Gary M., and Jeffrey J. Bryant. “C Corporation,
LLC, or Sole Proprietorship: What Form is Best for Your
Business?” Management Accounting Quarterly 1 (Spring
2000), 14–21.
Kidwell, David S., David Blackwell, David Whidbee, and
Richard Peterson. Financial Institutions, Markets, and
Money, 9th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Rose, Peter, and Milton Marquis. Money and Capital
Markets: Financial Institutions in a Global Marketplace,
9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006.
Van Horne, James C. “Of Financial Innovations and
Excesses,” Journal of Finance 40 (July 1985).
——. Financial Market Rates and Flows, 6th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Part I of the text’s website, Wachowicz’s Web World,
contains links to many finance websites and online
articles related to topics covered in this chapter.
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41 Part 2
l The Interest Rate
l Simple Interest
l Compound Interest
Single Amounts • Annuities • Mixed Flows
l Compounding More Than Once a Year
Semiannual and Other Compounding Periods •
Continuous Compounding • Effective Annual
Interest Rate
l Amortizing a Loan
l Summary Table of Key Compound Interest
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Self-Correction Problems
l Problems
l Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
l Selected References
After studying Chapter 3, you should be able to:
l Understand what is meant by “the time value of
l Understand the relationship between present
and future value.
l Describe how the interest rate can be used to
adjust the value of cash flows – both forward and
backward – to a single point in time.
l Calculate both the future and present value of:
(a) an amount invested today; (b) a stream of
equal cash flows (an annuity); and (c) a stream
of mixed cash flows.
l Distinguish between an “ordinary annuity” and
an “annuity due.”
l Use interest factor tables and understand how
they provide a shortcut to calculating present
and future values.
l Use interest factor tables to find an unknown
interest rate or growth rate when the number of
time periods and future and present values are
l Build an “amortization schedule” for an
installment-style loan.
The Time Value of Money
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The Interest Rate
Which would you prefer – $1,000 today or $1,000 ten years from today? Common sense tells
us to take the $1,000 today because we recognize that there is a time value to money. The
immediate receipt of $1,000 provides us with the opportunity to put our money to work and
earn interest. In a world in which all cash flows are certain, the rate of interest can be used to
express the time value of money. As we will soon discover, the rate of interest will allow us to
adjust the value of cash flows, whenever they occur, to a particular point in time. Given this
ability, we will be able to answer more difficult questions, such as: which should you prefer –
$1,000 today or $2,000 ten years from today? To answer this question, it will be necessary to
position time-adjusted cash flows at a single point in time so that a fair comparison can be made.
If we allow for uncertainty surrounding cash flows to enter into our analysis, it will be
necessary to add a risk premium to the interest rate as compensation for uncertainty. In
later chapters we will study how to deal with uncertainty (risk). But for now, our focus is on
the time value of money and the ways in which the rate of interest can be used to adjust the
value of cash flows to a single point in time.
Most financial decisions, personal as well as business, involve time value of money considerations.
In Chapter 1, we learned that the objective of management should be to maximize
shareholder wealth, and that this depends, in part, on the timing of cash flows. Not surprisingly,
one important application of the concepts stressed in this chapter will be to value a
stream of cash flows. Indeed, much of the development of this book depends on your understanding
of this chapter. You will never really understand finance until you understand the
time value of money. Although the discussion that follows cannot avoid being mathematical
in nature, we focus on only a handful of formulas so that you can more easily grasp the
fundamentals. We start with a discussion of simple interest and use this as a springboard to
develop the concept of compound interest. Also, to observe more easily the effect of compound
interest, most of the examples in this chapter assume an 8 percent annual interest rate.
Take Note
Before we begin, it is important to sound a few notes of caution. The examples in the chapter
frequently involve numbers that must be raised to the nth power – for example, (1.05) to
the third power equals (1.05)3 equals [(1.05) × (1.05) × (1.05)]. However, this operation is
easy to do with a calculator, and tables are provided in which this calculation has already
been done for you. Although the tables provided are a useful aid, you cannot rely on them
for solving every problem. Not every interest rate or time period can possibly be represented
in each table. Therefore you will need to become familiar with the operational formulas on
which the tables are based. (As a reminder, the appropriate formula is included at the top of
every table.) Those of you possessing a business calculator may feel the urge to bypass both
the tables and formulas and head straight for the various function keys designed to deal with
time value of money problems. However, we urge you to master first the logic behind the
procedures outlined in this chapter. Even the best of calculators cannot overcome a faulty
sequence of steps programmed in by the user.
Part 2 Valuation
Interest Money paid
(earned) for the use
of money.
The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in
which it is overestimated.
A Mencken Chrestomathy
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Simple Interest
Simple interest is interest that is paid (earned) on only the original amount, or principal,
borrowed (lent). The dollar amount of simple interest is a function of three variables: the
original amount borrowed (lent), or principal; the interest rate per time period; and the number
of time periods for which the principal is borrowed (lent). The formula for calculating
simple interest is
SI = P0(i )(n) (3.1)
where SI = simple interest in dollars
P0 = principal, or original amount borrowed (lent) at time period 0
i = interest rate per time period
n = number of time periods
For example, assume that you deposit $100 in a savings account paying 8 percent simple
interest and keep it there for 10 years. At the end of 10 years, the amount of interest accumulated
is determined as follows:
$80 = $100(0.08)(10)
To solve for the future value (also known as the terminal value) of the account at the end
of 10 years (FV10), we add the interest earned on the principal only to the original amount
invested. Therefore
FV10 = $100 + [$100(0.08)(10)] = $180
For any simple interest rate, the future value of an account at the end of n periods is
FVn = P0 + SI = P0 + P0(i )(n)
or, equivalently,
FVn = P0[1 + (i )(n)] (3.2)
Sometimes we need to proceed in the opposite direction. That is, we know the future value
of a deposit at i percent for n years, but we don’t know the principal originally invested –
the account’s present value (PV0 = P0). A rearrangement of Eq. (3.2), however, is all that
is needed.
PV0 = P0 = FVn /[1 + (i )(n)] (3.3)
Now that you are familiar with the mechanics of simple interest, it is perhaps a bit cruel
to point out that most situations in finance involving the time value of money do not rely
on simple interest at all. Instead, compound interest is the norm; however, an understanding
of simple interest will help you appreciate (and understand) compound interest all the
Compound Interest
The distinction between simple and compound interest can best be seen by example. Table 3.1
illustrates the rather dramatic effect that compound interest has on an investment’s value over
time when compared with the effect of simple interest. From the table it is clear to see why
some people have called compound interest the greatest of human inventions.
The notion of compound interest is crucial to understanding the mathematics of finance.
The term itself merely implies that interest paid (earned) on a loan (an investment) is
3 The Time Value of Money
Simple interest
Interest paid (earned)
on only the original
amount, or principal,
borrowed (lent).
Future value
(terminal value) The
value at some future
time of a present
amount of money, or
a series of payments,
evaluated at a given
interest rate.
Present value The
current value of a
future amount of
money, or a series of
payments, evaluated
at a given interest
Compound interest
Interest paid (earned)
on any previous
interest earned, as
well as on the
principal borrowed
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periodically added to the principal. As a result, interest is earned on interest as well as the
initial principal. It is this interest-on-interest, or compounding, effect that accounts for the
dramatic difference between simple and compound interest. As we will see, the concept of
compound interest can be used to solve a wide variety of problems in finance.
l l l Single Amounts
Future (or Compound) Value. To begin with, consider a person who deposits $100 into a
savings account. If the interest rate is 8 percent, compounded annually, how much will the
$100 be worth at the end of a year? Setting up the problem, we solve for the future value
(which in this case is also referred to as the compound value) of the account at the end of the
year (FV1).
FV1 = P0(1 + i )
= $100(1.08) = $108
Interestingly, this first-year value is the same number that we would get if simple interest were
employed. But this is where the similarity ends.
What if we leave $100 on deposit for two years? The $100 initial deposit will have grown to
$108 at the end of the first year at 8 percent compound annual interest. Going to the end of
the second year, $108 becomes $116.64, as $8 in interest is earned on the initial $100, and
$0.64 is earned on the $8 in interest credited to our account at the end of the first year. In
other words, interest is earned on previously earned interest – hence the name compound
interest. Therefore, the future value at the end of the second year is
FV2 = FV1(1 + i ) = P0(1 + i )(1 + i ) = P0(1 + i )2
= $108(1.08) = $100(1.08)(1.08) = $100(1.08)2
= $116.64
At the end of three years, the account would be worth
FV3 = FV2(1 + i ) = FV1(1 + i )(1 + i ) = P0(1 + i )3
= $116.64(1.08) = $108(1.08)(1.08) = $100(1.08)3
= $125.97
In general, FVn, the future (compound) value of a deposit at the end of n periods, is
FVn = P0(1 + i )n (3.4)
FVn = P0(FVIFi,n) (3.5)
where we let FVIFi,n (i.e., the future value interest factor at i% for n periods) equal (1 + i)n.
Table 3.2, showing the future values for our example problem at the end of years 1 to 3 (and
beyond), illustrates the concept of interest being earned on interest.
A calculator makes Eq. (3.4) very simple to use. In addition, tables have been constructed
for values of (1 + i)n – FVIFi,n – for wide ranges of i and n. These tables, called (appropriately)
Part 2 Valuation
Table 3.1
Future value of $1
invested for various
time periods at an 8%
annual interest rate
2 $ 1.16 $ 1.17
20 2.60 4.66
200 17.00 4,838,949.59
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future value interest factor (or terminal value interest factor) tables, are designed to be used
with Eq. (3.5). Table 3.3 is one example covering various interest rates ranging from 1
to 15 percent. The Interest Rate (i) headings and Period (n) designations on the table are similar
to map coordinates. They help us locate the appropriate interest factor. For example,
the future value interest factor at 8 percent for nine years (FVIF8%,9) is located at the intersection
of the 8% column with the 9-period row and equals 1.999. This 1.999 figure means
that $1 invested at 8 percent compound interest for nine years will return roughly $2 – consisting
of initial principal plus accumulated interest. (For a more complete table, see Table I
in the Appendix at the end of this book.)
If we take the FVIFs for $1 in the 8% column and multiply them by $100, we get figures
(aside from some rounding) that correspond to our calculations for $100 in the final column
of Table 3.2. Notice, too, that in rows corresponding to two or more years, the proportional
increase in future value becomes greater as the interest rate rises. A picture may help make this
point a little clearer. Therefore, in Figure 3.1 we graph the growth in future value for a $100
initial deposit with interest rates of 5, 10, and 15 percent. As can be seen from the graph, the
greater the interest rate, the steeper the growth curve by which future value increases. Also,
the greater the number of years during which compound interest can be earned, obviously the
greater the future value.
3 The Time Value of Money
Table 3.2
Illustration of
compound interest
with $100 initial
deposit and 8%
annual interest rate
Table 3.3
Future value interest
factor of $1 at i % at
the end of n periods
(FVIFi,n) = (1 + i )n
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 1.010 1.030 1.050 1.080 1.100 1.150
2 1.020 1.061 1.102 1.166 1.210 1.322
3 1.030 1.093 1.158 1.260 1.331 1.521
4 1.041 1.126 1.216 1.360 1.464 1.749
5 1.051 1.159 1.276 1.469 1.611 2.011
6 1.062 1.194 1.340 1.587 1.772 2.313
7 1.072 1.230 1.407 1.714 1.949 2.660
8 1.083 1.267 1.477 1.851 2.144 3.059
9 1.094 1.305 1.551 1.999 2.358 3.518
10 1.105 1.344 1.629 2.159 2.594 4.046
25 1.282 2.094 3.386 6.848 10.835 32.919
50 1.645 4.384 11.467 46.902 117.391 1,083.657
YEAR AMOUNT (8% of beginning amount) AMOUNT (FVn )
1 $100.00 $ 8.00 $108.00
2 108.00 8.64 116.64
3 116.64 9.33 125.97
4 125.97 10.08 136.05
5 136.05 10.88 146.93
6 146.93 11.76 158.69
7 158.69 12.69 171.38
8 171.38 13.71 185.09
9 185.09 14.81 199.90
10 199.90 15.99 215.89
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Part 2 Valuation
Figure 3.1
Future values with
$100 initial deposit
and 5%, 10%, and
15% compound
annual interest rates
On a number of business professional (certification) exams you will be provided with interest
factor tables and be limited to using only basic, non-programmable, hand-held calculators.
So, for some of you, it makes added sense to get familiar with interest factor tables now.
Compound Growth. Although our concern so far has been with interest rates, it is important
to realize that the concept involved applies to compound growth of any sort – for example,
in gas prices, tuition fees, corporate earnings, or dividends. Suppose that a corporation’s most
recent dividend was $10 per share but that we expect this dividend to grow at a 10 percent
compound annual rate. For the next five years we would expect dividends to look as shown in
the table.
1 (1.10)1 $11.00
2 (1.10)2 12.10
3 (1.10)3 13.31
4 (1.10)4 14.64
5 (1.10)5 16.11
Question In 1790 John Jacob Astor bought approximately an acre of land on the east side of
Manhattan Island for $58. Astor, who was considered a shrewd investor, made many
such purchases. How much would his descendants have in 2009, if instead of buying
the land, Astor had invested the $58 at 5 percent compound annual interest?
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Answer In Table I, in the Appendix at the end of the book, we won’t find the FVIF of $1 in
219 years at 5 percent. But notice that we can find the FVIF of #1 in 50 years – 11.467 –
and the FVIF of $1 in 19 years – 2.527. So what, you might ask. Being a little creative,
we can express our problem as follows:1
FV219 = P0 × (1 + i)219
= P0 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)19
= $58 × 11.467 × 11.467 × 11.467 × 11.467 × 2.527
= $58 × 43,692.26 = $2,534,151.08
Given the current price of land in New York City, Astor’s one-acre purchase seems
to have passed the test of time as a wise investment. It is also interesting to note that
with a little reasoning we can get quite a bit of mileage out of even a basic table.
Similarly, we can determine the future levels of other variables that are subject to compound
growth. This principle will prove especially important when we consider certain valuation
models for common stock, which we do in the next chapter.
Present (or Discounted) Value. We all realize that a dollar today is worth more than a
dollar to be received one, two, or three years from now. Calculating the present value of
future cash flows allows us to place all cash flows on a current footing so that comparisons
can be made in terms of today’s dollars.
An understanding of the present value concept should enable us to answer a question that
was posed at the very beginning of this chapter: which should you prefer – $1,000 today or
$2,000 ten years from today?2 Assume that both sums are completely certain and your opportunity
cost of funds is 8 percent per annum (i.e., you could borrow or lend at 8 percent). The
present worth of $1,000 received today is easy – it is worth $1,000. However, what is $2,000
received at the end of 10 years worth to you today? We might begin by asking what amount
(today) would grow to be $2,000 at the end of 10 years at 8 percent compound interest. This
amount is called the present value of $2,000 payable in 10 years, discounted at 8 percent.
In present value problems such as this, the interest rate is also known as the discount rate
(or capitalization rate).
Finding the present value (or discounting) is simply the reverse of compounding. Therefore,
let’s first retrieve Eq. (3.4):
FVn = P0(1 + i )n
Rearranging terms, we solve for present value:
PV0 = P0 = FVn /(1 + i )n
= FVn[1/(1 + i )n] (3.6)
Note that the term [1/(1 + i)n] is simply the reciprocal of the future value interest factor at i%
for n periods (FVIFi,n). This reciprocal has its own name – the present value interest factor at i%
for n periods (PVIFi,n ) – and allows us to rewrite Eq. (3.6) as
PV0 = FVn(PVIFi,n) (3.7)
A present value table containing PVIFs for a wide range of interest rates and time periods
relieves us of making the calculations implied by Eq. (3.6) every time we have a present value
problem to solve. Table 3.4 is an abbreviated version of one such table. (Table II in the
Appendix found at the end of the book is a more complete version.)
1We make use of one of the rules governing exponents. Specifically, Am+n = Am × An
2Alternatively, we could treat this as a future value problem. To do this, we would compare the future value of $1,000,
compounded at 8 percent annual interest for 10 years, to a future $2,000.
Discount rate
(capitalization rate)
Interest rate used to
convert future values
to present values.
3 The Time Value of Money
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Part 2 Valuation
(PVIFi,n ) = 1/(1 + i )n
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 0.990 0.971 0.952 0.926 0.909 0.870
2 0.980 0.943 0.907 0.857 0.826 0.756
3 0.971 0.915 0.864 0.794 0.751 0.658
4 0.961 0.888 0.823 0.735 0.683 0.572
5 0.951 0.863 0.784 0.681 0.621 0.497
6 0.942 0.837 0.746 0.630 0.564 0.432
7 0.933 0.813 0.711 0.583 0.513 0.376
8 0.923 0.789 0.677 0.540 0.467 0.327
9 0.914 0.766 0.645 0.500 0.424 0.284
10 0.905 0.744 0.614 0.463 0.386 0.247
Table 3.4
Present value interest
factor of $1 at i % for
n periods (PVIFi,n)
We can now make use of Eq. (3.7) and Table 3.4 to solve for the present value of $2,000 to
be received at the end of 10 years, discounted at 8 percent. In Table 3.4, the intersection of the
8% column with the 10-period row pinpoints PVIF8%,10 – 0.463. This tells us that $1 received
10 years from now is worth roughly 46 cents to us today. Armed with this information, we get
PV0 = FV10(PVIF8%,10)
= $2,000(0.463) = $926
Finally, if we compare this present value amount ($926) with the promise of $1,000 to be
received today, we should prefer to take the $1,000. In present value terms we would be
better off by $74 ($1,000 − $926).
Discounting future cash flows turns out to be very much like the process of handicapping.
That is, we put future cash flows at a mathematically determined disadvantage relative to current
dollars. For example, in the problem just addressed, every future dollar was handicapped
to such an extent that each was worth only about 46 cents. The greater the disadvantage
assigned to a future cash flow, the smaller the corresponding present value interest factor
(PVIF). Figure 3.2 illustrates how both time and discount rate combine to affect present value;
the present value of $100 received from 1 to 10 years in the future is graphed for discount rates
of 5, 10, and 15 percent. The graph shows that the present value of $100 decreases by a
decreasing rate the further in the future that it is to be received. The greater the interest rate,
of course, the lower the present value but also the more pronounced the curve. At a 15 percent
discount rate, $100 to be received 10 years hence is worth only $24.70 today – or roughly
25 cents on the (future) dollar.
Question How do you determine the future value (present value) of an investment over a time
span that contains a fractional period (e.g., 11/4 years)?
Answer Simple. All you do is alter the future value (present value) formula to include the
fraction in decimal form. Let’s say that you invest $1,000 in a savings account that
compounds annually at 6 percent and want to withdraw your savings in 15 months (i.e.,
1.25 years). Since FVn = P0(1 + i )n, you could withdraw the following amount 15 months
from now:
FV1.25 = $1,000(1 + 0.06)1.25 = $1,075.55
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Unknown Interest (or Discount) Rate. Sometimes we are faced with a time-value-ofmoney
situation in which we know both the future and present values, as well as the
number of time periods involved. What is unknown, however, is the compound interest
rate (i ) implicit in the situation.
Let’s assume that, if you invest $1,000 today, you will receive $3,000 in exactly 8 years. The
compound interest (or discount) rate implicit in this situation can be found by rearranging
either a basic future value or present value equation. For example, making use of future value
Eq. (3.5), we have
FV8 = P0(FVIFi,8)
$3,000 = $1,000(FVIFi,8)
FVIFi,8 = $3,000/$1,000 = 3
Reading across the 8-period row in Table 3.3, we look for the future value interest factor
(FVIF) that comes closest to our calculated value of 3. In our table, that interest factor is 3.059
and is found in the 15% column. Because 3.059 is slightly larger than 3, we conclude that the
interest rate implicit in the example situation is actually slightly less than 15 percent.
For a more accurate answer, we simply recognize that FVIFi,8 can also be written as (1 + i )8,
and solve directly for i as follows:
(1 + i )8 = 3
(1 + i ) = 31/8 = 30.125 = 1.1472
i = 0.1472
(Note: Solving for i, we first have to raise both sides of the equation to the 1/8 or 0.125 power.
To raise “3” to the “0.125” power, we use the [yx] key on a handheld calculator – entering “3,”
pressing the [yx] key, entering “0.125,” and finally pressing the [=] key.)
3 The Time Value of Money
Figure 3.2
Present values with
$100 cash flow and
5%, 10%, and 15%
compound annual
interest rates
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Unknown Number of Compounding (or Discounting) Periods. At times we may need to
know how long it will take for a dollar amount invested today to grow to a certain future value
given a particular compound rate of interest. For example, how long would it take for an
investment of $1,000 to grow to $1,900 if we invested it at a compound annual interest rate of
10 percent? Because we know both the investment’s future and present value, the number of
compounding (or discounting) periods (n) involved in this investment situation can be determined
by rearranging either a basic future value or present value equation. Using future value
Eq. (3.5), we get
FVn = P0(FVIF10%,n)
$1,900 = $1,000(FVIF10%,n)
FVIF10%,n = $1,900/$1,000 = 1.9
Reading down the 10% column in Table 3.3, we look for the future value interest factor
(FVIF) in that column that is closest to our calculated value. We find that 1.949 comes
closest to 1.9, and that this number corresponds to the 7-period row. Because 1.949 is a little
larger than 1.9, we conclude that there are slightly less than 7 annual compounding periods
implicit in the example situation.
For greater accuracy, simply rewrite FVIF10%,n as (1 + 0.10)n, and solve for n as follows:
(1 + 0.10)n = 1.9
n(ln 1.1) = ln 1.9
n = (ln 1.9)/(ln 1.1) = 6.73 years
To solve for n, which appeared in our rewritten equation as an exponent, we employed a
little trick. We took the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides of our equation. This allowed
us to solve explicitly for n. (Note: To divide (ln 1.9) by (ln 1.1), we use the [LN] key on a
handheld calculator as follows: enter “1.9”; press the [LN] key; then press the [÷] key; now
enter “1.1”; press the [LN] key one more time; and finally, press the [=] key.)
l l l Annuities
Ordinary Annuity. An annuity is a series of equal payments or receipts occurring over a
specified number of periods. In an ordinary annuity, payments or receipts occur at the end of
each period. Figure 3.3 shows the cash-flow sequence for an ordinary annuity on a time line.
Assume that Figure 3.3 represents your receiving $1,000 a year for three years. Now let’s
further assume that you deposit each annual receipt in a savings account earning 8 percent compound
annual interest. How much money will you have at the end of three years? Figure 3.4
provides the answer (the long way) – using only the tools that we have discussed so far.
Expressed algebraically, with FVAn defined as the future (compound) value of an annuity,
R the periodic receipt (or payment), and n the length of the annuity, the formula for FVAn is
FVAn = R(1 + i )n −1 + R(1 + i )n −2 + . . . + R(1 + i )1 + R(1 + i )0
= R[FVIFi,n −1 + FVIFi,n −2 + . . . + FVIFi,1 + FVIFi,0]
As you can see, FVAn is simply equal to the periodic receipt (R) times the “sum of the future
value interest factors at i percent for time periods 0 to n − 1.” Luckily, we have two shorthand
ways of stating this mathematically:
or equivalently,
FVAn = R(FVIFAi,n) (3.9)
where FVIFAi,n stands for the future value interest factor of an annuity at i% for n periods.
FVA R i R i i n
n t
= ( + ([( )n )
⎣ ⎢⎢
⎦ ⎥⎥
− = + −
= Σ
1 ) 1 1]/
Part 2 Valuation
Annuity A series of
equal payments or
receipts occurring
over a specified
number of periods.
In an ordinary annuity,
payments or receipts
occur at the end
of each period; in
an annuity due,
payments or receipts
occur at the beginning
of each period.
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Bill Veeck once bought the Chicago White Sox baseball
team franchise for $10 million and then sold it 5 years
later for $20 million. In short, he doubled his money in
5 years. What compound rate of return did Veeck earn
on his investment?
A quick way to handle compound interest problems
involving doubling your money makes use of the “Rule
of 72.” This rule states that if the number of years, n, for
which an investment will be held is divided into the value
72, we will get the approximate interest rate, i, required
for the investment to double in value. In Veeck’s case,
the rule gives
72/n = i
72/5 = 14.4%
Alternatively, if Veeck had taken his initial investment
and placed it in a savings account earning 6 percent compound
interest, he would have had to wait approximately
12 years for his money to have doubled:
72/i = n
72/6 = 12 years
Indeed, for most interest rates we encounter, the
“Rule of 72” gives a good approximation of the interest
rate – or the number of years – required to double your
money. But the answer is not exact. For example, money
doubling in 5 years would have to earn at a 14.87 percent
compound annual rate [(1 + 0.1487)5 = 2]; the “Rule of
72” says 14.4 percent. Also, money invested at 6 percent
interest would actually require only 11.9 years to double
[(1 + 0.06)11.9 = 2]; the “Rule of 72” suggests 12.
However, for ballpark-close money-doubling approximations
that can be done in your head, the “Rule of 72”
comes in pretty handy.
Psst! Want to Double Your Money? The “Rule of 72” Tells You How
It is very helpful to begin solving time value of money problems by first drawing a time line
on which you position the relevant cash flows. The time line helps you focus on the problem
and reduces the chance for error. When we get to mixed cash flows, this will become
even more apparent.
3 The Time Value of Money
Figure 3.3
Time line showing the
cash-flow sequence
for an ordinary annuity
of $1,000 per year for
3 years
Figure 3.4
Time line for
calculating the future
(compound) value of
an (ordinary) annuity
[periodic receipt =
R = $1,000; i = 8%;
and n = 3 years]
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An abbreviated listing of FVIFAs appears in Table 3.5. A more complete listing appears in
Table III in the Appendix at the end of this book.
Making use of Table 3.5 to solve the problem described in Figure 3.4, we get
FVA3 = $1,000(FVIFA8%,3)
= $1,000(3.246) = $3,246
This answer is identical to that shown in Figure 3.4. (Note: Use of a table rather than a formula
subjects us to some slight rounding error. Had we used Eq. (3.8), our answer would
have been 40 cents more. Therefore, when extreme accuracy is called for, use formulas rather
than tables.)
Return for the moment to Figure 3.3. Only now let’s assume the cash flows of $1,000 a year
for three years represent withdrawals from a savings account earning 8 percent compound
annual interest. How much money would you have to place in the account right now (time
period 0) such that you would end up with a zero balance after the last $1,000 withdrawal?
Figure 3.5 shows the long way to find the answer.
As can be seen from Figure 3.5, solving for the present value of an annuity boils down to
determining the sum of a series of individual present values. Therefore, we can write the
general formula for the present value of an (ordinary) annuity for n periods (PVAn) as
PVAn = R[1/(1 + i )1] + R[1/(1 + i )2] + . . . + R[1/(1 + i )n ]
= R[PVIFi,1 + PVIFi,2 + . . . + PVIFi,n]
Part 2 Valuation
Table 3.5
Future value interest
factor of an (ordinary)
annuity of $1 per
period at i % for n
periods (FVIFAi,n)
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
2 2.010 2.030 2.050 2.080 2.100 2.150
3 3.030 3.091 3.153 3.246 3.310 3.473
4 4.060 4.184 4.310 4.506 4.641 4.993
5 5.101 5.309 5.526 5.867 6.105 6.742
6 6.152 6.468 6.802 7.336 7.716 8.754
7 7.214 7.662 8.142 8.923 9.487 11.067
8 8.286 8.892 9.549 10.637 11.436 13.727
9 9.369 10.159 11.027 12.488 13.579 16.786
10 10.462 11.464 12.578 14.487 15.937 20.304
(FVIFAi n i i i
n t
) = (1 + ) − = [(1 + ) − 1]/
= Σ
Figure 3.5
Time line for
calculating the
present (discounted)
value of an (ordinary)
annuity [periodic
receipt = R = $1,000;
i = 8%; and n = 3
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Notice that our formula reduces to PVAn being equal to the periodic receipt (R) times the
“sum of the present value interest factors at i percent for time periods 1 to n.” Mathematically,
this is equivalent to
and can be expressed even more simply as
PVAn = R(PVIFAi,n) (3.11)
where PVIFAi,n stands for the present value interest factor of an (ordinary) annuity at i percent
for n periods. Table IV in the Appendix at the end of this book holds PVIFAs for a wide range
of values for i and n, and Table 3.6 contains excerpts from it.
We can make use of Table 3.6 to solve for the present value of the $1,000 annuity for three
years at 8 percent shown in Figure 3.5. The PVIFA8%,3 is found from the table to be 2.577.
(Notice this figure is nothing more than the sum of the first three numbers under the 8%
column in Table 3.4, which gives PVIFs.) Employing Eq. (3.11), we get
PVA3 = $1,000(PVIFA8%,3)
= $1,000(2.577) = $2,577
Unknown Interest (or Discount) Rate. A rearrangement of the basic future value (present
value) of an annuity equation can be used to solve for the compound interest (discount) rate
implicit in an annuity if we know: (1) the annuity’s future (present) value, (2) the periodic
payment or receipt, and (3) the number of periods involved. Suppose that you need to have
at least $9,500 at the end of 8 years in order to send your parents on a luxury cruise. To accumulate
this sum, you have decided to deposit $1,000 at the end of each of the next 8 years in
a bank savings account. If the bank compounds interest annually, what minimum compound
annual interest rate must the bank offer for your savings plan to work?
To solve for the compound annual interest rate (i) implicit in this annuity problem, we
make use of future value of an annuity Eq. (3.9) as follows:
FVA8 = R(FVIFAi,8)
$9,500 = $1,000(FVIFAi,8)
FVIFAi,8 = $9,500/$1,000 = 9.5
Reading across the 8-period row in Table 3.5, we look for the future value interest factor of
an annuity (FVIFA) that comes closest to our calculated value of 9.5. In our table, that interest
factor is 9.549 and is found in the 5% column. Because 9.549 is slightly larger than 9.5, we
PVA R i R i i n
= /( + [( [ )n ]
⎣ ⎢⎢
⎦ ⎥⎥
= − +
= Σ
1 1 ) 1 1/(1 ])/
3 The Time Value of Money
Table 3.6
Present value interest
factor of an (ordinary)
annuity of $1 per
period at i % for n
periods (PVIFAi,n)
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 0.990 0.971 0.952 0.926 0.909 0.870
2 1.970 1.913 1.859 1.783 1.736 1.626
3 2.941 2.829 2.723 2.577 2.487 2.283
4 3.902 3.717 3.546 3.312 3.170 2.855
5 4.853 4.580 4.329 3.993 3.791 3.352
6 5.795 5.417 5.076 4.623 4.355 3.784
7 6.728 6.230 5.786 5.206 4.868 4.160
8 7.652 7.020 6.463 5.747 5.335 4.487
9 8.566 7.786 7.108 6.247 5.759 4.772
10 9.471 8.530 7.722 6.710 6.145 5.019
(PVIFAi n i i i
) = 1/(1 + ) = (1 − [1/(1 + ) ])/
= Σ
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conclude that the interest rate implicit in the example situation is actually slightly less than
5 percent. (For a more accurate answer, you would need to rely on trial-and-error testing of
different interest rates, interpolation, or a financial calculator.)
Unknown Periodic Payment (or Receipt). When dealing with annuities, one frequently
encounters situations in which either the future (or present) value of the annuity, the interest
rate, and the number of periodic payments (or receipts) are known. What needs to be determined,
however, is the size of each equal payment or receipt. In a business setting, we most
frequently encounter the need to determine periodic annuity payments in sinking fund (i.e.,
building up a fund through equal-dollar payments) and loan amortization (i.e., extinguishing
a loan through equal-dollar payments) problems.
Rearrangement of either the basic present or future value annuity equation is necessary to
solve for the periodic payment or receipt implicit in an annuity. Because we devote an entire
section at the end of this chapter to the important topic of loan amortization, we will illustrate
how to calculate the periodic payment with a sinking fund problem.
How much must one deposit each year end in a savings account earning 5 percent compound
annual interest to accumulate $10,000 at the end of 8 years? We compute the payment
(R) going into the savings account each year with the help of future value of an annuity
Eq. (3.9). In addition, we use Table 3.5 to find the value corresponding to FVIFA5%,8 and
proceed as follows:
FVA8 = R(FVIFA5%,8)
$10,000 = R(9.549)
R = $10,000/9.549 = $1,047.23
Therefore, by making eight year-end deposits of $1,047.23 each into a savings account earning
5 percent compound annual interest, we will build up a sum totaling $10,000 at the end
of 8 years.
Perpetuity. A perpetuity is an ordinary annuity whose payments or receipts continue forever.
The ability to determine the present value of this special type of annuity will be required
when we value perpetual bonds and preferred stock in the next chapter. A look back to PVAn
in Eq. (3.10) should help us to make short work of this type of task. Replacing n in Eq. (3.10)
with the value infinity (∞) gives us
PVA∞ = R[(1 − [1/(1 + i )∞])/i ] (3.12)
Because the bracketed term – [1/(1 + i)∞] – approaches zero, we can rewrite Eq. (3.12) as
PVA∞ = R[(1 − 0)/i ] = R(1/i )
or simply
PVA∞ = R/i (3.13)
Thus the present value of a perpetuity is simply the periodic receipt (payment) divided by
the interest rate per period. For example, if $100 is received each year forever and the interest
rate is 8 percent, the present value of this perpetuity is $1,250 (that is, $100/0.08).
Annuity Due. In contrast to an ordinary annuity, where payments or receipts occur at the
end of each period, an annuity due calls for a series of equal payments occurring at the beginning
of each period. Luckily, only a slight modification to the procedures already outlined for
the treatment of ordinary annuities will allow us to solve annuity due problems.
Figure 3.6 compares and contrasts the calculation for the future value of a $1,000 ordinary
annuity for three years at 8 percent (FVA3) with that of the future value of a $1,000 annuity
due for three years at 8 percent (FVAD3). Notice that the cash flows for the ordinary annuity
are perceived to occur at the end of periods 1, 2, and 3, and those for the annuity due are perceived
to occur at the beginning of periods 2, 3, and 4.
Part 2 Valuation
Perpetuity An ordinary
annuity whose
payments or receipts
continue forever.
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Notice that the future value of the three-year annuity due is simply equal to the future
value of a comparable three-year ordinary annuity compounded for one more period. Thus
the future value of an annuity due at i percent for n periods (FVADn) is determined as
FVADn = R(FVIFAi,n)(1 + i ) (3.14)
Take Note
Whether a cash flow appears to occur at the beginning or end of a period often depends on
your perspective, however. (In a similar vein, is midnight the end of one day or the beginning
of the next?) Therefore, the real key to distinguishing between the future value of an
ordinary annuity and an annuity due is the point at which the future value is calculated. For
an ordinary annuity, future value is calculated as of the last cash flow. For an annuity due,
future value is calculated as of one period after the last cash flow.
The determination of the present value of an annuity due at i percent for n periods
(PVADn) is best understood by example. Figure 3.7 illustrates the calculations necessary to
determine both the present value of a $1,000 ordinary annuity at 8 percent for three years
(PVA3) and the present value of a $1,000 annuity due at 8 percent for three years (PVAD3).
As can be seen in Figure 3.7, the present value of a three-year annuity due is equal to the
present value of a two-year ordinary annuity plus one nondiscounted periodic receipt or
payment. This can be generalized as follows:
PVADn = R(PVIFAi,n−1) + R
= R(PVIFAi,n−1 + 1) (3.15)
3 The Time Value of Money
Figure 3.6
Time lines for
calculating the future
(compound) value of
an (ordinary) annuity
and an annuity due
[periodic receipt =
R = $1,000; i = 8%;
and n = 3 years]
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Alternatively, we could view the present value of an annuity due as the present value of an
ordinary annuity that had been brought back one period too far. That is, we want the present
value one period later than the ordinary annuity approach provides. Therefore, we could calculate
the present value of an n-period annuity and then compound it one period forward.
The general formula for this approach to determining PVADn is
PVADn = (1 + i )(R)(PVIFAi,n) (3.16)
Figure 3.7 proves by example that both approaches to determining PVADn work equally well.
However, the use of Eq. (3.15) seems to be the more obvious approach. The time-line
approach taken in Figure 3.7 also helps us recognize the major differences between the present
value of an ordinary annuity and an annuity due.
Take Note
In solving for the present value of an ordinary annuity, we consider the cash flows as
occurring at the end of periods (in our Figure 3.7 example, the end of periods 1, 2, and 3)
and calculate the present value as of one period before the first cash flow. Determination
of the present value of an annuity due calls for us to consider the cash flows as occurring
at the beginning of periods (in our example, the beginning of periods 1, 2, and 3) and to
calculate the present value as of the first cash flow.
Part 2 Valuation
Figure 3.7
Time lines for
calculating the
present (discounted)
value of an (ordinary)
annuity and an
annuity due [periodic
receipt = R = $1,000;
i = 8%; and n = 3
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3 The Time Value of Money
Each year, on your birthday, you invest $2,000 in a tax-free retirement investment account. By age 65 you will have
INTEREST RATE (i) 21 31 41 51
6% $ 425,487 $222,870 $109,730 $46,552
8 773,011 344,634 146,212 54,304
10 1,437,810 542,048 196,694 63,544
12 2,716,460 863,326 266,668 74,560
From the table, it looks like the time to start saving is now!
The Magic of Compound Interest
l l l Mixed Flows
Many time value of money problems that we face involve neither a single cash flow nor a
single annuity. Instead, we may encounter a mixed (or uneven) pattern of cash flows.
Question Assume that you are faced with the following problem – on an exam (arghh!),
perhaps. What is the present value of $5,000 to be received annually at the end of
years 1 and 2, followed by $6,000 annually at the end of years 3 and 4, and concluding
with a final payment of $1,000 at the end of year 5, all discounted at 5 percent?
The first step in solving the question above, or any similar problem, is to draw a time
line, position the cash flows, and draw arrows indicating the direction and position to which
you are going to adjust the flows. Second, make the necessary calculations as indicated by
your diagram. (You may think that drawing a picture of what needs to be done is somewhat
“childlike.” However, consider that most successful home builders work from blueprints –
why shouldn’t you?)
Figure 3.8 illustrates that mixed flow problems can always be solved by adjusting each flow
individually and then summing the results. This is time-consuming, but it works.
Often we can recognize certain patterns within mixed cash flows that allow us to take some
calculation shortcuts. Thus the problem that we have been working on could be solved in a
number of alternative ways. One such alternative is shown in Figure 3.9. Notice how our twostep
procedure continues to lead us to the correct solution:
Take Note
l Step 1: Draw a time line, position cash flows, and draw arrows to indicate direction and
position of adjustments.
l Step 2: Perform calculations as indicated by your diagram.
A wide variety of mixed (uneven) cash-flow problems could be illustrated. To appreciate
this variety and to master the skills necessary to determine solutions, be sure to do the problems
at the end of this chapter. Don’t be too bothered if you make some mistakes at first. Time
value of money problems can be tricky. Mastering this material is a little bit like learning to
ride a bicycle. You expect to fall and get bruised a bit until you pick up the necessary skills.
But practice makes perfect.
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Part 2 Valuation
Figure 3.8
(Alternative 1) Time
line for calculating
the present
(discounted) value
of mixed cash flows
[FV1 = FV2 = $5,000;
FV3 = FV4 = $6,000;
FV5 = $1,000; i = 5%;
and n = 5 years]
Figure 3.9
(Alternative 2) Time
line for calculating
the present
(discounted) value
of mixed cash flows
[FV1 = FV2 = $5,000;
FV3 = FV4 = $6,000;
FV5 = $1,000; i = 5%;
and n = 5 years]
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Compounding More Than Once a Year
l l l Semiannual and Other Compounding Periods
Future (or Compound) Value. Up to now, we have assumed that interest is paid annually.
It is easiest to get a basic understanding of the time value of money with this assumption.
Now, however, it is time to consider the relationship between future value and interest rates
for different compounding periods. To begin, suppose that interest is paid semiannually. If
you then deposit $100 in a savings account at a nominal, or stated, 8 percent annual interest
rate, the future value at the end of six months would be
FV0.5 = $100(1 + [0.08/2]) = $104
In other words, at the end of one half-year you would receive 4 percent in interest, not 8 percent.
At the end of a year the future value of the deposit would be
FV1 = $100(1 + [0.08/2])2 = $108.16
This amount compares with $108 if interest is paid only once a year. The $0.16 difference
is caused by interest being earned in the second six months on the $4 in interest paid at the
end of the first six months. The more times during the year that interest is paid, the greater
the future value at the end of a given year.
The general formula for solving for the future value at the end of n years where interest is
paid m times a year is
FVn = PV0(1 + [i /m])mn (3.17)
To illustrate, suppose that now interest is paid quarterly and that you wish to know the future
value of $100 at the end of one year where the stated annual rate is 8 percent. The future value
would be
FV1 = $100(1 + [0.08/4])(4)(1)
= $100(1 + 0.02)4 = $108.24
which, of course, is higher than it would be with either semiannual or annual compounding.
The future value at the end of three years for the example with quarterly compounding
FV3 = $100(1 + [0.08/4])(4)(3)
= $100(1 + 0.02)12 = $126.82
compared with a future value with semiannual compounding of
FV3 = $100(1 + [0.08/2])(2)(3)
= $100(1 + 0.04)6 = $126.53
and with annual compounding of
FV3 = $100(1 + [0.08/1])(1)(3)
= $100(1 + 0.08)3 = $125.97
Thus, the more frequently interest is paid each year, the greater the future value. When m in
Eq. (3.17) approaches infinity, we achieve continuous compounding. Shortly, we will take a
special look at continuous compounding and discounting.
Present (or Discounted) Value. When interest is compounded more than once a year, the
formula for calculating present value must be revised along the same lines as for the calculation
of future value. Instead of dividing the future cash flow by (1 + i)n as we do when annual
compounding is involved, we determine the present value by
3 The Time Value of Money
Nominal (stated)
interest rate
A rate of interest
quoted for a year
that has not been
adjusted for frequency
of compounding.
If interest is
compounded more
than once a year,
the effective interest
rate will be higher
than the nominal rate.
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PV0 = FVn /(1 + [i /m])mn (3.18)
where, as before, FVn is the future cash flow to be received at the end of year n, m is the number
of times a year interest is compounded, and i is the discount rate. We can use Eq. (3.18),
for example, to calculate the present value of $100 to be received at the end of year 3 for a
nominal discount rate of 8 percent compounded quarterly:
PV0 = $100/(1 + [0.08/4])(4)(3)
= $100/(1 + 0.02)12 = $78.85
If the discount rate is compounded only annually, we have
PV0 = $100/(1 + 0.08)3 = $79.38
Thus, the fewer times a year that the nominal discount rate is compounded, the greater the
present value. This relationship is just the opposite of that for future values.
l l l Continuous Compounding
In practice, interest is sometimes compounded continuously. Therefore it is useful to consider
how this works. Recall that the general formula for solving for the future value at the end of
year n, Eq. (3.17), is
FVn = PV0(1 + [i /m])mn
As m, the number of times a year that interest is compounded, approaches infinity (∞), we get
continuous compounding, and the term (1 + [i/m])mn approaches ein, where e is approximately
2.71828. Therefore the future value at the end of n years of an initial deposit of PV0
where interest is compounded continuously at a rate of i percent is
FVn = PV0(e)in (3.19)
For our earlier example problem, the future value of a $100 deposit at the end of three years
with continuous compounding at 8 percent would be
FV3 = $100(e)(0.08)(3)
= $100(2.71828)(0.24) = $127.12
This compares with a future value with annual compounding of
FV3 = $100(1 + 0.08)3 = $125.97
Continuous compounding results in the maximum possible future value at the end of n
periods for a given nominal rate of interest.
By the same token, when interest is compounded continuously, the formula for the present
value of a cash flow received at the end of year n is
PV0 = FVn /(e)in (3.20)
Thus the present value of $1,000 to be received at the end of 10 years with a discount rate of
20 percent, compounded continuously, is
PV0 = $1,000/(e)(0.20)(10)
= $1,000/(2.71828)2 = $135.34
We see then that present value calculations involving continuous compounding are
merely the reciprocals of future value calculations. Also, although continuous compounding
results in the maximum possible future value, it results in the minimum possible present
Part 2 Valuation
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3The “special case” formula for effective annual interest rate when there is continuous compounding is as follows:
effective annual interest rate = (e)i − 1
Effective annual
interest rate The
actual rate of interest
earned (paid) after
adjusting the nominal
rate for factors such
as the number of
compounding periods
per year.
Question When a bank quotes you an annual percentage yield (APY) on a savings account or
certificate of deposit, what does that mean?
Answer Based on a congressional act, the Federal Reserve requires that banks and thrifts adopt
a standardized method of calculating the effective interest rates they pay on consumer
accounts. It is called the annual percentage yield (APY). The APY is meant to eliminate
confusion caused when savings institutions apply different methods of compounding
and use various terms, such as effective yield, annual yield, and effective rate. The APY is
similar to the effective annual interest rate. The APY calculation, however, is based on
the actual number of days for which the money is deposited in an account in a 365-day
year (366 days in a leap year).
In a similar vein, the Truth-in-Lending Act mandates that all financial institutions
report the effective interest rate on any loan. This rate is called the annual percentage
rate (APR). However, the financial institutions are not required to report the “true”
effective annual interest rate as the APR. Instead, they may report a noncompounded
version of the effective annual interest rate. For example, assume that a bank makes a
loan for less than a year, or interest is to be compounded more frequently than annually.
The bank would determine an effective periodic interest rate – based on usable funds (i.e.,
the amount of funds the borrower can actually use) – and then simply multiply this rate
by the number of such periods in a year. The result is the APR.
l l l Effective Annual Interest Rate
Different investments may provide returns based on various compounding periods. If we want
to compare alternative investments that have different compounding periods, we need to state
their interest on some common, or standardized, basis. This leads us to make a distinction
between nominal, or stated, interest and the effective annual interest rate. The effective
annual interest rate is the interest rate compounded annually that provides the same annual
interest as the nominal rate does when compounded m times per year.
By definition then,
(1 + effective annual interest rate) = (1 + [i /m])(m)(1)
Therefore, given the nominal rate i and the number of compounding periods per year m, we
can solve for the effective annual interest rate as follows:3
effective annual interest rate = (1 + [i /m])m − 1 (3.21)
For example, if a savings plan offered a nominal interest rate of 8 percent compounded
quarterly on a one-year investment, the effective annual interest rate would be
(1 + [0.08/4])4 − 1 = (1 + 0.02)4 − 1 = 0.08243
Only if interest had been compounded annually would the effective annual interest rate have
equaled the nominal rate of 8 percent.
Table 3.7 contains a number of future values at the end of one year for $1,000 earning a
nominal rate of 8 percent for several different compounding periods. The table illustrates
that the more numerous the compounding periods, the greater the future value of (and
interest earned on) the deposit, and the greater the effective annual interest rate.
3 The Time Value of Money
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Amortizing a Loan
An important use of present value concepts is in determining the payments required for
an installment-type loan. The distinguishing feature of this loan is that it is repaid in equal
periodic payments that include both interest and principal. These payments can be made
monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually. Installment payments are prevalent in mortgage
loans, auto loans, consumer loans, and certain business loans.
To illustrate with the simplest case of annual payments, suppose you borrow $22,000 at
12 percent compound annual interest to be repaid over the next six years. Equal installment
payments are required at the end of each year. In addition, these payments must be sufficient
in amount to repay the $22,000 together with providing the lender with a 12 percent return.
To determine the annual payment, R, we set up the problem as follows:
= R(PVIFA12%,6)
In Table IV in the Appendix at the end of the book, we find that the discount factor for a sixyear
annuity with a 12 percent interest rate is 4.111. Solving for R in the problem above, we have
$22,000 = R(4.111)
R = $22,000/4.111 = $5,351
Thus annual payments of $5,351 will completely amortize (extinguish) a $22,000 loan in
six years. Each payment consists partly of interest and partly of principal repayment. The
amortization schedule is shown in Table 3.8. We see that annual interest is determined by
$22,000 1/ 1 0.12)
= ( +
⎣ ⎢⎢
⎦ ⎥⎥
= Σ
R t
Part 2 Valuation
Table 3.7
Effects of different
compounding periods
on future values of
$1,000 invested at
an 8% nominal
interest rate
$1,000 Annually $1,080.00 8.000%
1,000 Semiannually 1,081.60 8.160
1,000 Quarterly 1,082.43 8.243
1,000 Monthly 1,083.00 8.300
1,000 Daily (365 days) 1,083.28 8.328
1,000 Continuously 1,083.29 8.329
*Note: $1,000 invested for a year at these rates compounded annually would provide the same future
values as those found in Column 3.
A table showing the
repayment schedule
of interest and
principal necessary
to pay off a loan by
(1) (2) (3) (4)
YEAR PAYMENT (4)t −1 × 0.12 (1) − (2) (4)t−1 − (3)
0 – – – $22,000
1 $ 5,351 $ 2,640 $ 2,711 19,289
2 5,351 2,315 3,036 16,253
3 5,351 1,951 3,400 12,853
4 5,351 1,542 3,809 9,044
5 5,351 1,085 4,266 4,778
6 5,351 573 4,778 0
$32,106 $10,106 $22,000
Table 3.8
Amortization schedule
for illustrated loan
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multiplying the principal amount outstanding at the beginning of the year by 12 percent. The
amount of principal payment is simply the total installment payment minus the interest payment.
Notice that the proportion of the installment payment composed of interest declines
over time, whereas the proportion composed of principal increases. At the end of six years, a
total of $22,000 in principal payments will have been made and the loan will be completely
amortized. The breakdown between interest and principal is important because on a business
loan only interest is deductible as an expense for tax purposes.
Summary Table of Key Compound Interest Formulas
Single Amounts:
FVn = P0(1 + i )n (3.4)
= P0(FVIFi,n) (3.5) I
PV0 = FVn[1/(1 + i )n] (3.6)
= FVn(PVIFi,n) (3.7) II
FVAn = R([(1 + i )n − 1]/i ) (3.8)
= R(FVIFAi,n) (3.9) III
PVAn = R[(1 − [1/(1 + i )n])/i ] (3.10)
= R(PVIFAi,n) (3.11) IV
FVADn = R(FVIFAi,n)(1 + i ) (3.14) III (adjusted)
PVADn = R(PVIFAi,n−1 + 1) (3.15)
= (1 + i)(R)(PVIFAi,n) (3.16) IV (adjusted)
Key Learning Points
l Most financial decisions, personal as well as business,
involve the time value of money. We use the rate of
interest to express the time value of money.
l Simple interest is interest paid (earned) on only the
original amount, or principal, borrowed (lent).
l Compound interest is interest paid (earned) on any
previous interest earned, as well as on the principal
borrowed (lent). The concept of compound interest
can be used to solve a wide variety of problems in
l Two key concepts – future value and present value –
underlie all compound interest problems. Future
value is the value at some future time of a present
amount of money, or a series of payments, evaluated
at a given interest rate. Present value is the current
value of a future amount of money, or a series of payments,
evaluated at a given interest rate.
l It is very helpful to begin solving time value of money
problems by first drawing a time line on which you
position the relevant cash flows.
l An annuity is a series of equal payments or receipts
occurring over a specified number of periods.
l There are some characteristics that should help you
to identify and solve the various types of annuity
1. Present value of an ordinary annuity – cash flows
occur at the end of each period, and present value is
calculated as of one period before the first cash flow.
2. Present value of an annuity due – cash flows occur
at the beginning of each period, and present value is
calculated as of the first cash flow.
3. Future value of an ordinary annuity – cash flows
occur at the end of each period, and future value is
calculated as of the last cash flow.
4. Future value of an annuity due – cash flows occur
at the beginning of each period, and future value is
calculated as of one period after the last cash flow.
l Various formulas were presented for solving for
future values and present values of single amounts
and of annuities. Mixed (uneven) cash-flow problems
can always be solved by adjusting each flow individually
and then summing the results. The ability to
recognize certain patterns within mixed cash flows
will allow you to take calculation shortcuts.
3 The Time Value of Money
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1. What is simple interest?
2. What is compound interest? Why is it important?
3. What kinds of personal financial decisions have you made that involve compound interest?
4. What is an annuity? Is an annuity worth more or less than a lump sum payment received
now that would be equal to the sum of all the future annuity payments?
5. What type of compounding would you prefer in your savings account? Why?
6. Contrast the calculation of future (terminal) value with the calculation of present value.
What is the difference?
7. What is the advantage of using present value tables rather than formulas?
8. If you are scheduled to receive a certain sum of money five years from now but wish to
sell your contract for its present value, which type of compounding would you prefer to
be used in the calculation? Why?
9. The “Rule of 72” suggests that an amount will double in 12 years at a 6 percent compound
annual rate or double in 6 years at a 12 percent annual rate. Is this a useful rule, and is it
an accurate one?
10. Does present value decrease at a linear rate, at an increasing rate, or at a decreasing rate
with the discount rate? Why?
11. Does present value decrease at a linear rate, at an increasing rate, or at a decreasing rate
with the length of time in the future the payment is to be received? Why?
12. Sven Smorgasbord is 35 years old and is presently experiencing the “good” life. As a
result, he anticipates that he will increase his weight at a rate of 3 percent a year. At
present he weighs 200 pounds. What will he weigh at age 60?
Self-Correction Problems
1. The following cash-flow streams need to be analyzed:
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5
W $100 $200 $200 $300 1,$300
X $600 – – – –
Y – – – – 11,200
Z $200 – $500 – $0,300
a. Calculate the future (terminal) value of each stream at the end of year 5 with a compound
annual interest rate of 10 percent.
b. Compute the present value of each stream if the discount rate is 14 percent.
2. Muffin Megabucks is considering two different savings plans. The first plan would have her
deposit $500 every six months, and she would receive interest at a 7 percent annual rate,
compounded semiannually. Under the second plan she would deposit $1,000 every year
with a rate of interest of 7.5 percent, compounded annually. The initial deposit with
Plan 1 would be made six months from now and, with Plan 2, one year hence.
a. What is the future (terminal) value of the first plan at the end of 10 years?
b. What is the future (terminal) value of the second plan at the end of 10 years?
Part 2 Valuation
l To compare alternative investments having different
compounding periods, it is often necessary to calculate
their effective annual interest rates. The effective annual
interest rate is the interest rate compounded annually
that provides the same annual interest as the nominal
rate does when compounded m times per year.
l Amortizing a loan involves determining the periodic
payment necessary to reduce the principal amount to
zero at maturity, while providing interest payments on
the unpaid principal balance. The principal amount
owed decreases at an increasing rate as payments are
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c. Which plan should Muffin use, assuming that her only concern is with the value of her
savings at the end of 10 years?
d. Would your answer change if the rate of interest on the second plan were 7 percent?
3. On a contract you have a choice of receiving $25,000 six years from now or $50,000 twelve
years from now. At what implied compound annual interest rate should you be indifferent
between the two contracts?
4. Emerson Cammack wishes to purchase an annuity contract that will pay him $7,000 a year
for the rest of his life. The Philo Life Insurance Company figures that his life expectancy is
20 years, based on its actuary tables. The company imputes a compound annual interest
rate of 6 percent in its annuity contracts.
a. How much will Cammack have to pay for the annuity?
b. How much would he have to pay if the interest rate were 8 percent?
5. You borrow $10,000 at 14 percent compound annual interest for four years. The loan is
repayable in four equal annual installments payable at the end of each year.
a. What is the annual payment that will completely amortize the loan over four years?
(You may wish to round to the nearest dollar.)
b. Of each equal payment, what is the amount of interest? The amount of loan principal?
(Hint: In early years, the payment is composed largely of interest, whereas at the end it
is mainly principal.)
6. Your late Uncle Vern’s will entitles you to receive $1,000 at the end of every other year for
the next two decades. The first cash flow is two years from now. At a 10 percent compound
annual interest rate, what is the present value of this unusual cash-flow pattern? (Try to
solve this problem in as few steps as you can.)
7. A bank offers you a seven-month certificate of deposit (CD) at a 7.06 percent annual rate
that would provide a 7.25 percent effective annual yield. For the seven-month CD, is interest
being compounded daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly? And, by the way, having
invested $10,000 in this CD, how much money would you receive when your CD matures
in seven months? That is, what size check would the bank give you if you closed your
account at the end of seven months?
8. A Dillonvale, Ohio, man saved pennies for 65 years. When he finally decided to cash them
in, he had roughly 8 million of them (or $80,000 worth), filling 40 trash cans. On average,
the man saved $1,230 worth of pennies a year. If he had deposited the pennies saved
each year, at each year’s end, into a savings account earning 5 percent compound annual
interest, how much would he have had in this account after 65 years of saving? How much
more “cents” (sense) would this have meant for our “penny saver” compared with simply
putting his pennies into trash cans?
9. Xu Lin recently obtained a 10-year, $50,000 loan. The loan carries an 8 percent compound
annual interest rate and calls for annual installment payments of $7,451.47 at the end of
each of the next 10 years.
a. How much (in dollars) of the first year’s payment is principal?
b. How much total interest will be paid over the life of the loan? (Hint: You do not need
to construct a loan amortization table to answer this question. Some simple math is all
you need.)
1. The following are exercises in future (terminal) values:
a. At the end of three years, how much is an initial deposit of $100 worth, assuming a
compound annual interest rate of (i) 100 percent? (ii) 10 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
b. At the end of five years, how much is an initial $500 deposit followed by five year-end,
annual $100 payments worth, assuming a compound annual interest rate of (i) 10 percent?
(ii) 5 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
3 The Time Value of Money
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c. At the end of six years, how much is an initial $500 deposit followed by five year-end,
annual $100 payments worth, assuming a compound annual interest rate of (i) 10 percent?
(ii) 5 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
d. At the end of three years, how much is an initial $100 deposit worth, assuming a quarterly
compounded annual interest rate of (i) 100 percent? (ii) 10 percent?
e. Why do your answers to Part (d) differ from those to Part (a)?
f. At the end of 10 years, how much is a $100 initial deposit worth, assuming an annual
interest rate of 10 percent compounded (i) annually? (ii) semiannually? (iii) quarterly?
(iv) continuously?
2. The following are exercises in present values:
a. $100 at the end of three years is worth how much today, assuming a discount rate of
(i) 100 percent? (ii) 10 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
b. What is the aggregate present value of $500 received at the end of each of the next
three years, assuming a discount rate of (i) 4 percent? (ii) 25 percent?
c. $100 is received at the end of one year, $500 at the end of two years, and $1,000 at the
end of three years. What is the aggregate present value of these receipts, assuming a
discount rate of (i) 4 percent? (ii) 25 percent?
d. $1,000 is to be received at the end of one year, $500 at the end of two years, and $100
at the end of three years. What is the aggregate present value of these receipts assuming
a discount rate of (i) 4 percent? (ii) 25 percent?
e. Compare your solutions in Part (c) with those in Part (d) and explain the reason for
the differences.
3. Joe Hernandez has inherited $25,000 and wishes to purchase an annuity that will provide
him with a steady income over the next 12 years. He has heard that the local savings and
loan association is currently paying 6 percent compound interest on an annual basis. If
he were to deposit his funds, what year-end equal-dollar amount (to the nearest dollar)
would he be able to withdraw annually such that he would have a zero balance after his
last withdrawal 12 years from now?
4. You need to have $50,000 at the end of 10 years. To accumulate this sum, you have
decided to save a certain amount at the end of each of the next 10 years and deposit it in
the bank. The bank pays 8 percent interest compounded annually for long-term deposits.
How much will you have to save each year (to the nearest dollar)?
5. Same as Problem 4 above, except that you deposit a certain amount at the beginning of
each of the next 10 years. Now, how much will you have to save each year (to the nearest
6. Vernal Equinox wishes to borrow $10,000 for three years. A group of individuals agrees
to lend him this amount if he contracts to pay them $16,000 at the end of the three years.
What is the implicit compound annual interest rate implied by this contract (to the
nearest whole percent)?
7. You have been offered a note with four years to maturity, which will pay $3,000 at the end
of each of the four years. The price of the note to you is $10,200. What is the implicit
compound annual interest rate you will receive (to the nearest whole percent)?
8. Sales of the P.J. Cramer Company were $500,000 this year, and they are expected to grow
at a compound rate of 20 percent for the next six years. What will be the sales figure at
the end of each of the next six years?
9. The H & L Bark Company is considering the purchase of a debarking machine that is
expected to provide cash flows as follows:
1 2 3 4 5
Cash flow $1,200 $2,000 $2,400 $1,900 $1,600
Part 2 Valuation
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6 7 8 9 10
Cash flow $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400
If the appropriate annual discount rate is 14 percent, what is the present value of this
cash-flow stream?
10. Suppose you were to receive $1,000 at the end of 10 years. If your opportunity rate is
10 percent, what is the present value of this amount if interest is compounded (a) annually?
(b) quarterly? (c) continuously?
11. In connection with the United States Bicentennial, the Treasury once contemplated offering
a savings bond for $1,000 that would be worth $1 million in 100 years. Approximately
what compound annual interest rate is implied by these terms?
12. Selyn Cohen is 63 years old and recently retired. He wishes to provide retirement income
for himself and is considering an annuity contract with the Philo Life Insurance
Company. Such a contract pays him an equal-dollar amount each year that he lives. For
this cash-flow stream, he must put up a specific amount of money at the beginning.
According to actuary tables, his life expectancy is 15 years, and that is the duration on
which the insurance company bases its calculations regardless of how long he actually
a. If Philo Life uses a compound annual interest rate of 5 percent in its calculations,
what must Cohen pay at the outset for an annuity to provide him with $10,000 per
year? (Assume that the expected annual payments are at the end of each of the
15 years.)
b. What would be the purchase price if the compound annual interest rate is 10 percent?
c. Cohen had $30,000 to put into an annuity. How much would he receive each year if
the insurance company uses a 5 percent compound annual interest rate in its calculations?
A 10 percent compound annual interest rate?
13. The Happy Hang Glide Company is purchasing a building and has obtained a $190,000
mortgage loan for 20 years. The loan bears a compound annual interest rate of 17 percent
and calls for equal annual installment payments at the end of each of the 20 years. What
is the amount of the annual payment?
14. Establish loan amortization schedules for the following loans to the nearest cent (see
Table 3.8 for an example):
a. A 36-month loan of $8,000 with equal installment payments at the end of each month.
The interest rate is 1 percent per month.
b. A 25-year mortgage loan of $184,000 at a 10 percent compound annual interest rate
with equal installment payments at the end of each year.
15. You have borrowed $14,300 at a compound annual interest rate of 15 percent. You feel
that you will be able to make annual payments of $3,000 per year on your loan. (Payments
include both principal and interest.) How long will it be before the loan is entirely paid
off (to the nearest year)?
16. Lost Dutchman Mines, Inc., is considering investing in Peru. It makes a bid to the government
to participate in the development of a mine, the profits of which will be realized
at the end of five years. The mine is expected to produce $5 million in cash to Lost
Dutchman Mines at that time. Other than the bid at the outset, no other cash flows will
occur, as the government will reimburse the company for all costs. If Lost Dutchman
requires a nominal annual return of 20 percent (ignoring any tax consequences), what
is the maximum bid it should make for the participation right if interest is compounded
(a) annually? (b) semiannually? (c) quarterly? (d) continuously?
17. Earl E. Bird has decided to start saving for his retirement. Beginning on his twenty-first
birthday, Earl plans to invest $2,000 each birthday into a savings investment earning a
3 The Time Value of Money
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7 percent compound annual rate of interest. He will continue this savings program for a
total of 10 years and then stop making payments. But his savings will continue to compound
at 7 percent for 35 more years, until Earl retires at age 65. Ivana Waite also plans
to invest $2,000 a year, on each birthday, at 7 percent, and will do so for a total of 35 years.
However, she will not begin her contributions until her thirty-first birthday. How much
will Earl’s and Ivana’s savings programs be worth at the retirement age of 65? Who is
better off financially at retirement, and by how much?
18. When you were born, your dear old Aunt Minnie promised to deposit $1,000 in a savings
account for you on each and every one of your birthdays, beginning with your first. The
savings account bears a 5 percent compound annual rate of interest. You have just turned
25 and want all the cash. However, it turns out that dear old (forgetful) Aunt Minnie
made no deposits on your fifth, seventh, and eleventh birthdays. How much is in the
account now – on your twenty-fifth birthday?
19. Assume that you will be opening a savings account today by depositing $100,000. The
savings account pays 5 percent compound annual interest, and this rate is assumed to
remain in effect for all future periods. Four years from today you will withdraw R
dollars. You will continue to make additional annual withdrawals of R dollars for a
while longer – making your last withdrawal at the end of year 9 – to achieve the following
pattern of cash flows over time. (Note: Today is time period zero; one year from
today is the end of time period 1; etc.)
How large must R be to leave you with exactly a zero balance after your final R withdrawal
is made at the end of year 9? (Tip: Making use of an annuity table or formula will make
your work a lot easier!)
20. Suppose that an investment promises to pay a nominal 9.6 percent annual rate of interest.
What is the effective annual interest rate on this investment assuming that interest is
compounded (a) annually? (b) semiannually? (c) quarterly? (d) monthly? (e) daily (365
days)? (f ) continuously? (Note: Report your answers accurate to four decimal places –
e.g., 0.0987 or 9.87%.)
21. “Want to win a million dollars? Here’s how. . . . One winner, chosen at random from all
entries, will win a $1,000,000 annuity.” That was the statement announcing a contest on
the World Wide Web. The contest rules described the “million-dollar prize” in greater
detail: “40 annual payments of $25,000 each, which will result in a total payment of
$1,000,000. The first payment will be made January 1; subsequent payments will be
made each January thereafter.” Using a compound annual interest rate of 8 percent,
what is the present value of this “million-dollar prize” as of the first installment on
January 1?
22. It took roughly 14 years for the Dow Jones Average of 30 Industrial Stocks to go from
1,000 to 2,000. To double from 2,000 to 4,000 took only 8 years, and to go from 4,000 to
8,000 required roughly 2 years. To the nearest whole percent, what compound annual
growth rates are implicit in these three index-doubling milestones?
Part 2 Valuation
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Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
1. a. Future (terminal) value of each cash flow and total future value of each stream are as
follows (using Table I in the end-of-book Appendix):
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5 VALUE
W $146.40 $266.20 $242.00 $330.00 $ 300.00 $1,284.60
X 878.40 – – – – 878.40
Y – – – – 1,200.00 1,200.00
Z 292.80 – 605.00 – 300.00 1,197.80
b. Present value of each cash flow and total present value of each stream (using Table II in
the end-of-book Appendix):
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5 VALUE
W $ 87.70 $153.80 $135.00 $177.60 $155.70 $709.80
X 526.20 – – – – 526.20
Y – – – – 622.80 622.80
Z 175.40 – 337.50 – 155.70 668.60
2. a. FV10 Plan 1 = $500(FVIFA3.5%,20)
= $500{[(1 + 0.035)20 − 1]/[0.035]}
= $14,139.84
b. FV10 Plan 2 = $1,000(FVIFA7.5%,10)
= $1,000{[(1 + 0.075)10 − 1]/[0.075]}
= $14,147.09
c. Plan 2 would be preferred by a slight margin – $7.25.
d. FV10 Plan 2 = $1,000(FVIFA7%,10)
= $1,000{[(1 + 0.07)10 − 1]/[0.07]}
= $13,816.45
Now, Plan 1 would be preferred by a nontrivial $323.37 margin.
3. Indifference implies that you could reinvest the $25,000 receipt for 6 years at X% to
provide an equivalent $50,000 cash flow in year 12. In short, $25,000 would double in
6 years. Using the “Rule of 72,” 72/6 = 12%.
Alternatively, note that $50,000 = $25,000(FVIFX%,6). Therefore (FVIFX%,6) =
$50,000/$25,000 = 2. In Table I in the Appendix at the end of the book, the interest factor
for 6 years at 12 percent is 1.974 and that for 13 percent is 2.082. Interpolating, we have
as the interest rate implied in the contract.
For an even more accurate answer, recognize that FVIFX%,6 can also be written as
(1 + i)6. Then, we can solve directly for i (and X% = i[100]) as follows:
(1 + i )6 = 2
(1 + i ) = 21/6 = 20.1667 = 1.1225
i = 0.1225 or X% = 12.25%
4. a. PV0 = $7,000(PVIFA6%,20) = $7,000(11.470) = $80,290
b. PV0 = $7,000(PVIFA8%,20) = $7,000(9.818) = $68,726
5. a. PV0 = $10,000 = R(PVIFA14%,4) = R(2.914)
Therefore R = $10,000/2.914 = $3,432 (to the nearest dollar).
X% = +
12% =
2.000 1.974
2.082 1.974
3 The Time Value of Money
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(1) (2) (3) (4)
YEAR PAYMENT (4)t −1 × 0.14 (1) − (2) (4)t −1 − (3)
0 – – – $10,000
1 $ 3,432 $1,400 $ 2,032 7,968
2 3,432 1,116 2,316 5,652
3 3,432 791 2,641 3,011
4 3,432 421 3,011 0
$13,728 $3,728 $10,000
6. When we draw a picture of the problem, we get $1,000 at the end of every even-numbered
year for years 1 through 20:
Tip: Convert $1,000 every 2 years into an equivalent annual annuity (i.e., an annuity that
would provide an equivalent present or future value to the actual cash flows) pattern.
Solving for a 2-year annuity that is equivalent to a future $1,000 to be received at the end
of year 2, we get
FVA2 = $1,000 = R(FVIFA10%,2) = R(2.100)
Therefore R = $1,000/2.100 = $476.19. Replacing every $1,000 with an equivalent twoyear
annuity gives us $476.19 for 20 years.
PVA20 = $476.19(PVIFA10%,20) = $476.19(8.514) = $4,054.28
7. Effective annual interest rate = (1 + [i/m])m − 1
= (1 + [0.0706/4])4 − 1
= 0.07249 (approximately 7.25%)
Therefore, we have quarterly compounding. And, investing $10,000 at 7.06 percent
compounded quarterly for seven months (Note: Seven months equals 21⁄3 quarter periods),
we get
$10,000(1 + [0.0706/4])2.33
– = $10,000(1.041669) = $10,416.69
8. FVA65 = $1,230(FVIFA5%,65)
= $1,230[([1 + 0.05]65 − 1)/(0.05)]
= $1,230(456.798) = $561,861.54
Our “penny saver” would have been better off by ($561,861.54 − $80,000) = $481,861.54
– or 48,186,154 pennies – by depositing the pennies saved each year into a savings account
earning 5 percent compound annual interest.
9. a. $50,000(0.08) = $4,000 interest payment
$7,451.47 − $4,000 = $3,451.47 principal payment
b. Total installment payments − total principal payments = total interest payments
$74,514.70 − $50,000 = $24,514.70
Part 2 Valuation
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
Rich, Steven P., and John T. Rose. “Interest Rate Concepts
and Terminology in Introductory Finance Textbooks.”
Financial Practice and Education 7 (Spring–Summer
1997), 113–121.
Shao, Stephen P., and Lawrence P. Shao. Mathematics for
Management and Finance, 8th ed. Cincinnati, OH: South-
Western, 1998.
Part II of the text’s website, Wachowicz’s Web World, contains
links to many finance websites and online articles
related to topics covered in this chapter.
( See, especially,
Annuities: Ordinary? Due? What do I do?
( and Annuity
( )
Selected References
3 The Time Value of Money
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The Valuation of Long-Term
l Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts
Liquidation Value versus Going-Concern Value •
Book Value versus Market Value • Market Value
versus Intrinsic Value
l Bond Valuation
Perpetual Bonds • Bonds with a
Finite Maturity
l Preferred Stock Valuation
l Common Stock Valuation
Are Dividends the Foundation? • Dividend
Discount Models
l Rates of Return (or Yields)
Yield to Maturity (YTM) on Bonds • Yield on
Preferred Stock • Yield on Common Stock
l Summary Table of Key Present Value
Formulas for Valuing Long-Term
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Self-Correction Problems
l Problems
l Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
l Selected References
After studying Chapter 4, you should be able to:
l Distinguish among the various terms used to
express value, including liquidation value,
going-concern value, book value, market value,
and intrinsic value.
l Value bonds, preferred stocks, and common
l Calculate the rates of return (or yields) of different
types of long-term securities.
l List and explain a number of observations
regarding the behavior of bond prices.
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What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the
value of nothing.
In the last chapter we discussed the time value of money and explored the wonders of compound
interest. We are now able to apply these concepts to determining the value of different
securities. In particular, we are concerned with the valuation of the firm’s long-term securities
– bonds, preferred stock, and common stock (though the principles discussed apply to
other securities as well). Valuation will, in fact, underlie much of the later development of the
book. Because the major decisions of a company are all interrelated in their effect on valuation,
we must understand how investors value the financial instruments of a company.
Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts
The term value can mean different things to different people. Therefore we need to be precise
in how we both use and interpret this term. Let’s look briefly at the differences that exist
among some of the major concepts of value.
l l l Liquidation Value versus Going-Concern Value
Liquidation value is the amount of money that could be realized if an asset or a group of
assets (e.g., a firm) is sold separately from its operating organization. This value is in marked
contrast to the going-concern value of a firm, which is the amount the firm could be sold for
as a continuing operating business. These two values are rarely equal, and sometimes a company
is actually worth more dead than alive.
The security valuation models that we will discuss in this chapter will generally assume that
we are dealing with going concerns – operating firms able to generate positive cash flows to
security investors. In instances where this assumption is not appropriate (e.g., impending
bankruptcy), the firm’s liquidation value will have a major role in determining the value of
the firm’s financial securities.
l l l Book Value versus Market Value
The book value of an asset is the accounting value of the asset – the asset’s cost minus its
accumulated depreciation. The book value of a firm, on the other hand, is equal to the dollar
difference between the firm’s total assets and its liabilities and preferred stock as listed on its
balance sheet. Because book value is based on historical values, it may bear little relationship
to an asset’s or firm’s market value.
In general, the market value of an asset is simply the market price at which the asset (or a
similar asset) trades in an open marketplace. For a firm, market value is often viewed as being
the higher of the firm’s liquidation or going-concern value.
l l l Market Value versus Intrinsic Value
Based on our general definition for market value, the market value of a security is the market
price of the security. For an actively traded security, it would be the last reported price at
which the security was sold. For an inactively traded security, an estimated market price
would be needed.
The intrinsic value of a security, on the other hand, is what the price of a security should
be if properly priced based on all factors bearing on valuation – assets, earnings, future
Part 2 Valuation
Liquidation value
The amount of money
that could be realized
if an asset or a group
of assets (e.g., a firm)
is sold separately
from its operating
Going-concern value
The amount a firm
could be sold for as a
continuing operating
Book value
(1) An asset: the
accounting value
of an asset – the
asset’s cost minus
its accumulated
depreciation; (2) a
firm: total assets
minus liabilities and
preferred stock as
listed on the balance
Market value The
market price at which
an asset trades.
Intrinsic value
The price a security
“ought to have”
based on all factors
bearing on valuation.
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prospects, management, and so on. In short, the intrinsic value of a security is its economic
value. If markets are reasonably efficient and informed, the current market price of a security
should fluctuate closely around its intrinsic value.
The valuation approach taken in this chapter is one of determining a security’s intrinsic
value – what the security ought to be worth based on hard facts. This value is the present
value of the cash-flow stream provided to the investor, discounted at a required rate of
return appropriate for the risk involved. With this general valuation concept in mind, we
are now able to explore in more detail the valuation of specific types of securities.
Bond Valuation
A bond is a security that pays a stated amount of interest to the investor, period after period,
until it is finally retired by the issuing company. Before we can fully understand the valuation
of such a security, certain terms must be discussed. For one thing, a bond has a face value.1
This value is usually $1,000 per bond in the United States. The bond almost always has a stated
maturity, which is the time when the company is obligated to pay the bondholder the face
value of the instrument. Finally, the coupon rate, or nominal annual rate of interest, is stated
on the bond’s face.2 If, for example, the coupon rate is 12 percent on a $1,000-face-value
bond, the company pays the holder $120 each year until the bond matures.
In valuing a bond, or any security for that matter, we are primarily concerned with discounting,
or capitalizing, the cash-flow stream that the security holder would receive over the
life of the instrument. The terms of a bond establish a legally binding payment pattern at the
time the bond is originally issued. This pattern consists of the payment of a stated amount of
interest over a given number of years coupled with a final payment, when the bond matures,
equal to the bond’s face value. The discount, or capitalization, rate applied to the cash-flow
stream will differ among bonds depending on the risk structure of the bond issue. In general,
however, this rate can be thought of as being composed of the risk-free rate plus a
premium for risk. (You may remember that we introduced the idea of a market-imposed
“trade-off ” between risk and return in Chapter 2. We will have more to say about risk and
required rates of return in the next chapter.)
l l l Perpetual Bonds
The first (and easiest) place to start determining the value of bonds is with a unique class
of bonds that never matures. These are indeed rare, but they help illustrate the valuation
technique in its simplest form. Originally issued by Great Britain after the Napoleonic Wars
to consolidate debt issues, the British consol (short for consolidated annuities) is one such
example. This bond carries the obligation of the British government to pay a fixed interest
payment in perpetuity.
The present value of a perpetual bond would simply be equal to the capitalized value of
an infinite stream of interest payments. If a bond promises a fixed annual payment of I
forever, its present (intrinsic) value, V, at the investor’s required rate of return for this debt
issue, kd, is
1Much like criminals, many of the terms used in finance are also known under a number of different aliases. Thus a
bond’s face value is also known as its par value, or principal. Like a good detective, you need to become familiar with
the basic terms used in finance as well as their aliases.
2The term coupon rate comes from the detachable coupons that are affixed to bearer bond certificates, which, when
presented to a paying agent or the issuer, entitle the holder to receive the interest due on that date. Nowadays,
registered bonds, whose ownership is registered with the issuer, allow the registered owner to receive interest by check
through the mail.
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
Bond A long-term debt
instrument issued by
a corporation or
Face value The stated
value of an asset. In
the case of a bond,
the face value is
usually $1,000.
Coupon rate The
stated rate of interest
on a bond; the annual
interest payment
divided by the bond’s
face value.
Consol A bond that
never matures; a
perpetuity in the form
of a bond.
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= I (PVIFAkd,∞) (4.2)
which, from Chapter 3’s discussion of perpetuities, we know should reduce to
V = I /k d (4.3)
Thus the present value of a perpetual bond is simply the periodic interest payment divided
by the appropriate discount rate per period. Suppose you could buy a bond that paid $50 a
year forever. Assuming that your required rate of return for this type of bond is 12 percent,
the present value of this security would be
V = $50/0.12 = $416.67
This is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for this bond. If the market
price is greater than this amount, however, you would not want to buy it.
Bonds with a Finite Maturity
Nonzero Coupon Bonds. If a bond has a finite maturity, then we must consider not only
the interest stream but also the terminal or maturity value (face value) in valuing the bond.
The valuation equation for such a bond that pays interest at the end of each year is
= I (PVIFAkd,n) + MV(PVIFkd,n) (4.5)
where n is the number of years until final maturity and MV is the maturity value of the bond.
We might wish to determine the value of a $1,000-par-value bond with a 10 percent
coupon and nine years to maturity. The coupon rate corresponds to interest payments of
$100 a year. If our required rate of return on the bond is 12 percent, then
= $100(PVIFA12%,9) + $1,000(PVIF12%,9)
Referring to Table IV in the Appendix at the back of the book, we find that the present value
interest factor of an annuity at 12 percent for nine periods is 5.328. Table II in the Appendix
reveals under the 12 percent column that the present value interest factor for a single payment
nine periods in the future is 0.361. Therefore the value, V, of the bond is
V = $100(5.328) + $1,000(0.361)
= $532.80 + $361.00 = $893.80
The interest payments have a present value of $532.80, whereas the principal payment at
maturity has a present value of $360.00. (Note: All of these figures are approximate because the
present value tables used are rounded to the third decimal place; the true present value of the
bond is $893.44.)
V = + + . . . + +
1 2 9 (1.12)9
n n
+ +
+ =
( )
( )
. . .
( )
( )
( )
( )
1 1 1 1
1 1
d d
1 d d
k t
+ +
( )
( )
. . .
( )
( )
1 1 1
1 d
Part 2 Valuation
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If the appropriate discount rate is 8 percent instead of 12 percent, the valuation equation
= $100(PVIFA8%,9) + $1,000(PVIF8%,9)
Looking up the appropriate interest factors in Tables II and IV in the Appendix, we determine
V = $100(6.247) + $1,000(0.500)
= $624.70 + $500.00 = $1,124.70
In this case, the present value of the bond is in excess of its $1,000 par value because the
required rate of return is less than the coupon rate. Investors would be willing to pay a
premium to buy the bond. In the previous case, the required rate of return was greater than
the coupon rate. As a result, the bond has a present value less than its par value. Investors
would be willing to buy the bond only if it sold at a discount from par value. Now if the
required rate of return equals the coupon rate, the bond has a present value equal to its par
value, $1,000. More will be said about these concepts shortly when we discuss the behavior of
bond prices.
Zero-Coupon Bonds. A zero-coupon bond makes no periodic interest payments but
instead is sold at a deep discount from its face value. Why buy a bond that pays no
interest? The answer lies in the fact that the buyer of such a bond does receive a return.
This return consists of the gradual increase (or appreciation) in the value of the security from
its original, below-face-value purchase price until it is redeemed at face value on its maturity
The valuation equation for a zero-coupon bond is a truncated version of that used for a
normal interest-paying bond. The “present value of interest payments” component is lopped
off, and we are left with value being determined solely by the “present value of principal
payment at maturity,” or
= MV(PVIFkd,n) (4.7)
Suppose that Espinosa Enterprises issues a zero-coupon bond having a 10-year maturity
and a $1,000 face value. If your required return is 12 percent, then
= $1,000(PVIF12%,10)
Using Table II in the Appendix, we find that the present value interest factor for a single
payment 10 periods in the future at 12 percent is 0.322. Therefore:
V = $1,000(0.322) = $322
If you could purchase this bond for $322 and redeem it 10 years later for $1,000, your initial
investment would thus provide you with a 12 percent compound annual rate of return.
Semiannual Compounding of Interest. Although some bonds (typically those issued in
European markets) make interest payments once a year, most bonds issued in the United
States pay interest twice a year. As a result, it is necessary to modify our bond valuation
V =
k n =
(1 ) d
V = + + . . . + +
1 2 9 (1.08)9
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
Zero-coupon bond
A bond that pays no
interest but sells
at a deep discount
from its face
value; it provides
compensation to
investors in the form
of price appreciation.
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equations to account for compounding twice a year.3 For example, Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5) would
be changed as follows
= (I /2)(PVIFAkd /2,2n) + MV(PVIFkd/2,2n) (4.9)
where kd is the nominal annual required rate of interest, I/2 is the semiannual coupon payment,
and 2n is the number of semiannual periods until maturity.
Take Note
Notice that semiannual discounting is applied to both the semiannual interest payments
and the lump-sum maturity value payment. Though it may seem inappropriate to use
semiannual discounting on the maturity value, it isn’t. The assumption of semiannual
discounting, once taken, applies to all inflows.
To illustrate, if the 10 percent coupon bonds of US Blivet Corporation have 12 years to
maturity and our nominal annual required rate of return is 14 percent, the value of one
$1,000-par-value bond is
V = ($50)(PVIFA7%,24) + $1,000(PVIF7%,24)
= ($50)(11.469) + $1,000(0.197) = $770.45
Rather than having to solve for value by hand, professional bond traders often turn to bond
value tables. Given the maturity, coupon rate, and required return, one can look up the present
value. Similarly, given any three of the four factors, one can look up the fourth. Also,
some specialized calculators are programmed to compute bond values and yields, given the
inputs mentioned. In your professional life you may very well end up using these tools when
working with bonds.
Remember, when you use bond Eqs. (4.4), (4.5), (4.6), (4.7), (4.8), and (4.9), the variable
MV is equal to the bond’s maturity value, not its current market value.
Preferred Stock Valuation
Most preferred stock pays a fixed dividend at regular intervals. The features of this financial
instrument are discussed in Chapter 20. Preferred stock has no stated maturity date and, given
the fixed nature of its payments, is similar to a perpetual bond. It is not surprising, then, that
we use the same general approach as applied to valuing a perpetual bond to the valuation of
preferred stock.4 Thus the present value of preferred stock is
V = Dp /kp (4.10)
t k
n =
+ =
Σ /
/ )
/ )
(1 2 (1 2 1 d
3Even with a zero-coupon bond, the pricing convention among bond professionals is to use semiannual rather than
annual compounding. This provides consistent comparisons with interest-bearing bonds.
4Virtually all preferred stock issues have a call feature (a provision that allows the company to force retirement), and
many are eventually retired. When valuing a preferred stock that is expected to be called, we can apply a modified
version of the formula used for valuing a bond with a finite maturity; the periodic preferred dividends replace the
periodic interest payments and the “call price” replaces the bond maturity value in Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5), and all the
payments are discounted at a rate appropriate to the preferred stock in question.
Part 2 Valuation
Preferred stock
A type of stock that
promises a (usually)
fixed dividend, but at
the discretion of the
board of directors. It
has preference over
common stock in the
payment of dividends
and claims on assets.
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4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
where Dp is the stated annual dividend per share of preferred stock and kp is the appropriate
discount rate. If Margana Cipher Corporation had a 9 percent, $100-par-value preferred stock
issue outstanding and your required return was 14 percent on this investment, its value per
share to you would be
V = $9/0.14 = $64.29
Common Stock Valuation
The theory surrounding the valuation of common stock has undergone profound change
during the last few decades. It is a subject of considerable controversy, and no one method for
valuation is universally accepted. Still, in recent years there has emerged growing acceptance
of the idea that individual common stocks should be analyzed as part of a total portfolio of
common stocks that the investor might hold. In other words, investors are not as concerned
with whether a particular stock goes up or down as they are with what happens to the overall
value of their portfolios. This concept has important implications for determining the
required rate of return on a security. We shall explore this issue in the next chapter. First,
however, we need to focus on the size and pattern of the returns to the common stock
investor. Unlike bond and preferred stock cash flows, which are contractually stated, much
more uncertainty surrounds the future stream of returns connected with common stock.
l l l Are Dividends the Foundation?
When valuing bonds and preferred stock, we determined the discounted value of all the cash
distributions made by the firm to the investor. In a similar fashion, the value of a share of
common stock can be viewed as the discounted value of all expected cash dividends provided
by the issuing firm until the end of time.5 In other words,
5This model was first developed by John B. Williams, The Theory of Investment Value (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1938). And, as Williams so aptly put it in poem form, “A cow for her milk/A hen for her eggs/And
a stock, by heck/For her dividends.”
Common stock
Securities that
represent the
ultimate ownership
(and risk) position in
a corporation.
QWhat’s preferred stock?
AWe generally avoid investing in preferred stocks, but
we’re happy to explain them. Like common stock,
a share of preferred stock confers partial ownership
of a company to its holder. But unlike common stock,
holders of preferred stock usually have no voting privileges.
Shares of preferred stock often pay a guaranteed
fixed dividend that is higher than the common stock
Preferred stock isn’t really for individual investors,
though. The shares are usually purchased by other corporations,
which are attracted by the dividends that give
them income taxed at a lower rate. Corporations also like
the fact that preferred stockholders’ claims on company
earnings and assets have a higher priority than that
of common stockholders. Imagine that the One-Legged
Chair Co. (ticker: WOOPS) goes out of business. Many
people or firms with claims on the company will want
their due. Creditors will be paid before preferred stockholders,
but preferred stockholders have a higher priority
than common stockholders.
Ask the Fool
Source: The Motley Fool ( Reproduced with the permission of The Motley Fool.
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where Dt is the cash dividend at the end of time period t and ke is the investor’s required
return, or capitalization rate, for this equity investment. This seems consistent with what we
have been doing so far.
But what if we plan to own the stock for only two years? In this case, our model becomes
where P2 is the expected sales price of our stock at the end of two years. This assumes that
investors will be willing to buy our stock two years from now. In turn, these future investors
will base their judgments of what the stock is worth on expectations of future dividends
and a future selling price (or terminal value). And so the process goes through successive
Note that it is the expectation of future dividends and a future selling price, which itself is
based on expected future dividends, that gives value to the stock. Cash dividends are all that
stockholders, as a whole, receive from the issuing company. Consequently, the foundation for
the valuation of common stock must be dividends. These are construed broadly to mean any
cash distribution to shareholders, including share repurchases. (See Chapter 18 for a discussion
of share repurchase as part of the overall dividend decision.)
The logical question to raise at this time is: Why do the stocks of companies that pay
no dividends have positive, often quite high, values? The answer is that investors expect to
sell the stock in the future at a price higher than they paid for it. Instead of dividend income
plus a terminal value, they rely only on the terminal value. In turn, terminal value depends on
the expectations of the marketplace viewed from this terminal point. The ultimate expectation
is that the firm will eventually pay dividends, either regular or liquidating, and that
future investors will receive a company-provided cash return on their investment. In the
interim, investors are content with the expectation that they will be able to sell their stock
at a subsequent time, because there will be a market for it. In the meantime, the company is
reinvesting earnings and, everyone hopes, enhancing its future earning power and ultimate
l l l Dividend Discount Models
Dividend discount models are designed to compute the intrinsic value of a share of common
stock under specific assumptions as to the expected growth pattern of future dividends
and the appropriate discount rate to employ. Merrill Lynch, CS First Boston, and a number
of other investment banks routinely make such calculations based on their own particular
models and estimates. What follows is an examination of such models, beginning with the
simplest one.
Constant Growth. Future dividends of a company could jump all over the place; but, if
dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate, what implications does this hold for our
basic stock valuation approach? If this constant rate is g, then Eq. (4.11) becomes
where D0 is the present dividend per share. Thus the dividend expected at the end of period n
is equal to the most recent dividend times the compound growth factor, (1 + g)n. This may
not look like much of an improvement over Eq. (4.11). However, assuming that ke is greater
D g
D g
D g
+ +
( )
( )
( )
( )
. . .
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
1 1 1 2
= +
t (1 1 e
+ +
( )
( )
. . .
( )
e 1 1 1
Part 2 Valuation
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than g (a reasonable assumption because a dividend growth rate that is always greater than the
capitalization rate would imply an infinite stock value), Eq. (4.13) can be reduced to6
V = D1 /(ke − g) (4.14)
Rearranging, the investor’s required return can be expressed as
ke = (D1 /V) + g (4.15)
The critical assumption in this valuation model is that dividends per share are expected to
grow perpetually at a compound rate of g. For many companies this assumption may be a fair
approximation of reality. To illustrate the use of Eq. (4.14), suppose that LKN, Inc.’s dividend
per share at t = 1 is expected to be $4, that it is expected to grow at a 6 percent rate forever, and
that the appropriate discount rate is 14 percent. The value of one share of LKN stock would be
V = $4/(0.14 − 0.06) = $50
For companies in the mature stage of their life cycle, the perpetual growth model is often
A common mistake made in using Eqs. (4.14) and (4.15) is to use, incorrectly, the firm’s
most recent annual dividend for the variable D1 instead of the annual dividend expected by
the end of the coming year.
Conversion to an Earnings Multiplier Approach With the constant growth model, we
can easily convert from dividend valuation, Eq. (4.14), to valuation based on an earnings
multiplier approach. The idea is that investors often think in terms of how many dollars they
are willing to pay for a dollar of future expected earnings. Assume that a company retains a
constant proportion of its earnings each year; call it b. The dividend-payout ratio (dividends
per share divided by earnings per share) would also be constant. Therefore,
(1 − b) = D1 /E1 (4.16)
(1 − b)E1 = D1
where E1 is expected earnings per share in period 1. Equation (4.14) can then be expressed as
V = [(1 − b)E1]/(ke − g) (4.17)
6If we multiply both sides of Eq. (4.13) by (1 + ke)/(1 + g) and subtract Eq. (4.13) from the product, we get
Because we assume that ke is greater than g, the second term on the right-hand side approaches zero. Consequently,
V(ke − g) = D0(1 + g) = D1
V = D1 /(ke − g)
This model is sometimes called the “Gordon Dividend Valuation Model” after Myron J. Gordon, who developed it
from the pioneering work done by John Williams. See Myron J. Gordon, The Investment, Financing, and Valuation of
the Corporation (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1962).
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
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where value is now based on expected earnings in period 1. In our earlier example, suppose
that LKN, Inc., has a retention rate of 40 percent and earnings per share for period 1 are
expected to be $6.67. Therefore,
V = [(0.60)$6.67]/(0.14 − 0.06) = $50
Rearranging Eq. (4.17), we get
Earnings multiplier = V/E1 = (1 − b)/(ke − g) (4.18)
Equation (4.18) thus gives us the highest multiple of expected earnings that the investor
would be willing to pay for the security. In our example,
Earnings multiplier = (1 − 0.40)/(0.14 − 0.06) = 7.5 times
Thus expected earnings of $6.67 coupled with an earnings multiplier of 7.5 values our
common stockBrief Contents
l l l Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
1 The Role of Financial Management 1
2 The Business, Tax and Financial Environments 17
l l l Part 2 Valuation
3 The Time Value of Money 41
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities 73
5 Risk and Return 97
Appendix A Measuring Portfolio Risk 117
Appendix B Arbitrage Pricing Theory 119
l l l Part 3 Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning
6 Financial Statement Analysis 127
Appendix Deferred Taxes and Financial Analysis 158
7 Funds Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning 169
Appendix Sustainable Growth Modeling 190
l l l Part 4 Working Capital Management
8 Overview of Working Capital Management 205
9 Cash and Marketable Securities Management 221
10 Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management 249
11 Short-Term Financing 281
l l l Part 5 Investment in Capital Assets
12 Capital Budgeting and Estimating Cash Flows 307
13 Capital Budgeting Techniques 323
Appendix A Multiple Internal Rates of Return 341
Appendix B Replacement Chain Analysis 343
14 Risk and Managerial (Real) Options in Capital Budgeting 353
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l l l Part 6 The Cost of Capital, Capital Structure,
and Dividend Policy
15 Required Returns and the Cost of Capital 381
Appendix A Adjusting the Beta for Financial Leverage 407
Appendix B Adjusted Present Value 408
16 Operating and Financial Leverage 419
17 Capital Structure Determination 451
18 Dividend Policy 475
l l l Part 7 Intermediate and Long-Term Financing
19 The Capital Market 505
20 Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock 527
Appendix Refunding a Bond Issue 544
21 Term Loans and Leases 553
Appendix Accounting Treatment of Leases 567
l l l Part 8 Special Areas of Financial Management
22 Convertibles, Exchangeables, and Warrants 577
Appendix Option Pricing 589
23 Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring 603
Appendix Remedies for a Failing Company 630
24 International Financial Management 647
Appendix 679
Glossary 689
Commonly Used Symbols 705
Index 707
Brief Contents
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Acknowledgements xix
Preface xxi
l l l Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
1 The Role of Financial Management 1
Objectives 1
Introduction 2
What Is Financial Management? 2
The Goal of the Firm 3
Corporate Governance 8
Organization of the Financial Management Function 8
Organization of the Book 10
Key Learning Points 13
Questions 14
Selected References 14
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments 17
Objectives 17
The Business Environment 18
The Tax Environment 20
The Financial Environment 27
Key Learning Points 35
Questions 36
Self-Correction Problems 37
Problems 37
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 38
Selected References 39
l l l Part 2 Valuation
3 The Time Value of Money 41
Objectives 41
The Interest Rate 42
Simple Interest 43
Compound Interest 43
Compounding More Than Once a Year 59
Amortizing a Loan 62
Summary Table of Key Compound Interest Formulas 63
Key Learning Points 63
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Questions 64
Self-Correction Problems 64
Problems 65
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 69
Selected References 71
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities 73
Objectives 73
Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts 74
Bond Valuation 75
Preferred Stock Valuation 78
Common Stock Valuation 79
Rates of Return (or Yields) 83
Summary Table of Key Present Value Formulas for Valuing Long-Term
Securities 88
Key Learning Points 88
Questions 89
Self-Correction Problems 90
Problems 91
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 93
Selected References 95
5 Risk and Return 97
Objectives 97
Defining Risk and Return 98
Using Probability Distributions to Measure Risk 99
Attitudes Toward Risk 101
Risk and Return in a Portfolio Context 103
Diversification 104
The Capital-Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 106
Efficient Financial Markets 114
Key Learning Points 116
Appendix A: Measuring Portfolio Risk 117
Appendix B: Arbitrage Pricing Theory 119
Questions 121
Self-Correction Problems 122
Problems 122
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 125
Selected References 126
l l l Part 3 Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning
6 Financial Statement Analysis 127
Objectives 127
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Financial Statements 128
A Possible Framework for Analysis 134
Balance Sheet Ratios 138
Income Statement and Income Statement/Balance Sheet Ratios 141
Trend Analysis 152
Common-Size and Index Analysis 153
Key Learning Points 156
Summary of Key Ratios 156
Appendix: Deferred Taxes and Financial Analysis 158
Questions 159
Self-Correction Problems 160
Problems 161
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 165
Selected References 167
7 Funds Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning 169
Objectives 169
Flow of Funds (Sources and Uses) Statement 170
Accounting Statement of Cash Flows 176
Cash-Flow Forecasting 180
Range of Cash-Flow Estimates 184
Forecasting Financial Statements 186
Key Learning Points 190
Appendix: Sustainable Growth Modeling 190
Questions 194
Self-Correction Problems 195
Problems 197
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 200
Selected References 203
l l l Part 4 Working Capital Management
8 Overview of Working Capital Management 205
Objectives 205
Introduction 206
Working Capital Issues 208
Financing Current Assets: Short-Term and Long-Term Mix 210
Combining Liability Structure and Current Asset Decisions 215
Key Learning Points 216
Questions 216
Self-Correction Problem 217
Problems 217
Solutions to Self-Correction Problem 218
Selected References 219
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9 Cash and Marketable Securities Management 221
Objectives 221
Motives for Holding Cash 222
Speeding Up Cash Receipts 223
S-l-o-w-i-n-g D-o-w-n Cash Payouts 228
Electronic Commerce 231
Outsourcing 233
Cash Balances to Maintain 234
Investment in Marketable Securities 235
Key Learning Points 244
Questions 245
Self-Correction Problems 245
Problems 246
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 247
Selected References 248
10 Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management 249
Objectives 249
Credit and Collection Policies 250
Analyzing the Credit Applicant 258
Inventory Management and Control 263
Key Learning Points 273
Questions 274
Self-Correction Problems 274
Problems 275
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 278
Selected References 279
11 Short-Term Financing 281
Objectives 281
Spontaneous Financing 282
Negotiated Financing 287
Factoring Accounts Receivable 298
Composition of Short-Term Financing 300
Key Learning Points 301
Questions 302
Self-Correction Problems 302
Problems 303
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 305
Selected References 306
l l l Part 5 Investment in Capital Assets
12 Capital Budgeting and Estimating Cash Flows 307
Objectives 307
The Capital Budgeting Process: An Overview 308
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Generating Investment Project Proposals 308
Estimating Project “After-Tax Incremental Operating Cash Flows” 309
Key Learning Points 318
Questions 318
Self-Correction Problems 319
Problems 319
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 321
Selected References 322
13 Capital Budgeting Techniques 323
Objectives 323
Project Evaluation and Selection: Alternative Methods 324
Potential Difficulties 330
Project Monitoring: Progress Reviews and Post-Completion Audits 340
Key Learning Points 340
Appendix A: Multiple Internal Rates of Return 341
Appendix B: Replacement Chain Analysis 343
Questions 345
Self-Correction Problems 346
Problems 347
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 349
Selected References 350
14 Risk and Managerial (Real) Options in Capital Budgeting 353
Objectives 353
The Problem of Project Risk 354
Total Project Risk 357
Contribution to Total Firm Risk: Firm-Portfolio Approach 364
Managerial (Real) Options 368
Key Learning Points 373
Questions 373
Self-Correction Problems 374
Problems 375
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 377
Selected References 379
l l l Part 6 The Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, and Dividend Policy
15 Required Returns and the Cost of Capital 381
Objectives 381
Creation of Value 382
Overall Cost of Capital of the Firm 383
The CAPM: Project-Specific and Group-Specific Required Rates of Return 396
Evaluation of Projects on the Basis of Their Total Risk 401
Key Learning Points 406
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Appendix A: Adjusting the Beta for Financial Leverage 407
Appendix B: Adjusted Present Value 408
Questions 410
Self-Correction Problems 411
Problems 412
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 415
Selected References 417
16 Operating and Financial Leverage 419
Objectives 419
Operating Leverage 420
Financial Leverage 427
Total Leverage 435
Cash-Flow Ability to Service Debt 436
Other Methods of Analysis 439
Combination of Methods 440
Key Learning Points 441
Questions 442
Self-Correction Problems 443
Problems 444
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 446
Selected References 449
17 Capital Structure Determination 451
Objectives 451
A Conceptual Look 452
The Total-Value Principle 456
Presence of Market Imperfections and Incentive Issues 458
The Effect of Taxes 461
Taxes and Market Imperfections Combined 463
Financial Signaling 465
Timing and Financial Flexibility 465
Financing Checklist 466
Key Learning Points 467
Questions 468
Self-Correction Problems 468
Problems 469
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 471
Selected References 473
18 Dividend Policy 475
Objectives 475
Passive versus Active Dividend Policies 476
Factors Influencing Dividend Policy 481
Dividend Stability 484
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Stock Dividends and Stock Splits 486
Stock Repurchase 491
Administrative Considerations 495
Key Learning Points 496
Questions 497
Self-Correction Problems 498
Problems 499
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 501
Selected References 502
l l l Part 7 Intermediate and Long-Term Financing
19 The Capital Market 505
Objectives 505
Déjà Vu All Over Again 506
Public Issue 507
Privileged Subscription 509
Regulation of Security Offerings 512
Private Placement 516
Initial Financing 519
Signaling Effects 520
The Secondary Market 522
Key Learning Points 522
Questions 523
Self-Correction Problems 524
Problems 524
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 525
Selected References 526
20 Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock 527
Objectives 527
Bonds and Their Features 528
Types of Long-Term Debt Instruments 529
Retirement of Bonds 532
Preferred Stock and Its Features 534
Common Stock and Its Features 538
Rights of Common Shareholders 539
Dual-Class Common Stock 542
Key Learning Points 543
Appendix: Refunding a Bond Issue 544
Questions 546
Self-Correction Problems 547
Problems 548
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 550
Selected References 551
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21 Term Loans and Leases 553
Objectives 553
Term Loans 554
Provisions of Loan Agreements 556
Equipment Financing 558
Lease Financing 559
Evaluating Lease Financing in Relation to Debt Financing 562
Key Learning Points 567
Appendix: Accounting Treatment of Leases 567
Questions 570
Self-Correction Problems 571
Problems 572
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 573
Selected References 575
l l l Part 8 Special Areas of Financial Management
22 Convertibles, Exchangeables, and Warrants 577
Objectives 577
Convertible Securities 578
Value of Convertible Securities 581
Exchangeable Bonds 584
Warrants 585
Key Learning Points 589
Appendix: Option Pricing 589
Questions 595
Self-Correction Problems 596
Problems 597
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 599
Selected References 600
23 Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring 603
Objectives 603
Sources of Value 604
Strategic Acquisitions Involving Common Stock 608
Acquisitions and Capital Budgeting 615
Closing the Deal 617
Takeovers, Tender Offers, and Defenses 620
Strategic Alliances 622
Divestiture 623
Ownership Restructuring 626
Leveraged Buyouts 627
Key Learning Points 629
Appendix: Remedies for a Failing Company 630
Questions 635
Self-Correction Problems 636
Problems 638
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Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 641
Selected References 643
24 International Financial Management 647
Objectives 647
Some Background 648
Types of Exchange-Rate Risk Exposure 652
Management of Exchange-Rate Risk Exposure 656
Structuring International Trade Transactions 668
Key Learning Points 671
Questions 672
Self-Correction Problems 673
Problems 674
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems 676
Selected References 677
Appendix 679
Table I: Future value interest factor 680
Table II: Present value interest factor 682
Table III: Future value interest factor of an (ordinary) annuity 684
Table IV: Present value interest factor of an (ordinary) annuity 686
Table V: Area of normal distribution that is Z standard deviations
to the left or right of the mean 688
Glossary 689
Commonly Used Symbols 705
Index 707
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Supporting resources
Visit to find valuable online resources
Companion Website for students
l Learning objectives for each chapter
l Multiple choice, true/false and essay questions to test your understanding
l PowerPoint presentations for each chapter to remind you of key concepts
l An online glossary to explain key terms and flash cards to test your knowledge of key terms and
definitions in each chapter
l Excel templates for end of chapter problems to help you model a spread sheet approach to solving
the problem
l Link to author’s own award-winning website with even more multiple choice and true/false
questions, as well as web-based exercises and regularly updated links to additional support
l New to this edition, PowerPoint presentations for each chapter integrating and demonstrating how
Excel can be used to help solve calculations.
For instructors
l Extensive Instructor’s Manual including answers to questions, solutions to problems and solutions
to self-correction problems
l PowerPoint slides plus PDF’s of all figures and tables from the book
l Testbank of additional question material.
Also: The Companion Website provides the following features:
l Search tool to help locate specific items of content
l E-mail results and profile tools to send results of quizzes to instructors
l Online help and support to assist with website usage and troubleshooting.
For more information please contact your local Pearson Education representative
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We would like to express our gratitude to the following academics, as well as additional
anonymous reviewers, who provided invaluable feedback on this book during the development
of the thirteenth edition:
Dr Brian Wright, at Exeter University
Dr Axel F.A. Adam-Muller, at Lancaster University
Dr Graham Sadler, at Aston University
We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Figure 10.3 D&B Composite Rating from a Reference Book and a Key to Ratings, 2003.
Reprinted by permission, Dun & Bradstreet, 2007; Cartoon on page 272 from “What is
needed to make a ‘just-in-time’ system work,” Iron Age Magazine, June 7, 1982. Reprinted by
permission, Iron Age.
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., for permission to reproduce their logo and an extract
from the 2006 Annual Report, p. 36. Copyright © 2006 Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. Used
by permission. All rights reserved; BP p. l.c, for permission to reproduce an extract from the
BP Annual Report 2006, p. 27. Copyright © 2006 BP p. l.c. Used by permission. All rights
reserved; Cameco Corporation, for permission to reproduce their logo and an extract from
the Cameco Corporation Annual Report 2006 (
2006/html/mda/fuel_services.php). Copyright © 2006 Cameco Corporation. Used by permission.
All rights reserved; CCH Incorporated for permission to reproduce their logo and
extracts adapted from “Ask Alice about Ethics” and “Ask Alice about Accountants”, reproduced
from Reproduced with permission from CCH Business Owner’s
Toolkit, published and copyrighted by CCH Incorporated; CFO Publishing Corporation for
permission to reproduce the CFO Asia logo and extracts reproduced from “Virtue Rewarded,”
CFO Asia, O’Sullivan K., (November 2006), pp. 58–63 and “One Continent, One Payment
System,” CFO Asia (April 2007), p. 41, Copyright © 2007 CFO Publishing
Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved; CFO Publishing Corporation for permission
to reproduce the CFO logo and extracts adapted from “A Trade Secret Comes to
Light, Again,” CFO, by Leone M., November 2005, pp. 97–99. “Four Eyes are Better,” CFO, by
O’Sullivan K., June 2006, p. 21; “More Rules, Higher Profits,” CFO, Durfee D., August 2006,
p. 24 and “Buy it Back, And Then?” CFO, Durfee D., September 2006, p. 22,
Copyright © 2006 CFO Publishing Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved; The
Coca-Cola Company for extracts from their Annual Report, 2006 (Form 10-k) pp. 59 and 65,
and permission to reproduce their registered trademarks: Coca-Cola and the Contour Bottle.
Coca-Cola and the Contour Bottle are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company;
Crain Communications Inc., for permission to reproduce the Financial Week logo and adapt
extracts from: “Shell Game Grows as an Exit Strategy,” Financial Week, by Byrt F., January 15
2007, pp. 3 and 18; “New Leasing Rules Could Hammer Corporate Returns,” Financial Week,
by Scott M., April 2 2007; “Spin-Off Frenzy Sets New Record,” Financial Week, by Byrt F.,
April 9 2007, pp. 3 and 21 and “A Bent for Cash. Literally,” Financial Week, by Johnston M.,
July 23 2007, p. 10, Copyright © 2007 by Crain Communications
Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved; Cygnus Business Media for permission to reproduce
its Supply & Demand Chain Executive logo and an extract from “More than $1 Trillion
Seen Unnecessarily Tied Up in Working Capital,” Supply & Demand Chain Executive,
June/July 2006, p. 10, Copyright © 2006 Cygnus Business Media. Used by
permission. All rights reserved; Debra Yergen for permission to adapt an extract from “The
Check’s in the Box,” Canadian National Treasurer, by Yergen D., December 2005/January
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
2006, pp. 14–15, Copyright © 2006 Debra Yergen. Used by permission. All
rights reserved; Dell Inc. for extracts from their quarterly and annual reports. Copyright ©
2004 Dell Inc. All rights reserved; The Economist Newspaper Limited for permission to reproduce
their logo and extracts in Chapter 6, p. 127, “Speaking in tongues” adapted from Speaking
in Tongues, The Economist, pp. 77–78, © The Economist Newspaper
Limited, London (19–25 May 2007), Used with permission; Chapter 23, p. 603, Textbox
Feature from The Economist, p. 90, © The Economist Newspaper Limited,
London (13 January 2007), Used with permission; Chapter 24, p. 654, “Big Mac Purchasing –
Power Parity”, Based on data in “Cash and carry – The hamburger standard” table at www. in The Economist © The Economist
Newspaper Limited, London (2007), Used with permission; Financial Executives International
Incorporated for permission to reproduce their logo and extracts from “Bridging the Finance-
Marketing Divide,” Financial Executive, by See, E., July/August 2006, pp. 50–53; “Sarbanes-
Oxley Helps Cost of Capital: Study,” Financial Executive, by Marshall J. and Heffes E.M., October
2006, p. 8; “Soul-Searching over U.S. Competitiveness,” Financial Executive, by Cheny G.A.,
June 2007, pp. 18–21; “BPO: Developing Market, Evolving Strategies,” Financial Executive, June
2007, pp. 38–44, Copyright © 2006/2007 Financial Executives
International Incorporated. Used by permission. All rights reserved; FRBNY for data from
“The Basics of Trade and Exchange,”;
Hermes Pensions Management Ltd for extracts reproduced from “The Hermes Principles:
What Shareholders Expect of Public Companies – and What Companies Should Expect of
their Investors,” p. 11,
Copyright © Hermes Pensions Management Ltd; James Hartshorn for an extract reproduced
from “Sustainability: Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention,” Canadian Treasurer, by Hartshorn J.,
22 June/July 2006, p. 15. Used by permission. All rights reserved; The Motley Fool for permission
to reproduce their logo and extracts from; Nasdaq Stock Market Inc.
for permission to reproduce an extract from “Market Mechanics: A Guide to US Stock
Markets, release 1.2,” The NASDAQ Stock Market Educational Foundation Inc., by Angel J.J.,
2002, p. 7. Copyright © 2002 by the Nasdaq Stock Market Inc. Used by permission. All rights
reserved; Penton Media Inc. for permission to reproduce the Business Finance logo and
extracts from “Asset-based Lending Goes Mainstream,” Business Finance, by Kroll K.M., May
2006, pp. 39–42, “M&A Synergies/Don’t Count On It,” Business Finance, by Cummings J.,
October 2006, p. 14, “Payment Processing: The Sea Change Continues,” Business Finance, by
Kroll K.M., December 2006, “7 Steps to Optimize A/R Management,” Business Finance,
by Salek J., April 2007, p. 45, Copyright © 2006/2007 Penton Media, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved; Treasury Management Association of Canada for permission
to reproduce the TMAC logo, Copyright © 2008 TMAC. Reproduced
with permission. All rights reserved; Volkswagen AG for permission to reproduce their logo
and an extract from their Annual Report 2006, p. 77. Copyright © 2006 by Volkswagen AG.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
We are grateful to the Financial Times Limited for permission to reprint the following
Chapter 20 “It’s a question of the right packaging” © Financial Times, 25 July 2007;
Chapter 20 “One share, one-vote hopes dashed” © Financial Times, 5 June 2007; Chapter 22
“Warrants win over the bulls” © Financial Times, 13 March 2007; Chapter 23 “Chapter 11 is
often lost in translation” © Financial Times, 25 July 2007; Chapter 24 “Islamic bonds recruited
out for purchase of 007’s favorite car” © Financial Times, 17/18 March 2007; Chapter 24
“European bond market puts US in the shade” © Financial Times, 15 January 2007.
We are grateful to the following for permission to use copyright material:
Chapter 18 “Debating Point: Are Share Buybacks a Good Thing?” from The Financial
Times Limited, 28 June 2006, © Richard Dobbs and Werner Rehm.
In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we
would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.
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Financial management continues to change at a rapid pace. Advancements are occurring not
only in the theory of financial management but also in its real-world practice. One result has
been for financial management to take on a greater strategic focus, as managers struggle to
create value within a corporate setting. In the process of value creation, financial managers are
increasingly supplementing the traditional metrics of performance with new methods that
encourage a greater role for uncertainty and multiple assumptions. Corporate governance
issues, ethical dilemmas, conflicting stakeholder claims, a downsized corporate environment,
the globalization of finance, e-commerce, strategic alliances, the growth of outsourcing, and
a host of other issues and considerations now permeate the landscape of financial decision
making. It is indeed a time of both challenge and opportunity.
The purpose of the thirteenth edition of Fundamentals of Financial Management is to
enable you to understand the financial decision-making process and to interpret the impact
that financial decisions will have on value creation. The book, therefore, introduces you to the
three major decision-making areas in financial management: the investment, financing, and
asset management decisions.
We explore finance, including its frontiers, in an easy-to-understand, user-friendly manner.
Although the book is designed for an introductory course in financial management, it
can be used as a reference tool as well. For example, participants in management development
programs, candidates preparing for various professional certifications (e.g., Certified
Management Accountant and Chartered Certified Accountant), and practicing finance and
accounting professionals will find it useful. And, because of the extensive material available
through the text’s website (which we will discuss shortly), the book is ideal for web-based
training and distance learning.
There are many important changes in this new edition. Rather than list them all, we will
explain some essential themes that governed our revisions and, in the process, highlight some
of the changes. The institutional material – necessary for understanding the environment in
which financial decisions are made – was updated. The book continues to grow more international
in scope. New sections, examples, and boxed features have been added throughout
the book that focus on the international dimensions of financial management. Attention was
also given to streamlining coverage and better expressing fundamental ideas in every chapter.
Chapter 1, The Role of Financial Management, has benefitted from an expanded discussion
of corporate social responsibility to include sustainability. A discussion of how “bonus
depreciation” works under the Economic Stimulus Act (ESA) of 2008 has been incorporated
into Chapter 2, The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments. (Note: While bonus
depreciation is a “temporary” situation in the US, it has been a recurring phenomenon.)
Chapter 6, Financial Statement Analysis, has benefitted from the addition of a discussion of
the push for “convergence” of accounting standards around the world. Accounts receivable
conversion (ARC), the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act (Check 21), remote deposit
capture (RDC), and business process outsourcing (BPO) are all introduced in Chapter 9, Cash
and Marketable Securities Management.
Chapter 13, Capital Budgeting Techniques, has its discussion devoted to sensitivity analysis
expanded to address possible uncertainty surrounding a project’s initial cash outlay (ICO),
while Chapter 19, The Capital Market, introduces a host of new terms and concepts resulting
from recent SEC Securities Offering Reform.
In Chapter 20, Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock, an expanded discussion
of “Proxies, e-Proxies, and Proxy Contests” is followed by new material devoted to
plurality voting, majority voting, and “modified” plurality voting procedures. In Chapter 21,
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Term Loans and Leases, the reader is alerted to impending, and perhaps dramatic, changes in
lease accounting. Revisions to the recent changes in accounting treatment for mergers and
acquisitions are noted in Chapter 23, Mergers and Other Forms of Corporate Restructuring.
The last chapter of the book, which is devoted to International Financial Management, has
been updated and a number of new items have been added, including a discussion of Islamic
bonds (Sukuk).
Finally, we continued our efforts to make the book more “user friendly.” Many new boxed
items and special features appear to capture the reader’s interest and illustrate underlying
concepts. Many of these boxed features come from new, first-time contributors to the text –
Canadian Treasurer, Financial Executive, and Supply & Demand Chain Executive magazines;
Financial Week newspaper; and BP p.l.c., Cameco Corporation, and Hermes Pensions
Management Limited.
Take Note
The order of the chapters reflects one common sequence for teaching the course, but the
instructor may reorder many chapters without causing the students any difficulty. For
example, some instructors prefer covering Part 3, Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning,
before Part 2, Valuation. Extensive selected references at the ends of chapters give the reader
direct access to relevant literature utilized in preparing the chapters. The appendices at the
ends of some chapters invite the reader to go into certain topics in greater depth, but the
book’s continuity is maintained if this material is not covered.
A number of materials supplement the text. For the teacher, a comprehensive Instructor’s
Manual contains suggestions for organizing the course, answers to chapter questions, and
solutions to chapter problems. Another aid is a Test-Item File of extensive questions and
problems, prepared by Professor Gregory A. Kuhlemeyer, Carroll College. This supplement
is available as a custom computerized test bank (for Windows) through your Pearson or
Prentice Hall sales representative. In addition, Professor Kuhlemeyer has done a wonderful
job preparing an extensive collection of more than 1,000 Microsoft PowerPoint slides as
outlines (with examples) to go along with this text. The PowerPoint presentation graphics
are available for downloading off the following Pearson Education Companion Website: All text figures and tables are available as transparency
masters through the same web site listed above. Computer application software prepared
by Professor Al Fagan, University of Richmond, that can be used in conjunction with
end-of-chapter problems identified with a PC icon (shown in the margin), is available in
Microsoft Excel format on the same web site. The Companion Website also contains an
Online Study Guide by Professor Kuhlemeyer. Designed to help students familiarize themselves
with chapter material, each chapter of the Online Study Guide contains a set of chapter
objectives, multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer questions, PowerPoint slides, and
Excel templates.
For the student, “self-correction problems” (i.e., problems for which step-by-step solutions
are found a few pages later) appear at the end of each chapter in the textbook. These are in
addition to the regular questions and problems. The self-correction problems allow students
to self-test their understanding of the material and thus provide immediate feedback on their
understanding of the chapter. Alternatively, the self-correction problems coupled with the
detailed solutions can be used simply as additional problem-solving examples.
Learning finance is like learning a foreign language. Part of the difficulty is simply learning
the vocabulary. Therefore, we provide an extensive glossary of more than 400 business terms
in two formats – a running glossary (appears alongside the textual material in the margins) and
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
an end-of-book cumulative glossary. In addition, the Pearson Education Companion Website: contains an online version of our glossary plus interactive
flashcards to test your knowledge of key terms and definitions in each chapter.
Take Note
We purposely have made limited use of Internet addresses (i.e., the address you type into
your browser window that usually begins “http://www.”) in the body of this text. Websites
are extremely transient – any website that we mention in print could change substantially,
alter its address, or even disappear entirely by the time you read this. Therefore, we use
our website to flag websites that should be of interest to you. We then constantly update our
web listings and check for any broken or dead links. We strongly encourage you to make use
of our text’s website as you read each chapter. Although the text’s website was created with
students uppermost in mind, we are pleased to report that it has found quite a following
among business professionals. In fact, the website has received favorable reviews in a
number of business publications, including the Financial Times newspaper, The Journal of
Accountancy, Corporate Finance, CFO Asia, and Strategic Finance magazines.
To help harness the power of the Internet as a financial management learning device,
students (and instructors) are invited to visit the text’s award-winning website, Wachowicz’s
Web World, (Note: The Pearson website – – also has a link to Wachowicz’s Web World.) This website
provides links to hundreds of financial management web sites grouped to correspond with
the major headings in the text (e.g., Valuation, Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning, and
so on). In addition, the website contains interactive true/false and multiple-choice quizzes (in
addition to those found on the Companion Website), and interactive web-based exercises.
Finally, PowerPoint slides and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet templates can be downloaded
from the website as well.
The authors are grateful for the comments, suggestions, and assistance given by a number
of business professionals in preparing this edition. In particular, we would like to thank
Jennifer Banner, Schaad Companies; Rebecca Flick, The Home Depot; Alice Magos, CCH,
Inc.; and Selena Maranjian, The Motley Fool. We further want to thank Ellen Morgan,
Pauline Gillett, Michelle Morgan, Angela Hawksbee and Flick Williams at Pearson and Helene
Bellofatto, Mary Dalton, Jane Ashley, and Sasmita Sinha, who helped with the production of
this edition. Finally, we would like to thank Jean Bellmans, Free University of Brussels for his
endorsement on the cover of this book.
We hope that Fundamentals of Financial Management, thirteenth edition, contributes to
your understanding of finance and imparts a sense of excitement in the process. You, the
reader, are the final judge. We thank you for choosing our textbook, and welcome your comments
and suggestions (please e-mail:
JAMES C. VAN HORNE Palo Alto, California
JOHN M. WACHOWICZ, JR. Knoxville, Tennessee
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To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
1 Part 1
Introduction to Financial
l Introduction
l What Is Financial Management?
Investment Decision • Financing Decision •
Asset Management Decision
l The Goal of the Firm
Value Creation • Agency Problems • Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR)
l Corporate Governance
The Role of the Board of Directors •
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
l Organization of the Financial Management
l Organization of the Book
The Underpinnings • Managing and Acquiring
Assets • Financing Assets • A Mixed Bag
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Selected References
Increasing shareholder value over time is the bottom line of every
move we make.
Former CEO, The Coca-Cola Company
After studying Chapter 1, you should be able to:
l Explain why the role of the financial manager
today is so important.
l Describe “financial management” in terms of
the three major decision areas that confront the
financial manager.
l Identify the goal of the firm and understand why
shareholders’ wealth maximization is preferred
over other goals.
l Understand the potential problems arising when
management of the corporation and ownership
are separated (i.e., agency problems).
l Demonstrate an understanding of corporate
l Discuss the issues underlying social responsibility
of the firm.
l Understand the basic responsibilities of financial
managers and the differences between a “treasurer”
and a “controller.”
The Role of Financial
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The financial manager plays a dynamic role in a modern company’s development. This has
not always been the case. Until around the first half of the 1900s financial managers primarily
raised funds and managed their firms’ cash positions – and that was pretty much it. In
the 1950s, the increasing acceptance of present value concepts encouraged financial managers
to expand their responsibilities and to become concerned with the selection of capital investment
Today, external factors have an increasing impact on the financial manager. Heightened
corporate competition, technological change, volatility in inflation and interest rates, worldwide
economic uncertainty, fluctuating exchange rates, tax law changes, environmental
issues, and ethical concerns over certain financial dealings must be dealt with almost daily. As
a result, finance is required to play an ever more vital strategic role within the corporation.
The financial manager has emerged as a team player in the overall effort of a company to
create value. The “old ways of doing things” simply are not good enough in a world where
old ways quickly become obsolete. Thus today’s financial manager must have the flexibility
to adapt to the changing external environment if his or her firm is to survive.
The successful financial manager of tomorrow will need to supplement the traditional
metrics of performance with new methods that encourage a greater role for uncertainty
and multiple assumptions. These new methods will seek to value the flexibility inherent in
initiatives – that is, the way in which taking one step offers you the option to stop or continue
down one or more paths. In short, a correct decision may involve doing something today
that in itself has small value, but gives you the option to do something of greater value in
the future.
If you become a financial manager, your ability to adapt to change, raise funds, invest in
assets, and manage wisely will affect the success of your firm and, ultimately, the overall
economy as well. To the extent that funds are misallocated, the growth of the economy will be
slowed. When economic wants are unfulfilled, this misallocation of funds may work to the
detriment of society. In an economy, efficient allocation of resources is vital to optimal growth
in that economy; it is also vital to ensuring that individuals obtain satisfaction of their highest
levels of personal wants. Thus, through efficiently acquiring, financing, and managing assets,
the financial manager contributes to the firm and to the vitality and growth of the economy
as a whole.
What Is Financial Management?
Financial management is concerned with the acquisition, financing, and management of
assets with some overall goal in mind. Thus the decision function of financial management
can be broken down into three major areas: the investment, financing, and asset management
l l l Investment Decision
The investment decision is the most important of the firm’s three major decisions when it
comes to value creation. It begins with a determination of the total amount of assets needed
to be held by the firm. Picture the firm’s balance sheet in your mind for a moment. Imagine
liabilities and owners’ equity being listed on the right side of the balance sheet and its assets
on the left. The financial manager needs to determine the dollar amount that appears above
the double lines on the left-hand side of the balance sheet – that is, the size of the firm. Even
when this number is known, the composition of the assets must still be decided. For example,
how much of the firm’s total assets should be devoted to cash or to inventory? Also, the flip
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Concerns the
acquisition, financing,
and management of
assets with some
overall goal in mind.
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side of investment – disinvestment – must not be ignored. Assets that can no longer be
economically justified may need to be reduced, eliminated, or replaced.
l l l Financing Decision
The second major decision of the firm is the financing decision. Here the financial manager
is concerned with the makeup of the right-hand side of the balance sheet. If you look at the
mix of financing for firms across industries, you will see marked differences. Some firms
have relatively large amounts of debt, whereas others are almost debt free. Does the type of
financing employed make a difference? If so, why? And, in some sense, can a certain mix
of financing be thought of as best?
In addition, dividend policy must be viewed as an integral part of the firm’s financing
decision. The dividend-payout ratio determines the amount of earnings that can be retained
in the firm. Retaining a greater amount of current earnings in the firm means that fewer
dollars will be available for current dividend payments. The value of the dividends paid to
stockholders must therefore be balanced against the opportunity cost of retained earnings lost
as a means of equity financing.
Once the mix of financing has been decided, the financial manager must still determine
how best to physically acquire the needed funds. The mechanics of getting a short-term loan,
entering into a long-term lease arrangement, or negotiating a sale of bonds or stock must be
l l l Asset Management Decision
The third important decision of the firm is the asset management decision. Once assets
have been acquired and appropriate financing provided, these assets must still be managed
efficiently. The financial manager is charged with varying degrees of operating responsibility
over existing assets. These responsibilities require that the financial manager be more concerned
with the management of current assets than with that of fixed assets. A large share
of the responsibility for the management of fixed assets would reside with the operating
managers who employ these assets.
The Goal of the Firm
Efficient financial management requires the existence of some objective or goal, because
judgment as to whether or not a financial decision is efficient must be made in light of some
standard. Although various objectives are possible, we assume in this book that the goal of
the firm is to maximize the wealth of the firm’s present owners.
Shares of common stock give evidence of ownership in a corporation. Shareholder wealth
is represented by the market price per share of the firm’s common stock, which, in turn, is a
reflection of the firm’s investment, financing, and asset management decisions. The idea is
that the success of a business decision should be judged by the effect that it ultimately has on
share price.
l l l Value Creation
Frequently, profit maximization is offered as the proper objective of the firm. However,
under this goal a manager could continue to show profit increases by merely issuing stock and
using the proceeds to invest in Treasury bills. For most firms, this would result in a decrease
in each owner’s share of profits – that is, earnings per share would fall. Maximizing earnings
per share, therefore, is often advocated as an improved version of profit maximization.
However, maximization of earnings per share is not a fully appropriate goal because it does
1 The Role of Financial Management
Dividend-payout ratio
Annual cash dividends
divided by annual
earnings; or,
dividends per
share divided by
earnings per share.
The ratio indicates
the percentage of a
company’s earnings
that is paid out to
shareholders in cash.
Profit maximization
Maximizing a firm’s
earnings after
taxes (EAT).
Earnings per share
(EPS) Earnings after
taxes (EAT) divided
by the number of
common shares
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not specify the timing or duration of expected returns. Is the investment project that will produce
a $100,000 return five years from now more valuable than the project that will produce
annual returns of $15,000 in each of the next five years? An answer to this question depends
on the time value of money to the firm and to investors at the margin. Few existing stockholders
would think favorably of a project that promised its first return in 100 years, no
matter how large this return. Therefore our analysis must take into account the time pattern
of returns.
Another shortcoming of the objective of maximizing earnings per share – a shortcoming
shared by other traditional return measures, such as return on investment – is that risk is not
considered. Some investment projects are far more risky than others. As a result, the prospective
stream of earnings per share would be more risky if these projects were undertaken. In
addition, a company will be more or less risky depending on the amount of debt in relation
to equity in its capital structure. This financial risk also contributes to the overall risk to the
investor. Two companies may have the same expected earnings per share, but if the earnings
stream of one is subject to considerably more risk than the earnings stream of the other, the
market price per share of its stock may well be less.
Finally, this objective does not allow for the effect of dividend policy on the market price
of the stock. If the only objective were to maximize earnings per share, the firm would never
pay a dividend. It could always improve earnings per share by retaining earnings and investing
them at any positive rate of return, however small. To the extent that the payment of
dividends can affect the value of the stock, the maximization of earnings per share will not be
a satisfactory objective by itself.
For the reasons just given, an objective of maximizing earnings per share may not be the
same as maximizing market price per share. The market price of a firm’s stock represents the
focal judgment of all market participants as to the value of the particular firm. It takes into
account present and expected future earnings per share; the timing, duration, and risk of these
earnings; the dividend policy of the firm; and other factors that bear on the market price of
the stock. The market price serves as a barometer for business performance; it indicates how
well management is doing on behalf of its shareholders.
Management is under continuous review. Shareholders who are dissatisfied with management
performance may sell their shares and invest in another company. This action, if taken
by other dissatisfied shareholders, will put downward pressure on market price per share.
Thus management must focus on creating value for shareholders. This requires management
to judge alternative investment, financing, and asset management strategies in terms of their
effect on shareholder value (share price). In addition, management should pursue productmarket
strategies, such as building market share or increasing customer satisfaction, only if
they too will increase shareholder value.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
“Creating superior shareholder value is our top
Source: Associated Banc-Corp 2006 Annual Report.
“The Board and Senior Management recognize their
responsibility to represent the interests of all shareholders
and to maximize shareholder value.”
Source: CLP Holdings Limited, the parent company of the China
Light & Power Group, Annual Report 2006.
“FedEx’s main responsibility is to create shareholder
Source: FedEx Corporation, SEC Form Def 14A for the period
ending 9/25/2006.
“. . . we [the Board of Directors] are united in our goal to
ensure McDonald’s strives to enhance shareholder value.”
Source: McDonald’s Corporation 2006 Annual Report.
“The desire to increase shareholder value is what drives
our actions.”
Source: Philips Annual Report 2006.
“. . . the Board of Directors plays a central role in the
Company’s corporate governance system; it has the
power (and the duty) to direct Company business, pursuing
and fulfilling its primary and ultimate objective of
creating shareholder value.”
Source: Pirelli & C. SpA. Milan Annual Report 2006.
What Companies Say About Their Corporate Goal
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l l l Agency Problems
It has long been recognized that the separation of ownership and control in the modern
corporation results in potential conflicts between owners and managers. In particular, the
objectives of management may differ from those of the firm’s shareholders. In a large corporation,
stock may be so widely held that shareholders cannot even make known their
objectives, much less control or influence management. Thus this separation of ownership
from management creates a situation in which management may act in its own best interests
rather than those of the shareholders.
We may think of management as the agents of the owners. Shareholders, hoping that the
agents will act in the shareholders’ best interests, delegate decision-making authority to them.
Jensen and Meckling were the first to develop a comprehensive theory of the firm under
agency arrangements.1 They showed that the principals, in our case the shareholders, can
assure themselves that the agents (management) will make optimal decisions only if appropriate
incentives are given and only if the agents are monitored. Incentives include stock
options, bonuses, and perquisites (“perks,” such as company automobiles and expensive
offices), and these must be directly related to how close management decisions come to
the interests of the shareholders. Monitoring is done by bonding the agent, systematically
reviewing management perquisites, auditing financial statements, and limiting management
decisions. These monitoring activities necessarily involve costs, an inevitable result of the
separation of ownership and control of a corporation. The less the ownership percentage
of the managers, the less the likelihood that they will behave in a manner consistent with
maximizing shareholder wealth and the greater the need for outside shareholders to monitor
their activities.
Some people suggest that the primary monitoring of managers comes not from the
owners but from the managerial labor market. They argue that efficient capital markets
provide signals about the value of a company’s securities, and thus about the performance
of its managers. Managers with good performance records should have an easier time finding
other employment (if they need to) than managers with poor performance records. Thus, if
the managerial labor market is competitive both within and outside the firm, it will tend to
discipline managers. In that situation, the signals given by changes in the total market value
of the firm’s securities become very important.
l l l Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Maximizing shareholder wealth does not mean that management should ignore corporate
social responsibility (CSR), such as protecting the consumer, paying fair wages to employees,
maintaining fair hiring practices and safe working conditions, supporting education, and
becoming involved in such environmental issues as clean air and water. It is appropriate for
management to consider the interests of stakeholders other than shareholders. These stakeholders
include creditors, employees, customers, suppliers, communities in which a company
operates, and others. Only through attention to the legitimate concerns of the firm’s various
stakeholders can the firm attain its ultimate goal of maximizing shareholder wealth.
Over the last few decades sustainability has become a growing focus of many corporate
social responsibility efforts. In a sense, corporations have always been concerned with their
ability to be productive, or sustainable, in the long term. However, the concept of sustainability
has evolved to such an extent that it is now viewed by many businesses to mean
meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs. Therefore, more and more companies are being proactive and taking
steps to address issues such as climate change, oil depletion, and energy usage.
1 The Role of Financial Management
Agent(s) Individual(s)
authorized by another
person, called the
principal, to act on
the latter’s behalf.
Agency (theory)
A branch of
economics relating
to the behavior of
principals (such as
owners) and their
agents (such as
Corporate social
responsibility (CSR) A
business outlook that
acknowledges a firm’s
responsibilities to its
stakeholders and the
natural environment.
Stakeholders All
constituencies with a
stake in the fortunes
of the company. They
include shareholders,
creditors, customers,
employees, suppliers,
and local and
communities in which
the firm operates.
Meeting the needs of
the present without
compromising the
ability of future
generations to meet
their own needs.
1Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and
Ownership Structure,” Journal of Financial Economics 3 (October 1976), 305–360.
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Many people feel that a firm has no choice but to act in socially responsible ways. They
argue that shareholder wealth and, perhaps, the corporation’s very existence depend on its
being socially responsible. Because the criteria for social responsibility are not clearly defined,
however, formulating consistent policies is difficult. When society, acting through various
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Companies are suddenly discovering the profit potential
of social responsibility.
When Al Gore, the former US vice president, shows
up at Wal-Mart headquarters, you have to wonder
what’s going on. As it turns out, Gore was invited to visit
the retailer in July to introduce a screening of his documentary
about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth.
An odd-couple pairing – Gore and a company known
for its giant parking lots? Certainly. But also one of the
many recent signs that “corporate social responsibility”,
once seen as the purview of the hippie fringe, has gone
In the 1970s and 1980s, companies like Ben & Jerry’s
and The Body Shop pushed fair-labor practices and
environmental awareness as avidly and effectively as
Cherry Garcia ice cream and cocoa-butter hand cream.
They were widely admired but rarely imitated.
Today, more than 1,000 companies in 60 countries
have published sustainability reports proclaiming their
concern for the environment, their employees, and their
local communities. Giant corporations from BP to
General Electric have launched marketing campaigns
emphasizing their focus on alternative energy. Wal-Mart,
too, has announced new environmental goals – hence
the Gore visit. The retailer has pledged to increase the
efficiency of its vehicle fleet by 25% over the next three
years, cut the amount of energy used in its stores by at
least 25%, and reduce solid waste from US stores by the
same amount.
Changing expectations
The sudden burst of idealism can be traced to several
sources. First among them: the wave of corporate scandals.
“Enron was sort of the tipping point for many
CEOs and boards. They realized that they were going to
continue to be the subject of activist, consumer, and
shareholder focus for a long time,” says Andrew Savitz,
author of The Triple Bottom Line and a former partner in
PricewaterhouseCoopers’s sustainability practice. “People
are now very interested in corporate behavior of all kinds.”
Second, thanks to the internet, everyone has rapid
access to information about that behavior. Word of an
oil spill or a discrimination lawsuit can spread worldwide
nearly instantly. “If you had a supplier using child
labor or dumping waste into a local river, that used to be
pretty well hidden,” says Andrew Winston, director of
the Corporate Environmental Strategy project at Yale
University and co-author of Green to Gold. “Now, someone
walks by with a camera and blogs about it.”
Real concerns about resource constraints, driven by
the rising costs of such crucial commodities as steel
and oil, are a third factor spurring executives to action.
Wal-Mart chief Lee Scott has said he discovered that by
packaging just one of the company’s own products in
smaller boxes, he could dramatically cut down its distribution
and shipping costs, reducing energy use at the
same time. Such realizations have driven the company’s
re-examination of its packaging and fleet efficiency.
Critics of corporate social responsibility, or CSR, have
long held that the business of business is strictly to
increase profits, a view set forth most famously by the
economist Milton Friedman. Indeed, in a recent survey
of senior executives about the role of business in society,
most respondents “still fall closer to Milton Friedman
than to Ben & Jerry,” says Bradley Googins, executive
director of Boston College’s Center for Corporate
Citizenship, which conducted the survey. “But they see
the Milton Friedman school as less and less viable today,”
due to the change in expectations of business from nearly
every stakeholder group. In a study conducted by the
center in 2005, more than 80% of executives said social
and environmental issues were becoming more important
to their businesses.
“This debate is over,” says Winston. “The discussion
now is about how to build these intangibles into the
Virtue Rewarded
Source: Adapted from Kate O’Sullivan, “Virtue Rewarded,” CFO Asia (November 2006), pp. 58–63. ( © 2007 by CFO
Publishing Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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representative bodies, establishes the rules governing the trade-offs between social goals, environmental
sustainability, and economic efficiency, the task for the corporation is clearer. We
can then view the company as producing both private and social goods, and the maximization
of shareholder wealth remains a viable corporate objective.
1 The Role of Financial Management
No longer just the right thing to do, sustainability can
affect an organization’s reputation, brand and longterm
The surging interest in sustainable developments is
driven by the recognition that corporations, more
than any other organizations (including national governments),
have the power, the influence over financial,
human and natural resources, the means and arguably
the responsibility to promote a corporate agenda that
considers not only the economics of growth but also the
health of the environment and society at large.
Most early sustainability efforts fell under the
umbrella of corporate social responsibility, which corporations
practiced with a sense that it was the right
thing to do. The concept has changed since then, and its
evolution has serious implications for the way financial
professionals do their work. Sustainability has emerged
as a business strategy for maintaining long-term growth
and performance and to satisfy corporate obligations
to a range of stakeholders including shareholders.
As they should, profit-oriented corporations prioritize
their fiduciary responsibilities and consider mainly
the effects of their decisions on their direct shareholders.
The interests and values of other stakeholders and the
wider society affected by their actions often take lower or
no priority.
Under the principles of sustainability, a negative
impact on stakeholder values becomes a cost to a corporation.
The cost is usually defined as the expenditure
of resources that could be used to achieve something else
of equal or greater value. Customarily, these costs
have remained external to the organization and never
make their way onto an income statement. They may
include the discharge of contaminants and pollutants
into the environment and other abuses of the public
Now these costs have begun to appear in corporate
financial statements through so-called triple-bottomline
accounting. This accounting approach promotes the
incorporation into the income statement of not only
tangible financial costs but also traditionally less tangible
environmental and social costs of doing business.
Organizations have practiced such green accounting
since the mid-1980s, as they recognize that financial
indicators alone no longer adequately identify and communicate
the opportunities and risks that confront them.
These organizations understand that failure in nonfinancial
areas can have a substantial impact on shareholder
value. Non-financial controversy has dogged
companies such as Royal Dutch/Shell (Brent Spar sinking
and Niger River delta operations), Talisman Energy
Inc. (previous Sudan investments) and Wal-Mart Stores
Inc. (labor practices).
To corporations, sustainability presents both a stick
and a carrot. The stick of sustainability takes the form of
a threat to attracting financing. Investors, particularly
institutions, now ask more penetrating questions about
the long-term viability of the elements in their portfolios.
If a company cannot demonstrate that it has taken
adequate steps to protect itself against long-term nonfinancial
risks, including risks to its reputation and
brand, it may become a much less attractive asset to
investors. Lenders, too, increasingly look at sustainability
in their assessment of their debt portfolios.
The carrot of sustainability comes in a variety of
forms. Carbon-management credits are becoming a
source of income for some companies. Younger consumers
are increasingly green-minded, screening their
investment and consumption choices by filtering out less
socially and environmentally responsibly organizations.
Organizations can learn how to account more completely
for environmental and social issues and then
define, capture and report on these non-financial indicators
as part of their performance measurement. In the
process, they can uncover new ways to safeguard their
reputation, build trust among stakeholders, consolidate
their license to operate and ultimately enhance their
growth and profitability.
Sustainability: Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention
Source: James Hartshorn, “Sustainability: Why CFOs Need to Pay Attention,” Canadian Treasurer (22 June/July 2006), p. 15. (
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance refers to the system by which corporations are managed and controlled.
It encompasses the relationships among a company’s shareholders, board of directors,
and senior management. These relationships provide the framework within which corporate
objectives are set and performance is monitored. Three categories of individuals are, thus,
key to corporate governance success: first, the common shareholders, who elect the board of
directors; second, the company’s board of directors themselves; and, third, the top executive
officers led by the chief executive officer (CEO).
The board of directors – the critical link between shareholders and managers – is potentially
the most effective instrument of good governance. The oversight of the company is
ultimately their responsibility. The board, when operating properly, is also an independent
check on corporate management to ensure that management acts in the shareholders’ best
l l l The Role of the Board of Directors
The board of directors sets company-wide policy and advises the CEO and other senior
executives, who manage the company’s day-to-day activities. In fact, one of the board’s most
important tasks is hiring, firing, and setting of compensation for the CEO.
Boards review and approve strategy, significant investments, and acquisitions. The board
also oversees operating plans, capital budgets, and the company’s financial reports to common
In the United States, boards typically have 10 or 11 members, with the company’s CEO
often serving as chairman of the board. In Britain, it is common for the roles of chairman
and CEO to be kept separate, and this idea is gaining support in the United States.
l l l Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
There has been renewed interest in corporate governance in this last decade caused by major
governance breakdowns, which led to failures to prevent a series of recent corporate scandals
involving Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, Tyco, and numerous others. Governments
and regulatory bodies around the world continue to focus on the issue of corporate governance
reform. In the United States, one sign of the seriousness of this concern was that
Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX).
Sarbanes-Oxley mandates reforms to combat corporate and accounting fraud, and imposes
new penalties for violations of securities laws. It also calls for a variety of higher standards
for corporate governance, and establishes the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(PCAOB). The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) appoints the chairman and the
members of the PCAOB. The PCAOB has been given the power to adopt auditing, quality
control, ethics, and disclosure standards for public companies and their auditors as well as
investigate and discipline those involved.
Organization of the Financial Management Function
Whether your business career takes you in the direction of manufacturing, marketing,
finance, or accounting, it is important for you to understand the role that financial management
plays in the operations of the firm. Figure 1.1 is an organization chart for a typical
manufacturing firm that gives special attention to the finance function.
As the head of one of the three major functional areas of the firm, the vice president of
finance, or chief financial officer (CFO), generally reports directly to the president, or chief
governance The
system by which
corporations are
managed and
controlled. It
the relationships
among a company’s
shareholders, board
of directors, and
senior management.
Act of 2002 (SOX)
Addresses, among
other issues,
corporate governance,
auditing and
accounting, executive
compensation, and
enhanced and timely
disclosure of
corporate information.
Public Company
Accounting Oversight
Board (PCAOB)
nonprofit corporation,
created by the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 to oversee
the auditors of public
companies in order to
protect the interests
of investors and
further the public
interest in the
preparation of
informative, fair,
and independent
audit reports.
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1 The Role of Financial Management
New research shows that good governance practices
may reduce your cost of capital.
All too often, the drive for corporate-governance
reform feels like a costly exercise in wishful thinking.
After all, can you really find a strong correlation between
a mandatory retirement age for directors and a bigger net
profit margin?
You can, as it happens. A growing body of research
suggests that the governance practices promoted by such
proxy groups as Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
and the Investor Responsibility Research Center are
indeed associated with better corporate performance and
a lower cost of capital. One 2003 study by researchers at
Harvard University and the Wharton School found that
companies with greater protections for shareholders had
significantly better equity returns, profits, and sales
growth than others. A more recent study, by ISS, found
that companies that closely follow its governance advice
have higher price–earnings ratios.
More Rules, Higher Profits
Source: Adapted from Don Durfee, “More Rules, Higher Profits,” CFO (August 2006), p. 24. ( Copyright © 2006 by CFO
Publishing Corporation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Figure 1.1
Financial management
on the organization
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Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
executive officer (CEO). In large firms, the financial operations overseen by the CFO will be
split into two branches, with one headed by a treasurer and the other by a controller.
The controller’s responsibilities are primarily accounting in nature. Cost accounting, as
well as budgets and forecasts, concerns internal consumption. External financial reporting is
provided to the IRS, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the stockholders.
The treasurer’s responsibilities fall into the decision areas most commonly associated
with financial management: investment (capital budgeting, pension management), financing
(commercial banking and investment banking relationships, investor relations, dividend
disbursement), and asset management (cash management, credit management). The organization
chart may give you the false impression that a clear split exists between treasurer and
controller responsibilities. In a well-functioning firm, information will flow easily back and
forth between both branches. In small firms the treasurer and controller functions may be
combined into one position, with a resulting commingling of activities.
Organization of the Book
We began this chapter by offering the warning that today’s financial manager must have the
flexibility to adapt to the changing external environment if his or her firm is to survive. The
recent past has witnessed the production of sophisticated new technology-driven techniques
for raising and investing money that offer only a hint of things to come. But take heart.
Although the techniques of financial management change, the principles do not.
As we introduce you to the most current techniques of financial management, our focus
will be on the underlying principles or fundamentals. In this way, we feel that we can best
prepare you to adapt to change over your entire business career.
Could a different reporting structure have prevented
the WorldCom fraud? Harry Volande thinks so.
The Siemens Energy & Automation CFO reports to
the board of directors, rather than to the CEO. He says
the structure, which Siemens refers to as the “four-eye
principle,” makes it easier for finance chiefs to stay
honest. “The advantage is that you have a CFO who does
not depend on the CEO for reviews or a remuneration
package,” says Volande. “That gives him the freedom to
voice an independent opinion.” The reporting structure,
which is more common in Germany, applies throughout
the German electronics conglomerate. In the United States,
such a reporting practice is rare, in part because at many
companies the CEO also chairs the board. “Most CEOs
would resist such a change in the hierarchy,” says James
Owers, professor of finance at Georgia State University.
With a change in the reporting model unlikely,
governance watchdogs are advocating frequent and
independent meetings between the CFO and the board.
Many CFOs have access to the board only when the
CEO requests a finance presentation, says Owers.
Espen Eckbo, director of the Center for Corporate
Governance at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business,
says boards should consider taking more responsibility
for evaluating the CFO and determining his or her compensation,
rather than relying solely on the CEO’s opinion.
Such a practice would provide more independence
for the finance chief, he says.
Of course, there are drawbacks when the CFO reports
directly to the board. Volande admits that it can slow
the decision-making process. For example, if there are
disagreements about a possible merger, the board
ultimately has to make the decision. “You require
additional communication, which can be useful, but it
takes longer,” says Volande. He acknowledges that the
structure is not for everyone, as conflicts can arise when
senior executives share power: “It takes a CEO and CFO
with a certain amount of humility and flexibility.”
Four Eyes Are Better
Source: Kate O’Sullivan, “Four Eyes Are Better,” CFO (June 2006), p. 21. ( Copyright © 2006 by CFO Publishing Corporation.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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1 The Role of Financial Management
l l l The Underpinnings
In Part 1, Chapter 1, we define financial management, advocate maximization of shareholder
wealth as the goal of the firm, and look at the position that financial management holds on
the firm’s organization chart. Our next aim is to arm you with certain background material
and some of the basic tools of financial analysis. Therefore, in Chapter 2 we examine the
legal setting for financial management as it relates to organizational form and to taxes. The
function of financial markets and institutions, as well as of interest rates, is also included
Dear Alice,
With all the sound and fury going on about our national
moral crisis, do you have any words of wisdom and encouragement
on the subject of business ethics?
Hopeful in Hawaii
Dear Hopeful,
Glad to hear someone out there still has some faith in the
immortality of morality in these troubled times. I don’t
know why business ethics should be a subset of general,
run-of-the-mill ethics, but I’m willing to make a stab at
defining how one’s ethics can impact one’s business.
The way I see it, a business person needs several fundamental
ingredients to succeed. These might include skills
specific to the trade he or she is in, sufficient capital, a
willingness to apply a generous amount of elbow grease,
and a whole lot of luck. But even given all of the above,
if the ingredient of integrity is absent, true success will
elude the enterprise – for what kind of a business can
survive without a good reputation? And what is reputation,
after all, but ethics and integrity?
To be sure, much morality is imposed externally these
days. Laws and regulations tend to make individuals,
corporations, and even countries more virtuous than
they might otherwise be. Good intentions are fine, but a
little external incentive never hurts to get the job done.
Yet the true hope for the future of ethics in society
stems from the fact that the vast majority of folks have an
internal moral compass and would do the right thing
even without extraordinary external pressure.
And while these times may indeed appear to be
troubled, they are no more so than times gone by.
Consider the virtual caste system declaimed by Aristotle,
the rampant corruption of the late Roman Empire, the
blood and guts of the Middle Ages, not to mention the
exploitation of colonialism in more recent times.
If you’d like to see a wonderful example of how
the ethical dilemmas of ancient times apply even
today, take a look at this very pithy essay on honest
business dealings. Here you will find a journal article
by Randy Richards of St. Ambrose University titled
“Cicero and the Ethics of Honest Business Dealings.”
Content_ID=518) It tells about how Cicero came to
write his treatise On Duties, in which he addresses what
we ought to do when what is right and ethical conflicts
with what seems advantageous.
Cicero sent his son off to school in Athens, where
Junior proved to be a less-than-stellar pupil. Word
got back to Rome about excessive partying and lack
of attention to scholarship, and Dad was inspired to
write a long letter to his offspring on the subject of doing
one’s duty. Cicero’s examples of problems in doing
one’s duty, as described by the article’s author, are as
contemporary as any of the business ethics cases you
read about in your daily newspaper. Manipulating earnings
and stock values à la Enron and Andersen! Covering
up a defect in a product or property à la Firestone! Same
race, different rats!
So keep the faith and remain hopeful. Mankind has
been struggling with ethical challenges fairly successfully
for the two millennia since that wise old Roman fired
off a letter to his kid. And as long as the struggle to do
the right thing continues, civilization will continue to
improve – despite our temporary epidemic of sex, lies
and media hype.
Ask Alice About Ethics
Source: Adapted from Alice Magos, “Ask Alice About Ethics.” Retrieved from Reproduced
with permission from CCH Business Owner’s Toolkit, published and copyrighted by:
CCH Incorporated
2700 Lake Cook Road
Riverwoods, Illinois 60015
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as pertinent background information. In particular, we will focus on how business firms
interact with financial markets. The time value of money, valuation, and the twin concepts of
risk and return are explored in Part 2, Chapters 3, 4, and 5, because an understanding of these
fundamentals is essential to sound financial decisions. Indeed, the foundation for maximizing
shareholder wealth lies in valuation and in an understanding of the trade-offs between risk
and return. As a result, we explore these topics early on.
Question If I have no intention of becoming a financial manager, why do I need to understand
financial management?
Answer One good reason is “to prepare yourself for the workplace of the future.” More and
more businesses are reducing management jobs and squeezing together the various
layers of the corporate pyramid. This is being done to reduce costs and boost
productivity. As a result, the responsibilities of the remaining management positions
are being broadened. The successful manager will need to be much more of a team
player who has the knowledge and ability to move not just vertically within an
organization but horizontally as well. Developing cross-functional capabilities will
be the rule, not the exception. Thus a mastery of basic financial management skills is
a key ingredient that will be required in the workplace of your not-too-distant future.
To invest in, finance, and manage assets efficiently, financial managers must plan carefully.
For one thing, they must project future cash flows and then assess the likely effect of these
flows on the financial condition of the firm. On the basis of these projections, they also must
plan for adequate liquidity to pay bills and other debts as they come due. These obligations
may make it necessary to raise additional funds. In order to control performance, the financial
manager needs to establish certain norms. These norms are then used to compare actual
performance with planned performance. Because financial analysis, planning, and control
underlie a good deal of the discussion in this book, we examine these topics in Part 3,
Chapters 6 and 7.
l l l Managing and Acquiring Assets
Decisions regarding the management of assets must be made in accordance with the underlying
objective of the firm: to maximize shareholder wealth. In Part 4, we examine cash,
marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventories. We shall explore ways of efficiently
managing these current assets in order to maximize profitability relative to the amount of
funds tied up in the assets. Determining a proper level of liquidity is very much a part of
this asset management. The optimal level of a current asset depends on the profitability and
flexibility associated with that level in relation to the cost involved in maintaining it. In the
past, the management of working capital (current assets and their supporting financing)
dominated the role of financial managers. Although this traditional function continues to
be vital, expanded attention is now being paid to the management of longer-term assets and
In Part 5, under capital budgeting, we consider the acquisition of fixed assets. Capital budgeting
involves selecting investment proposals whose benefits are expected to extend beyond
one year. When a proposal requires an increase or decrease in working capital, this change is
treated as part of the capital budgeting decision and not as a separate working capital decision.
Because the expected future benefits from an investment proposal are uncertain, risk is
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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1 The Role of Financial Management
necessarily involved. Changes in the business-risk complexion of the firm can have a
significant influence on the firm’s value in the marketplace. Because of this important effect,
attention is devoted to the problem of measuring risk for a capital investment project. In
addition to risk, an investment project sometimes embodies options for management to alter
previous decisions. Therefore the effect of managerial options on project desirability is
studied. Capital is apportioned according to an acceptance criterion. The return required of
the project must be in accord with the objective of maximizing shareholder wealth.
l l l Financing Assets
A major facet of financial management involves providing the financing necessary to support
assets. A wide variety of financing sources are available. Each has certain characteristics as
to cost, maturity, availability, claims on assets, and other terms imposed by the suppliers of
capital. On the basis of these factors, the financial manager must determine the best mix of
financing for the firm. Implications for shareholder wealth must be considered when these
decisions are made.
In Part 6 we discuss the capital structure (or permanent long-term financing makeup) of a
firm. We look at the concept of financial leverage from a number of different angles in an
effort to understand financial risk and how this risk is interrelated with business (or operating)
risk. In addition, we analyze the retention of earnings as a source of financing. Because
this source represents dividends forgone by stockholders, dividend policy very much impinges
on financing policy and vice versa. Whereas in Part 4, previously discussed, we examine the
various sources of short-term financing, in Part 7 the sources of long-term financing are
explored. Both parts reveal the features, concepts, and problems associated with alternative
methods of financing.
l l l A Mixed Bag
In Part 8 we cover some of the specialized areas of financial management in detail. Some of
the more exotic financing instruments – convertibles, exchangeables, and warrants – are discussed.
Mergers, strategic alliances, divestitures, restructurings, and remedies for a failing
company are explored. Growth of a company can be internal, external, or both, and domestic
or international in flavor. Finally, because the multinational firm has come into prominence,
it is particularly relevant that we study growth through international operations.
Financial management, then, involves the acquisition, financing, and management of
assets. These three decision areas are all interrelated: the decision to acquire an asset necessitates
the financing and management of that asset, whereas financing and management costs
affect the decision to invest. The focus of this book is on the investment, financing, and asset
management decisions of the firm. Together, these decisions determine the value of the firm
to its shareholders. Mastering the concepts involved is the key to understanding the role of
financial management.
Key Learning Points
l Financial management is concerned with the acquisition,
financing, and management of assets with some
overall goal in mind.
l The decision function of financial management can be
broken down into three major areas: the investment,
financing, and asset management decisions.
l We assume in this book that the goal of the firm is to
maximize the wealth of the firm’s present owners (or
shareholders). Shareholder wealth is represented by
the market price per share of the firm’s common stock,
which, in turn, is a reflection of the firm’s investment,
financing, and asset management decisions.
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Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
l The market price of a firm’s stock represents the focal
judgment of all market participants as to the value
of the particular firm. It takes into account present
and prospective future earnings per share; the timing,
duration, and risk of these earnings; the dividend
policy of the firm; and other factors that bear on the
market price of the stock.
l Agency theory suggests that managers (the agents),
particularly those of large, publicly owned firms,
may have different objectives from those of the
shareholders (the principals). The shareholders can
assure themselves that the managers will make shareholder
wealth-maximizing decisions only if management
receives appropriate incentives and only if
management is monitored.
l Maximizing shareholder wealth does not relieve the firm
of the responsibility to act in socially responsible ways.
l Corporate governance is the system by which corporations
are managed and controlled. It encompasses the
relationships among a company’s shareholders, board
of directors, and senior management.
l In large firms, the finance function is the responsibility
of the vice president of finance, or chief financial
officer (CFO), who generally reports directly to the
president, or chief executive officer (CEO). The financial
operations overseen by the CFO will be split into
two branches, with one headed by a treasurer and the
other by a controller. The controller’s responsibilities
are primarily accounting in nature, whereas the treasurer’s
responsibilities fall into the decision areas most
commonly associated with financial management.
1. If all companies had an objective of maximizing shareholder wealth, would people overall
tend to be better or worse off ?
2. Contrast the objective of maximizing earnings with that of maximizing wealth.
3. What is financial management all about?
4. Is the goal of zero profits for some finite period (three to five years, for example) ever
consistent with the maximization-of-wealth objective?
5. Explain why judging the efficiency of any financial decision requires the existence of a goal.
6. What are the three major functions of the financial manager? How are they related?
7. Should the managers of a company own sizable amounts of common stock in the company?
What are the pros and cons?
8. During the last few decades, a number of environmental, hiring, and other regulations
have been imposed on businesses. In view of these regulatory changes, is maximization of
shareholder wealth any longer a realistic objective?
9. As an investor, do you think that some managers are paid too much? Do their rewards
come at your expense?
10. How does the notion of risk and reward govern the behavior of financial managers?
11. What is corporate governance? What role does a corporation’s board of directors play in
corporate governance?
12. Compare and contrast the roles that a firm’s treasurer and controller have in the operation
of the firm.
Selected References
Ang, James S., Rebel A. Cole, and James Wuh Lin. “Agency
Costs and Ownership Structure.” Journal of Finance 55
(February 2000), 81–106.
Barnea, Amir, Robert A. Haugen, and Lemma W. Senbet.
“Management of Corporate Risk,” in Advances in Financial
Planning and Forecasting. New York: JAI Press, 1985.
—— . Agency Problems and Financial Contracting.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985.
Bauer, Christopher. “A Preventive Maintenance Approach
to Ethics.” Financial Executive 21 (May 2005), 18–20.
Bernstein, Peter L. Capital Ideas. New York: Free Press,
Brennan, Michael. “Corporate Finance Over the Past 25
Years.” Financial Management 24 (Summer 1995), 9–22.
Brickley, James A., Clifford W. Smith, Jr., and Jerold L.
Zimmerman. “Corporate Governance, Ethics, and
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
1 The Role of Financial Management
Organizational Architecture.” Journal of Applied Corporate
Finance 15 (Spring 2003), 34–45.
Brounen, Dirk, Abe de Jong, and Kees Koedijk. “Corporate
Finance in Europe: Confronting Theory with Practice.”
Financial Management 33 (Winter 2004), 71–101.
Chambers, Donald R., and Nelson J. Lacey. “Corporate
Ethics and Shareholder Wealth Maximization.” Financial
Practice and Education 6 (Spring–Summer 1996), 93–
Chen, Andrew H., James A. Conover, and John W.
Kensinger. “Proven Ways to Increase Share Value.”
Journal of Applied Finance 12 (Spring/Summer 2002),
Dore, Lucia. “Corporate Governance in Europe.” Shareholder
Value 3 (January/February 2003), 54–59.
Felo, Andrew J., and Steven A. Solieri. “New Laws, New
Challenges: Implications of Sarbanes-Oxley.” Strategic
Finance (February 2003), 31–34.
Friedman, Milton. “The Social Responsibility of Business
Is to Increase Its Profits.” New York Times Magazine
(September 13, 1970).
Haywood, M. Elizabeth, and Donald E. Wygal. “Corporate
Greed vs. IMA’s Ethics Code.” Strategic Finance 86
(November 2004), 45–49.
Holmstrom, Bengt, and Steven N. Kaplan. “The State of
US Corporate Governance: What is Right and What’s
Wrong?” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 15 (Spring
2003), 8–20.
Howell, Robert A. “The CFO: From Controller to Global
Strategic Partner.” Financial Executive 22 (April 2006),
Jensen, Michael C., and William H. Meckling. “Theory
of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and
Ownership Structure.” Journal of Financial Economics 3
(October 1976), 305–360.
Jensen, Michael C., and Clifford W. Smith Jr. “Stockholder,
Manager, and Creditor Interests: Applications of Agency
Theory.” In Recent Advances in Corporate Finance, ed.
Edward I. Altman and Marti G. Subrahmanyam, 93–132.
Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1985.
Koller, Tim, Marc Goedhart, and David Wessels. Valuation:
Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 4th ed.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005.
Megginson, William L. “Outside Equity.” Journal of Finance
55 (June 2000), 1005–1038.
Millman, Gregory J. “New Scandals, Old Lessons: Financial
Ethics After Enron.” Financial Executive 18 (July/August
2002), 16–19.
Persaud, Avinosh, and John Plender. All You Need to Know
About Ethics and Finance: Finding a Moral Compass in
Business Today. London: Longtail Publishing, 2006.
Porter, Michael E., and Mark R. Kramer. “Strategy &
Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and
Corporate Responsibility.” Harvard Business Review 36
(December 2006), 78–92.
Rappaport, Alfred. Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for
Managers and Investors, rev. ed. New York: Free Press,
Seitz, Neil. “Shareholder Goals, Firm Goals and Firm
Financing Decisions.” Financial Management 11 (Autumn
1982), 20–26.
Shivdasani, Anil, and Marc Zenner. “Best Practices in
Corporate Governance: What Two Decades of Research
Reveals.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 16
(Spring/Summer 2004), 29–41.
Special Issue on International Corporate Governance.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 38 (March
2003). Entire issue (ten articles) devoted to recent empirical
and theoretical research in the area of international
corporate governance.
Statement on Management Accounting No. 1C (revised),
Standards of Ethical Conduct for Practitioners of Management
Accounting and Financial Management. Montvale,
NJ: Institute of Management Accountants, April 30,
Stewart, G. Bennett. The Quest for Value. New York: Harper
Business, 1991.
Sundaram, Anant K. “Tending to Shareholders,” in FT
Mastering Financial Management, Part 1. Financial Times
(May 26, 2006), 4–5.
Treynor, Jack L. “The Financial Objective in the Widely
Held Corporation.” Financial Analysts Journal 37
(March–April 1981), 68–71.
Vershoor, Curtis C. “Do the Right Thing: IMA Issues New
Ethics Guidelines.” Strategic Finance 87 (November
2005), 42–46.
Part I of the text’s website, Wachowicz’s Web World,
contains links to many finance websites and online
articles related to topics covered in this chapter.
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The Business, Tax, and
Financial Environments
l The Business Environment
Sole Proprietorships • Partnerships •
Corporations • Limited Liability Companies
l The Tax Environment
Corporate Income Taxes • Personal Income
l The Financial Environment
The Purpose of Financial Markets • Financial
Markets • Financial Intermediaries • Financial
Brokers • The Secondary Market • Allocation of
Funds and Interest Rates
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Self-Correction Problems
l Problems
l Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
l Selected References
Corporation, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit
without individual responsibility.
The Devil’s Dictionary
After studying Chapter 2, you should be able to:
l Describe the four basic forms of business organization
in the United States – and the advantages
and disadvantages of each.
l Understand how to find a corporation’s taxable
income and how to determine the corporate tax
rate – both average and marginal.
l Understand various methods of depreciation.
l Explain why acquiring assets through the use of
debt financing offers a tax advantage over both
common and preferred stock financing.
l Describe the purpose and makeup of financial
l Demonstrate an understanding of how letter
ratings of the major rating agencies help you
to judge a security’s default risk.
l Understand what is meant by the “term structure
of interest rates” and relate it to a “yield
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To understand better the role of financial managers, you must be familiar with the environments
in which they operate. The form of business organization that a firm chooses is one
aspect of the business setting in which it must function. We will explore the advantages and
disadvantages of the various alternative forms of business organization. Next, we will look
at the tax environment in order to gain a basic understanding of how tax implications may
impact various financial decisions. Finally, we investigate the financial system and the everchanging
environment in which capital is raised.
The Business Environment
In the United States there are four basic forms of business organization: sole proprietorships
(one owner), partnerships (general and limited), corporations, and limited liability
companies (LLCs). Sole proprietorships outnumber the others combined by over 2 to 1, but
corporations rank first by far when measured by sales, assets, profits, and contribution to
national income. As this section unfolds, you will discover some of the pluses and minuses of
each alternative form of business organization.
l l l Sole Proprietorships
The sole proprietorship is the oldest form of business organization. As the title suggests, a
single person owns the business, holds title to all its assets, and is personally responsible for
all of its debts. A proprietorship pays no separate income taxes. The owner merely adds any
profits or subtracts any losses from the business when determining personal taxable income.
This business form is widely used in service industries. Because of its simplicity, a sole proprietorship
can be established with few complications and little expense. Simplicity is its
greatest virtue.
Its principal shortcoming is that the owner is personally liable for all business obligations.
If the organization is sued, the proprietor as an individual is sued and has unlimited liability,
which means that much of his or her personal property, as well as the assets of the business,
may be seized to settle claims. Another problem with a sole proprietorship is the difficulty
in raising capital. Because the life and success of the business is so dependent on a single
individual, a sole proprietorship may not be as attractive to lenders as another form of organization.
Moreover, the proprietorship has certain tax disadvantages. Fringe benefits, such as
medical coverage and group insurance, are not regarded by the Internal Revenue Service as
expenses of the firm and therefore are not fully deductible for tax purposes. A corporation
often deducts these benefits, but the proprietor must pay for a major portion of them from
income left over after paying taxes. In addition to these drawbacks, the proprietorship form
makes the transfer of ownership more difficult than does the corporate form. In estate planning,
no portion of the enterprise can be transferred to members of the family during the proprietor’s
lifetime. For these reasons, this form of organization does not afford the flexibility
that other forms do.
l l l Partnerships
A partnership is similar to a proprietorship, except there is more than one owner. A
partnership, like a proprietorship, pays no income taxes. Instead, individual partners include
their share of profits or losses from the business as part of their personal taxable income.
One potential advantage of this business form is that, relative to a proprietorship, a greater
amount of capital can often be raised. More than one owner may now be providing personal
capital, and lenders may be more agreeable to providing funds given a larger owner investment
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Sole proprietorship
A business form for
which there is one
owner. This single
owner has unlimited
liability for all debts
of the firm.
Partnership A
business form in
which two or more
individuals act as
owners. In a general
partnership all
partners have
unlimited liability
for the debts of the
firm; in a limited
partnership one or
more partners may
have limited liability.
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1The Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheaton 636 (1819).
In a general partnership all partners have unlimited liability; they are jointly liable for the
obligations of the partnership. Because each partner can bind the partnership with obligations,
general partners should be selected with care. In most cases a formal arrangement, or partnership
agreement, sets forth the powers of each partner, the distribution of profits, the
amounts of capital to be invested by the partners, procedures for admitting new partners,
and procedures for reconstituting the partnership in the case of the death or withdrawal of
a partner. Legally, the partnership is dissolved if one of the partners dies or withdraws. In
such cases, settlements are invariably “sticky,” and reconstitution of the partnership can be
a difficult matter.
In a limited partnership, limited partners contribute capital and have liability confined to
that amount of capital; they cannot lose more than they put in. There must, however, be at
least one general partner in the partnership, whose liability is unlimited. Limited partners
do not participate in the operation of the business; this is left to the general partner(s). The
limited partners are strictly investors, and they share in the profits or losses of the partnership
according to the terms of the partnership agreement. This type of arrangement is frequently
used in financing real estate ventures.
l l l Corporations
Because of the importance of the corporate form in the United States, the focus of this book
is on corporations. A corporation is an “artificial entity” created by law. It can own assets
and incur liabilities. In the famous Dartmouth College decision in 1819, Justice Marshall
concluded that
a corporation is an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation
of the law. Being a mere creature of law, it possesses only those properties which the
charter of its creation confers upon it, either expressly or as incidental to its very existence.1
The principal feature of this form of business organization is that the corporation exists legally
separate and apart from its owners. An owner’s liability is limited to his or her investment.
Limited liability represents an important advantage over the proprietorship and general
partnership. Capital can be raised in the corporation’s name without exposing the owners
to unlimited liability. Therefore, personal assets cannot be seized in the settlement of claims.
Ownership itself is evidenced by shares of stock, with each stockholder owning that proportion
of the enterprise represented by his or her shares in relation to the total number of
shares outstanding. These shares are easily transferable, representing another important
advantage of the corporate form. Moreover, corporations have found what the explorer Ponce
de Leon could only dream of finding – unlimited life. Because the corporation exists apart
from its owners, its life is not limited by the lives of the owners (unlike proprietorships and
partnerships). The corporation can continue even though individual owners may die or sell
their stock.
Because of the advantages associated with limited liability, easy transfer of ownership
through the sale of common stock, unlimited life, and the ability of the corporation to raise
capital apart from its owners, the corporate form of business organization has grown
enormously in the twentieth century. With the large demands for capital that accompany an
advanced economy, the proprietorship and partnership have proven unsatisfactory, and the
corporation has emerged as the most important organizational form.
A possible disadvantage of the corporation is tax related. Corporate profits are subject
to double taxation. The company pays tax on the income it earns, and the stockholder is
also taxed when he or she receives income in the form of a cash dividend. (We will take a
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Limited partner
Member of a limited
partnership not
personally liable
for the debts of
the partnership.
General partner
Member of a
partnership with
unlimited liability for
the debts of the
Corporation A
business form
legally separate
from its owners.
Its distinguishing
features include
limited liability, easy
transfer of ownership,
unlimited life, and an
ability to raise large
sums of capital.
Double taxation
Taxation of the same
income twice. A
classic example is
taxation of income at
the corporate level
and again as dividend
income when received
by the shareholder.
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closer look at taxes in the next section.2) Minor disadvantages include the length of time to
incorporate and the red tape involved, as well as the incorporation fee that must be paid to
the state in which the firm is incorporated. Thus, a corporation is more difficult to establish
than either a proprietorship or a partnership.
l l l Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
A limited liability company (LLC) is a hybrid form of business organization that combines
the best aspects of both a corporation and a partnership. It provides its owners (called
“members”) with corporate-style limited personal liability and the federal-tax treatment of a
partnership.3 Especially well suited for small and medium-sized firms, it has fewer restrictions
and greater flexibility than an older hybrid business form – the S corporation (which we discuss
in the section on taxes).
Until 1990 only two states, Wyoming and Florida, allowed the formation of LLCs. A 1988
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruling that any Wyoming LLC would be treated as a partnership
for federal-tax purposes opened the floodgates for the remaining states to start enacting
LLC statutes. Though new to the United States, LLCs have been a long-accepted form of business
organization in Europe and Latin America.
Limited liability companies generally possess no more than two of the following four
(desirable) standard corporate characteristics: (1) limited liability, (2) centralized management,
(3) unlimited life, and (4) the ability to transfer ownership interest without prior
consent of the other owners. LLCs (by definition) have limited liability. Thus members are
not personally liable for any debts that may be incurred by the LLC. Most LLCs choose to
maintain some type of centralized management structure. One drawback to an LLC, however,
is that it generally lacks the corporate feature of “unlimited life,” although most states do
allow an LLC to continue if a member’s ownership interest is transferred or terminated.
Another drawback is that complete transfer of an ownership interest is usually subject to the
approval of at least a majority of the other LLC members.
Although the LLC structure is applicable to most businesses, service-providing professionals
in many states who want to form an LLC must resort to a parallel structure. In those
states, accountants, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals are allowed to form a professional
LLC (PLLC) or limited liability partnership (LLP), a PLLC look-alike. One indication of
the popularity of the PLLC/LLP structure among professionals can be found in the fact that
all of the “Big Four” accounting firms in the United States are LLPs.
The Tax Environment
Most business decisions are affected either directly or indirectly by taxes. Through their
taxing power, federal, state, and local governments have a profound influence on the behavior
of businesses and their owners. What might prove to be an outstanding business decision
in the absence of taxes may prove to be very inferior with taxes (and sometimes, vice
versa). In this section we introduce you to some of the fundamentals of taxation. A basic
understanding of this material will be needed for later chapters when we consider specific
financial decisions.
We begin with the corporate income tax. Then we briefly consider personal income taxes.
We must be mindful that tax laws frequently change.
2An S corporation, named for a subchapter of the Internal Revenue Code, is a special type of corporate structure open
only to qualifying “small corporations.” Since its reason for being is entirely tax motivated, we defer its discussion
until the section on taxes.
3Many states permit single-member LLCs. Qualified single-member LLCs are taxed as sole proprietorships.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Limited liability
company (LLC) A
business form that
provides its owners
(called “members”)
with corporate-style
limited personal
liability and the
federal-tax treatment
of a partnership.
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l l l Corporate Income Taxes
A corporation’s taxable income is found by deducting all allowable expenses, including depreciation
and interest, from revenues. This taxable income is then subjected to the following
graduated tax structure:
$ 0 $ 50,000 15 0.15 × (income over $0)
50,000 75,000 25 $ 7,500 + 0.25 × (income over 50,000)
75,000 100,000 34 13,750 + 0.34 × (income over 75,000)
100,000 335,000 39a 22,250 + 0.39 × (income over 100,000)
335,000 10,000,000 34 113,900 + 0.34 × (income over 335,000)
10,000,000 15,000,000 35 3,400,000 + 0.35 × (income over 10,000,000)
15,000,000 18,333,333 38b 5,150,000 + 0.38 × (income over 15,000,000)
18,333,333 – 35 6,416,667 + 0.35 × (income over 18,333,333)
aBetween $100,000 and $335,000 there is a built-in surtax of 5 percent over the 34 percent rate. This results
in corporations with taxable income between $335,000 and $10,000,000 “effectively” paying a flat 34 percent
rate on all of their taxable income.
bBetween $15,000,000 and $18,333,333 there is a built-in surtax of 3 percent over the 35 percent rate. This
results in corporations with taxable income over $18,333,333 “effectively” paying a flat 35 percent rate on all
of their taxable income.
The tax rate – the percentage of taxable income that must be paid in taxes – that is applied to
each income bracket is referred to as a marginal rate. For example, each additional dollar of
taxable income above $50,000 is taxed at the marginal rate of 25 percent until taxable income
reaches $75,000. At that point, the new marginal rate becomes 34 percent. The average tax rate
for a firm is measured by dividing taxes actually paid by taxable income. For example, a firm
with $100,000 of taxable income pays $22,250 in taxes, and therefore has an average tax rate
of $22,250/$100,000, or 22.25 percent. For small firms (i.e., firms with less than $335,000
of taxable income), the distinction between the average and marginal tax rates may prove
important. However, the average and marginal rates converge at 34 percent for firms with
taxable income between $335,000 and $10 million and, finally, converge again, this time to the
35 percent rate, for firms with taxable income above $18,333,333.
Alternative Minimum Tax. Companies dislike paying taxes and will take advantage of all
the deductions and credits that the law allows. Therefore, the Internal Revenue Service has
devised a special tax to ensure that large firms that benefit from the tax laws pay at least a
minimum amount of tax. This special tax is called the alternative minimum tax (AMT). The
tax – 20 percent of alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI) – applies only when the AMT
would be greater than the firm’s normally computed tax. To broaden the base of taxable
income, AMTI is calculated by applying adjustments to items that had previously received
some tax preference.
Quarterly Tax Payments. Corporations of any significant size are required to make quarterly
tax payments. Specifically, calendar-year corporations are required to pay 25 percent of
their estimated taxes in any given year on or before April 15, June 15, September 15, and
December 15. When actual income differs from that which has been estimated, adjustments
are made. A company that is on a calendar-year basis of accounting must make final settlement
by March 15 of the subsequent year.
Depreciation. Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of a capital asset over a
period of time for financial reporting purposes, tax purposes, or both. Depreciation deductions
taken on a firm’s tax return are treated as expense items. Thus depreciation lowers taxable
income. Everything else being equal, the greater the depreciation charges, the lower the
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Depreciation The
systematic allocation
of the cost of a
capital asset over
a period of time for
financial reporting
purposes, tax
purposes, or both.
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tax. There are a number of alternative procedures for depreciating capital assets, including
straight-line depreciation and various accelerated depreciation methods. The depreciation
methods chosen may differ for tax reporting versus financial reporting. Most firms with
taxable income prefer to use an accelerated depreciation method for tax reporting purposes –
one that allows for a more rapid write-off and, hence, a lower taxable income figure.
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 allows companies to use a particular type of accelerated depreciation
for tax purposes; it is known as the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
(MACRS, pronounced “makers”).4 Under MACRS, machinery, equipment, and real estate are
assigned to one of eight classes for purposes of determining a prescribed life, called a cost
recovery period, and a depreciation method. The property class in which an asset falls determines
its cost recovery period or prescribed life for tax purposes – a life that may differ from
the asset’s useful or economic life. A general description of the property classes is provided in
Table 2.1. (The reader should refer to the Internal Revenue Code for more detail.)
To illustrate some of the various methods of depreciation, let’s first consider straight-line
depreciation. If the fully installed acquisition cost of a five-year property class asset is $10,000,
annual depreciation charges using straight-line depreciation would be $10,000/5, or $2,000.
(For tax purposes, expected salvage value does not affect depreciation charges.)
Declining-balance depreciation, on the other hand, calls for an annual charge that is a
“fixed percentage” of the asset’s net book value (acquisition cost minus accumulated depreciation)
at the beginning of the year to which the depreciation charge applies. For example, when
using the double-declining-balance (DDB) method, we compute a rate by dividing 1 by the
number of years of depreciable life for the asset. Then we double that rate. (Other decliningbalance
methods use other multiples.) Under the declining-balance methods the general
formula for determining the depreciation charge in any period is
m(1/n)NBV (2.1)
where m is the multiple, n is the depreciable life of the asset, and NBV is the asset’s net book
value at the start of the year. For a $10,000 asset, with a five-year life, the depreciation charge
in the first year using the DDB method would be
2(1/5)$10,000 = $4,000
4The term “Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System” (MACRS) is used to distinguish the deductions computed under
post-1986 rules from deductions prescribed under pre-1987 rules of the Accelerated Cost Recovery System (ACRS).
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Table 2.1
Property classes
under MACRS
l 3-Year 200% Class. Includes property with a midpoint life of 4 years or less, except automobiles
and light trucks. Under the Asset Depreciation Range (ADR) system, assets are grouped within
classes and a guideline (midpoint) life is determined by the Treasury Department.
l 5-Year 200% Class. Includes property with an ADR midpoint life of more than 4 to less than
10 years. Also included are automobiles, light trucks, most technological and semiconductor
manufacturing equipment, switching equipment, small power production facilities, research and
experimental equipment, high technology medical equipment, computers, and certain office
l 7-Year 200% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 10 to less than 16 years and singlepurpose
agricultural structures. Also includes office furniture and any other property for which no
class life is specified by law.
l 10-Year 200% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 16 to less than 20 years.
l 15-Year 150% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 20 to less than 25 years, sewage
treatment plants, and telephone distribution plants.
l 20-Year 150% Class. Includes property with ADR midpoints of 25 years or more, other than real
property described below.
l 27.5-Year Straight-Line Class. Includes residential rental property.
l 39-Year Straight-Line Class. Includes other real estate.
depreciation Methods
of depreciation calling
for an annual charge
based on a fixed
percentage of the
asset’s depreciated
book value at the
beginning of the
year for which the
depreciation charge
A method of
depreciation that
allocates expenses
evenly over the
depreciable life
of the asset.
depreciation Methods
of depreciation that
write off the cost of
a capital asset faster
than under straightline
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For our example, 2(1/5) determines the “fixed percentage,” or 40 percent, that is applied
against the declining net book value each year. The depreciation charge in the second year is
based on the depreciated net book value of $6,000. We arrive at the $6,000 by subtracting the
first year’s depreciation charge, $4,000, from the asset’s original acquisition cost. The depreciation
charge in the second year would be
2(1/5)$6,000 = $2,400
The third year’s charge would be
2(1/5)$3,600 = $1,440
and so on.
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System. For the 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year property
classes, the double declining balance (also called 200% declining balance) depreciation
method is used. This method then switches to straight-line depreciation for the remaining
undepreciated book value in the first year that the straight-line method yields an equal or
greater deduction than the declining-balance method. Assets in the 15- and 20-year classes are
depreciated using the 150 percent declining balance method, again switching to straight-line
at the optimal time. The straight-line method must be used for all real estate.
Normally, the half-year convention must be applied to all declining-balance methods. This
calls for a half year of depreciation in the year an asset is acquired, regardless of the date of
purchase. There is also a half year of depreciation in the year an asset is sold or retired from
service. If property is held for longer than its recovery period, a half year of depreciation is
allowed for the year following the end of the recovery period. Thus 5-year property class assets
held for 6 years or longer have depreciation spread over 6 years.
To illustrate for the 5-year 200 percent property class, assume that an asset costing $10,000
is acquired in February. For our example, the declining-balance formula yields 2(1/5) = 40%
as the fixed percentage annual depreciation. However, in the first year the half-year convention
is employed, so first-year depreciation is 20 percent, or $2,000. In the fourth year it
is favorable to switch to straight-line depreciation. Thus the depreciation schedule is as
0 – – $10,000
1 (0.2)$10,000 $2,000 8,000
2 (0.4)$8,000 3,200 4,800
3 (0.4)$4,800 1,920 2,880
4 $2,880/2.5 years 1,152 1,728
5 $2,880/2.5 years 1,152 576
6 (0.5)$2,880/2.5 years 576 0
At the beginning of the fourth year, the net book value at the end of the third year is divided
by the remaining life to get straight-line depreciation. The remaining life is 2.5 years, owing
to the half-year convention in the sixth year. Finally, in the sixth year the remaining balance
is $576, or one-half the yearly straight-line amount.
Take Note
Instead of making such calculations (which as you can see can be quite a chore), one can use
depreciation percentages of original cost for each property class (see Table 2.1) published by
the Treasury. The first four property categories are seen in the following table.
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
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1 33.33% 20.00% 14.29% 10.00%
2 44.45 32.00 24.49 18.00
3 14.81 19.20 17.49 14.40
4 7.41 11.52 12.49 11.52
5 11.52 8.93 9.22
6 5.76 8.92 7.37
7 8.93 6.55
8 4.46 6.55
9 6.56
10 6.55
11 3.28
Totals 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
These percentages correspond to the principles on which our previous calculations are based,
and they are used for determining depreciation deductions.
“Temporary” Tax Relief Provision(s). In May 2008 President Bush signed an economicstimulus
bill – Economic Stimulus Act (ESA) of 2008 – into law. The Act has a number of provisions
that are supposed to be only “temporary.” For students of finance, one provision is
especially important because it can dramatically affect a company’s federal tax payments and
capital budgeting decisions. The critical provision involves “bonus depreciation.”
Under the 2008 Act businesses are allowed to take an additional first-year depreciation
deduction, commonly known as “bonus depreciation,” equal to 50 percent of the original
“adjusted (depreciable) basis” – usually the fully installed cost – of qualified property.
Property eligible for this treatment includes property to which MACRS depreciation applies
with a recovery period of 20 years or less. Certain types of water utility property, software, and
leasehold improvements also qualify for bonus depreciation. Property must generally be purchased
and placed in service in 2008. The bonus depreciation is allowed for both the regular
tax and the alternative minimum tax (AMT).
In addition, the business is entitled to “normal” first-year depreciation. However, the
depreciable basis of the property and the regular depreciation allowances are adjusted to
reflect the additional first-year depreciation deduction. And, finally, a taxpayer may elect out
of the 50 percent bonus depreciation by asset class and be subject to “normal” tax depreciation
on the original “adjusted (depreciable) basis.”
EXAMPLE (with 50 percent bonus depreciation and assuming the half-year convention):
On September 8, 2008, a calendar-year reporting business, bought and placed in service,
a $100,000 five-year property class piece of equipment. The business may claim a firstyear
(2008) depreciation allowance of $60,000 – i.e., a $50,000 bonus depreciation
($100,000 times 50%) plus a $10,000 normal first-year MACRS depreciation calculated on
the new adjusted basis ([$100,000 minus $50,000] times 20%). In the second year (2009),
the MACRS depreciation would be $16,000 ([$100,000 minus $50,000] times 32%). And
so on.
In the above example, the “effective” depreciation percentage for the first year is a whopping
60 percent [($50,000 bonus depreciation plus $10,000 normal first-year depreciation)
divided by the $100,000 original adjusted basis]. In the second year, the “effective” depreciation
is 16 percent [$16,000 divided by $100,000]. And so on.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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5For any dividend income to be tax exempt, however, the corporation must have owned the stock for at least 45 days.
If a corporation owns 20 percent or more of another corporation’s stock, however, 80 percent of any dividend
received is tax exempt. Also, if a corporation owns 80 percent or more of the stock of another firm, it can file a
consolidated tax return. In this way, any funds transferred between the two entities are generally not considered
dividends for tax purposes, and no tax is paid on such transfers.
6A corporation has the option, however, of forgoing the carryback and simply carrying the loss forward up to 20 years.
For example, a corporation might elect to forgo the loss carryback if it anticipated a significant increase in tax rates
in future years.
Take Note
Since the 50 percent “bonus depreciation” deduction is “temporary” and currently scheduled
to expire by the end of 2008, you will probably not have to make any Economic
Stimulus Act of 2008 “bonus depreciation” choices in a real job situation. Therefore, all our
examples and problems involving MACRS depreciation will ignore “bonus depreciation”
It is important to note, however, that “temporary” bonus depreciation may very well
return again during your professional future – so be prepared. A little historical background
may help to convince you of that. Under the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002
(JCWAA), businesses were allowed to take a 30 percent bonus depreciation on a “temporary”
basis. The following year the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA)
increased bonus depreciation from 30 to 50 percent also on a “temporary” basis (expiring at
the end of 2004). To learn more about JCWAA, visit
And, for more information on JGTRRA, see And, finally,
for additional information on ESA, see
Interest Expense versus Dividends Paid. Interest paid on outstanding corporate debt is
treated as an expense and is tax deductible. However, dividends paid to preferred or common
stockholders are not tax deductible. Thus, for a profitable, tax-paying company, the use of
debt (e.g., bonds) in its financing mix results in a significant tax advantage relative to the use
of preferred or common stock. Given a marginal tax rate of 35 percent, a firm that pays out
$1 in interest lowers its tax bill by 35 cents because of its ability to deduct the $1 of interest
from taxable income. The after-tax cost of $1 of interest for this firm is really only 65 cents –
$1 × (1 − tax rate). On the other hand, the after-tax cost of $1 of dividends paid by the firm
is still $1 – there is no tax advantage here. Therefore there are tax advantages associated
with using debt financing that are simply not present with either preferred or common stock
Dividend Income. A corporation may own stock in another company. If it receives a
cash dividend on this stock, normally 70 percent of the dividend is tax exempt.5 The tax laws
allow this tax break for corporations (not individuals) to help reduce the effects of multiple
taxation of the same earnings. The remaining 30 percent is taxed at the corporate income
tax rate. A firm that receives $10,000 in dividend income pays taxes on only $3,000 of this
income. At a marginal tax rate of 35 percent, taxes would amount to $1,050, as opposed to
$3,500 if the entire dividend income were treated as taxable income.
Carryback and Carryforward. If a corporation sustains a net operating loss, this loss may
generally be carried back 2 years and forward up to 20 years to offset taxable income in those
years.6 Any loss carried back must first be applied to the earliest preceding year. If a firm sustained
an operating loss of $400,000 in 2008 it would first carry this loss back to 2006. If the
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Cash dividend
Cash distribution
of earnings to
stockholders, usually
on a quarterly basis.
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company had net profits of $400,000 in that year and paid taxes of $136,000, it would recompute
its taxes for 2006 to show zero profit for tax purposes. Consequently, the company would
be eligible for a tax refund of $136,000. If the 2008 operating loss was greater than operating
profits in 2006, the residual would be carried back to 2007 and taxes recomputed for that year.
However, if the net operating loss was greater than the net operating income in both years, the
residual would be carried forward in sequence to future profits in 2009 to 2028. Profits in each
of these years would be reduced for tax purposes by the amount of the unused loss carried
forward. This feature of the tax laws is designed to avoid penalizing companies that have
sharply fluctuating net operating income.
Capital Gains and Losses. When a capital asset (as defined by the Internal Revenue
Service) is sold, a capital gain or loss is generally incurred. Often in the history of our tax laws
there has been a differential tax treatment of capital gains income and operating income, with
capital gains being treated more favorably. Under the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993,
however, capital gains are taxed at the ordinary income tax rates for corporations, or a maximum
of 35 percent. Capital losses are deductible only against capital gains.
l l l Personal Income Taxes
The subject of personal taxes is extremely complex, but our main concern here is with the personal
taxes of individuals who own businesses – proprietors, partners, members (of LLCs),
and shareholders. Any income reported by a sole proprietorship, partnership, or properly
structured LLC becomes income of the owner(s) and is taxed at the personal rate. For individuals
there are currently six progressive tax brackets: 10, 15, 25, 28, 33, and 35 percent. The
marginal tax rates apply up to certain levels of taxable income, which vary depending on the
individual’s filing status – that is, single, married filing a joint return, married filing separately,
or head of household. Even within a filing category, however, the taxable income levels that
trigger the marginal tax rate will generally vary from year to year because they are indexed
to account for inflation. There are also standard deductions and personal exemptions that
enable those with very low income to pay no taxes.
Interest, Dividends, and Capital Gains. For the individual, interest received on corporate
and Treasury securities is fully taxable at the federal level. (Interest on Treasury securities
is not taxable at the state level.) However, interest received on most municipal securities is
exempt from federal taxation. Taxable interest is subject to the ordinary income tax rates. The
current maximum dividend and capital gains tax rates for most (but not all) cash dividends
received and realized net capital gains are both 15 percent for qualifying taxpayers.
Subchapter S. Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code allows the owners of small corporations
to elect to be taxed as an S corporation. In making this election, the company gets to
use the corporate organization form but is taxed as though the firm were a partnership. Thus
the owners are able to avail themselves of the legal advantages extended to corporations, but
are able to avoid any tax disadvantages that might result. They simply declare any corporate
profits as personal income on a pro rata basis and pay the appropriate tax on this income. This
treatment eliminates the double taxation normally associated with dividend income – that is,
the corporation paying dividends from after-tax income, and shareholders paying taxes on the
dividend income they receive. In addition, stockholders active in the business may deduct any
operating losses on a pro rata basis against their personal income.
As discussed earlier, a limited liability company (LLC) provides benefits similar to those
of an S corporation, but with fewer limitations (e.g., no restriction as to the number and type
of owners). Many predict that the LLC form of business will grow in numbers to surpass the
S corporation form.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Capital gain (loss)
The amount by which
the proceeds from the
sale of a capital asset
exceeds (is less than)
the asset’s original
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The Financial Environment
In varying degrees, all businesses operate within the financial system, which consists of a
number of institutions and markets serving business firms, individuals, and governments.
When a firm invests temporarily idle funds in marketable securities, it has direct contact with
financial markets. More important, most firms use financial markets to help finance their
investment in assets. In the final analysis, the market price of a company’s securities is the
test of whether the company is a success or a failure. While business firms compete with each
other in the product markets, they must continually interact with the financial markets.
Because of the importance of this environment to the financial manager, as well as to the individual
as a consumer of financial services, this section is devoted to exploring the financial
system and the ever-changing environment in which capital is raised.
l l l The Purpose of Financial Markets
Financial assets exist in an economy because the savings of various individuals, corporations,
and governments during a period of time differ from their investment in real assets.
By real assets, we mean such things as houses, buildings, equipment, inventories, and durable
goods. If savings equaled investment in real assets for all economic units in an economy
over all periods of time, there would be no external financing, no financial assets, and no
money or capital markets. Each economic unit would be self-sufficient. Current expenditures
and investment in real assets would be paid for out of current income. A financial asset is
created only when the investment of an economic unit in real assets exceeds its savings,
and it finances this excess by borrowing or issuing stock. Of course, another economic unit
must be willing to lend. This interaction of borrowers with lenders determines interest
rates. In the economy as a whole, savings-surplus units (those whose savings exceed their
investment in real assets) provide funds to savings-deficit units (those whose investments
in real assets exceed their savings). This exchange of funds is evidenced by investment
instruments, or securities, representing financial assets to the holders and financial liabilities
to the issuers.
The purpose of financial markets in an economy is to allocate savings efficiently to ultimate
users. If those economic units that saved were the same as those that engaged in capital
formation, an economy could prosper without financial markets. In modern economies,
however, most nonfinancial corporations use more than their total savings for investing in
real assets. Most households, on the other hand, have total savings in excess of total investment.
Efficiency entails bringing the ultimate investor in real assets and the ultimate saver
together at the least possible cost and inconvenience.
l l l Financial Markets
Financial markets are not so much physical places as they are mechanisms for channeling
savings to the ultimate investors in real assets. Figure 2.1 illustrates the role of financial
markets and financial institutions in moving funds from the savings sector (savings-surplus
units) to the investment sector (savings-deficit units). From the figure we can also note the
prominent position held by certain financial institutions in channeling the flow of funds in
the economy. The secondary market, financial intermediaries, and financial brokers are the key
institutions that enhance funds flows. We will study their unique roles as this section unfolds.
Money and Capital Markets. Financial markets can be broken into two classes – the money
market and the capital market. The money market is concerned with the buying and
selling of short-term (less than one year original maturity) government and corporate debt
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Financial markets
All institutions and
procedures for
bringing buyers and
sellers of financial
instruments together.
Money market The
market for short-term
(less than one year
original maturity)
government and
corporate debt
securities. It also
includes government
securities originally
issued with maturities
of more than one year
but that now have
a year or less until
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securities. The capital market, on the other hand, deals with relatively long-term (greater
than one year original maturity) debt and equity instruments (e.g., bonds and stocks).
This section gives special attention to the market for long-term securities – the capital
market. The money market and the securities that form its lifeblood are covered in Part 4
of this book.
Primary and Secondary Markets. Within money and capital markets there exist both
primary and secondary markets. A primary market is a “new issues” market. Here, funds
raised through the sale of new securities flow from the ultimate savers to the ultimate investors
in real assets. In a secondary market, existing securities are bought and sold. Transactions
in these already existing securities do not provide additional funds to finance capital investment.
(Note: On Figure 2.1 there is no line directly connecting the secondary market with the
investment sector.) An analogy can be made with the market for automobiles. The sale of
new cars provides cash to the auto manufacturers; the sale of used cars in the used-car market
does not. In a real sense, a secondary market is a “used-car lot” for securities.
The existence of used-car lots makes it easier for you to consider buying a new car because
you have a mechanism at hand to sell the car when you no longer want it. In a similar fashion,
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Capital market The
market for relatively
long-term (greater
than one year original
maturity) financial
instruments (e.g.,
bonds and stocks).
Primary market
A market where new
securities are bought
and sold for the first
time (a “new issues”
Secondary market
A market for existing
(used) securities
rather than new
Figure 2.1
Flow of funds in the
economy and the
mechanism that
financial markets
provide for channeling
savings to the
ultimate investors
in real assets
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the existence of a secondary market encourages the purchase of new securities by individuals
and institutions. With a viable secondary market, a purchaser of financial securities
achieves marketability. If the buyer needs to sell a security in the future, he or she will be
able to do so. Thus, the existence of a strong secondary market enhances the efficiency of the
primary market.
l l l Financial Intermediaries
The flow of funds from savers to investors in real assets can be direct; if there are financial
intermediaries in an economy, the flow can also be indirect. Financial intermediaries consist
of financial institutions, such as commercial banks, savings institutions, insurance companies,
pension funds, finance companies, and mutual funds. These intermediaries come between
ultimate borrowers and lenders by transforming direct claims into indirect claims. Financial
intermediaries purchase direct (or primary) securities and, in turn, issue their own indirect
(or secondary) securities to the public. For example, the direct security that a savings and
loan association purchases is a mortgage; the indirect claim issued is a savings account or a
certificate of deposit. A life insurance company, on the other hand, purchases corporate
bonds, among other things, and issues life insurance policies.
Financial intermediation is the process of savers depositing funds with financial intermediaries
(rather than directly buying stocks and bonds) and letting the intermediaries do the
lending to the ultimate investors. We usually think of financial intermediation making the
markets more efficient by lowering the cost and/or inconvenience to consumers of financial
Among the various financial intermediaries, some institutions invest much more heavily
in the securities of business firms than others. In what follows, we concentrate on those
institutions involved in buying and selling corporate securities.
Deposit Institutions. Commercial banks are the most important source of funds for business
firms in the aggregate. Banks acquire demand (checking) and time (savings) deposits from
individuals, companies, and governments and, in turn, make loans and investments. Among
the loans made to business firms are seasonal and other short-term loans, intermediate-term
loans of up to five years, and mortgage loans. Besides performing a banking function, commercial
banks affect business firms through their trust departments, which invest in corporate
bonds and stocks. They also make mortgage loans available to companies and manage pension
Other deposit institutions include savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks,
and credit unions. These institutions are primarily involved with individuals, acquiring their
savings and making home and consumer loans.
Insurance Companies. There are two types of insurance companies: property and casualty
companies and life insurance companies. These are in the business of collecting periodic
payments from those they insure in exchange for providing payouts should events, usually
adverse, occur. With the funds received in premium payments, insurance companies build
reserves. These reserves and a portion of the insurance companies’ capital are invested in
financial assets.
Property and casualty companies insure against fires, thefts, car accidents, and similar
unpleasantness. Because these companies pay taxes at the full corporate income tax rate, they
invest heavily in municipal bonds, which offer tax-exempt interest income. To a lesser extent
they also invest in corporate stocks and bonds.
Life insurance companies insure against the loss of life. Because the mortality of a large
group of individuals is highly predictable, these companies are able to invest in long-term
securities. Also, the income of these institutions is partially exempt from taxes owing to the
buildup of reserves over time. They therefore seek taxable investments with yields higher
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Financial institutions
that accept money
from savers and use
those funds to make
loans and other
financial investments
in their own name.
They include
commercial banks,
savings institutions,
insurance companies,
pension funds,
finance companies,
and mutual funds.
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than those of tax-exempt municipal bonds. As a result, life insurance companies invest
heavily in corporate bonds. Also important are mortgages, some of which are granted to
business firms.
Other Financial Intermediaries. Pension funds and other retirement funds are established
to provide income to individuals when they retire. During their working lives, employees
usually contribute to these funds, as do employers. Funds invest these contributions and
either pay out the cumulative amounts periodically to retired workers or arrange annuities.
In the accumulation phase, monies paid into a fund are not taxed. When the benefits are paid
out in retirement, taxes are paid by the recipient. Commercial banks, through their trust
departments, and insurance companies offer pension funds, as do the federal government,
local governments, and certain other noninsurance organizations. Because of the long-term
nature of their liabilities, pension funds are able to invest in longer-term securities. As a result,
they invest heavily in corporate stocks and bonds. In fact, pension funds are the largest single
institutional investors in corporate stocks.
Mutual investment funds also invest heavily in corporate stocks and bonds. These funds
accept monies contributed by individuals and invest them in specific types of financial assets.
The mutual fund is connected with a management company, to which the fund pays a fee
(frequently 0.5 percent of total assets per annum) for professional investment management.
Each individual owns a specified percentage of the mutual fund, which depends on that
person’s original investment. Individuals can sell their shares at any time, as the mutual
fund is required to redeem them. Though many mutual funds invest only in common stocks,
others specialize in corporate bonds; in money market instruments, including commercial
paper issued by corporations; or in municipal securities. Various stock funds have different
investment philosophies, ranging from investing for income and safety to a highly aggressive
pursuit of growth. In all cases, the individual obtains a diversified portfolio managed by professionals.
Unfortunately, there is no evidence that such management results in consistently
superior performance.
Finance companies make consumer installment loans, personal loans, and secured loans to
business enterprises. These companies raise capital through stock issues as well as through
borrowings, some of which are long term but most of which come from commercial banks.
In turn, the finance company makes loans.
l l l Financial Brokers
Certain financial institutions perform a necessary brokerage function. When brokers bring
together parties who need funds with those who have savings, they are not performing a direct
lending function but rather are acting as matchmakers, or middlemen.
Investment bankers are middlemen involved in the sale of corporate stocks and bonds.
When a company decides to raise funds, an investment banker will often buy the issue (at
wholesale) and then turn around and sell it to investors (at retail). Because investment
bankers are continually in the business of matching users of funds with suppliers, they can sell
issues more efficiently than can the issuing companies. For this service investment bankers
receive fees in the form of the difference between the amounts received from the sale of the
securities to the public and the amounts paid to the companies. Much more will be said about
the role of investment bankers in Part 7, when we consider long-term financing.
Mortgage bankers are involved in acquiring and placing mortgages. These mortgages
come either directly from individuals and businesses or, more typically, through builders
and real estate agents. In turn, the mortgage banker locates institutional and other investors
for the mortgages. Although mortgage bankers do not typically hold mortgages in their
own portfolios for very long, they usually service mortgages for the ultimate investors. This
involves receiving payments and following through on delinquencies. For this service they
receive fees.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Investment banker
A financial institution
that underwrites
(purchases at a fixed
price on a fixed date)
new securities for
Mortgage banker
A financial institution
that originates (buys)
mortgages primarily
for resale.
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l l l The Secondary Market
Various security exchanges and markets facilitate the smooth functioning of the financial
system. Purchases and sales of existing financial assets occur in the secondary market.
Transactions in this market do not increase the total amount of financial assets outstanding,
but the presence of a viable secondary market increases the liquidity of financial assets and
therefore enhances the primary or direct market for securities. In this regard, organized
exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the
New York Bond Exchange, provide a means by which buy and sell orders can be efficiently
matched. In this matching, the forces of supply and demand determine price.
In addition, the over-the-counter (OTC) market serves as part of the secondary market for
stocks and bonds not listed on an exchange as well as for certain listed securities. It is composed
of brokers and dealers who stand ready to buy and sell securities at quoted prices. Most
corporate bonds, and a growing number of stocks, are traded OTC as opposed to being traded
on an organized exchange. The OTC market has become highly mechanized, with market
participants linked together by a telecommunications network. They do not come together in
a single place as they would on an organized exchange. The National Association of Securities
Dealers Automated Quotation Service (NASDAQ, pronounced “nas-dac”) maintains this
network, and price quotations are instantaneous. Whereas once it was considered a matter
of prestige, as well as a necessity in many cases, for a company to list its shares on a major
exchange, the electronic age has changed that. Many companies now prefer to have their
shares traded OTC, despite the fact that they qualify for listing, because they feel that they get
as good or sometimes better execution of buy and sell orders.
Although there are a number of other financial institutions, we have looked only at those
interacting with business firms. As the book continues, we will become better acquainted with
many of those discussed. Our purpose here was only to introduce you briefly to them; further
explanation will come later.
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
QWhat are OTC-issued stocks?
AOTC officially stands for “over the counter,” but
“over the computer” is more apt today. Long ago, to
buy or sell a stock that didn’t trade on an exchange, you
would call your broker. He would call another broker
and make the trade over the phone – not a terribly
efficient system. Then, in 1971, Nasdaq was established,
offering an automated system. Suddenly, it was much
easier to get the best price on your transaction, and
trading activity could be monitored.
Stocks that are listed on exchanges are traded face to
face at one location, in “pits.” All others are OTC stocks,
traded electronically via a network of dealers across the
country. The Nasdaq market is the main OTC system in
the US, listing over 5,500 companies. It encompasses
a range of firms, from young, relatively unknown
enterprises to behemoths such as Microsoft and Intel.
Thousands of more obscure OTC companies that don’t
meet Nasdaq’s requirements trade separately, often with
their prices listed only once daily, on “pink sheets.” Little
information is often available about these companies,
and they’re frequently penny stocks, shunned by Fools.
Ask the Fool
The Motley Fool, at, is the world’s premier online investment
education site. Its mission is “To educate, amuse and enrich.” Co-founder brothers
David and Tom Gardner have written several best-selling books, and the Fool
also has a weekly nationally syndicated newspaper feature (running in more
than 150 papers) and radio show (airing in more than 100 regions).
From time to time, The Motley Fool will be sharing some questions they’ve
answered in their newspaper feature or at their website. Here’s one now . . .
Source: The Motley Fool ( Reproduced with the permission of The Motley Fool.
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l l l Allocation of Funds and Interest Rates
The allocation of funds in an economy occurs primarily on the basis of price, expressed in
terms of expected return. Economic units in need of funds must outbid others for their use.
Although the allocation process is affected by capital rationing, government restrictions,
and institutional constraints, expected return constitutes the primary mechanism by which
supply and demand are brought into balance for a particular financial instrument across
financial markets. If risk is held constant, economic units willing to pay the highest expected
return are the ones entitled to the use of funds. If people are rational, the economic units
bidding the highest prices will have the most promising investment opportunities. As a result,
savings will tend to be allocated to the most efficient uses.
It is important to recognize that the process by which savings are allocated in an economy
occurs not only on the basis of expected return but on the basis of risk as well. Different financial
instruments have different degrees of risk. In order for them to compete for funds, these
instruments must provide different expected returns, or yields. Figure 2.2 illustrates the idea
of the market-imposed “trade-off ” between risk and return for securities – that is, the higher
the risk of a security, the higher the expected return that must be offered to the investor. If all
securities had exactly the same risk characteristics, they would provide the same expected
returns if markets were in balance. Because of differences in default risk, marketability,
maturity, taxability, and embedded options, however, different instruments pose different
degrees of risk and provide different expected returns to the investor.
Default Risk. When we speak of default risk, we mean the danger that the borrower may
not meet payments due on principal or interest. Investors demand a risk premium (or extra
expected return) to invest in securities that are not default free. The greater the possibility
that the borrower will default, the greater the default risk and the premium demanded by the
marketplace. Because Treasury securities are usually regarded as default free, risk and return
are judged in relation to them. The greater the default risk of a security issuer, the greater the
expected return or yield of the security, all other things the same.7
For the typical investor, default risk is not judged directly but rather in terms of quality
ratings assigned by the principal rating agencies, Moody’s Investors Service and Standard &
7For an extended discussion of the influence of default risk on yields, as well as a review of the various empirical
studies, see Van Horne, Financial Market Rates and Flows, Chapter 8. This book also presents a detailed examination
of the other major security attributes that affect expected return.
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Default The failure
to meet the terms
of a contract, such
as failure to make
interest or principal
payments when due
on a loan.
Figure 2.2
Risk–expected return
profile for securities
showing the greater
the risk of a given
security, the higher
the expected return
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Poor’s. These investment agencies assign and publish letter grades for the use of investors.
In their ratings, the agencies attempt to rank issues in order of the perceived probability
of default. The ratings used by the two agencies are shown in Table 2.2. The highest-grade
securities, judged to have negligible default risk, are rated triple-A.
Credit ratings in the top four categories (for Moody’s, Aaa to Baa; for Standard and Poor’s,
AAA to BBB) are considered “investment grade quality.” This term is used by regulatory
agencies to identify securities that are eligible for investment by financial institutions such as
commercial banks and insurance companies. Securities rated below the top four categories
are referred to as “speculative grade.” Because of the limited institutional demand for these
securities and their higher default risk, they must offer considerably higher expected returns
than investment-grade securities.
Marketability. The marketability (or liquidity) of a security relates to the owner’s ability to
convert it into cash. There are two dimensions to marketability: the price realized and the
amount of time required to sell the asset. The two are interrelated in that it is often possible
to sell an asset in a short period if enough price concession is given. For financial instruments,
marketability is judged in relation to the ability to sell a significant volume of securities in a
short period of time without significant price concession. The more marketable the security,
the greater the ability to execute a large transaction near the quoted price. In general, the
lower the marketability of a security, the greater the yield necessary to attract investors. Thus
the yield differential between different securities of the same maturity is caused not by differences
in default risk alone, but also by differences in marketability.
Maturity. Securities with about the same default risk, having similar marketability, and not
faced with different tax implications can still trade at different yields. Why? “Time” is the
answer. The maturity of a security can often have a powerful effect on expected return, or
yield. The relationship between yield and maturity for securities differing only in the length of
time (or term) to maturity is called the term structure of interest rates. The graphical representation
of this relationship at a moment in time is called a yield curve. An example of the
yield-maturity relationship for default-free Treasury securities on a particular date is shown
in Figure 2.3. Maturity is plotted on the horizontal axis and yield on the vertical. What results
is a line, or yield curve, fitted to the observations.
The most commonly observed yield pattern is the positive (i.e., upward-sloping) yield curve
– where short-term yields are lower than long-term yields. Most economists attribute the
tendency for positive yield curves to the presence of risk for those who invest in long-term
securities as opposed to short-term securities. In general, the longer the maturity, the greater
2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
(or liquidity) The
ability to sell a
significant volume of
securities in a short
period of time in the
secondary market
without significant
price concession.
Maturity The life of a
security; the amount
of time before the
principal amount of a
security becomes due.
Term structure of
interest rates The
relationship between
yield and maturity for
securities differing
only in the length of
time (or term) to
Yield curve A graph
of the relationship
between yields and
term to maturity for
particular securities.
Table 2.2
Ratings by investment
Aaa Best quality AAA Highest grade
Aa High quality AA High grade
A Upper medium grade A Higher medium grade
Baa Medium grade BBB Medium grade
Ba Possess speculative elements BB Speculative
B Generally lack characteristics of B Very speculative
desirable investment
Caa Poor standing; may be in default CCC–CC Outright speculation
Ca Highly speculative; often in default C Bankruptcy petition filed
C Lowest grade D In payment default
Note: The top four categories indicate “investment grade quality” securities; the categories below the
dashed line are reserved for securities below investment grade.
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the risk of fluctuation in the market value of the security. Consequently, investors need to be
offered risk premiums to induce them to invest in long-term securities. Only when interest
rates are expected to fall significantly are they willing to invest in long-term securities yielding
less than short- and intermediate-term securities.
Taxability. Another factor affecting the observed differences in market yields is the differential
impact of taxes. The most important tax, and the only one that we will consider here, is
income tax. The interest income on all but one category of securities is taxable to taxable
investors. Interest income from state and local government securities is tax exempt. Therefore
state and local issues sell in the market at lower yields to maturity than Treasury and corporate
securities of the same maturity. For corporations located in states with income taxes,
interest income on Treasury securities is exempt from state income taxes. Therefore such
instruments may hold an advantage over the debt instruments issued by corporations or
banks because the interest they pay is fully taxable at the state level. Under present law,
capital gains arising from the sale of any security at a profit are taxed at the ordinary tax rates
for corporations, or at a maximum of 35 percent.
Option Features. Another consideration is whether a security contains any option features,
such as a conversion privilege or warrants, which upon exercise allow the investor to obtain
common stock. Other options include the call feature, which enables a company to prepay its
debt, and a sinking-fund provision, which allows a company to retire bonds periodically with
cash payments or by buying bonds in the secondary market. If the investors receive options,
the issuing company should be able to borrow at a lower interest cost. Conversely, if the
issuing company receives an option, such as a call feature, the investors must be compensated
with a higher yield. The valuation principles behind options are complex. Chapter 22 covers
these principles in detail.
Inflation. In addition to the preceding factors, which affect the yield of one security relative
to that of another, inflation expectations have a substantial influence on interest rates overall.
It is generally agreed that the nominal (observed) rate of interest on a security embodies a
premium for inflation. The higher the expected inflation, the higher the nominal yield on the
security; and the lower the expected inflation, the lower the nominal yield. Many years ago
Irving Fisher expressed the nominal rate of interest on a bond as the sum of the real rate of
interest (i.e., the interest rate in the absence of price level changes) and the rate of price change
expected to occur over the life of the instrument.8 If the annual real rate of interest in the
8Appreciation and Interest (New York: Macmillan, 1896).
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Figure 2.3
Example of Treasury
positive yield curve
Inflation A rise in
the average level of
prices of goods and
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2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
economy was 4 percent for low-risk securities and inflation of 6 percent per annum was
expected over the next 10 years, this would imply a yield of 10 percent for 10-year, high-grade
bonds. (Note: It is the expected rate of inflation, not the observed or reported rate of inflation,
that is added to the real rate of interest.) This states merely that lenders require a nominal rate
of interest high enough for them to earn the real rate of interest after being compensated for
the expected decrease in the buying power of money caused by inflation.
Behavior of Yields on Corporate Securities. Differences in default risk, marketability,
maturity, taxability, and option features affect the yield of one security relative to another
at a point in time. In addition, the security yields themselves (and hence the cost of funds to
business firms) will vary over time. Fluctuations in supply and demand pressures in financial
markets, as well as changing inflation expectations, help explain this variability in yields.
Key Learning Points
l The four basic forms of business organization are
the sole proprietorship, the partnership, the corporation,
and the limited liability company (LLC).
l The corporation has emerged as the most important
organizational form owing to certain advantages
that it has over the other organizational forms. These
advantages include limited liability, easy transfer of
ownership, unlimited life, and an ability to raise large
sums of capital.
l Most firms with taxable income prefer to use an
accelerated depreciation method for tax reporting
purposes in order to lower their taxes. A firm that
is profitable for financial reporting purposes may, in
fact, show losses for tax purposes.
l Interest paid by corporations is considered a taxdeductible
expense; however, dividends paid are not
tax deductible.
l Financial assets (securities) exist in an economy
because an economic unit’s investment in real assets
(such as buildings and equipment) frequently differs
from its savings. In the economy as a whole, savingssurplus
units (those whose savings exceed their investment
in real assets) provide funds to savings-deficit
units (those whose investments in real assets exceed
their savings). This exchange of funds is evidenced
by investment instruments, or securities, representing
financial assets to the holders and financial liabilities
to the issuers.
l The purpose of financial markets in an economy is to
allocate savings efficiently to ultimate users.
l Financial intermediaries help make the financial
markets more efficient. Intermediaries come between
ultimate borrowers and lenders by transforming
direct claims into indirect claims. Financial intermediaries
purchase direct (or primary) securities and, in
turn, issue their own indirect (or secondary) securities
to the public.
l Financial brokers, such as investment bankers and
mortgage bankers, bring together parties who need
funds with those who have savings. These brokers are
not performing a direct lending function but rather
are acting as matchmakers, or middlemen.
l Financial markets can be broken into two classes – the
money market and the capital market. The money
market is concerned with the buying and selling of
short-term government and corporate debt securities.
The capital market deals with relatively long-term
debt and equity instruments.
l Within the money and capital markets there exist both
primary and secondary markets. A primary market is a
“new issues” market, and a secondary market is a “used
issues” market.
l The secondary market for long-term securities, comprising
the organized exchanges and the OTC market,
increases the liquidity (marketability) of financial
assets, and therefore enhances the primary market for
long-term securities.
l The allocation of savings in an economy occurs
primarily on the basis of expected return and risk.
l Differences in default risk, marketability, maturity,
taxability, and option features affect the yield of
one security relative to another at a point in time.
Fluctuations in supply and demand pressures in
financial markets, as well as changing inflation
expectations, help explain variability in yields over
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1. What is the principal advantage of the corporate form of business organization? Discuss
the importance of this advantage to the owner of a small family restaurant. Discuss the
importance of this advantage to a wealthy entrepreneur who owns several businesses.
2. How does being a limited partner in a business enterprise differ from being a stockholder,
assuming the same percentage of ownership?
3. What are some of the disadvantages of (a) a sole proprietorship? (b) a partnership? (c) a
limited liability company (LLC)?
4. What kind of corporation benefits from the graduated income tax?
5. In general, what are the principles on which the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery
System (MACRS) is based?
6. Interest on Treasury securities is not taxable at the state level, whereas interest on
municipal securities is not taxable at the federal level. What is the reason for this feature?
7. Are individual tax rates progressive or regressive in the sense of increasing or decreasing
with income levels?
8. If capital gains were to be taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income, as has been the case
in the past, what types of investments would be favored?
9. The method of depreciation does not alter the total amount deducted from income
during the life of an asset. What does it alter and why is that important?
10. If the owners of a new corporation are very few in number, does becoming an S corporation
make sense for tax purposes? Explain.
11. Tax laws have become extremely complex. In addition, there is little theoretical or moral
justification for a substantial number of tax incentives (loopholes). Why and how are
these incentives created? In your opinion, is there any indication that these incentives will
be eliminated?
12. What is the purpose of the carryback and the carryforward provisions in the tax laws?
13. What is the purpose of financial markets? How can this purpose be accomplished
14. Discuss the functions of financial intermediaries.
15. A number of factors give rise to different interest rates or yields being observed for different
types of debt instruments. What are these factors?
16. What is meant by making the financial markets more efficient? More complete?
17. What is the purpose of stock market exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange?
18. In general, what would be the likely effect of the following occurrences on the money and
capital markets?
a. The savings rate of individuals in the country declines.
b. Individuals increase their savings at savings and loan associations and decrease their
savings at banks.
c. The government taxes capital gains at the ordinary income tax rate.
d. Unanticipated inflation of substantial magnitude occurs, and price levels rise
e. Savings institutions and lenders increase transaction charges for savings and for
making loans.
19. Pick a financial intermediary with which you are familiar and explain its economic role.
Does it make the financial markets more efficient?
20. What is the distinction between the money market and the capital market? Is the distinction
real or artificial?
21. How do transaction costs affect the flow of funds and the efficiency of financial markets?
22. What are the major sources of external financing for business firms?
23. In addition to financial intermediaries, what other institutions and arrangements
facilitate the flow of funds to and from business firms?
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
Self-Correction Problems
1. John Henry has a small housecleaning business that currently is a sole proprietorship. The
business has nine employees, annual sales of $480,000, total liabilities of $90,000, and total
assets of $263,000. Including the business, Henry has a personal net worth of $467,000 and
nonbusiness liabilities of $42,000, represented by a mortgage on his home. He would like
to give one of his employees, Tori Kobayashi, an equity interest in the business. Henry is
considering either the partnership form or the corporate form, where Kobayashi would be
given some stock. Kobayashi has a personal net worth of $36,000.
a. What is the extent of Henry’s exposure under the sole proprietorship in the case of a
large lawsuit (say, $600,000)?
b. What is his exposure under a partnership form? Do the partners share the risk?
c. What is his exposure under the corporate form?
2. Bernstein Tractor Company has just invested in new equipment costing $16,000. The
equipment falls in the five-year property class for cost recovery (depreciation) purposes.
What depreciation charges can it claim on the asset for each of the next six years?
3. Wallopalooza Financial, Inc., believes that it can successfully “intermediate” in the
mortgage market. At present, borrowers pay 7 percent on adjustable rate mortgages. The
deposit interest rate necessary to attract funds to lend is 3 percent, also adjustable with
market conditions. Wallopalooza’s administrative expenses, including information costs,
are $2 million per annum on a base business of $100 million in loans.
a. What interest rates on mortgage loans and on deposits would you recommend to
obtain business?
b. If $100 million in loans and an equal amount of deposits are attracted with a mortgage
rate of 6.5 percent and a deposit interest rate of 3.5 percent, what would be
Wallopalooza’s annual before-tax profit on the new business? (Assume that interest
rates do not change.)
4. Suppose that 91-day Treasury bills currently yield 6 percent to maturity and that 25-year
Treasury bonds yield 7.25 percent. Lopez Pharmaceutical Company recently has issued
long-term, 25-year bonds that yield 9 percent to maturity.
a. If the yield on Treasury bills is taken to be the short-term, risk-free rate, what premium
in yield is required for the default risk and lower marketability associated with the
Lopez bonds?
b. What premium in yield above the short-term, risk-free rate is attributable to maturity?
1. Zaharias-Liras Wholesalers, a partnership, owes $418,000 to various shipping companies.
Armand Zaharias has a personal net worth of $1,346,000, including a $140,000 equity
interest in the partnership. Nick Liras has a personal net worth of $893,000, including
the same equity interest in the business as his partner. The partners have kept only a
moderate equity base of $280,000 in the business, with earnings being taken out as partner
withdrawals. They wish to limit their risk exposure and are considering the corporate
a. What is their liability now for the business? What would it be under the corporate form?
b. Will creditors be more or less willing to extend credit with a change in organization
2. The Loann Le Milling Company is going to purchase a new piece of testing equipment for
$28,000 and a new machine for $53,000. The equipment falls in the three-year property
class, and the machine is in the five-year class. What annual depreciation will the company
be able to take on the two assets?
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3. Tripex Consolidated Industries owns $1.5 million in 12 percent bonds of Solow
Electronics Company. It also owns 100,000 shares of preferred stock of Solow, which
constitutes 10 percent of all outstanding Solow preferred shares. In the past year, Solow
paid the stipulated interest on its bonds and dividends of $3 per share on its preferred
stock. The marginal tax rate of Tripex is 34 percent. What taxes must Tripex pay on this
interest and dividend income?
4. The Castle Cork Company was founded in 20X1 and had the following taxable income
through 20X5:
20X1 20X2 20X3 20X4 20X5
$0 $35,000 $68,000 −$120,000 $52,000
Compute the corporate income tax or tax refund in each year, assuming the graduated tax
rates discussed in the chapter.
5. Loquat Foods Company is able to borrow at an interest rate of 9 percent for one year. For
the year, market participants expect 4 percent inflation.
a. What approximate real rate of return does the lender expect? What is the inflation
premium embodied in the nominal interest rate?
b. If inflation proves to be 2 percent for the year, does the lender suffer? Does the borrower
suffer? Why?
c. If inflation proves to be 6 percent, who gains and who loses?
6. From a recent Monday Wall Street Journal, collect yield information on yields for a longterm
Treasury bond, a public utility bond (probably AA in quality), municipal bonds
as described by the municipal bond index, Treasury bills, and commercial paper. (This
information appears at the back of the paper under the Bond Market section, the Money
Market Rates section, and the Treasury Issues section.) What reasons can you give for the
differences in yield on these various instruments?
Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
1. a. Henry is responsible for all liabilities, book as well as contingent. If the lawsuit were lost,
he would lose all his net assets, as represented by a net worth of $467,000. Without the
lawsuit, he still is responsible for $90,000 in liabilities if for some reason the business is
unable to pay them.
b. He still could lose all his net assets because Kobayashi’s net worth is insufficient to make
a major dent in the lawsuit: $600,000 − $36,000 = $564,000. As the two partners have
substantially different net worths, they do not share equally in the risk. Henry has much
more to lose.
c. Under the corporate form, he could lose the business, but that is all. The net worth of
the business is $263,000 − $90,000 = $173,000, and this represents Henry’s personal
financial stake in the business. The remainder of his net worth, $467,000 − $173,000 =
$294,000, would be protected under the corporate form.
2. Depreciation charges for the equipment:
1 20.00% $ 3,200.00
2 32.00 5,120.00
3 19.20 3,072.00
4 11.52 1,843.20
5 11.52 1,843.20
6 5.76 921.60
Total $16,000.00
Part 1 Introduction to Financial Management
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2 The Business, Tax, and Financial Environments
3. a. At $2 million in expenses per $100 million in loans, administrative costs come to 2 percent.
Therefore, just to break even, the firm must set rates so that (at least) a 2 percent
difference exists between the deposit interest rate and the mortgage rate. In addition,
market conditions dictate that 3 percent is the floor for the deposit rate, and 7 percent
is the ceiling for the mortgage rate. Suppose that Wallopalooza wished to increase the
current deposit rate and lower the current mortgage rate by equal amounts while
earning a before-tax return spread of 1 percent. It would then offer a deposit rate of
3.5 percent and a mortgage rate of 6.5 percent. Of course, other answers are possible,
depending on your profit assumptions.
b. Before-tax profit of 1 percent on $100 million in loans equals $1 million.
4. a. The premium attributable to default risk and to lower marketability is 9% − 7.25% =
b. The premium attributable to maturity is 7.25% − 6% = 1.25%. In this case, default risk
is held constant, and marketability, for the most part, is also held constant.
Selected References
Fabozzi, Frank J., and Franco Modigliani. Capital Markets:
Institutions and Instruments, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.
Fleischman, Gary M., and Jeffrey J. Bryant. “C Corporation,
LLC, or Sole Proprietorship: What Form is Best for Your
Business?” Management Accounting Quarterly 1 (Spring
2000), 14–21.
Kidwell, David S., David Blackwell, David Whidbee, and
Richard Peterson. Financial Institutions, Markets, and
Money, 9th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006.
Rose, Peter, and Milton Marquis. Money and Capital
Markets: Financial Institutions in a Global Marketplace,
9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2006.
Van Horne, James C. “Of Financial Innovations and
Excesses,” Journal of Finance 40 (July 1985).
——. Financial Market Rates and Flows, 6th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Part I of the text’s website, Wachowicz’s Web World,
contains links to many finance websites and online
articles related to topics covered in this chapter.
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41 Part 2
l The Interest Rate
l Simple Interest
l Compound Interest
Single Amounts • Annuities • Mixed Flows
l Compounding More Than Once a Year
Semiannual and Other Compounding Periods •
Continuous Compounding • Effective Annual
Interest Rate
l Amortizing a Loan
l Summary Table of Key Compound Interest
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Self-Correction Problems
l Problems
l Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
l Selected References
After studying Chapter 3, you should be able to:
l Understand what is meant by “the time value of
l Understand the relationship between present
and future value.
l Describe how the interest rate can be used to
adjust the value of cash flows – both forward and
backward – to a single point in time.
l Calculate both the future and present value of:
(a) an amount invested today; (b) a stream of
equal cash flows (an annuity); and (c) a stream
of mixed cash flows.
l Distinguish between an “ordinary annuity” and
an “annuity due.”
l Use interest factor tables and understand how
they provide a shortcut to calculating present
and future values.
l Use interest factor tables to find an unknown
interest rate or growth rate when the number of
time periods and future and present values are
l Build an “amortization schedule” for an
installment-style loan.
The Time Value of Money
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The Interest Rate
Which would you prefer – $1,000 today or $1,000 ten years from today? Common sense tells
us to take the $1,000 today because we recognize that there is a time value to money. The
immediate receipt of $1,000 provides us with the opportunity to put our money to work and
earn interest. In a world in which all cash flows are certain, the rate of interest can be used to
express the time value of money. As we will soon discover, the rate of interest will allow us to
adjust the value of cash flows, whenever they occur, to a particular point in time. Given this
ability, we will be able to answer more difficult questions, such as: which should you prefer –
$1,000 today or $2,000 ten years from today? To answer this question, it will be necessary to
position time-adjusted cash flows at a single point in time so that a fair comparison can be made.
If we allow for uncertainty surrounding cash flows to enter into our analysis, it will be
necessary to add a risk premium to the interest rate as compensation for uncertainty. In
later chapters we will study how to deal with uncertainty (risk). But for now, our focus is on
the time value of money and the ways in which the rate of interest can be used to adjust the
value of cash flows to a single point in time.
Most financial decisions, personal as well as business, involve time value of money considerations.
In Chapter 1, we learned that the objective of management should be to maximize
shareholder wealth, and that this depends, in part, on the timing of cash flows. Not surprisingly,
one important application of the concepts stressed in this chapter will be to value a
stream of cash flows. Indeed, much of the development of this book depends on your understanding
of this chapter. You will never really understand finance until you understand the
time value of money. Although the discussion that follows cannot avoid being mathematical
in nature, we focus on only a handful of formulas so that you can more easily grasp the
fundamentals. We start with a discussion of simple interest and use this as a springboard to
develop the concept of compound interest. Also, to observe more easily the effect of compound
interest, most of the examples in this chapter assume an 8 percent annual interest rate.
Take Note
Before we begin, it is important to sound a few notes of caution. The examples in the chapter
frequently involve numbers that must be raised to the nth power – for example, (1.05) to
the third power equals (1.05)3 equals [(1.05) × (1.05) × (1.05)]. However, this operation is
easy to do with a calculator, and tables are provided in which this calculation has already
been done for you. Although the tables provided are a useful aid, you cannot rely on them
for solving every problem. Not every interest rate or time period can possibly be represented
in each table. Therefore you will need to become familiar with the operational formulas on
which the tables are based. (As a reminder, the appropriate formula is included at the top of
every table.) Those of you possessing a business calculator may feel the urge to bypass both
the tables and formulas and head straight for the various function keys designed to deal with
time value of money problems. However, we urge you to master first the logic behind the
procedures outlined in this chapter. Even the best of calculators cannot overcome a faulty
sequence of steps programmed in by the user.
Part 2 Valuation
Interest Money paid
(earned) for the use
of money.
The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in
which it is overestimated.
A Mencken Chrestomathy
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Simple Interest
Simple interest is interest that is paid (earned) on only the original amount, or principal,
borrowed (lent). The dollar amount of simple interest is a function of three variables: the
original amount borrowed (lent), or principal; the interest rate per time period; and the number
of time periods for which the principal is borrowed (lent). The formula for calculating
simple interest is
SI = P0(i )(n) (3.1)
where SI = simple interest in dollars
P0 = principal, or original amount borrowed (lent) at time period 0
i = interest rate per time period
n = number of time periods
For example, assume that you deposit $100 in a savings account paying 8 percent simple
interest and keep it there for 10 years. At the end of 10 years, the amount of interest accumulated
is determined as follows:
$80 = $100(0.08)(10)
To solve for the future value (also known as the terminal value) of the account at the end
of 10 years (FV10), we add the interest earned on the principal only to the original amount
invested. Therefore
FV10 = $100 + [$100(0.08)(10)] = $180
For any simple interest rate, the future value of an account at the end of n periods is
FVn = P0 + SI = P0 + P0(i )(n)
or, equivalently,
FVn = P0[1 + (i )(n)] (3.2)
Sometimes we need to proceed in the opposite direction. That is, we know the future value
of a deposit at i percent for n years, but we don’t know the principal originally invested –
the account’s present value (PV0 = P0). A rearrangement of Eq. (3.2), however, is all that
is needed.
PV0 = P0 = FVn /[1 + (i )(n)] (3.3)
Now that you are familiar with the mechanics of simple interest, it is perhaps a bit cruel
to point out that most situations in finance involving the time value of money do not rely
on simple interest at all. Instead, compound interest is the norm; however, an understanding
of simple interest will help you appreciate (and understand) compound interest all the
Compound Interest
The distinction between simple and compound interest can best be seen by example. Table 3.1
illustrates the rather dramatic effect that compound interest has on an investment’s value over
time when compared with the effect of simple interest. From the table it is clear to see why
some people have called compound interest the greatest of human inventions.
The notion of compound interest is crucial to understanding the mathematics of finance.
The term itself merely implies that interest paid (earned) on a loan (an investment) is
3 The Time Value of Money
Simple interest
Interest paid (earned)
on only the original
amount, or principal,
borrowed (lent).
Future value
(terminal value) The
value at some future
time of a present
amount of money, or
a series of payments,
evaluated at a given
interest rate.
Present value The
current value of a
future amount of
money, or a series of
payments, evaluated
at a given interest
Compound interest
Interest paid (earned)
on any previous
interest earned, as
well as on the
principal borrowed
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periodically added to the principal. As a result, interest is earned on interest as well as the
initial principal. It is this interest-on-interest, or compounding, effect that accounts for the
dramatic difference between simple and compound interest. As we will see, the concept of
compound interest can be used to solve a wide variety of problems in finance.
l l l Single Amounts
Future (or Compound) Value. To begin with, consider a person who deposits $100 into a
savings account. If the interest rate is 8 percent, compounded annually, how much will the
$100 be worth at the end of a year? Setting up the problem, we solve for the future value
(which in this case is also referred to as the compound value) of the account at the end of the
year (FV1).
FV1 = P0(1 + i )
= $100(1.08) = $108
Interestingly, this first-year value is the same number that we would get if simple interest were
employed. But this is where the similarity ends.
What if we leave $100 on deposit for two years? The $100 initial deposit will have grown to
$108 at the end of the first year at 8 percent compound annual interest. Going to the end of
the second year, $108 becomes $116.64, as $8 in interest is earned on the initial $100, and
$0.64 is earned on the $8 in interest credited to our account at the end of the first year. In
other words, interest is earned on previously earned interest – hence the name compound
interest. Therefore, the future value at the end of the second year is
FV2 = FV1(1 + i ) = P0(1 + i )(1 + i ) = P0(1 + i )2
= $108(1.08) = $100(1.08)(1.08) = $100(1.08)2
= $116.64
At the end of three years, the account would be worth
FV3 = FV2(1 + i ) = FV1(1 + i )(1 + i ) = P0(1 + i )3
= $116.64(1.08) = $108(1.08)(1.08) = $100(1.08)3
= $125.97
In general, FVn, the future (compound) value of a deposit at the end of n periods, is
FVn = P0(1 + i )n (3.4)
FVn = P0(FVIFi,n) (3.5)
where we let FVIFi,n (i.e., the future value interest factor at i% for n periods) equal (1 + i)n.
Table 3.2, showing the future values for our example problem at the end of years 1 to 3 (and
beyond), illustrates the concept of interest being earned on interest.
A calculator makes Eq. (3.4) very simple to use. In addition, tables have been constructed
for values of (1 + i)n – FVIFi,n – for wide ranges of i and n. These tables, called (appropriately)
Part 2 Valuation
Table 3.1
Future value of $1
invested for various
time periods at an 8%
annual interest rate
2 $ 1.16 $ 1.17
20 2.60 4.66
200 17.00 4,838,949.59
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future value interest factor (or terminal value interest factor) tables, are designed to be used
with Eq. (3.5). Table 3.3 is one example covering various interest rates ranging from 1
to 15 percent. The Interest Rate (i) headings and Period (n) designations on the table are similar
to map coordinates. They help us locate the appropriate interest factor. For example,
the future value interest factor at 8 percent for nine years (FVIF8%,9) is located at the intersection
of the 8% column with the 9-period row and equals 1.999. This 1.999 figure means
that $1 invested at 8 percent compound interest for nine years will return roughly $2 – consisting
of initial principal plus accumulated interest. (For a more complete table, see Table I
in the Appendix at the end of this book.)
If we take the FVIFs for $1 in the 8% column and multiply them by $100, we get figures
(aside from some rounding) that correspond to our calculations for $100 in the final column
of Table 3.2. Notice, too, that in rows corresponding to two or more years, the proportional
increase in future value becomes greater as the interest rate rises. A picture may help make this
point a little clearer. Therefore, in Figure 3.1 we graph the growth in future value for a $100
initial deposit with interest rates of 5, 10, and 15 percent. As can be seen from the graph, the
greater the interest rate, the steeper the growth curve by which future value increases. Also,
the greater the number of years during which compound interest can be earned, obviously the
greater the future value.
3 The Time Value of Money
Table 3.2
Illustration of
compound interest
with $100 initial
deposit and 8%
annual interest rate
Table 3.3
Future value interest
factor of $1 at i % at
the end of n periods
(FVIFi,n) = (1 + i )n
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 1.010 1.030 1.050 1.080 1.100 1.150
2 1.020 1.061 1.102 1.166 1.210 1.322
3 1.030 1.093 1.158 1.260 1.331 1.521
4 1.041 1.126 1.216 1.360 1.464 1.749
5 1.051 1.159 1.276 1.469 1.611 2.011
6 1.062 1.194 1.340 1.587 1.772 2.313
7 1.072 1.230 1.407 1.714 1.949 2.660
8 1.083 1.267 1.477 1.851 2.144 3.059
9 1.094 1.305 1.551 1.999 2.358 3.518
10 1.105 1.344 1.629 2.159 2.594 4.046
25 1.282 2.094 3.386 6.848 10.835 32.919
50 1.645 4.384 11.467 46.902 117.391 1,083.657
YEAR AMOUNT (8% of beginning amount) AMOUNT (FVn )
1 $100.00 $ 8.00 $108.00
2 108.00 8.64 116.64
3 116.64 9.33 125.97
4 125.97 10.08 136.05
5 136.05 10.88 146.93
6 146.93 11.76 158.69
7 158.69 12.69 171.38
8 171.38 13.71 185.09
9 185.09 14.81 199.90
10 199.90 15.99 215.89
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Part 2 Valuation
Figure 3.1
Future values with
$100 initial deposit
and 5%, 10%, and
15% compound
annual interest rates
On a number of business professional (certification) exams you will be provided with interest
factor tables and be limited to using only basic, non-programmable, hand-held calculators.
So, for some of you, it makes added sense to get familiar with interest factor tables now.
Compound Growth. Although our concern so far has been with interest rates, it is important
to realize that the concept involved applies to compound growth of any sort – for example,
in gas prices, tuition fees, corporate earnings, or dividends. Suppose that a corporation’s most
recent dividend was $10 per share but that we expect this dividend to grow at a 10 percent
compound annual rate. For the next five years we would expect dividends to look as shown in
the table.
1 (1.10)1 $11.00
2 (1.10)2 12.10
3 (1.10)3 13.31
4 (1.10)4 14.64
5 (1.10)5 16.11
Question In 1790 John Jacob Astor bought approximately an acre of land on the east side of
Manhattan Island for $58. Astor, who was considered a shrewd investor, made many
such purchases. How much would his descendants have in 2009, if instead of buying
the land, Astor had invested the $58 at 5 percent compound annual interest?
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Answer In Table I, in the Appendix at the end of the book, we won’t find the FVIF of $1 in
219 years at 5 percent. But notice that we can find the FVIF of #1 in 50 years – 11.467 –
and the FVIF of $1 in 19 years – 2.527. So what, you might ask. Being a little creative,
we can express our problem as follows:1
FV219 = P0 × (1 + i)219
= P0 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)50 × (1 + i)19
= $58 × 11.467 × 11.467 × 11.467 × 11.467 × 2.527
= $58 × 43,692.26 = $2,534,151.08
Given the current price of land in New York City, Astor’s one-acre purchase seems
to have passed the test of time as a wise investment. It is also interesting to note that
with a little reasoning we can get quite a bit of mileage out of even a basic table.
Similarly, we can determine the future levels of other variables that are subject to compound
growth. This principle will prove especially important when we consider certain valuation
models for common stock, which we do in the next chapter.
Present (or Discounted) Value. We all realize that a dollar today is worth more than a
dollar to be received one, two, or three years from now. Calculating the present value of
future cash flows allows us to place all cash flows on a current footing so that comparisons
can be made in terms of today’s dollars.
An understanding of the present value concept should enable us to answer a question that
was posed at the very beginning of this chapter: which should you prefer – $1,000 today or
$2,000 ten years from today?2 Assume that both sums are completely certain and your opportunity
cost of funds is 8 percent per annum (i.e., you could borrow or lend at 8 percent). The
present worth of $1,000 received today is easy – it is worth $1,000. However, what is $2,000
received at the end of 10 years worth to you today? We might begin by asking what amount
(today) would grow to be $2,000 at the end of 10 years at 8 percent compound interest. This
amount is called the present value of $2,000 payable in 10 years, discounted at 8 percent.
In present value problems such as this, the interest rate is also known as the discount rate
(or capitalization rate).
Finding the present value (or discounting) is simply the reverse of compounding. Therefore,
let’s first retrieve Eq. (3.4):
FVn = P0(1 + i )n
Rearranging terms, we solve for present value:
PV0 = P0 = FVn /(1 + i )n
= FVn[1/(1 + i )n] (3.6)
Note that the term [1/(1 + i)n] is simply the reciprocal of the future value interest factor at i%
for n periods (FVIFi,n). This reciprocal has its own name – the present value interest factor at i%
for n periods (PVIFi,n ) – and allows us to rewrite Eq. (3.6) as
PV0 = FVn(PVIFi,n) (3.7)
A present value table containing PVIFs for a wide range of interest rates and time periods
relieves us of making the calculations implied by Eq. (3.6) every time we have a present value
problem to solve. Table 3.4 is an abbreviated version of one such table. (Table II in the
Appendix found at the end of the book is a more complete version.)
1We make use of one of the rules governing exponents. Specifically, Am+n = Am × An
2Alternatively, we could treat this as a future value problem. To do this, we would compare the future value of $1,000,
compounded at 8 percent annual interest for 10 years, to a future $2,000.
Discount rate
(capitalization rate)
Interest rate used to
convert future values
to present values.
3 The Time Value of Money
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Part 2 Valuation
(PVIFi,n ) = 1/(1 + i )n
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 0.990 0.971 0.952 0.926 0.909 0.870
2 0.980 0.943 0.907 0.857 0.826 0.756
3 0.971 0.915 0.864 0.794 0.751 0.658
4 0.961 0.888 0.823 0.735 0.683 0.572
5 0.951 0.863 0.784 0.681 0.621 0.497
6 0.942 0.837 0.746 0.630 0.564 0.432
7 0.933 0.813 0.711 0.583 0.513 0.376
8 0.923 0.789 0.677 0.540 0.467 0.327
9 0.914 0.766 0.645 0.500 0.424 0.284
10 0.905 0.744 0.614 0.463 0.386 0.247
Table 3.4
Present value interest
factor of $1 at i % for
n periods (PVIFi,n)
We can now make use of Eq. (3.7) and Table 3.4 to solve for the present value of $2,000 to
be received at the end of 10 years, discounted at 8 percent. In Table 3.4, the intersection of the
8% column with the 10-period row pinpoints PVIF8%,10 – 0.463. This tells us that $1 received
10 years from now is worth roughly 46 cents to us today. Armed with this information, we get
PV0 = FV10(PVIF8%,10)
= $2,000(0.463) = $926
Finally, if we compare this present value amount ($926) with the promise of $1,000 to be
received today, we should prefer to take the $1,000. In present value terms we would be
better off by $74 ($1,000 − $926).
Discounting future cash flows turns out to be very much like the process of handicapping.
That is, we put future cash flows at a mathematically determined disadvantage relative to current
dollars. For example, in the problem just addressed, every future dollar was handicapped
to such an extent that each was worth only about 46 cents. The greater the disadvantage
assigned to a future cash flow, the smaller the corresponding present value interest factor
(PVIF). Figure 3.2 illustrates how both time and discount rate combine to affect present value;
the present value of $100 received from 1 to 10 years in the future is graphed for discount rates
of 5, 10, and 15 percent. The graph shows that the present value of $100 decreases by a
decreasing rate the further in the future that it is to be received. The greater the interest rate,
of course, the lower the present value but also the more pronounced the curve. At a 15 percent
discount rate, $100 to be received 10 years hence is worth only $24.70 today – or roughly
25 cents on the (future) dollar.
Question How do you determine the future value (present value) of an investment over a time
span that contains a fractional period (e.g., 11/4 years)?
Answer Simple. All you do is alter the future value (present value) formula to include the
fraction in decimal form. Let’s say that you invest $1,000 in a savings account that
compounds annually at 6 percent and want to withdraw your savings in 15 months (i.e.,
1.25 years). Since FVn = P0(1 + i )n, you could withdraw the following amount 15 months
from now:
FV1.25 = $1,000(1 + 0.06)1.25 = $1,075.55
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Unknown Interest (or Discount) Rate. Sometimes we are faced with a time-value-ofmoney
situation in which we know both the future and present values, as well as the
number of time periods involved. What is unknown, however, is the compound interest
rate (i ) implicit in the situation.
Let’s assume that, if you invest $1,000 today, you will receive $3,000 in exactly 8 years. The
compound interest (or discount) rate implicit in this situation can be found by rearranging
either a basic future value or present value equation. For example, making use of future value
Eq. (3.5), we have
FV8 = P0(FVIFi,8)
$3,000 = $1,000(FVIFi,8)
FVIFi,8 = $3,000/$1,000 = 3
Reading across the 8-period row in Table 3.3, we look for the future value interest factor
(FVIF) that comes closest to our calculated value of 3. In our table, that interest factor is 3.059
and is found in the 15% column. Because 3.059 is slightly larger than 3, we conclude that the
interest rate implicit in the example situation is actually slightly less than 15 percent.
For a more accurate answer, we simply recognize that FVIFi,8 can also be written as (1 + i )8,
and solve directly for i as follows:
(1 + i )8 = 3
(1 + i ) = 31/8 = 30.125 = 1.1472
i = 0.1472
(Note: Solving for i, we first have to raise both sides of the equation to the 1/8 or 0.125 power.
To raise “3” to the “0.125” power, we use the [yx] key on a handheld calculator – entering “3,”
pressing the [yx] key, entering “0.125,” and finally pressing the [=] key.)
3 The Time Value of Money
Figure 3.2
Present values with
$100 cash flow and
5%, 10%, and 15%
compound annual
interest rates
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Unknown Number of Compounding (or Discounting) Periods. At times we may need to
know how long it will take for a dollar amount invested today to grow to a certain future value
given a particular compound rate of interest. For example, how long would it take for an
investment of $1,000 to grow to $1,900 if we invested it at a compound annual interest rate of
10 percent? Because we know both the investment’s future and present value, the number of
compounding (or discounting) periods (n) involved in this investment situation can be determined
by rearranging either a basic future value or present value equation. Using future value
Eq. (3.5), we get
FVn = P0(FVIF10%,n)
$1,900 = $1,000(FVIF10%,n)
FVIF10%,n = $1,900/$1,000 = 1.9
Reading down the 10% column in Table 3.3, we look for the future value interest factor
(FVIF) in that column that is closest to our calculated value. We find that 1.949 comes
closest to 1.9, and that this number corresponds to the 7-period row. Because 1.949 is a little
larger than 1.9, we conclude that there are slightly less than 7 annual compounding periods
implicit in the example situation.
For greater accuracy, simply rewrite FVIF10%,n as (1 + 0.10)n, and solve for n as follows:
(1 + 0.10)n = 1.9
n(ln 1.1) = ln 1.9
n = (ln 1.9)/(ln 1.1) = 6.73 years
To solve for n, which appeared in our rewritten equation as an exponent, we employed a
little trick. We took the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides of our equation. This allowed
us to solve explicitly for n. (Note: To divide (ln 1.9) by (ln 1.1), we use the [LN] key on a
handheld calculator as follows: enter “1.9”; press the [LN] key; then press the [÷] key; now
enter “1.1”; press the [LN] key one more time; and finally, press the [=] key.)
l l l Annuities
Ordinary Annuity. An annuity is a series of equal payments or receipts occurring over a
specified number of periods. In an ordinary annuity, payments or receipts occur at the end of
each period. Figure 3.3 shows the cash-flow sequence for an ordinary annuity on a time line.
Assume that Figure 3.3 represents your receiving $1,000 a year for three years. Now let’s
further assume that you deposit each annual receipt in a savings account earning 8 percent compound
annual interest. How much money will you have at the end of three years? Figure 3.4
provides the answer (the long way) – using only the tools that we have discussed so far.
Expressed algebraically, with FVAn defined as the future (compound) value of an annuity,
R the periodic receipt (or payment), and n the length of the annuity, the formula for FVAn is
FVAn = R(1 + i )n −1 + R(1 + i )n −2 + . . . + R(1 + i )1 + R(1 + i )0
= R[FVIFi,n −1 + FVIFi,n −2 + . . . + FVIFi,1 + FVIFi,0]
As you can see, FVAn is simply equal to the periodic receipt (R) times the “sum of the future
value interest factors at i percent for time periods 0 to n − 1.” Luckily, we have two shorthand
ways of stating this mathematically:
or equivalently,
FVAn = R(FVIFAi,n) (3.9)
where FVIFAi,n stands for the future value interest factor of an annuity at i% for n periods.
FVA R i R i i n
n t
= ( + ([( )n )
⎣ ⎢⎢
⎦ ⎥⎥
− = + −
= Σ
1 ) 1 1]/
Part 2 Valuation
Annuity A series of
equal payments or
receipts occurring
over a specified
number of periods.
In an ordinary annuity,
payments or receipts
occur at the end
of each period; in
an annuity due,
payments or receipts
occur at the beginning
of each period.
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Bill Veeck once bought the Chicago White Sox baseball
team franchise for $10 million and then sold it 5 years
later for $20 million. In short, he doubled his money in
5 years. What compound rate of return did Veeck earn
on his investment?
A quick way to handle compound interest problems
involving doubling your money makes use of the “Rule
of 72.” This rule states that if the number of years, n, for
which an investment will be held is divided into the value
72, we will get the approximate interest rate, i, required
for the investment to double in value. In Veeck’s case,
the rule gives
72/n = i
72/5 = 14.4%
Alternatively, if Veeck had taken his initial investment
and placed it in a savings account earning 6 percent compound
interest, he would have had to wait approximately
12 years for his money to have doubled:
72/i = n
72/6 = 12 years
Indeed, for most interest rates we encounter, the
“Rule of 72” gives a good approximation of the interest
rate – or the number of years – required to double your
money. But the answer is not exact. For example, money
doubling in 5 years would have to earn at a 14.87 percent
compound annual rate [(1 + 0.1487)5 = 2]; the “Rule of
72” says 14.4 percent. Also, money invested at 6 percent
interest would actually require only 11.9 years to double
[(1 + 0.06)11.9 = 2]; the “Rule of 72” suggests 12.
However, for ballpark-close money-doubling approximations
that can be done in your head, the “Rule of 72”
comes in pretty handy.
Psst! Want to Double Your Money? The “Rule of 72” Tells You How
It is very helpful to begin solving time value of money problems by first drawing a time line
on which you position the relevant cash flows. The time line helps you focus on the problem
and reduces the chance for error. When we get to mixed cash flows, this will become
even more apparent.
3 The Time Value of Money
Figure 3.3
Time line showing the
cash-flow sequence
for an ordinary annuity
of $1,000 per year for
3 years
Figure 3.4
Time line for
calculating the future
(compound) value of
an (ordinary) annuity
[periodic receipt =
R = $1,000; i = 8%;
and n = 3 years]
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An abbreviated listing of FVIFAs appears in Table 3.5. A more complete listing appears in
Table III in the Appendix at the end of this book.
Making use of Table 3.5 to solve the problem described in Figure 3.4, we get
FVA3 = $1,000(FVIFA8%,3)
= $1,000(3.246) = $3,246
This answer is identical to that shown in Figure 3.4. (Note: Use of a table rather than a formula
subjects us to some slight rounding error. Had we used Eq. (3.8), our answer would
have been 40 cents more. Therefore, when extreme accuracy is called for, use formulas rather
than tables.)
Return for the moment to Figure 3.3. Only now let’s assume the cash flows of $1,000 a year
for three years represent withdrawals from a savings account earning 8 percent compound
annual interest. How much money would you have to place in the account right now (time
period 0) such that you would end up with a zero balance after the last $1,000 withdrawal?
Figure 3.5 shows the long way to find the answer.
As can be seen from Figure 3.5, solving for the present value of an annuity boils down to
determining the sum of a series of individual present values. Therefore, we can write the
general formula for the present value of an (ordinary) annuity for n periods (PVAn) as
PVAn = R[1/(1 + i )1] + R[1/(1 + i )2] + . . . + R[1/(1 + i )n ]
= R[PVIFi,1 + PVIFi,2 + . . . + PVIFi,n]
Part 2 Valuation
Table 3.5
Future value interest
factor of an (ordinary)
annuity of $1 per
period at i % for n
periods (FVIFAi,n)
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
2 2.010 2.030 2.050 2.080 2.100 2.150
3 3.030 3.091 3.153 3.246 3.310 3.473
4 4.060 4.184 4.310 4.506 4.641 4.993
5 5.101 5.309 5.526 5.867 6.105 6.742
6 6.152 6.468 6.802 7.336 7.716 8.754
7 7.214 7.662 8.142 8.923 9.487 11.067
8 8.286 8.892 9.549 10.637 11.436 13.727
9 9.369 10.159 11.027 12.488 13.579 16.786
10 10.462 11.464 12.578 14.487 15.937 20.304
(FVIFAi n i i i
n t
) = (1 + ) − = [(1 + ) − 1]/
= Σ
Figure 3.5
Time line for
calculating the
present (discounted)
value of an (ordinary)
annuity [periodic
receipt = R = $1,000;
i = 8%; and n = 3
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Notice that our formula reduces to PVAn being equal to the periodic receipt (R) times the
“sum of the present value interest factors at i percent for time periods 1 to n.” Mathematically,
this is equivalent to
and can be expressed even more simply as
PVAn = R(PVIFAi,n) (3.11)
where PVIFAi,n stands for the present value interest factor of an (ordinary) annuity at i percent
for n periods. Table IV in the Appendix at the end of this book holds PVIFAs for a wide range
of values for i and n, and Table 3.6 contains excerpts from it.
We can make use of Table 3.6 to solve for the present value of the $1,000 annuity for three
years at 8 percent shown in Figure 3.5. The PVIFA8%,3 is found from the table to be 2.577.
(Notice this figure is nothing more than the sum of the first three numbers under the 8%
column in Table 3.4, which gives PVIFs.) Employing Eq. (3.11), we get
PVA3 = $1,000(PVIFA8%,3)
= $1,000(2.577) = $2,577
Unknown Interest (or Discount) Rate. A rearrangement of the basic future value (present
value) of an annuity equation can be used to solve for the compound interest (discount) rate
implicit in an annuity if we know: (1) the annuity’s future (present) value, (2) the periodic
payment or receipt, and (3) the number of periods involved. Suppose that you need to have
at least $9,500 at the end of 8 years in order to send your parents on a luxury cruise. To accumulate
this sum, you have decided to deposit $1,000 at the end of each of the next 8 years in
a bank savings account. If the bank compounds interest annually, what minimum compound
annual interest rate must the bank offer for your savings plan to work?
To solve for the compound annual interest rate (i) implicit in this annuity problem, we
make use of future value of an annuity Eq. (3.9) as follows:
FVA8 = R(FVIFAi,8)
$9,500 = $1,000(FVIFAi,8)
FVIFAi,8 = $9,500/$1,000 = 9.5
Reading across the 8-period row in Table 3.5, we look for the future value interest factor of
an annuity (FVIFA) that comes closest to our calculated value of 9.5. In our table, that interest
factor is 9.549 and is found in the 5% column. Because 9.549 is slightly larger than 9.5, we
PVA R i R i i n
= /( + [( [ )n ]
⎣ ⎢⎢
⎦ ⎥⎥
= − +
= Σ
1 1 ) 1 1/(1 ])/
3 The Time Value of Money
Table 3.6
Present value interest
factor of an (ordinary)
annuity of $1 per
period at i % for n
periods (PVIFAi,n)
PERIOD (n) 1% 3% 5% 8% 10% 15%
1 0.990 0.971 0.952 0.926 0.909 0.870
2 1.970 1.913 1.859 1.783 1.736 1.626
3 2.941 2.829 2.723 2.577 2.487 2.283
4 3.902 3.717 3.546 3.312 3.170 2.855
5 4.853 4.580 4.329 3.993 3.791 3.352
6 5.795 5.417 5.076 4.623 4.355 3.784
7 6.728 6.230 5.786 5.206 4.868 4.160
8 7.652 7.020 6.463 5.747 5.335 4.487
9 8.566 7.786 7.108 6.247 5.759 4.772
10 9.471 8.530 7.722 6.710 6.145 5.019
(PVIFAi n i i i
) = 1/(1 + ) = (1 − [1/(1 + ) ])/
= Σ
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conclude that the interest rate implicit in the example situation is actually slightly less than
5 percent. (For a more accurate answer, you would need to rely on trial-and-error testing of
different interest rates, interpolation, or a financial calculator.)
Unknown Periodic Payment (or Receipt). When dealing with annuities, one frequently
encounters situations in which either the future (or present) value of the annuity, the interest
rate, and the number of periodic payments (or receipts) are known. What needs to be determined,
however, is the size of each equal payment or receipt. In a business setting, we most
frequently encounter the need to determine periodic annuity payments in sinking fund (i.e.,
building up a fund through equal-dollar payments) and loan amortization (i.e., extinguishing
a loan through equal-dollar payments) problems.
Rearrangement of either the basic present or future value annuity equation is necessary to
solve for the periodic payment or receipt implicit in an annuity. Because we devote an entire
section at the end of this chapter to the important topic of loan amortization, we will illustrate
how to calculate the periodic payment with a sinking fund problem.
How much must one deposit each year end in a savings account earning 5 percent compound
annual interest to accumulate $10,000 at the end of 8 years? We compute the payment
(R) going into the savings account each year with the help of future value of an annuity
Eq. (3.9). In addition, we use Table 3.5 to find the value corresponding to FVIFA5%,8 and
proceed as follows:
FVA8 = R(FVIFA5%,8)
$10,000 = R(9.549)
R = $10,000/9.549 = $1,047.23
Therefore, by making eight year-end deposits of $1,047.23 each into a savings account earning
5 percent compound annual interest, we will build up a sum totaling $10,000 at the end
of 8 years.
Perpetuity. A perpetuity is an ordinary annuity whose payments or receipts continue forever.
The ability to determine the present value of this special type of annuity will be required
when we value perpetual bonds and preferred stock in the next chapter. A look back to PVAn
in Eq. (3.10) should help us to make short work of this type of task. Replacing n in Eq. (3.10)
with the value infinity (∞) gives us
PVA∞ = R[(1 − [1/(1 + i )∞])/i ] (3.12)
Because the bracketed term – [1/(1 + i)∞] – approaches zero, we can rewrite Eq. (3.12) as
PVA∞ = R[(1 − 0)/i ] = R(1/i )
or simply
PVA∞ = R/i (3.13)
Thus the present value of a perpetuity is simply the periodic receipt (payment) divided by
the interest rate per period. For example, if $100 is received each year forever and the interest
rate is 8 percent, the present value of this perpetuity is $1,250 (that is, $100/0.08).
Annuity Due. In contrast to an ordinary annuity, where payments or receipts occur at the
end of each period, an annuity due calls for a series of equal payments occurring at the beginning
of each period. Luckily, only a slight modification to the procedures already outlined for
the treatment of ordinary annuities will allow us to solve annuity due problems.
Figure 3.6 compares and contrasts the calculation for the future value of a $1,000 ordinary
annuity for three years at 8 percent (FVA3) with that of the future value of a $1,000 annuity
due for three years at 8 percent (FVAD3). Notice that the cash flows for the ordinary annuity
are perceived to occur at the end of periods 1, 2, and 3, and those for the annuity due are perceived
to occur at the beginning of periods 2, 3, and 4.
Part 2 Valuation
Perpetuity An ordinary
annuity whose
payments or receipts
continue forever.
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Notice that the future value of the three-year annuity due is simply equal to the future
value of a comparable three-year ordinary annuity compounded for one more period. Thus
the future value of an annuity due at i percent for n periods (FVADn) is determined as
FVADn = R(FVIFAi,n)(1 + i ) (3.14)
Take Note
Whether a cash flow appears to occur at the beginning or end of a period often depends on
your perspective, however. (In a similar vein, is midnight the end of one day or the beginning
of the next?) Therefore, the real key to distinguishing between the future value of an
ordinary annuity and an annuity due is the point at which the future value is calculated. For
an ordinary annuity, future value is calculated as of the last cash flow. For an annuity due,
future value is calculated as of one period after the last cash flow.
The determination of the present value of an annuity due at i percent for n periods
(PVADn) is best understood by example. Figure 3.7 illustrates the calculations necessary to
determine both the present value of a $1,000 ordinary annuity at 8 percent for three years
(PVA3) and the present value of a $1,000 annuity due at 8 percent for three years (PVAD3).
As can be seen in Figure 3.7, the present value of a three-year annuity due is equal to the
present value of a two-year ordinary annuity plus one nondiscounted periodic receipt or
payment. This can be generalized as follows:
PVADn = R(PVIFAi,n−1) + R
= R(PVIFAi,n−1 + 1) (3.15)
3 The Time Value of Money
Figure 3.6
Time lines for
calculating the future
(compound) value of
an (ordinary) annuity
and an annuity due
[periodic receipt =
R = $1,000; i = 8%;
and n = 3 years]
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Alternatively, we could view the present value of an annuity due as the present value of an
ordinary annuity that had been brought back one period too far. That is, we want the present
value one period later than the ordinary annuity approach provides. Therefore, we could calculate
the present value of an n-period annuity and then compound it one period forward.
The general formula for this approach to determining PVADn is
PVADn = (1 + i )(R)(PVIFAi,n) (3.16)
Figure 3.7 proves by example that both approaches to determining PVADn work equally well.
However, the use of Eq. (3.15) seems to be the more obvious approach. The time-line
approach taken in Figure 3.7 also helps us recognize the major differences between the present
value of an ordinary annuity and an annuity due.
Take Note
In solving for the present value of an ordinary annuity, we consider the cash flows as
occurring at the end of periods (in our Figure 3.7 example, the end of periods 1, 2, and 3)
and calculate the present value as of one period before the first cash flow. Determination
of the present value of an annuity due calls for us to consider the cash flows as occurring
at the beginning of periods (in our example, the beginning of periods 1, 2, and 3) and to
calculate the present value as of the first cash flow.
Part 2 Valuation
Figure 3.7
Time lines for
calculating the
present (discounted)
value of an (ordinary)
annuity and an
annuity due [periodic
receipt = R = $1,000;
i = 8%; and n = 3
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3 The Time Value of Money
Each year, on your birthday, you invest $2,000 in a tax-free retirement investment account. By age 65 you will have
INTEREST RATE (i) 21 31 41 51
6% $ 425,487 $222,870 $109,730 $46,552
8 773,011 344,634 146,212 54,304
10 1,437,810 542,048 196,694 63,544
12 2,716,460 863,326 266,668 74,560
From the table, it looks like the time to start saving is now!
The Magic of Compound Interest
l l l Mixed Flows
Many time value of money problems that we face involve neither a single cash flow nor a
single annuity. Instead, we may encounter a mixed (or uneven) pattern of cash flows.
Question Assume that you are faced with the following problem – on an exam (arghh!),
perhaps. What is the present value of $5,000 to be received annually at the end of
years 1 and 2, followed by $6,000 annually at the end of years 3 and 4, and concluding
with a final payment of $1,000 at the end of year 5, all discounted at 5 percent?
The first step in solving the question above, or any similar problem, is to draw a time
line, position the cash flows, and draw arrows indicating the direction and position to which
you are going to adjust the flows. Second, make the necessary calculations as indicated by
your diagram. (You may think that drawing a picture of what needs to be done is somewhat
“childlike.” However, consider that most successful home builders work from blueprints –
why shouldn’t you?)
Figure 3.8 illustrates that mixed flow problems can always be solved by adjusting each flow
individually and then summing the results. This is time-consuming, but it works.
Often we can recognize certain patterns within mixed cash flows that allow us to take some
calculation shortcuts. Thus the problem that we have been working on could be solved in a
number of alternative ways. One such alternative is shown in Figure 3.9. Notice how our twostep
procedure continues to lead us to the correct solution:
Take Note
l Step 1: Draw a time line, position cash flows, and draw arrows to indicate direction and
position of adjustments.
l Step 2: Perform calculations as indicated by your diagram.
A wide variety of mixed (uneven) cash-flow problems could be illustrated. To appreciate
this variety and to master the skills necessary to determine solutions, be sure to do the problems
at the end of this chapter. Don’t be too bothered if you make some mistakes at first. Time
value of money problems can be tricky. Mastering this material is a little bit like learning to
ride a bicycle. You expect to fall and get bruised a bit until you pick up the necessary skills.
But practice makes perfect.
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Part 2 Valuation
Figure 3.8
(Alternative 1) Time
line for calculating
the present
(discounted) value
of mixed cash flows
[FV1 = FV2 = $5,000;
FV3 = FV4 = $6,000;
FV5 = $1,000; i = 5%;
and n = 5 years]
Figure 3.9
(Alternative 2) Time
line for calculating
the present
(discounted) value
of mixed cash flows
[FV1 = FV2 = $5,000;
FV3 = FV4 = $6,000;
FV5 = $1,000; i = 5%;
and n = 5 years]
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Compounding More Than Once a Year
l l l Semiannual and Other Compounding Periods
Future (or Compound) Value. Up to now, we have assumed that interest is paid annually.
It is easiest to get a basic understanding of the time value of money with this assumption.
Now, however, it is time to consider the relationship between future value and interest rates
for different compounding periods. To begin, suppose that interest is paid semiannually. If
you then deposit $100 in a savings account at a nominal, or stated, 8 percent annual interest
rate, the future value at the end of six months would be
FV0.5 = $100(1 + [0.08/2]) = $104
In other words, at the end of one half-year you would receive 4 percent in interest, not 8 percent.
At the end of a year the future value of the deposit would be
FV1 = $100(1 + [0.08/2])2 = $108.16
This amount compares with $108 if interest is paid only once a year. The $0.16 difference
is caused by interest being earned in the second six months on the $4 in interest paid at the
end of the first six months. The more times during the year that interest is paid, the greater
the future value at the end of a given year.
The general formula for solving for the future value at the end of n years where interest is
paid m times a year is
FVn = PV0(1 + [i /m])mn (3.17)
To illustrate, suppose that now interest is paid quarterly and that you wish to know the future
value of $100 at the end of one year where the stated annual rate is 8 percent. The future value
would be
FV1 = $100(1 + [0.08/4])(4)(1)
= $100(1 + 0.02)4 = $108.24
which, of course, is higher than it would be with either semiannual or annual compounding.
The future value at the end of three years for the example with quarterly compounding
FV3 = $100(1 + [0.08/4])(4)(3)
= $100(1 + 0.02)12 = $126.82
compared with a future value with semiannual compounding of
FV3 = $100(1 + [0.08/2])(2)(3)
= $100(1 + 0.04)6 = $126.53
and with annual compounding of
FV3 = $100(1 + [0.08/1])(1)(3)
= $100(1 + 0.08)3 = $125.97
Thus, the more frequently interest is paid each year, the greater the future value. When m in
Eq. (3.17) approaches infinity, we achieve continuous compounding. Shortly, we will take a
special look at continuous compounding and discounting.
Present (or Discounted) Value. When interest is compounded more than once a year, the
formula for calculating present value must be revised along the same lines as for the calculation
of future value. Instead of dividing the future cash flow by (1 + i)n as we do when annual
compounding is involved, we determine the present value by
3 The Time Value of Money
Nominal (stated)
interest rate
A rate of interest
quoted for a year
that has not been
adjusted for frequency
of compounding.
If interest is
compounded more
than once a year,
the effective interest
rate will be higher
than the nominal rate.
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PV0 = FVn /(1 + [i /m])mn (3.18)
where, as before, FVn is the future cash flow to be received at the end of year n, m is the number
of times a year interest is compounded, and i is the discount rate. We can use Eq. (3.18),
for example, to calculate the present value of $100 to be received at the end of year 3 for a
nominal discount rate of 8 percent compounded quarterly:
PV0 = $100/(1 + [0.08/4])(4)(3)
= $100/(1 + 0.02)12 = $78.85
If the discount rate is compounded only annually, we have
PV0 = $100/(1 + 0.08)3 = $79.38
Thus, the fewer times a year that the nominal discount rate is compounded, the greater the
present value. This relationship is just the opposite of that for future values.
l l l Continuous Compounding
In practice, interest is sometimes compounded continuously. Therefore it is useful to consider
how this works. Recall that the general formula for solving for the future value at the end of
year n, Eq. (3.17), is
FVn = PV0(1 + [i /m])mn
As m, the number of times a year that interest is compounded, approaches infinity (∞), we get
continuous compounding, and the term (1 + [i/m])mn approaches ein, where e is approximately
2.71828. Therefore the future value at the end of n years of an initial deposit of PV0
where interest is compounded continuously at a rate of i percent is
FVn = PV0(e)in (3.19)
For our earlier example problem, the future value of a $100 deposit at the end of three years
with continuous compounding at 8 percent would be
FV3 = $100(e)(0.08)(3)
= $100(2.71828)(0.24) = $127.12
This compares with a future value with annual compounding of
FV3 = $100(1 + 0.08)3 = $125.97
Continuous compounding results in the maximum possible future value at the end of n
periods for a given nominal rate of interest.
By the same token, when interest is compounded continuously, the formula for the present
value of a cash flow received at the end of year n is
PV0 = FVn /(e)in (3.20)
Thus the present value of $1,000 to be received at the end of 10 years with a discount rate of
20 percent, compounded continuously, is
PV0 = $1,000/(e)(0.20)(10)
= $1,000/(2.71828)2 = $135.34
We see then that present value calculations involving continuous compounding are
merely the reciprocals of future value calculations. Also, although continuous compounding
results in the maximum possible future value, it results in the minimum possible present
Part 2 Valuation
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3The “special case” formula for effective annual interest rate when there is continuous compounding is as follows:
effective annual interest rate = (e)i − 1
Effective annual
interest rate The
actual rate of interest
earned (paid) after
adjusting the nominal
rate for factors such
as the number of
compounding periods
per year.
Question When a bank quotes you an annual percentage yield (APY) on a savings account or
certificate of deposit, what does that mean?
Answer Based on a congressional act, the Federal Reserve requires that banks and thrifts adopt
a standardized method of calculating the effective interest rates they pay on consumer
accounts. It is called the annual percentage yield (APY). The APY is meant to eliminate
confusion caused when savings institutions apply different methods of compounding
and use various terms, such as effective yield, annual yield, and effective rate. The APY is
similar to the effective annual interest rate. The APY calculation, however, is based on
the actual number of days for which the money is deposited in an account in a 365-day
year (366 days in a leap year).
In a similar vein, the Truth-in-Lending Act mandates that all financial institutions
report the effective interest rate on any loan. This rate is called the annual percentage
rate (APR). However, the financial institutions are not required to report the “true”
effective annual interest rate as the APR. Instead, they may report a noncompounded
version of the effective annual interest rate. For example, assume that a bank makes a
loan for less than a year, or interest is to be compounded more frequently than annually.
The bank would determine an effective periodic interest rate – based on usable funds (i.e.,
the amount of funds the borrower can actually use) – and then simply multiply this rate
by the number of such periods in a year. The result is the APR.
l l l Effective Annual Interest Rate
Different investments may provide returns based on various compounding periods. If we want
to compare alternative investments that have different compounding periods, we need to state
their interest on some common, or standardized, basis. This leads us to make a distinction
between nominal, or stated, interest and the effective annual interest rate. The effective
annual interest rate is the interest rate compounded annually that provides the same annual
interest as the nominal rate does when compounded m times per year.
By definition then,
(1 + effective annual interest rate) = (1 + [i /m])(m)(1)
Therefore, given the nominal rate i and the number of compounding periods per year m, we
can solve for the effective annual interest rate as follows:3
effective annual interest rate = (1 + [i /m])m − 1 (3.21)
For example, if a savings plan offered a nominal interest rate of 8 percent compounded
quarterly on a one-year investment, the effective annual interest rate would be
(1 + [0.08/4])4 − 1 = (1 + 0.02)4 − 1 = 0.08243
Only if interest had been compounded annually would the effective annual interest rate have
equaled the nominal rate of 8 percent.
Table 3.7 contains a number of future values at the end of one year for $1,000 earning a
nominal rate of 8 percent for several different compounding periods. The table illustrates
that the more numerous the compounding periods, the greater the future value of (and
interest earned on) the deposit, and the greater the effective annual interest rate.
3 The Time Value of Money
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Amortizing a Loan
An important use of present value concepts is in determining the payments required for
an installment-type loan. The distinguishing feature of this loan is that it is repaid in equal
periodic payments that include both interest and principal. These payments can be made
monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually. Installment payments are prevalent in mortgage
loans, auto loans, consumer loans, and certain business loans.
To illustrate with the simplest case of annual payments, suppose you borrow $22,000 at
12 percent compound annual interest to be repaid over the next six years. Equal installment
payments are required at the end of each year. In addition, these payments must be sufficient
in amount to repay the $22,000 together with providing the lender with a 12 percent return.
To determine the annual payment, R, we set up the problem as follows:
= R(PVIFA12%,6)
In Table IV in the Appendix at the end of the book, we find that the discount factor for a sixyear
annuity with a 12 percent interest rate is 4.111. Solving for R in the problem above, we have
$22,000 = R(4.111)
R = $22,000/4.111 = $5,351
Thus annual payments of $5,351 will completely amortize (extinguish) a $22,000 loan in
six years. Each payment consists partly of interest and partly of principal repayment. The
amortization schedule is shown in Table 3.8. We see that annual interest is determined by
$22,000 1/ 1 0.12)
= ( +
⎣ ⎢⎢
⎦ ⎥⎥
= Σ
R t
Part 2 Valuation
Table 3.7
Effects of different
compounding periods
on future values of
$1,000 invested at
an 8% nominal
interest rate
$1,000 Annually $1,080.00 8.000%
1,000 Semiannually 1,081.60 8.160
1,000 Quarterly 1,082.43 8.243
1,000 Monthly 1,083.00 8.300
1,000 Daily (365 days) 1,083.28 8.328
1,000 Continuously 1,083.29 8.329
*Note: $1,000 invested for a year at these rates compounded annually would provide the same future
values as those found in Column 3.
A table showing the
repayment schedule
of interest and
principal necessary
to pay off a loan by
(1) (2) (3) (4)
YEAR PAYMENT (4)t −1 × 0.12 (1) − (2) (4)t−1 − (3)
0 – – – $22,000
1 $ 5,351 $ 2,640 $ 2,711 19,289
2 5,351 2,315 3,036 16,253
3 5,351 1,951 3,400 12,853
4 5,351 1,542 3,809 9,044
5 5,351 1,085 4,266 4,778
6 5,351 573 4,778 0
$32,106 $10,106 $22,000
Table 3.8
Amortization schedule
for illustrated loan
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multiplying the principal amount outstanding at the beginning of the year by 12 percent. The
amount of principal payment is simply the total installment payment minus the interest payment.
Notice that the proportion of the installment payment composed of interest declines
over time, whereas the proportion composed of principal increases. At the end of six years, a
total of $22,000 in principal payments will have been made and the loan will be completely
amortized. The breakdown between interest and principal is important because on a business
loan only interest is deductible as an expense for tax purposes.
Summary Table of Key Compound Interest Formulas
Single Amounts:
FVn = P0(1 + i )n (3.4)
= P0(FVIFi,n) (3.5) I
PV0 = FVn[1/(1 + i )n] (3.6)
= FVn(PVIFi,n) (3.7) II
FVAn = R([(1 + i )n − 1]/i ) (3.8)
= R(FVIFAi,n) (3.9) III
PVAn = R[(1 − [1/(1 + i )n])/i ] (3.10)
= R(PVIFAi,n) (3.11) IV
FVADn = R(FVIFAi,n)(1 + i ) (3.14) III (adjusted)
PVADn = R(PVIFAi,n−1 + 1) (3.15)
= (1 + i)(R)(PVIFAi,n) (3.16) IV (adjusted)
Key Learning Points
l Most financial decisions, personal as well as business,
involve the time value of money. We use the rate of
interest to express the time value of money.
l Simple interest is interest paid (earned) on only the
original amount, or principal, borrowed (lent).
l Compound interest is interest paid (earned) on any
previous interest earned, as well as on the principal
borrowed (lent). The concept of compound interest
can be used to solve a wide variety of problems in
l Two key concepts – future value and present value –
underlie all compound interest problems. Future
value is the value at some future time of a present
amount of money, or a series of payments, evaluated
at a given interest rate. Present value is the current
value of a future amount of money, or a series of payments,
evaluated at a given interest rate.
l It is very helpful to begin solving time value of money
problems by first drawing a time line on which you
position the relevant cash flows.
l An annuity is a series of equal payments or receipts
occurring over a specified number of periods.
l There are some characteristics that should help you
to identify and solve the various types of annuity
1. Present value of an ordinary annuity – cash flows
occur at the end of each period, and present value is
calculated as of one period before the first cash flow.
2. Present value of an annuity due – cash flows occur
at the beginning of each period, and present value is
calculated as of the first cash flow.
3. Future value of an ordinary annuity – cash flows
occur at the end of each period, and future value is
calculated as of the last cash flow.
4. Future value of an annuity due – cash flows occur
at the beginning of each period, and future value is
calculated as of one period after the last cash flow.
l Various formulas were presented for solving for
future values and present values of single amounts
and of annuities. Mixed (uneven) cash-flow problems
can always be solved by adjusting each flow individually
and then summing the results. The ability to
recognize certain patterns within mixed cash flows
will allow you to take calculation shortcuts.
3 The Time Value of Money
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1. What is simple interest?
2. What is compound interest? Why is it important?
3. What kinds of personal financial decisions have you made that involve compound interest?
4. What is an annuity? Is an annuity worth more or less than a lump sum payment received
now that would be equal to the sum of all the future annuity payments?
5. What type of compounding would you prefer in your savings account? Why?
6. Contrast the calculation of future (terminal) value with the calculation of present value.
What is the difference?
7. What is the advantage of using present value tables rather than formulas?
8. If you are scheduled to receive a certain sum of money five years from now but wish to
sell your contract for its present value, which type of compounding would you prefer to
be used in the calculation? Why?
9. The “Rule of 72” suggests that an amount will double in 12 years at a 6 percent compound
annual rate or double in 6 years at a 12 percent annual rate. Is this a useful rule, and is it
an accurate one?
10. Does present value decrease at a linear rate, at an increasing rate, or at a decreasing rate
with the discount rate? Why?
11. Does present value decrease at a linear rate, at an increasing rate, or at a decreasing rate
with the length of time in the future the payment is to be received? Why?
12. Sven Smorgasbord is 35 years old and is presently experiencing the “good” life. As a
result, he anticipates that he will increase his weight at a rate of 3 percent a year. At
present he weighs 200 pounds. What will he weigh at age 60?
Self-Correction Problems
1. The following cash-flow streams need to be analyzed:
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5
W $100 $200 $200 $300 1,$300
X $600 – – – –
Y – – – – 11,200
Z $200 – $500 – $0,300
a. Calculate the future (terminal) value of each stream at the end of year 5 with a compound
annual interest rate of 10 percent.
b. Compute the present value of each stream if the discount rate is 14 percent.
2. Muffin Megabucks is considering two different savings plans. The first plan would have her
deposit $500 every six months, and she would receive interest at a 7 percent annual rate,
compounded semiannually. Under the second plan she would deposit $1,000 every year
with a rate of interest of 7.5 percent, compounded annually. The initial deposit with
Plan 1 would be made six months from now and, with Plan 2, one year hence.
a. What is the future (terminal) value of the first plan at the end of 10 years?
b. What is the future (terminal) value of the second plan at the end of 10 years?
Part 2 Valuation
l To compare alternative investments having different
compounding periods, it is often necessary to calculate
their effective annual interest rates. The effective annual
interest rate is the interest rate compounded annually
that provides the same annual interest as the nominal
rate does when compounded m times per year.
l Amortizing a loan involves determining the periodic
payment necessary to reduce the principal amount to
zero at maturity, while providing interest payments on
the unpaid principal balance. The principal amount
owed decreases at an increasing rate as payments are
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c. Which plan should Muffin use, assuming that her only concern is with the value of her
savings at the end of 10 years?
d. Would your answer change if the rate of interest on the second plan were 7 percent?
3. On a contract you have a choice of receiving $25,000 six years from now or $50,000 twelve
years from now. At what implied compound annual interest rate should you be indifferent
between the two contracts?
4. Emerson Cammack wishes to purchase an annuity contract that will pay him $7,000 a year
for the rest of his life. The Philo Life Insurance Company figures that his life expectancy is
20 years, based on its actuary tables. The company imputes a compound annual interest
rate of 6 percent in its annuity contracts.
a. How much will Cammack have to pay for the annuity?
b. How much would he have to pay if the interest rate were 8 percent?
5. You borrow $10,000 at 14 percent compound annual interest for four years. The loan is
repayable in four equal annual installments payable at the end of each year.
a. What is the annual payment that will completely amortize the loan over four years?
(You may wish to round to the nearest dollar.)
b. Of each equal payment, what is the amount of interest? The amount of loan principal?
(Hint: In early years, the payment is composed largely of interest, whereas at the end it
is mainly principal.)
6. Your late Uncle Vern’s will entitles you to receive $1,000 at the end of every other year for
the next two decades. The first cash flow is two years from now. At a 10 percent compound
annual interest rate, what is the present value of this unusual cash-flow pattern? (Try to
solve this problem in as few steps as you can.)
7. A bank offers you a seven-month certificate of deposit (CD) at a 7.06 percent annual rate
that would provide a 7.25 percent effective annual yield. For the seven-month CD, is interest
being compounded daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly? And, by the way, having
invested $10,000 in this CD, how much money would you receive when your CD matures
in seven months? That is, what size check would the bank give you if you closed your
account at the end of seven months?
8. A Dillonvale, Ohio, man saved pennies for 65 years. When he finally decided to cash them
in, he had roughly 8 million of them (or $80,000 worth), filling 40 trash cans. On average,
the man saved $1,230 worth of pennies a year. If he had deposited the pennies saved
each year, at each year’s end, into a savings account earning 5 percent compound annual
interest, how much would he have had in this account after 65 years of saving? How much
more “cents” (sense) would this have meant for our “penny saver” compared with simply
putting his pennies into trash cans?
9. Xu Lin recently obtained a 10-year, $50,000 loan. The loan carries an 8 percent compound
annual interest rate and calls for annual installment payments of $7,451.47 at the end of
each of the next 10 years.
a. How much (in dollars) of the first year’s payment is principal?
b. How much total interest will be paid over the life of the loan? (Hint: You do not need
to construct a loan amortization table to answer this question. Some simple math is all
you need.)
1. The following are exercises in future (terminal) values:
a. At the end of three years, how much is an initial deposit of $100 worth, assuming a
compound annual interest rate of (i) 100 percent? (ii) 10 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
b. At the end of five years, how much is an initial $500 deposit followed by five year-end,
annual $100 payments worth, assuming a compound annual interest rate of (i) 10 percent?
(ii) 5 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
3 The Time Value of Money
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c. At the end of six years, how much is an initial $500 deposit followed by five year-end,
annual $100 payments worth, assuming a compound annual interest rate of (i) 10 percent?
(ii) 5 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
d. At the end of three years, how much is an initial $100 deposit worth, assuming a quarterly
compounded annual interest rate of (i) 100 percent? (ii) 10 percent?
e. Why do your answers to Part (d) differ from those to Part (a)?
f. At the end of 10 years, how much is a $100 initial deposit worth, assuming an annual
interest rate of 10 percent compounded (i) annually? (ii) semiannually? (iii) quarterly?
(iv) continuously?
2. The following are exercises in present values:
a. $100 at the end of three years is worth how much today, assuming a discount rate of
(i) 100 percent? (ii) 10 percent? (iii) 0 percent?
b. What is the aggregate present value of $500 received at the end of each of the next
three years, assuming a discount rate of (i) 4 percent? (ii) 25 percent?
c. $100 is received at the end of one year, $500 at the end of two years, and $1,000 at the
end of three years. What is the aggregate present value of these receipts, assuming a
discount rate of (i) 4 percent? (ii) 25 percent?
d. $1,000 is to be received at the end of one year, $500 at the end of two years, and $100
at the end of three years. What is the aggregate present value of these receipts assuming
a discount rate of (i) 4 percent? (ii) 25 percent?
e. Compare your solutions in Part (c) with those in Part (d) and explain the reason for
the differences.
3. Joe Hernandez has inherited $25,000 and wishes to purchase an annuity that will provide
him with a steady income over the next 12 years. He has heard that the local savings and
loan association is currently paying 6 percent compound interest on an annual basis. If
he were to deposit his funds, what year-end equal-dollar amount (to the nearest dollar)
would he be able to withdraw annually such that he would have a zero balance after his
last withdrawal 12 years from now?
4. You need to have $50,000 at the end of 10 years. To accumulate this sum, you have
decided to save a certain amount at the end of each of the next 10 years and deposit it in
the bank. The bank pays 8 percent interest compounded annually for long-term deposits.
How much will you have to save each year (to the nearest dollar)?
5. Same as Problem 4 above, except that you deposit a certain amount at the beginning of
each of the next 10 years. Now, how much will you have to save each year (to the nearest
6. Vernal Equinox wishes to borrow $10,000 for three years. A group of individuals agrees
to lend him this amount if he contracts to pay them $16,000 at the end of the three years.
What is the implicit compound annual interest rate implied by this contract (to the
nearest whole percent)?
7. You have been offered a note with four years to maturity, which will pay $3,000 at the end
of each of the four years. The price of the note to you is $10,200. What is the implicit
compound annual interest rate you will receive (to the nearest whole percent)?
8. Sales of the P.J. Cramer Company were $500,000 this year, and they are expected to grow
at a compound rate of 20 percent for the next six years. What will be the sales figure at
the end of each of the next six years?
9. The H & L Bark Company is considering the purchase of a debarking machine that is
expected to provide cash flows as follows:
1 2 3 4 5
Cash flow $1,200 $2,000 $2,400 $1,900 $1,600
Part 2 Valuation
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6 7 8 9 10
Cash flow $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400
If the appropriate annual discount rate is 14 percent, what is the present value of this
cash-flow stream?
10. Suppose you were to receive $1,000 at the end of 10 years. If your opportunity rate is
10 percent, what is the present value of this amount if interest is compounded (a) annually?
(b) quarterly? (c) continuously?
11. In connection with the United States Bicentennial, the Treasury once contemplated offering
a savings bond for $1,000 that would be worth $1 million in 100 years. Approximately
what compound annual interest rate is implied by these terms?
12. Selyn Cohen is 63 years old and recently retired. He wishes to provide retirement income
for himself and is considering an annuity contract with the Philo Life Insurance
Company. Such a contract pays him an equal-dollar amount each year that he lives. For
this cash-flow stream, he must put up a specific amount of money at the beginning.
According to actuary tables, his life expectancy is 15 years, and that is the duration on
which the insurance company bases its calculations regardless of how long he actually
a. If Philo Life uses a compound annual interest rate of 5 percent in its calculations,
what must Cohen pay at the outset for an annuity to provide him with $10,000 per
year? (Assume that the expected annual payments are at the end of each of the
15 years.)
b. What would be the purchase price if the compound annual interest rate is 10 percent?
c. Cohen had $30,000 to put into an annuity. How much would he receive each year if
the insurance company uses a 5 percent compound annual interest rate in its calculations?
A 10 percent compound annual interest rate?
13. The Happy Hang Glide Company is purchasing a building and has obtained a $190,000
mortgage loan for 20 years. The loan bears a compound annual interest rate of 17 percent
and calls for equal annual installment payments at the end of each of the 20 years. What
is the amount of the annual payment?
14. Establish loan amortization schedules for the following loans to the nearest cent (see
Table 3.8 for an example):
a. A 36-month loan of $8,000 with equal installment payments at the end of each month.
The interest rate is 1 percent per month.
b. A 25-year mortgage loan of $184,000 at a 10 percent compound annual interest rate
with equal installment payments at the end of each year.
15. You have borrowed $14,300 at a compound annual interest rate of 15 percent. You feel
that you will be able to make annual payments of $3,000 per year on your loan. (Payments
include both principal and interest.) How long will it be before the loan is entirely paid
off (to the nearest year)?
16. Lost Dutchman Mines, Inc., is considering investing in Peru. It makes a bid to the government
to participate in the development of a mine, the profits of which will be realized
at the end of five years. The mine is expected to produce $5 million in cash to Lost
Dutchman Mines at that time. Other than the bid at the outset, no other cash flows will
occur, as the government will reimburse the company for all costs. If Lost Dutchman
requires a nominal annual return of 20 percent (ignoring any tax consequences), what
is the maximum bid it should make for the participation right if interest is compounded
(a) annually? (b) semiannually? (c) quarterly? (d) continuously?
17. Earl E. Bird has decided to start saving for his retirement. Beginning on his twenty-first
birthday, Earl plans to invest $2,000 each birthday into a savings investment earning a
3 The Time Value of Money
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7 percent compound annual rate of interest. He will continue this savings program for a
total of 10 years and then stop making payments. But his savings will continue to compound
at 7 percent for 35 more years, until Earl retires at age 65. Ivana Waite also plans
to invest $2,000 a year, on each birthday, at 7 percent, and will do so for a total of 35 years.
However, she will not begin her contributions until her thirty-first birthday. How much
will Earl’s and Ivana’s savings programs be worth at the retirement age of 65? Who is
better off financially at retirement, and by how much?
18. When you were born, your dear old Aunt Minnie promised to deposit $1,000 in a savings
account for you on each and every one of your birthdays, beginning with your first. The
savings account bears a 5 percent compound annual rate of interest. You have just turned
25 and want all the cash. However, it turns out that dear old (forgetful) Aunt Minnie
made no deposits on your fifth, seventh, and eleventh birthdays. How much is in the
account now – on your twenty-fifth birthday?
19. Assume that you will be opening a savings account today by depositing $100,000. The
savings account pays 5 percent compound annual interest, and this rate is assumed to
remain in effect for all future periods. Four years from today you will withdraw R
dollars. You will continue to make additional annual withdrawals of R dollars for a
while longer – making your last withdrawal at the end of year 9 – to achieve the following
pattern of cash flows over time. (Note: Today is time period zero; one year from
today is the end of time period 1; etc.)
How large must R be to leave you with exactly a zero balance after your final R withdrawal
is made at the end of year 9? (Tip: Making use of an annuity table or formula will make
your work a lot easier!)
20. Suppose that an investment promises to pay a nominal 9.6 percent annual rate of interest.
What is the effective annual interest rate on this investment assuming that interest is
compounded (a) annually? (b) semiannually? (c) quarterly? (d) monthly? (e) daily (365
days)? (f ) continuously? (Note: Report your answers accurate to four decimal places –
e.g., 0.0987 or 9.87%.)
21. “Want to win a million dollars? Here’s how. . . . One winner, chosen at random from all
entries, will win a $1,000,000 annuity.” That was the statement announcing a contest on
the World Wide Web. The contest rules described the “million-dollar prize” in greater
detail: “40 annual payments of $25,000 each, which will result in a total payment of
$1,000,000. The first payment will be made January 1; subsequent payments will be
made each January thereafter.” Using a compound annual interest rate of 8 percent,
what is the present value of this “million-dollar prize” as of the first installment on
January 1?
22. It took roughly 14 years for the Dow Jones Average of 30 Industrial Stocks to go from
1,000 to 2,000. To double from 2,000 to 4,000 took only 8 years, and to go from 4,000 to
8,000 required roughly 2 years. To the nearest whole percent, what compound annual
growth rates are implicit in these three index-doubling milestones?
Part 2 Valuation
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Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
1. a. Future (terminal) value of each cash flow and total future value of each stream are as
follows (using Table I in the end-of-book Appendix):
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5 VALUE
W $146.40 $266.20 $242.00 $330.00 $ 300.00 $1,284.60
X 878.40 – – – – 878.40
Y – – – – 1,200.00 1,200.00
Z 292.80 – 605.00 – 300.00 1,197.80
b. Present value of each cash flow and total present value of each stream (using Table II in
the end-of-book Appendix):
STREAM 1 2 3 4 5 VALUE
W $ 87.70 $153.80 $135.00 $177.60 $155.70 $709.80
X 526.20 – – – – 526.20
Y – – – – 622.80 622.80
Z 175.40 – 337.50 – 155.70 668.60
2. a. FV10 Plan 1 = $500(FVIFA3.5%,20)
= $500{[(1 + 0.035)20 − 1]/[0.035]}
= $14,139.84
b. FV10 Plan 2 = $1,000(FVIFA7.5%,10)
= $1,000{[(1 + 0.075)10 − 1]/[0.075]}
= $14,147.09
c. Plan 2 would be preferred by a slight margin – $7.25.
d. FV10 Plan 2 = $1,000(FVIFA7%,10)
= $1,000{[(1 + 0.07)10 − 1]/[0.07]}
= $13,816.45
Now, Plan 1 would be preferred by a nontrivial $323.37 margin.
3. Indifference implies that you could reinvest the $25,000 receipt for 6 years at X% to
provide an equivalent $50,000 cash flow in year 12. In short, $25,000 would double in
6 years. Using the “Rule of 72,” 72/6 = 12%.
Alternatively, note that $50,000 = $25,000(FVIFX%,6). Therefore (FVIFX%,6) =
$50,000/$25,000 = 2. In Table I in the Appendix at the end of the book, the interest factor
for 6 years at 12 percent is 1.974 and that for 13 percent is 2.082. Interpolating, we have
as the interest rate implied in the contract.
For an even more accurate answer, recognize that FVIFX%,6 can also be written as
(1 + i)6. Then, we can solve directly for i (and X% = i[100]) as follows:
(1 + i )6 = 2
(1 + i ) = 21/6 = 20.1667 = 1.1225
i = 0.1225 or X% = 12.25%
4. a. PV0 = $7,000(PVIFA6%,20) = $7,000(11.470) = $80,290
b. PV0 = $7,000(PVIFA8%,20) = $7,000(9.818) = $68,726
5. a. PV0 = $10,000 = R(PVIFA14%,4) = R(2.914)
Therefore R = $10,000/2.914 = $3,432 (to the nearest dollar).
X% = +
12% =
2.000 1.974
2.082 1.974
3 The Time Value of Money
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(1) (2) (3) (4)
YEAR PAYMENT (4)t −1 × 0.14 (1) − (2) (4)t −1 − (3)
0 – – – $10,000
1 $ 3,432 $1,400 $ 2,032 7,968
2 3,432 1,116 2,316 5,652
3 3,432 791 2,641 3,011
4 3,432 421 3,011 0
$13,728 $3,728 $10,000
6. When we draw a picture of the problem, we get $1,000 at the end of every even-numbered
year for years 1 through 20:
Tip: Convert $1,000 every 2 years into an equivalent annual annuity (i.e., an annuity that
would provide an equivalent present or future value to the actual cash flows) pattern.
Solving for a 2-year annuity that is equivalent to a future $1,000 to be received at the end
of year 2, we get
FVA2 = $1,000 = R(FVIFA10%,2) = R(2.100)
Therefore R = $1,000/2.100 = $476.19. Replacing every $1,000 with an equivalent twoyear
annuity gives us $476.19 for 20 years.
PVA20 = $476.19(PVIFA10%,20) = $476.19(8.514) = $4,054.28
7. Effective annual interest rate = (1 + [i/m])m − 1
= (1 + [0.0706/4])4 − 1
= 0.07249 (approximately 7.25%)
Therefore, we have quarterly compounding. And, investing $10,000 at 7.06 percent
compounded quarterly for seven months (Note: Seven months equals 21⁄3 quarter periods),
we get
$10,000(1 + [0.0706/4])2.33
– = $10,000(1.041669) = $10,416.69
8. FVA65 = $1,230(FVIFA5%,65)
= $1,230[([1 + 0.05]65 − 1)/(0.05)]
= $1,230(456.798) = $561,861.54
Our “penny saver” would have been better off by ($561,861.54 − $80,000) = $481,861.54
– or 48,186,154 pennies – by depositing the pennies saved each year into a savings account
earning 5 percent compound annual interest.
9. a. $50,000(0.08) = $4,000 interest payment
$7,451.47 − $4,000 = $3,451.47 principal payment
b. Total installment payments − total principal payments = total interest payments
$74,514.70 − $50,000 = $24,514.70
Part 2 Valuation
To download more slides, ebooks, solution manual, and test bank, visit
Rich, Steven P., and John T. Rose. “Interest Rate Concepts
and Terminology in Introductory Finance Textbooks.”
Financial Practice and Education 7 (Spring–Summer
1997), 113–121.
Shao, Stephen P., and Lawrence P. Shao. Mathematics for
Management and Finance, 8th ed. Cincinnati, OH: South-
Western, 1998.
Part II of the text’s website, Wachowicz’s Web World, contains
links to many finance websites and online articles
related to topics covered in this chapter.
( See, especially,
Annuities: Ordinary? Due? What do I do?
( and Annuity
( )
Selected References
3 The Time Value of Money
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The Valuation of Long-Term
l Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts
Liquidation Value versus Going-Concern Value •
Book Value versus Market Value • Market Value
versus Intrinsic Value
l Bond Valuation
Perpetual Bonds • Bonds with a
Finite Maturity
l Preferred Stock Valuation
l Common Stock Valuation
Are Dividends the Foundation? • Dividend
Discount Models
l Rates of Return (or Yields)
Yield to Maturity (YTM) on Bonds • Yield on
Preferred Stock • Yield on Common Stock
l Summary Table of Key Present Value
Formulas for Valuing Long-Term
l Key Learning Points
l Questions
l Self-Correction Problems
l Problems
l Solutions to Self-Correction Problems
l Selected References
After studying Chapter 4, you should be able to:
l Distinguish among the various terms used to
express value, including liquidation value,
going-concern value, book value, market value,
and intrinsic value.
l Value bonds, preferred stocks, and common
l Calculate the rates of return (or yields) of different
types of long-term securities.
l List and explain a number of observations
regarding the behavior of bond prices.
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What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the
value of nothing.
In the last chapter we discussed the time value of money and explored the wonders of compound
interest. We are now able to apply these concepts to determining the value of different
securities. In particular, we are concerned with the valuation of the firm’s long-term securities
– bonds, preferred stock, and common stock (though the principles discussed apply to
other securities as well). Valuation will, in fact, underlie much of the later development of the
book. Because the major decisions of a company are all interrelated in their effect on valuation,
we must understand how investors value the financial instruments of a company.
Distinctions Among Valuation Concepts
The term value can mean different things to different people. Therefore we need to be precise
in how we both use and interpret this term. Let’s look briefly at the differences that exist
among some of the major concepts of value.
l l l Liquidation Value versus Going-Concern Value
Liquidation value is the amount of money that could be realized if an asset or a group of
assets (e.g., a firm) is sold separately from its operating organization. This value is in marked
contrast to the going-concern value of a firm, which is the amount the firm could be sold for
as a continuing operating business. These two values are rarely equal, and sometimes a company
is actually worth more dead than alive.
The security valuation models that we will discuss in this chapter will generally assume that
we are dealing with going concerns – operating firms able to generate positive cash flows to
security investors. In instances where this assumption is not appropriate (e.g., impending
bankruptcy), the firm’s liquidation value will have a major role in determining the value of
the firm’s financial securities.
l l l Book Value versus Market Value
The book value of an asset is the accounting value of the asset – the asset’s cost minus its
accumulated depreciation. The book value of a firm, on the other hand, is equal to the dollar
difference between the firm’s total assets and its liabilities and preferred stock as listed on its
balance sheet. Because book value is based on historical values, it may bear little relationship
to an asset’s or firm’s market value.
In general, the market value of an asset is simply the market price at which the asset (or a
similar asset) trades in an open marketplace. For a firm, market value is often viewed as being
the higher of the firm’s liquidation or going-concern value.
l l l Market Value versus Intrinsic Value
Based on our general definition for market value, the market value of a security is the market
price of the security. For an actively traded security, it would be the last reported price at
which the security was sold. For an inactively traded security, an estimated market price
would be needed.
The intrinsic value of a security, on the other hand, is what the price of a security should
be if properly priced based on all factors bearing on valuation – assets, earnings, future
Part 2 Valuation
Liquidation value
The amount of money
that could be realized
if an asset or a group
of assets (e.g., a firm)
is sold separately
from its operating
Going-concern value
The amount a firm
could be sold for as a
continuing operating
Book value
(1) An asset: the
accounting value
of an asset – the
asset’s cost minus
its accumulated
depreciation; (2) a
firm: total assets
minus liabilities and
preferred stock as
listed on the balance
Market value The
market price at which
an asset trades.
Intrinsic value
The price a security
“ought to have”
based on all factors
bearing on valuation.
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prospects, management, and so on. In short, the intrinsic value of a security is its economic
value. If markets are reasonably efficient and informed, the current market price of a security
should fluctuate closely around its intrinsic value.
The valuation approach taken in this chapter is one of determining a security’s intrinsic
value – what the security ought to be worth based on hard facts. This value is the present
value of the cash-flow stream provided to the investor, discounted at a required rate of
return appropriate for the risk involved. With this general valuation concept in mind, we
are now able to explore in more detail the valuation of specific types of securities.
Bond Valuation
A bond is a security that pays a stated amount of interest to the investor, period after period,
until it is finally retired by the issuing company. Before we can fully understand the valuation
of such a security, certain terms must be discussed. For one thing, a bond has a face value.1
This value is usually $1,000 per bond in the United States. The bond almost always has a stated
maturity, which is the time when the company is obligated to pay the bondholder the face
value of the instrument. Finally, the coupon rate, or nominal annual rate of interest, is stated
on the bond’s face.2 If, for example, the coupon rate is 12 percent on a $1,000-face-value
bond, the company pays the holder $120 each year until the bond matures.
In valuing a bond, or any security for that matter, we are primarily concerned with discounting,
or capitalizing, the cash-flow stream that the security holder would receive over the
life of the instrument. The terms of a bond establish a legally binding payment pattern at the
time the bond is originally issued. This pattern consists of the payment of a stated amount of
interest over a given number of years coupled with a final payment, when the bond matures,
equal to the bond’s face value. The discount, or capitalization, rate applied to the cash-flow
stream will differ among bonds depending on the risk structure of the bond issue. In general,
however, this rate can be thought of as being composed of the risk-free rate plus a
premium for risk. (You may remember that we introduced the idea of a market-imposed
“trade-off ” between risk and return in Chapter 2. We will have more to say about risk and
required rates of return in the next chapter.)
l l l Perpetual Bonds
The first (and easiest) place to start determining the value of bonds is with a unique class
of bonds that never matures. These are indeed rare, but they help illustrate the valuation
technique in its simplest form. Originally issued by Great Britain after the Napoleonic Wars
to consolidate debt issues, the British consol (short for consolidated annuities) is one such
example. This bond carries the obligation of the British government to pay a fixed interest
payment in perpetuity.
The present value of a perpetual bond would simply be equal to the capitalized value of
an infinite stream of interest payments. If a bond promises a fixed annual payment of I
forever, its present (intrinsic) value, V, at the investor’s required rate of return for this debt
issue, kd, is
1Much like criminals, many of the terms used in finance are also known under a number of different aliases. Thus a
bond’s face value is also known as its par value, or principal. Like a good detective, you need to become familiar with
the basic terms used in finance as well as their aliases.
2The term coupon rate comes from the detachable coupons that are affixed to bearer bond certificates, which, when
presented to a paying agent or the issuer, entitle the holder to receive the interest due on that date. Nowadays,
registered bonds, whose ownership is registered with the issuer, allow the registered owner to receive interest by check
through the mail.
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
Bond A long-term debt
instrument issued by
a corporation or
Face value The stated
value of an asset. In
the case of a bond,
the face value is
usually $1,000.
Coupon rate The
stated rate of interest
on a bond; the annual
interest payment
divided by the bond’s
face value.
Consol A bond that
never matures; a
perpetuity in the form
of a bond.
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= I (PVIFAkd,∞) (4.2)
which, from Chapter 3’s discussion of perpetuities, we know should reduce to
V = I /k d (4.3)
Thus the present value of a perpetual bond is simply the periodic interest payment divided
by the appropriate discount rate per period. Suppose you could buy a bond that paid $50 a
year forever. Assuming that your required rate of return for this type of bond is 12 percent,
the present value of this security would be
V = $50/0.12 = $416.67
This is the maximum amount that you would be willing to pay for this bond. If the market
price is greater than this amount, however, you would not want to buy it.
Bonds with a Finite Maturity
Nonzero Coupon Bonds. If a bond has a finite maturity, then we must consider not only
the interest stream but also the terminal or maturity value (face value) in valuing the bond.
The valuation equation for such a bond that pays interest at the end of each year is
= I (PVIFAkd,n) + MV(PVIFkd,n) (4.5)
where n is the number of years until final maturity and MV is the maturity value of the bond.
We might wish to determine the value of a $1,000-par-value bond with a 10 percent
coupon and nine years to maturity. The coupon rate corresponds to interest payments of
$100 a year. If our required rate of return on the bond is 12 percent, then
= $100(PVIFA12%,9) + $1,000(PVIF12%,9)
Referring to Table IV in the Appendix at the back of the book, we find that the present value
interest factor of an annuity at 12 percent for nine periods is 5.328. Table II in the Appendix
reveals under the 12 percent column that the present value interest factor for a single payment
nine periods in the future is 0.361. Therefore the value, V, of the bond is
V = $100(5.328) + $1,000(0.361)
= $532.80 + $361.00 = $893.80
The interest payments have a present value of $532.80, whereas the principal payment at
maturity has a present value of $360.00. (Note: All of these figures are approximate because the
present value tables used are rounded to the third decimal place; the true present value of the
bond is $893.44.)
V = + + . . . + +
1 2 9 (1.12)9
n n
+ +
+ =
( )
( )
. . .
( )
( )
( )
( )
1 1 1 1
1 1
d d
1 d d
k t
+ +
( )
( )
. . .
( )
( )
1 1 1
1 d
Part 2 Valuation
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If the appropriate discount rate is 8 percent instead of 12 percent, the valuation equation
= $100(PVIFA8%,9) + $1,000(PVIF8%,9)
Looking up the appropriate interest factors in Tables II and IV in the Appendix, we determine
V = $100(6.247) + $1,000(0.500)
= $624.70 + $500.00 = $1,124.70
In this case, the present value of the bond is in excess of its $1,000 par value because the
required rate of return is less than the coupon rate. Investors would be willing to pay a
premium to buy the bond. In the previous case, the required rate of return was greater than
the coupon rate. As a result, the bond has a present value less than its par value. Investors
would be willing to buy the bond only if it sold at a discount from par value. Now if the
required rate of return equals the coupon rate, the bond has a present value equal to its par
value, $1,000. More will be said about these concepts shortly when we discuss the behavior of
bond prices.
Zero-Coupon Bonds. A zero-coupon bond makes no periodic interest payments but
instead is sold at a deep discount from its face value. Why buy a bond that pays no
interest? The answer lies in the fact that the buyer of such a bond does receive a return.
This return consists of the gradual increase (or appreciation) in the value of the security from
its original, below-face-value purchase price until it is redeemed at face value on its maturity
The valuation equation for a zero-coupon bond is a truncated version of that used for a
normal interest-paying bond. The “present value of interest payments” component is lopped
off, and we are left with value being determined solely by the “present value of principal
payment at maturity,” or
= MV(PVIFkd,n) (4.7)
Suppose that Espinosa Enterprises issues a zero-coupon bond having a 10-year maturity
and a $1,000 face value. If your required return is 12 percent, then
= $1,000(PVIF12%,10)
Using Table II in the Appendix, we find that the present value interest factor for a single
payment 10 periods in the future at 12 percent is 0.322. Therefore:
V = $1,000(0.322) = $322
If you could purchase this bond for $322 and redeem it 10 years later for $1,000, your initial
investment would thus provide you with a 12 percent compound annual rate of return.
Semiannual Compounding of Interest. Although some bonds (typically those issued in
European markets) make interest payments once a year, most bonds issued in the United
States pay interest twice a year. As a result, it is necessary to modify our bond valuation
V =
k n =
(1 ) d
V = + + . . . + +
1 2 9 (1.08)9
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
Zero-coupon bond
A bond that pays no
interest but sells
at a deep discount
from its face
value; it provides
compensation to
investors in the form
of price appreciation.
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equations to account for compounding twice a year.3 For example, Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5) would
be changed as follows
= (I /2)(PVIFAkd /2,2n) + MV(PVIFkd/2,2n) (4.9)
where kd is the nominal annual required rate of interest, I/2 is the semiannual coupon payment,
and 2n is the number of semiannual periods until maturity.
Take Note
Notice that semiannual discounting is applied to both the semiannual interest payments
and the lump-sum maturity value payment. Though it may seem inappropriate to use
semiannual discounting on the maturity value, it isn’t. The assumption of semiannual
discounting, once taken, applies to all inflows.
To illustrate, if the 10 percent coupon bonds of US Blivet Corporation have 12 years to
maturity and our nominal annual required rate of return is 14 percent, the value of one
$1,000-par-value bond is
V = ($50)(PVIFA7%,24) + $1,000(PVIF7%,24)
= ($50)(11.469) + $1,000(0.197) = $770.45
Rather than having to solve for value by hand, professional bond traders often turn to bond
value tables. Given the maturity, coupon rate, and required return, one can look up the present
value. Similarly, given any three of the four factors, one can look up the fourth. Also,
some specialized calculators are programmed to compute bond values and yields, given the
inputs mentioned. In your professional life you may very well end up using these tools when
working with bonds.
Remember, when you use bond Eqs. (4.4), (4.5), (4.6), (4.7), (4.8), and (4.9), the variable
MV is equal to the bond’s maturity value, not its current market value.
Preferred Stock Valuation
Most preferred stock pays a fixed dividend at regular intervals. The features of this financial
instrument are discussed in Chapter 20. Preferred stock has no stated maturity date and, given
the fixed nature of its payments, is similar to a perpetual bond. It is not surprising, then, that
we use the same general approach as applied to valuing a perpetual bond to the valuation of
preferred stock.4 Thus the present value of preferred stock is
V = Dp /kp (4.10)
t k
n =
+ =
Σ /
/ )
/ )
(1 2 (1 2 1 d
3Even with a zero-coupon bond, the pricing convention among bond professionals is to use semiannual rather than
annual compounding. This provides consistent comparisons with interest-bearing bonds.
4Virtually all preferred stock issues have a call feature (a provision that allows the company to force retirement), and
many are eventually retired. When valuing a preferred stock that is expected to be called, we can apply a modified
version of the formula used for valuing a bond with a finite maturity; the periodic preferred dividends replace the
periodic interest payments and the “call price” replaces the bond maturity value in Eqs. (4.4) and (4.5), and all the
payments are discounted at a rate appropriate to the preferred stock in question.
Part 2 Valuation
Preferred stock
A type of stock that
promises a (usually)
fixed dividend, but at
the discretion of the
board of directors. It
has preference over
common stock in the
payment of dividends
and claims on assets.
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4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
where Dp is the stated annual dividend per share of preferred stock and kp is the appropriate
discount rate. If Margana Cipher Corporation had a 9 percent, $100-par-value preferred stock
issue outstanding and your required return was 14 percent on this investment, its value per
share to you would be
V = $9/0.14 = $64.29
Common Stock Valuation
The theory surrounding the valuation of common stock has undergone profound change
during the last few decades. It is a subject of considerable controversy, and no one method for
valuation is universally accepted. Still, in recent years there has emerged growing acceptance
of the idea that individual common stocks should be analyzed as part of a total portfolio of
common stocks that the investor might hold. In other words, investors are not as concerned
with whether a particular stock goes up or down as they are with what happens to the overall
value of their portfolios. This concept has important implications for determining the
required rate of return on a security. We shall explore this issue in the next chapter. First,
however, we need to focus on the size and pattern of the returns to the common stock
investor. Unlike bond and preferred stock cash flows, which are contractually stated, much
more uncertainty surrounds the future stream of returns connected with common stock.
l l l Are Dividends the Foundation?
When valuing bonds and preferred stock, we determined the discounted value of all the cash
distributions made by the firm to the investor. In a similar fashion, the value of a share of
common stock can be viewed as the discounted value of all expected cash dividends provided
by the issuing firm until the end of time.5 In other words,
5This model was first developed by John B. Williams, The Theory of Investment Value (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1938). And, as Williams so aptly put it in poem form, “A cow for her milk/A hen for her eggs/And
a stock, by heck/For her dividends.”
Common stock
Securities that
represent the
ultimate ownership
(and risk) position in
a corporation.
QWhat’s preferred stock?
AWe generally avoid investing in preferred stocks, but
we’re happy to explain them. Like common stock,
a share of preferred stock confers partial ownership
of a company to its holder. But unlike common stock,
holders of preferred stock usually have no voting privileges.
Shares of preferred stock often pay a guaranteed
fixed dividend that is higher than the common stock
Preferred stock isn’t really for individual investors,
though. The shares are usually purchased by other corporations,
which are attracted by the dividends that give
them income taxed at a lower rate. Corporations also like
the fact that preferred stockholders’ claims on company
earnings and assets have a higher priority than that
of common stockholders. Imagine that the One-Legged
Chair Co. (ticker: WOOPS) goes out of business. Many
people or firms with claims on the company will want
their due. Creditors will be paid before preferred stockholders,
but preferred stockholders have a higher priority
than common stockholders.
Ask the Fool
Source: The Motley Fool ( Reproduced with the permission of The Motley Fool.
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where Dt is the cash dividend at the end of time period t and ke is the investor’s required
return, or capitalization rate, for this equity investment. This seems consistent with what we
have been doing so far.
But what if we plan to own the stock for only two years? In this case, our model becomes
where P2 is the expected sales price of our stock at the end of two years. This assumes that
investors will be willing to buy our stock two years from now. In turn, these future investors
will base their judgments of what the stock is worth on expectations of future dividends
and a future selling price (or terminal value). And so the process goes through successive
Note that it is the expectation of future dividends and a future selling price, which itself is
based on expected future dividends, that gives value to the stock. Cash dividends are all that
stockholders, as a whole, receive from the issuing company. Consequently, the foundation for
the valuation of common stock must be dividends. These are construed broadly to mean any
cash distribution to shareholders, including share repurchases. (See Chapter 18 for a discussion
of share repurchase as part of the overall dividend decision.)
The logical question to raise at this time is: Why do the stocks of companies that pay
no dividends have positive, often quite high, values? The answer is that investors expect to
sell the stock in the future at a price higher than they paid for it. Instead of dividend income
plus a terminal value, they rely only on the terminal value. In turn, terminal value depends on
the expectations of the marketplace viewed from this terminal point. The ultimate expectation
is that the firm will eventually pay dividends, either regular or liquidating, and that
future investors will receive a company-provided cash return on their investment. In the
interim, investors are content with the expectation that they will be able to sell their stock
at a subsequent time, because there will be a market for it. In the meantime, the company is
reinvesting earnings and, everyone hopes, enhancing its future earning power and ultimate
l l l Dividend Discount Models
Dividend discount models are designed to compute the intrinsic value of a share of common
stock under specific assumptions as to the expected growth pattern of future dividends
and the appropriate discount rate to employ. Merrill Lynch, CS First Boston, and a number
of other investment banks routinely make such calculations based on their own particular
models and estimates. What follows is an examination of such models, beginning with the
simplest one.
Constant Growth. Future dividends of a company could jump all over the place; but, if
dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate, what implications does this hold for our
basic stock valuation approach? If this constant rate is g, then Eq. (4.11) becomes
where D0 is the present dividend per share. Thus the dividend expected at the end of period n
is equal to the most recent dividend times the compound growth factor, (1 + g)n. This may
not look like much of an improvement over Eq. (4.11). However, assuming that ke is greater
D g
D g
D g
+ +
( )
( )
( )
( )
. . .
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
1 1 1 2
= +
t (1 1 e
+ +
( )
( )
. . .
( )
e 1 1 1
Part 2 Valuation
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than g (a reasonable assumption because a dividend growth rate that is always greater than the
capitalization rate would imply an infinite stock value), Eq. (4.13) can be reduced to6
V = D1 /(ke − g) (4.14)
Rearranging, the investor’s required return can be expressed as
ke = (D1 /V) + g (4.15)
The critical assumption in this valuation model is that dividends per share are expected to
grow perpetually at a compound rate of g. For many companies this assumption may be a fair
approximation of reality. To illustrate the use of Eq. (4.14), suppose that LKN, Inc.’s dividend
per share at t = 1 is expected to be $4, that it is expected to grow at a 6 percent rate forever, and
that the appropriate discount rate is 14 percent. The value of one share of LKN stock would be
V = $4/(0.14 − 0.06) = $50
For companies in the mature stage of their life cycle, the perpetual growth model is often
A common mistake made in using Eqs. (4.14) and (4.15) is to use, incorrectly, the firm’s
most recent annual dividend for the variable D1 instead of the annual dividend expected by
the end of the coming year.
Conversion to an Earnings Multiplier Approach With the constant growth model, we
can easily convert from dividend valuation, Eq. (4.14), to valuation based on an earnings
multiplier approach. The idea is that investors often think in terms of how many dollars they
are willing to pay for a dollar of future expected earnings. Assume that a company retains a
constant proportion of its earnings each year; call it b. The dividend-payout ratio (dividends
per share divided by earnings per share) would also be constant. Therefore,
(1 − b) = D1 /E1 (4.16)
(1 − b)E1 = D1
where E1 is expected earnings per share in period 1. Equation (4.14) can then be expressed as
V = [(1 − b)E1]/(ke − g) (4.17)
6If we multiply both sides of Eq. (4.13) by (1 + ke)/(1 + g) and subtract Eq. (4.13) from the product, we get
Because we assume that ke is greater than g, the second term on the right-hand side approaches zero. Consequently,
V(ke − g) = D0(1 + g) = D1
V = D1 /(ke − g)
This model is sometimes called the “Gordon Dividend Valuation Model” after Myron J. Gordon, who developed it
from the pioneering work done by John Williams. See Myron J. Gordon, The Investment, Financing, and Valuation of
the Corporation (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1962).
4 The Valuation of Long-Term Securities
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where value is now based on expected earnings in period 1. In our earlier example, suppose
that LKN, Inc., has a retention rate of 40 percent and earnings per share for period 1 are
expected to be $6.67. Therefore,
V = [(0.60)$6.67]/(0.14 − 0.06) = $50
Rearranging Eq. (4.17), we get
Earnings multiplier = V/E1 = (1 − b)/(ke − g) (4.18)
Equation (4.18) thus gives us the highest multiple of expected earnings that the investor
would be willing to pay for the security. In our example,
Earnings multiplier = (1 − 0.40)/(0.14 − 0.06) = 7.5 times
Thus expected earnings of $6.67 coupled with an earnings multiplier of 7.5 values our
common stock

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